Vapor Pressure: The pressure exerted by the vapor of a substance, when at equilibrium with its non vaporous phases is known as vapor pressure. Principal. Dry Cells: An electrochemical cell in which the electrolyte is not in a liquid form but is in the form of a paste with low moisture content. Reaction Kinetics: Also known as reaction kinetics, it is the study of the rate at which a chemical reaction takes place. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. a mixture of iron filings and sulphur. 28. Aldehyde: A functional group of organic compounds, consisting of one atom each of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. Purchase to access the complete exam with marking scheme. Aufbau (building up) Principle: It is the law that governs electronic configuration in the orbitals of an atom. small, and the reaction is regarded as irreversible. Vitamin C plus ultra-absorbable quercetin for immune support. Saturated Solution: A solution where the solvent is in a completely saturated state and cannot dissolve additional amount of solute into it. Noble Gases (Rare Gases): Those elements that belong to the group 18 of the periodic table are called noble gases. 27. Reagent: A reagent is a chemical which when added during a chemical reaction helps in producing, detecting and measuring other substances. 3. In a mixture there is no Atomic Number: The number of protons present in the nucleus of an atom. mixture of gases or in a solution. Every d-orbital consists of five set of orbitals. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Pull on your lab coat. [A] [B] Activated Charcoal: Carbon which is porous, and possess high adsorption power is called activated charcoal. But there are some positive and negative charges in it, due to the formal charge, owing to the partial charges of its constituent atoms. All rights reserved. It is the lowest temperature at which the kinetic energy of the atoms and molecules becomes minimum. We pay $$$ and it takes seconds! He predicted that the negatively charged electrons of the atom revolve around the nucleus of an atom. Make deductions from the observations. Biology - Any change in 17. Molality: Molality is a unit of concentration used to measure the concentration of a solute in one kilogram of solvent substance. 10. Gel: Gel is a jelly like substance where a solid is suspended in a liquid dispersion medium. It states that partially-filled atomic orbitals of different atoms overlap with each other in order to form covalent bonds. Nonmetals: A class of chemical elements that do not have the characteristics of metallic substances. Periodic Trend: The tendency of the elements to change certain properties, as we move from one side of the periodic table to another is described as periodic trend. Add To Cart. Metal Typically, an element that is solid at room temperature, shiny, malleable, ductile, and a good conductor; for example, aluminum, iron, and calcium. Fluorescence: The visible light emitted by a substance, after absorption of light of a different wavelength (mostly longer wavelength than the visible light). Compounds, Homogeneous mixtures are those in which the atoms or molecules are interspersed, as in a Quantitative Analysis: A form of chemical analysis which helps to ascertain the amount of a particular component present in a given sample. "Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of . All of them are found in the form of monatomic gases and are chemically less reactive. Zero Order Reaction: A chemical reaction which does not depend on the concentration of the reactants is known as zero order reaction. Note: All periodic table references refer to the IUPAC Style of the Periodic Table. School Chemistry Resources on the Web, alphaDictionary Crystallization: The process which leads to the formation of regular shaped crystals naturally or artificially. Terminology and Dictionaries - Including Chemistry. Reducing Agent: A chemical substance that oxidizes itself for the reduction of another reactant, in a chemical reaction is known as reducing agent. Olefin Fiber: A large chain of hydrocarbon compounds prepared by polymerization of alkenes. Propane: An organic compound that consists of three carbon atoms which are bonded with each other by single bonds. Titration - A method of volumetric analysis in which a volume of one reagent (the Alkynes: A type of unsaturated hydrocarbon compound which has at least one carbon-carbon triple bond. As a result, a weak electrolyte in solution form or molten state is not a good conductor of electricity. Law of Definite Proportions (Law of Constant Composition): The law states that in any chemical compound, the mass of the constituent elements is always present in the same proportion. Sometimes used interchangeably with reagent. Hess Law: The law states that the energy change that takes place during a chemical or physical process, does not depend on the total number of intermediate steps needed for the completion of the process. As it has a high penetrating power, gamma rays are used for radiation therapy to treat cancer. It is used in the manufacture of clothing, textiles etc. | Amateur Thermal Cracking: The process by which organic molecules with complex structures are broken down into simpler forms, by heating them in the absence of atmospheric oxygen, under the influence of a catalyst. Family A vertical column of elements in the periodic table also known as a group. It does not have aromatic rings. Anion: A negatively charged particle or ion. Addition Reaction: A type of chemical reaction in which an atom, or a group of atoms is/are added to a double or triple bond compound, in order to change it into a single and double bond compound respectively. Water: Water is a colorless, odorless, transparent liquid substance. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: According to Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the momentum as well as the position of an electron in an atom cannot be determined precisely at the same time. IUPAC: It stands for International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Also reductant, reducer, or electron donor. Terms in this set (19) . Reduction: The chemical process that involves gaining of electrons by an atom or an ion. Get article recommendations from ACS based on references in your Mendeley library. The word chemistry is derived from an Egyptian term kme (chem) which means earth. It contains two protons, and two neutrons, like the nucleus of a Helium atom. Box 15509-00503, Nairobi | Tel:+254202319748 E-mail: | ORDER ANSWERS ONLINE at The letters are not the actual symbols of the elements. Covalent Bond: A type of chemical bond in which sharing of electrons takes place between the reacting atoms. pH: pH is the scale used to measure the acid or base properties of a given solution. Also bench chemistry or classical chemistry. And if heat is more your thing, try out heat energy examples. Its atomic number is 70 and is denoted by the chemical symbol Yb. Chemistry. This glossary of chemistry terms is a list of terms and definitions relevant to chemistry, including chemical laws, diagrams and formulae, laboratory tools, glassware, and equipment. All articles published by the journal are are available for free under a Creative Commons license CC-BY 4.0. Water Gas: A type of gaseous fuel made up of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Salary: $1,250 per month. Texture Describes how the surface of a substance feels (its roughness, softness, or smoothness). Free Energy, Gibbs Free Energy: In a thermodynamic system with constant temperature and pressure, free energy or Gibbs free energy is the measure of the total amount of energy that can be utilized for doing useful work. Match. It signifies a stabilized form of that particle. 23. Melting Point: The range of temperature at which any given solid substance gets converted into liquid state is called melting point. can be defined as -log 10 c, where c is the concentration of hydrogen ions in moles per Dive into the different terms used in chemical energy, reactions, mixtures, and more. Radio | Current Chemistry Letters, 5(3), 93-98., 1-10. chemistry stpm semester 2 group 2 . | NASA-TV | Bohr atom: The model of an atom formulated by Neils Bohr. Green Chemistry Letters and Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 3 (2022) See all volumes and issues. Molarity: Molarity of a solution can be described as the measure of the quantity of solute substance, present in one liter of the given solvent. Sometimes used interchangeably with molecular weight and formula weight. | Due to the presence of ester in it, wax has a very low melting point. Period A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table; for example, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, and argon make up period 3 of the periodic table. Qualitative Analysis: Qualitative analysis is the identification of the components that are present in a particular compound or mixture with unknown composition. Dictionary and Encyclopedia With Over 4000 Chemistry Terms! Salt: Salt is a chemical compound obtained by the neutralization of acidic and basic substances. That is why a lithium atom is neutral. The Language of the Nucleus, on-line edition. Quantum number specified by the letter n. According to Richard Feynman, Nobel prize winning physicist, -. Functional Group: In the molecule of an organic compound, a certain set of atoms characterize the chemical properties of the organic molecule. Valence Bond Theory: Valence bond theory describes the formation of a bond in a molecule. Scopus. Luster The ability to reflect light, or shine; silver has a high luster and is so popular for jewelry; sodium metal is also lustrous. Table salt that we use at home is also produced by the neutralization of acid and base. Required: Bachelor's degree, enrollment in a minimum of 6 hrs graduate course work per semester, and 18 hours of master level course work completed. C7b Organic Chemistry (triple) Assessment : Trial exam - full paper 1 consisting of content from the following units: . Unpaired Spin: Unpaired spin is referred to as the single electron that fills up an orbital of an atom. Universal Indicator: It is an indicator that changes its colors through a large range of pH values of the pH chart, for the identification of acidic or basic nature of different solutions. Chemical formula A short form used to represent a molecule; uses letters and numbers; only pure substances have chemical formulas; H2O is the chemical formula for water. Compound A pure substance that can be broken down into smaller parts using chemical properties; water and carbon dioxide are both examples of compounds; all parts of a compound will contain identical molecules; in distilled water, all parts will contain identical H2O molecules. miscible. It is a highly combustible substance and requires careful handling. Pervading all we do in Chemistry is the general premise that there is no long-term value in cramming students full of facts to regurgitate. Single Bond: A type of chemical bond that consists of only one shared pair of electrons in between two atoms. More accurately, the pH depends not on the concentration of also react to give the original Octet Rule: According to octet rule, during the formation of a chemical bond, the atoms of the combining elements tend to attain eight electrons in their outermost orbit. Substitution Reaction: A chemical reaction in which a functional group present in a given chemical compound is substituted by a new group. Absolute temperature can be attained theoretically only. Neon: A noble gas element found rarely on the surface of the Earth but is abundantly found in the Universe. Voltaic cells generate electricity with the help of chemical reactions. The chemical symbol is an abbreviation of the chemical element name.Example: O is the . It also states that atoms of every element are identical. Unit Cell: A simple arrangement of atoms or molecules which is repeated to develop a solid crystal structure is called a unit cell. 15. Download citations Download PDFs Download issue. 22. Over a period of time, the many definitions in this field have undergone several changes due to the development of new theories, and discovery of new chemical substances and phenomena. Its getting hot, hot, hot! Distillation: The physical process of separation of various components of a mixture of liquids, on the basis of their different boiling points is called distillation. electrolysis - chemical reaction using electricity. is known as radioactivity. Nuclear Reaction: The phenomenon that brings about alteration in the nucleus of an atom and is accompanied by energy-change in large-scale is called nuclear reaction. This way, the metal is obtained either in a free state or in the form of an oxide. substances react. Compiled by A. D. McNaught and A. Wilkinson. Applicants can apply in the Fall of their senior year in college. What is a three letter chemistry term? Chemistry Chemistry is a physical science concerned with the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions; it features an extensive vocabulary and a significant amount of jargon. Alkali Metals: Elements which belong to Group IA of the periodic table. Below is a list of chemistry words - that is, words related to chemistry. Dictionary, Glossary and Terms directory. Hybridization of Orbitals: The term hybridization is used to define the merging of one set of atomic orbitals, for the formation of new orbitals. Volume 15, 2022 Vol 14, 2021 Vol 13, 2020 Vol 12, 2019 Vol 11, 2018 Vol 10, 2017 Vol 9, 2016 Vol 8, 2015 Vol 7, 2014 Vol 6, 2013 Vol 5, 2012 Vol 4, 2011 Vol 3, 2010 Vol 2, 2009 Vol 1, 2007-2008. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. If one of the solutions has a known concentration, that of the other can be Heat of Formation ( hf): The amount of heat absorbed or released due to formation of a pure chemical compound, by the reaction of its constituting elements, under constant pressure is known as heat of formation. Buffer Solution: A solution that shows resistance towards change in pH value. component. Metals: Those substances whose atoms are ready to lose electrons and form cations are known as metals. Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. Your online site for school work help and homework help. Terms, Glossaries and Glossary directory. Saturated Hydrocarbons: The simplest forms of hydrocarbon compounds, where all the carbon atoms are bonded to each other with the help of single bonds. Acid: An acid is a chemical substance which has a tendency to release Hydrogen ions or protons, and accept electrons. cadmium - Cadmium is the name for the element with atomic number 48 and is represented by the symbol Cd. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field of materials. Released on J-STAGE: July 23, 2022. The net charge of the atom is +3 - 3 = 0. 3. Periodic Table: In a periodic table, elements are arranged in accordance with their increasing atomic number. (distillation, crystallization, etc. Google [K] [L] Read on to find out more about the many terms and definitions associated with this stream Chemistry is a branch of Science that deals with the study of the behavioral attributes of various substances, their chemical composition, their chemical reactions and so on. [M] Zaitsev Rule: As per the rule, when a number of alkenes are formed due to dehalogenation, caused by an elimination reaction, the alkene which is more stable in nature will be the major product of the reaction. P P = S + [P] + D. Considering the degeneracy, eventually the term symbols for p 3 configuration are 4 S, 2 D . Unimolecular Reaction: A type of chemical reaction where only one single molecule is involved.
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