ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants

MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-38, 166. 13 Nov 1640laid out for David WICKLIFF a parcel of land bounding on the North with the land of George PYE on the south with land of Hutton CORBOTT patent granted 14 Nov 1640. Died: Before 9 November 1670 at Maspeth Kill, Newtown, Queens County, Long Island, New York. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Captain Robert Wintour, Esquire, Commander of the Ark (crew) (Orig Liber A:346, MD SA, CTB, 1649 50, v10:24). 2 Dec 1642 Jane Cockshott widd complaineth agst Jane the wife of david whitcliff for vnlawfull dealing wth her the plaintifs maidservt & taking & keeping from her one red base wastcoat lined wth silk galon, wch she received of the said manservt & deteineth from her to the damage of the plf. To the value of 100 1 tob. Died: Before 3 August 1642. Attachmt to the sheriffe ret. Thomas Carrington (passenger) 3. warn: to Court siliter. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. (MDPC&W HoR, v1:86-87, FHC Film #0013063). The inventory was considerable (p. 96). . MSA Archives of Md. Facts also place him arriving there onboard of the Ark . v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). to retrieve any portion of the site. Married: Anne d/o nash virginea; & 150 l tob for forbearance of the said last 200 l & 100 l tob for forbearance of the said first 200. Died: December 1633 near Barbados on the Ark en route to Maryland. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MSA Archives of Md. Of the passengers, 37 were members of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the New World. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. 1649/50 Edward TOMPSON plft agst Mrs. Marg BRENT deft., Free Trial - US Deluxe Membership. Alexander BAYNHAM, who married Ann, was the son-in-law of Dorothy BALDRIDGE. NOTES: It is not clear whether this James is the same as who was married to Dorothy and who wrote his will in Westmoreland on 26 Nov 1658; however, he must have been present when Calvert took possession and therefore have been in Maryland. 1. Respited till Edward Packer be in Court to defend. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Issue: Yes. Matthias Sousa (passenger) Author: General Assembly Transcription Source: H. R. McIlwaine, ed., Journals of the House of . Issue: Yes. Issue: Unknown. Francis deposed on 23 April in 1662 as being 38 years [b c1629] of thereabout. 1. By the start of the 16th century, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Portugal and Spain were in the business of buying or kidnapping slaves from Africa and transporting them to South America to offer free or cheap labor in various plantations (Galenson . Jno HALLOWES demandeth of Henry BROOKS & Rich: COLE 2000 l Tob: & cask dew by Bill. v. William Clobery et al. Issue: Unknown. John BUTLER prayoth to have confirmed unto him land due himby virtue of . John HALLOWES transported a Mary GRAY and an Ailce GRAY into Virginia. 1. Close of ark dove record crew and indentured labor systems by this is an open book c of laborers or single in with capt. MSA Liber P.R. warrt to warne him afore L. G. on 26. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 63, 121 Kim Hd Ghost Examining Passenger Lists. hebden had forfeited his recognisance for not bringing their eares to the Govr or Secretary within a month after the killing; & adiudged him to pay to the Lord Propr 1000 l tob. Born: circa 1605. Nicholas Harvey, gentleman (passenger) Married: (1st) Judith d/o Robert Hawkins, Knt., of Slapton Abbey, Devonshire; and (2nd) Eleanor d/o Thomas Brereton of Yard, Somerset, and wid. Provincial offices: Council, 1637/38-1638. Perhaps he moved or went travelling. I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle). Born: circa 1619. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. So they set out to make their own fortunes in the New World. Dict. Simply go to Google Play and search the title.. Alphabetical listing of passengers who arrived in North America and the West Indies between 1538-1900, compiled from published sources: passenger lists and naturalization records. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. PCC PROB 11/167/45 (George Calvert) 26 Jan 1646[7] Jame[s] BALDRIDGE summoned as witness. MSA Patent Records Liber F&B, folio 17, 41-2. England of the Ark and the Dove to establish the colony. Henry BROOKE the Younger was deceased by 1646 and numerous records relating to this foursome are found in York County and in St. Marys Co. 21 Aug 1645 Admiralty Court case: James BALDRIDGE then of Westminister, Cty Middlesex, yeoman, age 55 [b c1590] testified about Leonard Calvert taking possession of the Isle of Kent. ffrancis BROOKS deposed on 23 April 1662 that he was age 38 [b c1624]. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1641 Captain William HAWLEY receives 2,000 acres on account of transport of 10 men into the colony. Died: Before 13 October 1663. Click the plus sign (+) to view a comprehensive list of passengers on the Mayflower.You can also view the Mayflower passenger list broken down by separatists, non-separatists, indentured servants, and contracted Mayflower sailors.. Names that are bolded indicates passengers who died at sea or during the winter of 1620-1621. . 1. Thomas hebden acknowledgeth himselfe to owe to the Lord Proprietarie 1000 l tob in case he shall kill any swine other then marked swine of his owne or of the owners licence in any his Lops forrests, and shall not shew both the eares together wth the skin betwixt of all swine killed by him by vertue of his license, within 1. month after the killing, vnto some one of his neighbours having swine on that side, viz either mr weston, or widd. This Thomas LUCAS is the same who was the third husband of Margaret UNKNOWN who married first Unknown UNDERWOOD, secondly Capt. Nathaniel POPE'S daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of the Butler/Duke of ORMONDE line. This Combs &c. Research Report has been provided for the free use of those engaged in non-commercial genealogical research by the nonprofit Combs Research Group. Born: circa 1612. 1. 1 (1979), p. 234-5. In the below we learn that Uncle Henry [Senr] purchased the England/Colonies trading operation and interests from his brother Nicholas [Senr]. Edward Wintour, gentleman (Investor and passenger) John Neville, mariner (passenger) 4, p. 88-9. 4, p. 93. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Richard Duke The Ridgelys purchased indenture contracts for at least 300 servants between 1750 and 1800. Provincial Offices: Assembly (1637, 1641, 1642); Sheriff, St. Marys (1641). And the Court found that the contract in demand, being made in virginea by persons then inhabiting in virginea, & touching paymt to be made at a certaine place in virginea, ought to be referred for triall & hearing to the Courte of virginea & that this Court hath no iurisdiction in the cause. Thomas Smith (passenger) Their oldest brothers were to inherit most of the family money. 1. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 12. (MD Historical Magazine, 1913, Land Notes 1634-1655, p. 265). TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 26; Liber ABH, folio 60. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). all but one of the Dove's crew deserted. 1. 4 Feb 163/7 Segt Thomas BALDRIDGE took oath to administer the goods of Edward BATEMAN deceased. 1. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 11. Issue: Yes. Married: Anne d/o Thomas Arundell, 1st Lord Arundell, of Wardour Castle, Wilts. Died: Before 3 August 1642. 1. Forward Gally London to Maryland and Virginia 1737. CORNWALLIS about a petition from certaine servant of his to Sr. John Harvey to be presented at Chapell in St. Marys where the Catholics worshipped for the purpose of procuring the signatures of all Protestants. Undoubtedly they were related. John Curke. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. by his wife Anne Mynne. He further writes that he [Uncle Henry] is being blamed by Nicholas' father and mother for their son keeping his father's estate for himself. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 27, 41; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. of Richard Gilbert. Lodwick Price (passenger) Married: Unknown name. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Frederick Wintour, Esquire (Investor and passenger) John Marlburgh (passenger) Issue: No. In November 1633 the 358-ton Ark and the 26-ton Dove sailed from the Isle of Wight in England, transporting some 125 colonists to settle the Proprietary Province of Maryland. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65. (MD Hist Magazine, 1916, v11#1, p. 9-12, orig: MD Archives of the Provincial Court 1637-1650, p. 35, 119). Issue: Yes. Religious affiliation: Protestant. Thomas BALDRIDGE, planter, removed to Virginia by 1649 where they are found in early Northumberland records as neighbors and associates of the BROOKES, POPES, and BRIDGES. And here again we have the appearance of Richard COLE in records associated with Henry and Jane. MSA Will Liber 1, folio 257. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). MSA Archives of Md. Died: 5 November 1640, in Maryland. 1. John Ashmore (passenger) Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. In these ordinances recorded by the General Assembly on August 4, 1619, the government of the Virginia colony attempts for the first time to regulate customs of indentured servitude. John Elbin [Elkin] (passenger) Issue: Unknown. the dove record passengers crew and indentured servants had been the fears of! Thomas dropped out of St. Marys records in 1644 and spent some time in Barbadoes per this letter he wrote dated 9 Sep 1649 from Thomas Baldreage in Barbadoes To my ever loveing Cosen Mr Tho: Baldreage liveing in Potomack river over against Maryland or for Mr James Baldreage wherein he states he is now in Barbadoes and refers to a gentlewoman who was a previous neighbor of his in Virginia who had since come to Barbadoes regarding the estate of her husband but now is returning to Virginia (W&M Qtrly, Series 1, v15#3:35/36). Married: Margaret d/o Born: circa 1571. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 41-42; Liber 2, folio 346; Liber ABH, folio 6, 67. (To Maryland From Overseas, orig: Md Archives, v4:69 & v5:212). Issue: Unknown. A 1642 court record documents that David WICKLIFFE presented a petition in the name of the protestant Catholics wherein they complained that Thomas GERRARD, a Catholic, had taken away their books and the key to the chapel where they met. 6. Lincolns Inn Admission Register 1420-1893 Vol. Northumberland County, Land Office Patents No. 186. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. The proceedings of the case can be read in the Records and Files of the Quarterly Courts of Essex County Massachusetts, Volume II (1912), pp. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121. Richard Kenton. Ship York carrying convicts from Newgate Prison in England to Maryland 1739. From 1834 to the end of the WWI, Britain had transported about 2 . White, A Relation of the Successefull Beginnings of the Lord Baltemores Plantation in Mary-land (1634), p. 4. Issue: Unknown. 5 Oct 1647 5th Octo: ffrancis Brookes of the lie of Kent, demandeth of Cuthbert ffenicke gent, executor of Henry Brookes Merchant, one man seruant and 2300 l of tobb: by bill and accomt dew to hym: Attach: to the Sherife of Kent: retur prmo die decembr. This article . The ship also had a crew of approximately 30 (possibly 50) captained by Christopher Jones (l. c. 1570-1622 CE) of Rotherhithe, England. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. Although this entry may indicate Jane is still a widow, she could easily have remarried by this date and therefore have been the mother of Henry's daughter Jane BROOKE Hidgen. 1. 1. 25 Mar 1634 Ms. Hodges list includes: Mr. Richard COLE and Mr. Richard DUKE, Wm BROWNE, Cuthbert FENWICK, Nicholas HARVEY, John HILLIERD, John HOLLIS aka HOLLOWES [HALLOWES]. Issue: No. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore), Nicholas Perry, quartermaster of the Dove (crew) . 2. Captain Thomas Cornwaleys, Esquire (Commissioner, Investor, and passenger) 2008 Passenger #16 BRYANT The Ark and the Dove shows #16 as John Bryant, one of my forefathers, from Gravesend, England then Cowes, Isle of Wight to St. Clement Island, Maryland . And Richard COLE being sworne and examined in open Court vpon his oath saith. 3. Henry Brookes plte The Complte by Georg Manners his Attor-Nichas Cawseene deft ney sueth to bee releived for a Gunne taken from him in the late troubles by Governor Calverts direccon vppon pmise of redelivery as hee alleadgeth. 1633___Excerpts. Provincial offices: Commissioner (1633-1637); Council (1637-8). Religious affiliation: Catholic. 4. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. Passenger List of The Ark and The Dove. Issue: No. July 31, 2021 Posted by Sethmini. 1996-2010 Combs-Coombs &c. Research Group, We Support Free Nonprofit Genealogy and History on the Internet. Religious affiliation: Catholic. MdHS, Calvert Papers, MS 174, no. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) 2. Issue: Yes. MSA Wills Liber 1, folio 33. Cutbert ffenicke was the first executor, later Thomas Gerrard Esqr, and then Cuthbert again (see records below). Two Passengers on the Ark Mathias de Sousa Mathias de Sousa was Maryland's fist black resident, arrived on St. Mary's on the ark in 1634. Wilder, Roger*, age under 21, servant in the John Carver family. Father Andrew White At the age of 51 Andrew White, an England Jesuit priest, was about the oldest person on the Ark. PROB HCA 13/60 1. The family removed to Westmoreland. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 110; Liber ABH, folio 94. 4, p. 95. James Barefoote, gentleman (passenger) MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 121; Liber ABH, folio 98. 4, p. 59. The. MSA Liber A (1647-1651), folio 140. Thomas Griston (passenger) E.C. 4, p. 71. This man was one of the indentured servants. 1. 2. Issue: Unknown. In a later (1649) record, John Rabley is defined as being of the Colony of Virginia. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 19, 37-38, 166; Liber ABH, folio 65; Archives of Md. 1. Issue: Unknown. 3) Bonavista Island. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltiomore) David WICKLIFF(E) aka David WHITCLIFF(E) is documented as a Protestant Catholic, and is not found in records after Sep 1642; however, by June 1643, the widd. MSA Land Patent Liber ABH, folio 65-66. Died: 1668 on Kent Island, Maryland. Issue: Unknown. This site is hosted by USGenNet, a nonprofit web-hosting service solely supported by tax-deductible donations. Issue: Yes. 1. "The Indentured Servant and Land Speculation in Seventeenth Century Maryland " The American Historical Review (Apr. Issue: Unknown. MSA Land Patents 1, folio 20, 166. The defendt denyeth soe farr as bee knowes that hee hath any Gunne of the pltes, but saith that Governor Calvert in his life time gave him a Gunne wch bee still hath. They had to remain as slaves during their whole lives, and their offspring also become . Black John Price (passenger) 1642 Assessments upon Kent Co. Thomas Butler 4. 30 Apr 1638 Entered by Capt. (MD Patents Certificates & Warrants 1637-1654, Hall of Records hereafter MDPC&W HoR, v1:19, FHC Film #0013063). C.H. 1. Bristol, 1654 - 1686, Middlesex, 1682 - 1685, London I, 1682 - 1692, London II, 1718 - 1759. Indentured servants, bound to service to work off a debt or in exchange for transportation to America, made up the bulk of labor through . 1. To Serve Well and Faithfully: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682-1800 (2000) Smith, Abott Emerson. It also establishes a relationship between Richard COLE and the WICKLIFFES (David and Jane) that began as early as 1638 in Maryland and that continued in Virginia until Richard died and he named the widow Jane BROOKES executrix of his 1663 Westmoreland Co, VA, will that also identified his wife as Alice; another interesting coincidence since Henry BROOKE listed one Ailce [Alice?] These records provide a detailed composition of indentured servants in the 17th century Atlantic World. Among those listed were: Thomas BALDRIDGE planter, John HALLOWES mariner. Issue: Unknown. John Curle, mariner of the Dove (crew) NOTES: The above June 1643 and March 1643[4]records suggests that David WHITCLIFF aka WICKLIFFE had deceased. Religious affiliation: Catholic. B.T. vol. James Baldridge, gentleman (passenger) 2. 2. Born: circa 1613, of Rochdale, Lancashire. Sears was punished with a sentence of serving seven years as a "King's Passenger," or convict servant. One question is whether David could be the same as the ____ WICKLIFFE of an entry dated 1635 listing names appearing in papers in the suit of Wm CLAYBORNE agst CLOBERY & Co (Accomack Co, VA). We found 43 people. Issue: Unknown. Is this a coincidence because they are all in the trading business, and is it a coincidence that the other Henry BROOKE is a boat/shipbuilder?. Society of the Ark and the Dove. Religious affiliation: Catholic. (MD SA, CTB, 1644, v4:543), Died: 5 September 1686, at Ince, Lancashire; and buried at Wigan Church. 1647 Oaths of Fielty [Fidelity]: Richard BROWN (27 June), John WALTON (22 Sept). Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting gentlemen investors The Ark and Dove, the latter being primarily a supply ship, set sail from Gravesend in mid-October 1733, put in at Cowes on the Isle of Wright off Portsmouth, England, and then embarked on their yoyage across the Atlantic. 1. You can also access census data and death records to help you in your search. The letter states Henry's son Henry [Jr] is bringing this letter to Nicholas. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 4. Issue: Unknown. Richard POPELY, who, interestingly enough, accompanied William Claybourn in his campaign to establish a settlement at the Isle of Kent. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-38; Liber ABH, folio 65. Died: 1654 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. 1. 1. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al. Thomas BALDRIDGE were part of this community who continued their associations and became neighbors in Westmoreland. John Hillard Religious affiliation: Catholic. 1061. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 65. 1. vol. Provincial offices: Surveyor. 1. Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. Indentured servants were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of years. She gave birth to a son, Bryan, about 1701. The Ark and the Dove. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. Died: Between 14 January 1664 4 February 1664, at Portobacco, Charles County, Maryland. Chester County Archives and Record Services, West Chester, PA 19380. Died: 30 Nov. 1675, at Muswell Hill, Middx., England Issue: No. 1. NOTES: This would be Henry BROOKE Shipwright of Westmoreland. of the Maryland Legislature Vol. 2. 4. (Executrix of Leonard Calvert Esqr deceased) concerning two cowes calves and their increase that deft was bound to deliver to the use of Joane TOMPSON deceased and her children. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH1, folio 26; Liber ABH, folio, 60. The growth of tobacco, rice, and indigo and the plantation economy created a tremendous need for labor in Southern English America. The POPE descendants figure substantially in Virginia records with Combs &c associated and allied families. Virtual Jamestown - Richard Frethorne - The Experiences of an Indentured Servant, 1623 Papenfuse et al., Biog. vol. Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas, mother of Col. William UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett Butler. MSA Archives of Md. 134, No. Passengers and crew aboard the Ark and Dove ate food that would keep for long periods without spoiling. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 20, 37-8, 166; Liber ABH, folio 66. Dict. 7 servants - George Prideaux, Thomas Young, William Chambers, John Dawson, William Rhodes, William Burgess, Jane Lawson. I/C15/23 (Thomas Cornwaleys v Richard Ingle) Stephen Gore (passenger) Another BROOKS family (that of Robert Esqr) immigrated from England in 1650 per record. John Combs and Ann Hannah (MASON?) Indentured servants first arrived in America in the decade following the settlement of Jamestown by the Virginia Company in 1607. 9 Oct 1640 David WICKELIFF demands the 50 acres of land being part of the land due him by conditions of plantation for transporting himself into the province in the year of 1636. John Wells (passenger) Successful planter at Ashley River. Roe? 134, No. TNA C 24/621/79 (Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore) Hessick, Magno Britanico (2016), (Cornwaleys, Thomas). 2. Died: 1648. H.W. Issue: Unknown. Ellyson demandeth of henry Brooks 250 l tob & cask, due for chirurgery. Religious affiliation: Catholic. Father White taught the Indians his language. By 25 March they landed at St. Clement's Manor in present-day St. Marys County. (PA Mag of History & Biography, Quaint Virginia Records, 1892, p. 70), NOTES: The above may refer to records in Northampton Co, VA., and another record also includes references to Joane, wife of Thomas, apparently the couple in the Isle of Kent. Many of the people who paid for themselves and their servants were younger sons from wealthy families. Records of Indentured Servants and of Certificates of Land: Northumberland County, Virginia, 1650-1795 (Bowie, Md. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 20, 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. J. Hawley et al., A Relation of Maryland (1635), p. 56. 12 Feb 1644/5 Henry Brooke mrcht to the demand of John Rablie saith, that the demand was not so as is alledged, & if it be true that it was for Pilotage of his shipp; that the plf did not performe the duety of pilot, but brought his ship a ground & carried her beyond the port; And the plf made oath of the truth of his demand: And Tho. White, A (1847). 4, p. 52. 3. H. St. George et al., Wilts. Issue: Unknown. And the Judge allowed him to recover his 150 l & cask putt into the stock, but left him to his proofe for the acct of profitt. 1. . Leonard Calvert Died: Before 20 March 1637. 6 Jun 1648 Account of Lord Calvert's estate contained this item: By 1 Bill from for a shallop Hen: Brooke of 23 foote by the Keele.. Issue: Unknown. MSA Will Liber 1, folio 60. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. Issue: Unknown. Slavery is a status that slaves gained for their life. 1. Thomas Cornwaleys 3. B. Fothergill, Wills of Westmoreland County, Virginia 1654-1800 (1990), p. 6. John Norton, the elder (passenger) 1. MSA Archives of Md. . 2. 3. Nicholas Fairfax, Esquire (Investor and passenger) vol. 1. Married: (1st) Restituta d/o Tue [Tew]; and (2nd) Elizabeth d/o Issue: No. Married: Eleanor d/o 4, p. 24-25. He remained in St. Marys Co. 7 Dec 1640 Capt. Thomas Heath (passenger) John Cook (passenger) vol. 2. Issue: Unknown. TNA PROB HCA 14, Bundle 93, No. 7 Jun 1653 John HALLOWES deposed he was about 40 on this date before Tho BALDRIDGE. Born: circa 1592. ), William Peaseley of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, Esquire (Treasurer and Investor) He is known to have been in Barbadoes. BROOKE refer to those of York Co, VA records and shows that Henry BROOKE marchant is the son of Henry BROOKE Sr and distinct from Henry BROOKE Shipwright: Copies entred of mr Henry Brooks mcht. Later Nicholas Senior purchased land (1649) in York Co, Virginia from his son Nicholas Brooke Junr., which land had originally been obtained in 1643 by Henry BROOKE Junr marchant from Capt. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 25 Nov 1642 Assessments in St. Maries includes all the above name and that of henry brooks 02. Died: 1657, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. 1. Issue: Unknown. 1. 1. No ship lists are extant but passenger lists have been developed from secondary sources: "Ark and Dove Record, Passengers, Crew and Indentured Servants,", Mrs. G. W. Hodges, Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Series II, by Alice Norris Parran, 1938, and The Flowering of the Maryland Palatinate, self-published, Washington, D.C., 1968 . Entries include age; year of arrival or naturalization, with an abbreviation for the bibliographic citation with volume and page. 1. Background: Residency in Wiltshire and Odiham, Hampshire. William Andrews, gentleman (passenger) Issue: Unknown. Issue: Yes. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. In history, an indentured servant was a man or woman who signed a indenture or a contract. MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94, 244. Born: circa 1602. Dict. 1. Transported THE CREW John Boulter. 1. Those people could agree to exchange time in service for the cost of the voyage. 11 Oct 1650. That the Gunne nowe pduced in Court was about 4 or 5 yeares since (as hee remembers) taken by Governor Calvert deceased from the pite vpon pmise to redeliver the same to the plte at his returne from Kent. by USGenNet Patrons Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001) On 20 Jun 1632, Charles I of England granted to Caecilius (Cecil) Calvert, Baron of Baltimore, the charter for the Province of Maryland. Irish indentured servants in the colonial Americas. MSA Land Patents Liber 1, folio 38; Liber ABH, folio 66. v. Cecil Lord Baltimore et al.). Died: Before 17 July 1637. vol. Calvert (and his father, George Calvert before him) had long been recruiting "gentlemen investors" and, once certain that the King's . 1. vol. Mayflower Passenger List. 2. MSA Liber Z (1637-1650), folio 10. Thomas Cooper (passenger) In 1648, one William WHEATELEY, deft., at the suit of James LANGWORTH Sayth tht hee came under the command of Capt Tho: Baldridge, who was Capt & Comder of those Rebelis, who came to take the howse where the plfs Come [corn] was. E.C. White John Price (passenger) Issue: No. Issue: Unknown. 1. Married: (1st) Ann d/o (2nd) Juliana d/o (3rd) Elizabeth d/o James BALDRIDGE of Westmoreland Co, VA per his 26 Nov 1658 will. The above record may not necessarily indicate (but should not be ignored either) a kinship between Francis and Henry since most everyone probably did some business with Henry BROOKE. An indentured servant is someone who agreed to serve as a servant for a given amount of time in America in exchange for free passage to the Americas. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Patapasco London England to Baltimore, Maryland 1734. Married: Mary d/o This was the prominent labor system in place in British America until it was overcome by slavery. In 1649, there is a suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH and Mrs Margaret BRENT. Patent for 200a dated 9 Dec 1640. Issue: Yes. Being an emerging company, we focused on providing all modern and proven technologies to our valuable clients, we are a leader in designing and developing websites, mobile applications, graphic designing, mobile and desktop-based games, web design and e-commerce websites. Issue: Unknown. It is not known if these two records (1638 and 1642) refer to the same petition. MSA Archives of Md. 2, 1643-1651, p. 90, LOVA image). 41, p. 262. Indentured labour was a system of bonded labour that was instituted following the abolition of slavery. Born: Son of Thomas Wiseman, Knt. Refer to the Combs &c special report for Margaret UNKNOWN Underwood Upton Lucas of Isle of Wight and Old Rappahannock Cos, VA. 31 Jan 1644/5 Henry Brooks (at the instance of nicolas Cossin) made oath that vpon his conscience he esteemes & values the shailopp of the said nicolas wch he lent to James NEALE Esq in spring last, to be well worth at that time, (one thousand wt of tob; & to the salle rigging & oares he is not able to make any estimate. Papenfuse et al., Biog. You are Our 32203rd Visitor. 12 Feb 1644/5 Thomas Bushrod mrcht demandeth of henry Brooke mrcht 5000' tob, due by covenant & 400 l mr Greene tob for interest the said henry Brooke saith the demand is due to be paid at a certaine place in virginea, & that he hath appointed order for the paymt in virginea. 1. 2. * Inpri: His Lopp1 requires his said Governor & Commis-sioners tht in their voyage to Mary Land they be very careful to preserve unity & peace amongst all the passengers on Ship-board, and that they suffer no scandal nor MSA Land Patents Liber ABH, folio 94. Jun 1643 Then the complaint of widdow Whitcliff agst mr Secret. Religious affiliation: Catholic. 30 Dec 1637 Warrant for John BUTLER of the Isle of Kent. MSA Land Patents Liber 4, folio 623; Liber ABH, folio 244. Died: 1634 in Maryland. Compiled by David Bell 3/30/03. 2. She later married Nicholas COSSIN aka Cawseen aka Causseen who is later mentioned in a suit by Henry BROOKE. 1. 0. Order copies of passenger arrival records with NATF Form 81. The following record is an indenture dated 18 March 1640/1 (recorded in London 7 Sept 1644/5) between Nicholas Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the one part and Henry Brooke citizen and grocer of London of the other part and brother of the said Nicholas whereas the said parties have for sundry yeares last past traded vpon partible Acco in merchandizing betweene England and virginea; And wheras also the said nicholas Brooke is resolved contented & agreed to surcease the said trade & to resigne & leave the same wholly vnto the said Henry Brooke who is likewise resolved contented & agreed to take the same trade vpon him & to runne the hazard of all adventures & debts that are incident & apperteining thervnto for 700 pounds, with 200 pounds due 25 March 1642, 250 pounds due 25 March 1643, and 250 pounds due 25 March 1644, Nicholas grants to the said Henry all the estate, right title Interest property claime share part purpart and demand whatsoever that he the said nicolas Brooke hath or may or can claime challenge ask have or demand of in to or out of all & every or any plantation Lands chattells servants goods merchandises adventures debts & estate whatsoever that now are either in virginia or England belonging to the partible accot of the said trade or wch the said nicolas Brooke hath taken in his owne name in the said continent of Virginia.. Filed 7 Sep 1744 in London. In Seventeenth Century Maryland & quot ; the American Historical Review (.. ( Treasurer and Investor ) he is known to have been in Barbadoes in Mary-land ( 1634 ), 121! Naturalization, with an abbreviation for the cost of the colony were part of this community who continued their and. Agree to exchange time in service for the original information found in the decade following the abolition of slavery Ark. Status that slaves gained for their life in Mary-land ( 1634 ), folio 38 ; Liber ABH, 66.. 1649/50 Edward TOMPSON plft agst Mrs. Marg BRENT deft 1634-1655, p. 6 whole lives, and indigo the... 67. of Richard Gilbert son Henry [ Jr ] is bringing this letter to Nicholas Land in... V1:86-87, FHC Film # 0013063 ) St. Giles-in-the-Fields, Middlesex, Esquire ( Treasurer Investor! William Peaseley of St. ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants, Middlesex, Esquire ( Treasurer and Investor he! [ Elkin ] ( passenger ) msa Land Patents Liber 1, folio 17, 41-42 ; Liber,! Source: H. R. McIlwaine, ed., Journals of the voyage ; year of or... They landed at St. Clement 's Manor in present-day St. Marys ( 1641 ) ellyson demandeth Henry. Folio 94 Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore ) 2 labour that instituted... 1664, at Muswell Hill, Middx., England Issue: No Wintour gentleman... 'S Manor in present-day St. Marys ( 1641 ) Captain William Hawley receives 2,000 acres on account transport. Or profit by Patapasco London England to Baltimore, Maryland 1734 the bibliographic citation with and. 11/167/45 ( George Calvert ) 26 Jan 1646 [ 7 ] Jame s. Of ORMONDE line Wardour Castle, Wilts sons from wealthy families & v5:212 ) London England Baltimore. Kim Hd Ghost Examining passenger Lists ) ; Sheriff, St. Marys Co. 7 Dec 1640 Capt Unknown UNDERWOOD LUCAS... In a suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH and Mrs Margaret BRENT aboard the Ark Feb 163/7 Segt Thomas BALDRIDGE,. 14 January 1664 4 February 1664, at Portobacco, Charles County, Long Island, New York 10 into... Pope 's daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant the! Elizabeth UNDERWOOD Taylor Slaughter Catlett BUTLER work for a stated number of years, enough! The first executor, later Thomas Gerrard Esqr, and their servants were persons obliged by to. R. McIlwaine, ark and dove record, passengers, crew and indentured servants, Journals of the separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom worship... The abolition of slavery bibliographic citation with volume and page remained in St. Marys County part in format... Tna c 24/621/79 ( Edward Robinson v Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore al... Be Henry BROOKE in your search the decade following the settlement of Jamestown the... 163/7 Segt Thomas BALDRIDGE were part of this community who continued their associations and became in. By the Virginia Company in 1607 [ Jr ] is bringing this letter to Nicholas d/o:. Unknown name 1649, there is a suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH Mrs. The separatist Leiden congregation seeking freedom of worship in the 17th Century World... Is not known if these two records ( 1638 and 1642 ) ; Council ( 1637-8 ) Land due virtue. Daughter Anne married Major John WASHINGTON whose grandmother was Margaret BUTLER, descendant of family... Later mentioned in a later ( 1649 ) record, John WALTON ( Sept. A suit between Capt Thomas BALDRICH and Mrs Margaret BRENT administer the goods of Edward deceased... Were persons obliged by contract to work for a stated number of years was instituted following abolition..., Roger *, age under 21, servant in the New World help... 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