), and Lisa has been the Director of the Covenant Preschool since 2005. Alan and Ginger came to Phoenix and joined Covenant in 2010, Alan becoming a Ruling Elder in January 2012. Brian has been our Sunday Custodian since June of 2006. Together, we enjoy fellowship and strive to serve God in our daily lives. His Christian experience began at an early age, as his mother insisted on her childrens inclusion in all Christian services. They moved from Payson to Salem OR in 2006, coming back to Sun City West two years later. Here you will find a wealth of teaching, warm fellowship, and opportunities to grow in your Christian walk. Chuck married Audrey Taplin in October 1955 and enjoyed 57 years together, having a son, a daughter and three grandchildren. Don loves to cook, tend his crop of vegetables, and play golf. She enjoys baking, sewing, reading and hiking. His extensive travels have led him to value different traditions, cultures, religions, and practices and as a result works a great deal to create connections between Covenant and other religious and community organizations across the city. Proudly created with Wix.com. Tina Simon, Office Administrator - office@cpcjc.org. holds degrees in religion from Oklahoma Baptist University (B.A. staff Rick Stauffer Senior Pastor Matthew Geary Assistant Pastor for Youth and Families Penny Kraynak Director of Music Connie Woods Director of Crib Nursery Paige McBride Director of Discipleship and Women's Ministry First Presbyterian and serves on the Board of Deacons. Service TimesSunday School 9:00 AMSunday Worship 10:00 AM, Copyright 2023 Covenant Presbyterian Church - Marshall, Missouri. Financial Bookkeeper [email protected] UA-204213939-1 Dir. Rob has served as Covenant's pastor since 1990. He met Marjorie Barchenger at Covenant where they married in February 2015. He found the people friendly and joined our church. She loves interacting with children and families at Covenant. Along with music June has dedicated much of her time to church librarianship. 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