Its a lot of the pieces that weve actually ended up writing. Add to Cart. One of the things Sam has said that I think is really useful is dont forget that a bad hire is worse for the person who is hired than for the company. One method to follow is the Wiki Strategy outlined in our earlier post. Building the content machine May. Even with these high investment quality over quantity approach, we were still getting immense increases in our numbers. That's just what we'll do today, with a trending library FastAPI. And I had been really focused on wanting to hire someone who was very medical or research focused because I felt like the only way to get the level of rigor that I wanted for the content and to really get the medical nuance was to work with someone who had a medical or a research background. And when you do it well, it can create incredible lasting connection. One of my first calls was Sonal Chokshi, the editor-in-chief from Andreessen Horowitz who is genuinely one of the smartest and most charismatic people Ive ever met in my whole life. And in this book, they basically showed that customers who had read The guy who wrote the book, he owns a pool building company, a fiberglass pool company. And a lot of the inspiration and the insight for it actually came from Caseys background. When you just said that thing about walking into the restaurant and feeling better, it honestly gave me chills because Im like, Thats exactly right. Isnt that just so amazing that were sitting here doing our work and that could potentially impact someone to have a better day, have a better life? If you didnt know what it was you wanted to do, you could have hired somebody who was super talented and really smart and great and maybe even a good culture fit but just had a different vision. One team member can fulfill different roles. Mike Haney: So moving ahead, you have these learnings, youre getting going, the traffic is building. I worked with PhD science writers, I worked with medical doctors who liked to write. Community access, print, and digital Magazine . The key is to produce enough of it to stay top of mind and bring any effect. Kits, Books, & More. We knew we wanted content to be a really big part of our long-term goal, so whos going to take to Levels as really a dominant media organization within the health and wellness field? Having a writing practice within the mindfulness type practices is very helpful to clinicians, and thats actually been studied and published about. And it is heartening that that effort paid off, that we saw good rankings from it and continue to, and that Google is recognizing when the answers to those questions are good. One needs to start by taking the proper decision. Casey Means: Then we had them do the edit test, which is this awesome tool that I didnt even know about before talking to these people in the network, which is basically we created a set of tasks for them to, a homework assignment to learn about their writing style and how they think. Step 7: Scheduling Tasks With django-apscheduler. There are 5 broad steps to creating a content strategy: Step 1: Plan with Purpose. Post a project. I think its the type of thing that really should be part of the standard curriculum because, like I mentioned, its this structured time to step back and reflect and think and really regain that awe what youre doing. And this isnt some abstract, "talking head" course where someone speaks over a bunch of slides. 2020 all rights reserved. It might be seem strange when youre starting a company focusing on a product to be like, Oh, should I spend all this time on writing and investing in this? One of our first 15 hires was you, an editorial director. And Id imagine that applies to just about any industry. One of the best books I read early on was this book called They Ask You Answer, which was about the difference between traditional content marketing and editorial operations. Distribute the content to your target audience on social media, in email, to the sales team, to customers. Target customer: Who are you trying to reach? Every article is 1,500 to 2,500 words, SEO optimized, interlinked with existing content, meticulously copyedited, published right on time and promoted to all of its relevant channels. To do so, one first needs a rich pillar content format. Its so exciting that people I think like the way were talking about it, but that over time, this may in a subtle way get people to just really feel empowered about their bodies and their ability to have agency in their lives and their choices. To view/edit the additional parameters in a grid, click on "" next to text box. . Casey Means: You do need the time to integrate that though, and writing is just such an incredible catalyst for that or visual arts or whatever it is. Why repurposing is the key to content creation at scale. Mike Haney: The last thing well end on, and again, I think weve probably given an awful lot of useful advice in the show. The motivation was we need to move this companys mission forward, we need to make sure people understand the context of what it is were trying to do and why this is useful and what kinds of problems were trying to solve as opposed to a marketing tool. Robert is an author, artist, graphic designer, and photographer. Heres Haney. And each of the candidates annotated in edit mode in a Google Doc the job description, essentially writing all their thoughts on each bullet point within the description and their experience and what they could bring to it and their thoughts on it. And then of course, when you came on, just seeing how a professional does all this has been one of the most inspiring experiences in my life because Im just like, Oh my gosh, the systematizing of this stuff that we cobbled together, its just incredible. That would just be my recommendations for entrepreneurs that experience getting started and how to start validating and dipping your toes in. When working a full-time job, your time is tied up for 40 hours a week (and sometimes even more! Yes, people still do other things, such as taking care of their children, going out for dinner or to the gym, but these are hard places to get people to interact with you. It was first adopted by businesses, but when adapted to the academic sphere, it can also be of use for universities and research organizations. They have to be, in our case, deeply researched and sourced. Casey Means: And it was amazing, it was just such an interesting process to have a lot of my preconceived notions be shifted and changed and then realized that everyone was obviously completely right. Step 2: Get the Parts and Build the Frame Once you are done with your CNC machine's design, you will assemble the needed parts. Its becoming something that a lot of medical schools have departments in. I spent a month or so also just talking to a number of other great people in the network who had built editorial operations who helped me flush out this idea. By teaching the fundamentals of content marketing, how to create great content and how to stand out from the crowd, it simplifies the otherwise challenging process of creating content with impact. Why is it key to create content at scale? The Content Machine is an epic that builds a repeatable, scalable system to produce content. If youre willing to learn and willing to iterate and willing to follow that advice, I mean the fact that youre giving fantastic advice because youve been through and learned this not because it was necessarily what you brought into it I think is just the best takeaway here that anybody can really do this if you follow some of these basic principles. So 588 pages views. That's why we created "Build Your Own Content Machine." So that you'd have the exact processes, tools, and guidelines we use to grow sites from 0, to 100,000, to 1,000,000 monthly visitors, so you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price. And so as she evolved the content operation, more and more articles were put out through the levels blog, became this source, the source of truth, the source of education for many people to get insight about their own health, about ways that they could change their behavior even if they werent using a CGM. You may not be a content expert, but its just absolutely something you can learn. I also really love writing editorials and opinion pieces. Evaluate the model's performance and establish benchmarks. Not just take research and summarize it and write it up. Create a schedule that generates long-term value from the piece. Heres five research references, and they all say something a little bit different in terms of the conclusion. Casey Means: Ultimately, if youre an entrepreneur, thats what youre doing, youre trying to change something about the system or create a product thats going to better the world. Because so much of the content, as you said theres a million health blogs out there. The best way weve found to do that is to have a running hiring call for writers, which we then turn into our Preferred Writer Network. Looking at the folks who still buy kits or ev Strategically planning your content machine with these parts in mind will enable you to experience true success with UGC. . And so how does the person take different conclusions and create something that is accurate and balanced and nuanced and still provide service to the reader but keeps total intellectual rigor when the research is somewhat mixed? And she helped me understand that an editor really sees ideas and angles them and shapes them. 1. And then read thread a bunch of books, which were so helpful. The biggest success factor in content marketing is the quality of your. We didnt necessarily have a product at that point that could feed them information because it was so early, but we could send them an article that said, Heres 12 glucose lowering strategies. It guided what we said in our first podcast tour. But I know one of the things I hear when I get that question is about how much it costs, and is it worth the investment? But we really needed to do something beyond that, we needed to be more merging what the research shows with also a very strong perspective. How to Build a Content Marketing Machine: 37+ Tips and Resources The 6 Best Articles for Learning the Basics For indirect repurposing take the second example. Thats just big picture. So then just systematically digging into each one of those and realizing that we were switching between Webflow and WordPress, we had a recent website change. I was coming to this really just happy to iterate and learn at every step of the way. I love the fact that the job description was iterated on a lot as you learned. First, obviously the Google SEO engine starts seeing it. I just would encourage anyone to just keep a beginners mindset and keep learning. For example setting ssh_tty=true in case you are using a CentOS base image and you need to have a tty to run sudo. The expectation just exceeded a hundred fold, and I just feel so, so, so, so lucky. Not everyone can afford $8,000+ a month to have us run their content marketing. I remember our SEO trends dipped one month, and I was just googling, why do SEO trends dip? Its how weve gotten on the first page of Google for topics as diverse as: Its a process that can work in any niche, regardless of your experience level. Scrap & scavenging is key for keeping down cost, which was one of my key goals. Because when you put something out there, the engine starts going. So thats exciting to me. You can change it, its okay. Don't just write about your business or your product. There was so much that needed to be written. Building Security Challenges. Another just concrete metric that we saw that was really heartening was not just about numbers, which were going up and up month after month, but this 200X increase over the course of one year, but also engagement was high. Something went wrong while submitting the form. In order for any piece of content to have a purpose, you need to know who youre writing for. Pulling off this level of production isnt the result of frenzied coffee fueled all-nighters, or a huge team of project managers. We can tailor fit our services to fit your needs and budget. Because what we really wanted was for someone to synthesize and curate and be a tastemaker within metabolic health. If you start interviewing people and youre not finding the right fit, I feel its always useful to look back and say maybe the problem is not the candidates, maybe its that we dont quite know what were looking for, were not articulating it well yet. Ill say its also incredibly useful for the candidate. If you know where there is an old router, or bench, or you already have one, no matter the size, it is quite simple to make it in to a CNC machine, think about it, all the stuff is already there, it just needs some motors to run the axes and you are good to hook up the rest. Author Dan Norris shares his story about how he grew his WordPress support business from scratch to over $1m AUD annual run rate in 2 years, spending only $181.23 on . Its the strategy, processes, and systems that you use to give every content piece that you produce the maximum reach and leverage. Only add cards to the board that you are actively planning on working on, not all of the future ideas you come up with. From the beginning, it sounds like, the motivation was education. To make a CNC machine from scratch or modify and existing one. And this basically had people evaluate, took essentially a research article from a leading medical website for lay people and critique it, go back and look at the original papers and see if you agree with how they summarize the article. And you will suddenly make them feel dumb and they wont like you very much, and they wont come back to your site because theyll go, No, I dont know, thats just not for me.. This is meant to be both a beginners guide to explain the different parts needed to build a home arcade machine. The best practice is using your available tools to create a laundry list of content ideas targeted to the different customer avatars you created. First, you are not alone. Step 6: Build, train, and validate ML models. Nevertheless, the key steps to build your own CNC machine will generally be as follows: 1. Instead, you should look to hire writers who charge more of a premium for their content. And you could undo an awful lot. And so got some content marketing writers to put together some pieces about metabolic health that would really be focused on this externally facing blog stuff. We requested over 200,000 words of content last week. So that was about August 2020 when we started working on that. Building a money making machine should be a priority for your finances and overall life for a few reasons. Casey Means: And not because our blog is set up for conversions, but because I think its going to be really fascinating to see the behavior of people essentially walking through the content, and then what eventually makes people flip into I want to track my own metabolic health. And its not to reverse the metabolic health crisis by selling Levels, its really just to reverse the metabolic health crisis. This article will cover three types of approaches: public notebook sharing, full-stack, and app libraries. I think thats a really useful lesson for people to remember that your first job description might not be the right one and you should always be open. I did a great e-course from Nick Sharma, huge shout out to Nick Sharma who talked about the differences between earned media and owned media and paid media. And what thats going to do is youre going to start ranking for those terms, and people are also going to then start coming to you for answers. So now when we go to do a guest post or we go to create some new Instagram slides, weve got stuff to pull from. And also just in terms of his general philosophy about business, which has fed into our asynchronous culture and our remote culture. I knew it was someone who I really wanted to be mind melded with me in terms of we had to really get what we were trying to say and the perspective and see eye to eye, share the vision and scale Levels into a media organization and the voice of metabolic health. 73+ page EBOOK & Worksheets - PDF Format- Delivered INSTANTLY To your inbox. Youre two years into the company, and therefore really about two years into the content operation. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Casey Means: And you are often leveraging the word youre using in the article, tap into the SEO, Search Engine Optimization algorithms with Google, trying to just get ranked highly and get people to your site. Mike Haney: Its really interesting that the genesis of this I think in contrast maybe to the way that a lot of other companies might think about content. So one just looking forward, what are you excited about as you look out? Organize these ideas into a content calendar or an editorial worksheet. This happens a lot in editorial operations when a new editor-in-chief comes in and you think everybodys aligned. Metabolic health it should be including in posts to illustrate this point make it easier to 3,000,000 File and you need to have to really just being efficient and scaling content you for Basically do a technical challenge of some kind to assess peoples ability you to not be a talk! 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