I've been looking for a T4 blacksmith with damage specialization (blade symbol) since the recent update but could only find armor penetration and durability specialized blacksmiths. Black Hand For example, you want an Armorer in the Tanner's Table (to allow for converting light leather to heavy), a Tanner in the Artisan table (to make silk) and an Alchemist on the Fermentation Barrel to unlock some special brews (okay this one kinda makes sense.). Internal rounding results in minor variations. Or confirm any spawn locations for the static camps on the isle? This is out of date. So if a weapon has 0% armor penetration, Edgesmiths won't provide any bonus. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Kill XP Dzeleniak 2 yr. ago What map are you playing on? Like said above, i had most troubles for the armorers, but maybe simply lot bad luck with them. Armor penetration bonus scales with base armor penetration. I have the other two types of T4 armorer and havent seen a T4 smith yet. All rights reserved. As the name suggests these are the ones that work on your food resources. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. EDIT: there are quite a few useful guides in the modding discord pinned under the #tips-tricks-and-tutorials channel for those looking for more information how exactly everything is set up. Other players on the server also seem to struggle to find one. General Discussion. A friend of mine got a T4 named fighter from one of the lakes in the highlands and he had 4.7k hp. JJDancer December 6, 2020, 3:12am #13. . Health Location Merkel the Edgesmith can be found at the following locations: Freya's Hovel Meadowwatch New Asagarth TeleportPlayer -72,690 -41,153 87 Loot Notable Loot none Full Loot List Absinthe Abyssal Violet Dye Advanced Blunted Weapon Fitting Advanced Reinforcement Kit Specialization The world of Conan Exiles relies on its manpower, willing or not. Sanofi pasteur flu vaccine lot numbers california stimulus check 2022 ssi recipients ps2 to ps4 pkg reddit Nordheimer Gonn of the Wild Hide its the armorer name. Heirs of the North As the title states, I'm looking for the best way to get T4 (named) Thralls. 450 If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Conan Exiles. Blacksmith All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews . Trank the Metalwright is the blacksmith name. Worker Venture into the world of thralls by learning the thrall taker feat at level 10, building a lesser wheel of pain, and crafting a truncheon and bindings. Yup, good taners arent easy to get nor, thats a fact. We show you the best locations where to find named Blacksmiths with the. I haven't even seen a named blacksmith while collecting numerous examples of all the other crafting thralls. 56K views 3 years ago #conanexiles #Blacksmiths Tier 4 thralls have unique names. @AlrenStorm do you happen to know? There are 3 types of Tier 4 Blacksmiths with different bonuses: With the 2.1 Update to Conan Exiles, the crafting. Armor NPC Stats You need to sign in or create an account to do that. There are spots where the " spawn list " is shorter so you have more chances of getting a T4 out of them ( as an example spots that will always spawn an armorer as oposite to a spot that can spawn any crafters from armorer to tanners ) but over all you always will have to kill untill one spawns ( except for the very few 100 % spawn points like Freya / Lian ) ID: Heirs_to_the_North_Blacksmith_Durability,