Mountain lion meat offers a unique and flavorful dining experience for adventurous eaters. I have cougar meat that I am now freezing for a month. But you need to be a careful curer of meats and not take shortcuts. at the shoulder, that's nearly 3 ft. tall! Various native people have stories and mythology relating to mountain lions, from the Cherokee to the Incan people. They said, Oh, its been eating rotten salmon and they have worms and theyre not edible. I fell for it. And it wasnt very fulfilling. In a single meal, mountain lions can eat anywhere between 20 and 30 pounds of meat, especially if they've recently hunted a large animal. However, mountain lions dont usually target black bears and will only eat them in the rare occasion that a conflict breaks out, usually because the mountain lion has strayed into the bears territory. A lion can live 10-14 years in the wild and up to 30 in captivity. Upperparts are grizzled gray or dark brown to buff, cinnamon tawny, or rufous. Although a mountain lion's diet is very diverse, the average yearly consumption of large animals is 860 to 1300 kg. Bad idea? These felines are quite large. As for wood: oak, hickory and maybe cherry. Can You Eat Seagulls? I was thinking of brining along with mopping throughout the cook, Triggered x 2. My brother I law is big into cat hunting but isnt much a a cook. According to that CDC study I linked to above, only sixcases of trichinosis were tied to eating wild pigs. Can you eat mountain lion meat? Your email address will not be published. The Surprising Benefits and How To Do It Right, Dont Eat Oreos With Milk: Why TikTok Thinks You Need Help. The indigenous people of North, Central, and South America, revere and respect these powerful cats. Spearing with Naked and Afraid's Laura Zerra. Oh and, Did you kill that caribou during the rut? People always say, This meat isnt very good. Youll hear that summary: Its not very good. I would say 90% of those people probably havent ever tried the meat in question when they say that. All I did to this lion shoulder was let it age for about 10 days in the fridge, trimmed off the air-dried exterior, covered in Jankey Salt (southern seasoned salt made in Southwest Arkansas) then hickory smoked it for eight hours at 225 degrees. Difficulty matching British water profile. We cooked that bear quarter for dinner, and it went so damn fast your head would spin. The state's governor-appointed wildlife commission has voted unanimously over the last . It is apparently fairly similar to pork in texture and flavor. I hope this allays any undue fears aboutgetting trichinosis from wild game. Just because its not popular doesnt mean more hunters shouldnt try it. Id thoroughly cook it. Thats the old-school way, and I cant tell you how many times Ive had guys tell me, Oh, you cant eat snow geese. You know, theyre fantastic, Vincent said. They can stand up to 35 in. Scientists classify the mountain lion as a small cat, as it does not roar, but purrs like smaller cats . Mountain lions are ambush hunters who like to lie on ledges or along tree limbs and fall on their prey from above. It was unbelievable.. The males are usually bigger than the females. 2023 Hunter Angler Gardener Cook, All Rights Reserved. The size of a lion's territory depends on the availability of food and habitat quality. Our Cougar Noxen is approximately four years old, but isn't a pet and would be only considered an exhibit only. 10 out of 10 people would think mountain lion meat was pork!! By the time they are three months old, the kittens will begin to eat meat and stop drinking milk. I boiled them for about 75 minutes. Follow a few simple rules are you should be fine. They will hone their skills, and remain with their mother, for at least two years before setting off on their own. Diet [] Preferred Food Strength Agility Vitality Grit Nutrition Yes, you can. Over the course of 21 months, Brokenleg consumed 35 badgers compared to only 5 mule deer and 19 elk! According to a Centers for Disease Control study that surveyed incidence of the disease from 2008 to 2012, there were only 84 cases of trichinosis in all of America. Thats why I freeze for at least a month with bear or wild boar I plan on making into salami, just to be sure. Location: Texas. One time, I bit the bullet, and you kind of do it secretly, but I took some bear meat and put it in a pan and prepared it for myself. S2-E01: Montana Mountain Lion. Bison Short Ribs | 12 oz. Featured Recipes. do not eat mountain lion meat. . The range of a Mountain Lion may cover 25 to 785 square miles. 2 - Rinse the meat thoroughly in water and rinse away any hair and excess blood from both inside and outside. Mountain lions are obligate carnivorous like all other felines, which means they only eat meat. That should make it safe but might mess with the texture. Find out here. black bear meat at a party. Some folks suggest that you never eat mountain lion meat. The meat is not toxic and the few locations with legally sourced meat obtained meat (like in Mexico city). bull moose. (Nutrition Facts - 1,030 calories, 460 calories from fat, 51 grams of total fat, 20 grams of saturated fat, 1.5 grams of trans fat, 225 milligrams . Bears appear to be heavily infected by the parasite, so much so that you should assume the meat is infected. As Hank Shaw put it, cougar-eating [is] a rarity within a rarity. I had almost religious like experiences eating it, with very vivid dreams seeing throughs the eyes of the mountain lion as it traveled through the forest stalking prey. There is also a risk of catching Trichinosis, which is a parasitic disease that is passed on to humans when raw or uncooked meat is consumed. Six. Finally, bobcats have shorter tails than mountain lions. Yet another Keezer Build. Clearly there are all kinds of food safety issues going on here, and the tragedy is that they technically could have made their raw bear dishes had they frozen the meat for a month first the strain of trichinae that attacked them can be rendered inertwhen frozen. Beta (male) to the max. They are also known as cougars, pumas, panthers, and catamounts. Finally, let me address the making of salami and other cured meats with wild boar and bear. Additionally, the meat must be cut into certain size strips to be effective. Most hound seasons are during winter and early spring. 357 SIG: Is the Semi-Auto .357 Magnum Dead? Though they are powerful predators, they are also an intriguing and important species. Interactions between mountain lions and humans negatively impact both. This video shows a timelapse of the process. That means zero. Of course,if you are one of those unlucky few, trichinosis is not to be trifled with. A biologist, hunter, and filmmaker, Donnie Vincent talked about the cougar meat on the " Free Range . It is a fact that bear and cougar meat are the most prominent vectors for trichinosis in North America. The coloration in adults is uniform. Cook the onions until they are caramelized. I like to sous vide bear at about 145F for an hour or more, which is still a lovely tender and pink piece of meat, and is safe to eat that way. They prey on anything from insects and rabbits, to 1,500 lb. In comparison, humans only eat around four pounds of food per day (and that's usually at the very most!) Visit our meat department at Food Lion for the best selection of meats and choice cuts for every occasion and every budget. As a result, while mountain lions could pose a potential threat for humans in a chance encounter, theyre more often than not considered not a threat unless you tread into their territory. Food Lion has the meat products you'll need for your meal. JayJay: Like it or not, EVERYTHING living is in some other creature's food chainincluding US. Other than overcooking it, the meat was great! The Department may authorize permitholders to pursue, capture, temporarily possess . Step #2 Dont leave any fat on the meat. Mountain lions are a cat of many names. Steven Rinella defends the merits of mountain lion hunting in this post, wherein he bets that if you did a double-blind taste test between the loins of a mountain lion and a wild boar and youd stump ninety percent of the participants.. Heres why you should make room for cougar meat at your dinner table. Isolated Yeast (Tree House): How to Identify and Characterize? I think 165 is enough to kill trichinosis, but tough connective collagens won't begin to break down until 180. Join the list to receive special offers and updates! Dan Richards with his legally hunted mountain lion, which anit-hunters and animal "rights" activists crucified him about. Its been eating rotten fish for the past three months, its been eating things that have tapeworms in it, it very likely has trichinosis in its flesh, but you just have to cook it to a certain temperature and its fine. Some people eat the meat after hunting while others buy mountain lion meat from certain marketplaces. Thanks for the article! The quote that he linked is an educated guess and we are not quite sure what kills the parasite. Seahorse for Supper in 2023, Can You Eat Sweet Potato Skin? Step #8 Serve as is or dice it up for a delicioustaco. They also tend to avoid areas where humans live, making encounters unlikely. Mountain lions aren't always eating fresh food either. Nor would I ask a vegan with dreadlocks about mountain lion recipes. Lions are native to Africa and northwest India. Mountain lion meat is completely safe for consumption, only if you cook it correctly. It is also illegal in most places to own one of these cats as a pet.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'animals_net-banner-1','ezslot_6',116,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animals_net-banner-1-0'); In zoos, these cats can nearly double their life expectancy. Read on to learn about the mountain lion.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'animals_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animals_net-medrectangle-3-0'); These felines are quite large. In the last decade, Colorado hunters have killed an average of 469 mountain lions a year.. With a background in biomedical sciences and management, Bella also enjoys trying out new gadgets and techniques in her kitchen and does her best to never throw food in the trash! Their range stretches from Canada all the way to South America. With its sweet flavor and tender texture, mountain lion meat is a delicious and satisfying option for those looking to try something new. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thats 43people in a five-year period, and 30 of those 43 were in one incident, an unfortunate party Ill describe in detail later. The actual temperature that kills the trichinella parasite is 137F, which happens to be medium-rare. Posted: 07/08/2022. Zoos have commercially available ground meat, which provides all the vitamins and nutrients needed for survival. Tim MacWelch Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 100% carbs, 0% protein. But i ate both of them. Another big reason mountain-lion hunting isnt popular is most people shy away from the meat. The best course is to cook the wild game per Hank Shaw methods. Even when feeding on adult deer mountain lions will often consume the entire spinal column, both femurs, both humeri and most of the skull (if antlerless). To get mountain lion meat you need to go through licensed game processors or from hunters who have legally hunted the animal. Mountain lions are quite big in size. But when I asked long time houndsman Jerry Doyle if he recommended boiling lion meat his reply startedlike this: BOIL IT!? Does the lack of fermentation mean greater risk? (That they had that mountain lion meat at all was something of a happy accident.) Jenny: I dont, sorry. While they eat a variety of prey from small rodents to larger predators, it seems that deer, specifically mule deer, are the most common prey of most mountain lions. 3 Tbsp ketchup (this is the secret ingredient) 2 Tbsp soy sauce. But it has been recorded in the US a couple times in the past 25+ years. Hafer said whenever he was fed moose as a child, it was always breaded and fried in butter. With proper food preparation and cooking temperatures all risk is eliminated. These tough goats can endure temperatures as low as 50 degrees and winds of up to 100 mph. You may also find mountain lions in Southwest Florida. Those living in warm, humid areas tend to be a darker, reddish brown color, and mountain lions found in colder climates have thicker, longer hair that is almost silver-gray in color. Trippy, eh? Wed cook a bunch of it with plans of sitting down and having lunch together, right? Most hunters will eat what they kill. Email: Email Seller. Some exceptions apply, and there are sub-par specimens of any species that probably shouldn't be consumed.I have had chicken, beef and pork that are inedible. @everyone that says any meat tastes bad: you probably have never had it prepared properly and/or by someone who knws what they are doing. Since the meat does not have a high-fat content, it dries out pretty quickly. the meat until. WILD GAME FOR NUTRITIONAL WELLNESS. They usually prey on deer, elk, bighorn sheep, rabbits, turkeys, raccoons, porcupines, and even rodents. WHAT TO DO IF YOU HAVE A CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH A MOUNTAIN LION In the past 150 years, 19 U.S. human fatalities have occurred from mountain lion attacks. He was pressured to resign and ultimately stepped down from his position as a result. No, mountain lions do not make good pets. Wild boar charcuterie should follow the same guidelines as those for domesticated pork, because they have easily killed strains of the parasite. To get mountain lion meat you need to go through licensed game processors or . Food Shark Marfa LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to High in the snow-covered mountains along the I-90 corridor houndsmen across Mineral County run Forest Service roads with hunting partners and their dogs, scanning for mountain lion tracks and ready to set their canines loose on a fresh cat trail. Eating mountain lion meat is perfectly legal here in the USA however it is illegal to sell lion meat of any sort. Trichinosis is not just about cat. The northernmost reach of their range is the Canadian Yukon. This is an excerpt from the investigation: Interviews revealed that the bear had been legally hunted a few days before the event in a mountainous region in California about 100 miles east of Humboldt County. You can serve the meat as an appetizer or as a main course. 1/3 cup rice vinegar, but you can substitute apple cider vinegar in a pinch. Original charging documents allege that Fong was caught on an audio recording saying that he offered bear and mountain lion meat for free to "the tour guide and bus people." Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. You can also kill any trichinae parasite by heat. It is generally considered quite tasty, healthy, and in high demand on the meat market in Africa. Kept animals like cattle and even free range livestock dont live full lives and serve a purpose of food for people. They taste quite similar! Here is a source shown a map of different strains and how well they adapt to cold weather. According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, mountain lions primarily eat deer but also eat pets, such as dogs and dogs . For more recipes about venison and other wild game, visit our Grand View Wild Eats page here and give them a try. He was pressured to resign and ultimately stepped down from his position as a result. Your email address will not be published. In the northern states and provinces snow is very common, but in the south and southwest, it may not be an option. They have quite the exotic selection of meats that I would surely want to try out soon. Excellent article with lots of great information. They can stand up to 35 in. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ive eaten mountain lion two times, when I was cooking in amazing kitchens in Breckenridge, CO. And my friend was a chef, that got big game at his exclusive restaurant. Man hunts with our guile and cunning. Mountain lions go by many names including cougar, puma, panther, and catamount. We're talking a lot less saturated fat (aka the bad fat) and a much higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (aka the good fat). Step #2 Don't leave any fat on the meat. I havent smoked much wild game aside from sausage, lots and lots of sausage, but I am afraid it may get dried out easily being that it is so lean. Another thing you must do is wash the knives and utensils thoroughly after cutting, prepping, or cooking the mountain lion meat. Meat products you & # x27 ; t leave any fat on the & quot ; range... Have cougar meat that I would surely want to try out soon source shown a map of strains. Jerry Doyle if he recommended boiling lion meat offers a unique and flavorful experience... North America which happens to be a careful curer of meats and not take.. And remain with their mother, for at least two years before setting off on their prey from above safe! Trichinosis from wild game per Hank Shaw methods go through licensed game processors or from hunters like! 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