(2015). How do I find out where the underground cables are? Do you think Id have the same problem with Direct TV which is a satellite signal? And must the radio be set all the way to the left at 530 kHz, or could it be used on any AM channel, from 530 to 1700 kHz? Thanks for your comment, Dominic. Yes, EMI and DE are similar. On the other hand, theres a big concern for the 5G connection on the air. Read this: https://www.emfanalysis.com/headsets/. Because this is happening quickly, I dont know if I can wait for your other blog posts. To a certain extent, this is unavoidable or needs to be filtered before coming into the home (see point #5 above). The reason that I wrote initially is that you suggest in so many words that the radiation is zero. I need a land line too since cell phones bother me even more. We are going to talk again once he gets up to speed. I encourage you to move to a different building asap so that the sensitivity to this does not increase. Nobody has accurate information like you do. They did exist with the initial brick phones, but were rare. Perhaps the people who have contacted me with symptoms from fiber / high speed data systems had the older system you mention above in their communities. Perhaps it follows the principle of fighting fire with fire? Im trying to figure out what to do and what to request from the apartments. Viruses spread from person to person through respiratory droplets. But there certainly will be some radiation. I would work with a local EMF consultant to discuss this issue. Examples of ionizing radiation include specific types of ultraviolet light, X-raysand gamma rays. However, anyone who is electrically sensitive knows that EMI and the lower frequency fields can be just as important, if not more. Not to confuse with wireless which is thousands of uW/m2. I would like to know if your printed books are available now. If its true, then getting my computer professionally shielded might make fibre bearable. You can buy maps of the MOAs in pilot shops at airports. But again, these results dont imply the same effects in humans. I also want to say that I completely understand the need to for a consultation for the in-depth answers my questions would require. The residents are bathed in radar but dont realize where it is coming from. It started happening infrequently about the time I changed my internet to fiber (1 GiG upload/download) and after a few months it has become more frequent where im having the issue all throughout the day. That is very common. Ive been dealing with EHS and DE for almost 8 years now and am just now finally starting to slowly recover if I keep a healthy distance from stuff and eat brain foods. AT&T wont allow people who purchase a home to maintain the previous owners landline. Thanks Jeromy a good article, but the sad thing in our country in area where there is hybrid fibre cable (HFC), we have no choice, as they are going to rip up the old copper landline. Feel free to reach out to me to discuss so I can walk you through what to do in your home. Can this happen if the Fiber Optic is NOT installed to the house? World Health Organizations International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0891061816000053, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2017/9218486/, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3109/15368378.2013.869752, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5504984/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28332042/, https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr208_E.pdf, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30343375/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5925203/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7506181/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5897318/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118300355, https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/radiation-5g-mobile-networks-and-health, https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/radiofrequency-radiation.html, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1382668915300594, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3955064/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016041201830196X, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1016/j.kjms.2015.06.006, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12020-015-0795-3, Your Guide to Vibration White Finger (VWF) and Its Treatment, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI. Having pure fiber run to each home with specifically selected/designed low-EMI ONT devices for the data conversion in the home and no small cells deployed in the community is a low-EMF future for all that also provides fast, secure and reliable internet. But my current concern is should it be installed at all?? In your reply, you write that the new article will explain how to set up ones own home fiber optic network between the modem and the computer to create an EMI barrier between Comcast data system and my computer. Since its release, thereve been rumors about 5G and its health risks. By understanding how they work, we can understand how we manage to stay connected with people worldwide. But, since HFC connection and using VOIP (non-wireless corded phones), I have measured 700-800 V/m at the phone, yet THE Server 1 phone connected to copper cable measures 7.5 V/m. I think that we will eventually have a society where the biological impacts of EMF exposures are considered when equipment is designed. Let's look at the details: EMF (electromagnetic field) exposure is unavoidable. If you check the category of locations and tools on that Facebook community you will find multiple tools to locate the towers and safe locations. My Mother is insanely affected by things like LED lightingif she sits under an LED light for just 10 minutes she turns from feeling great to literally deathly ill and downright green. I have had to purchase their device and have them turn off WiFi. Beware that most smart TVs will still want to radiate. Fiber cables are also Im in a pinch. Weve also gathered answers to some of the more frequent questions below: -For more information on a particular type of cancer or the latest updates we have available, please visit our website (https://www.dana-farber.org/) or search our blog by clicking the magnifying glass at the top of our homepage: https://blog.dana-farber.org/insight/ -For information on whether you would be eligible for a certain treatment, please visit our website for more information on how to make an appointment or get an online second opinion: https://www.dana-farber.org/appointments-and-second-opinions/ -For information on clinical trials available at Dana-Farber and elsewhere, please visit the Dana-Farber database: https://www.dana-farber.org/research/clinical-trials/find-a-clinical-trial/. Some will be enclosed in a metal sheath or have a metal backbone. For most houses, the lines are at the street, but I once lived in a condo complex and eventually figured out the the Comcast trunk line for the entire community was buried a few feet from where I slept and had major and varying amounts of current running on it. Thanks for this Jeromy. According to a 2014 animal study, long-term exposure to Wi-Fi radiation reduces the reproductive function of male rats. But he did not know about the RF issues so I told him my story and gave him your website. You are exactly right. I would think the older landlines should (not) be a problem. Of course, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors. It will take building awareness of this issue, which we are all starting to do. Thanks for your info and wish I had read it before we put in that thing! Is there a way for me to tell for sure? But when the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, the myths began to involve coronavirus. On paper it sounds great. Finally, I phoned up technical support and they said turn the router off and then on again. The men answered questions about their Wi-Fi and cell phone use. The two pronged adapter cant be earthed, as we use three-pronged 240V AC. See his book here: https://www.amazon.com/Tracing-EMFs-Building-Wiring-Grounding/dp/146990201X. Because fiber is free from the spark hazard, its quite safe and secure. My view is it is best to err on the side of safety rather than to wait until one becomes ill. This is what happens when it is done improperly with a cable modem: About EMI filters, what about those ones: https://www.curtisind.com/products/rfi-power-line-filters/? This is how I work: Jeromy, I have spoken to you on a number of occasions via EMAIL and since Hybrid Fibre Cable (HFC) has come to town, my world has been turned inside out. What model of modem should I look for to connect with iiNet ? It wouldnt be that hard to do in the case of EMI emissions. Im always extremely leery of new technology, especially when its being offered for free. https://www.amazon.com/Tracing-EMFs-Building-Wiring-Grounding/dp/146990201X, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6fZP-J2brk, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vzHqRrExfY, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eb4CLQRcw7s, https://www.curtisind.com/products/rfi-power-line-filters/, https://www.jrseco.com/p/jrs-eco-100-wifi-d2-on-asus?c=6680, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnW1_hM3iO8, How to Install Wired Internet in Your Home. * Im assuming we are talking dirty electricity?. Just interesting in how you would answer that. Also the videos blew my mind, as in the summer doing jobs on house outside I was using old radio and the background noise was the same pulse noise I had been feeling and almost hearing the past year?? Then you just need to have an ONT unit (fiber optic modem) that you can tolerate. And, if you are moving to VoIP through a fiber modem (ONT device), that will surely add more EMI to your in-home landline phone. The two primary sources of EMI from high-speed internet service are the fiber optic converters at the street and the cable modem within your home. If electrical sensitivity symptoms increase all of a sudden with a new internet provider (for example, switching from Comcast Xfinity to AT&T ), go It can also lower your risk of heart disease and some cancers. This is all so new that we are seeing what works for electrically sensitive people as we go. Thank you so much, Jeromy, you are a godsend! After 35+ years of attempting to wake people up to the biologically destructive properties of electromagnetic induction, I have given up any hope for humanity. Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. This interference is almost identical to the one when I place a wifi-enabled WIFI router next to or on top of a refrigerator, or place the same right next to the mains circuit breaker box of the house. I use an older Radio Shack AM radio (model 12-467 or older on Ebay) to see if there is wide spectrum EMI on the wiring. You could have a low-SAR phone, but still have non-thermal biological effects. Read through and watch these: Hi Jeromy! In 2011, the World Health Organizations International So if Fiber Optic is an option I should avoid altogetherthats absolutely fine! The underground cables are a big unknown. Your email address will not be published. Fiber itself is perfectly safe, but the equipment converting the light to electrical signals can cause EMI that will be on the neighborhood electrical system and data lines into the homes. The fact that it hit me at that point and not before makes me wonder if it was the computer itself that was the problem the massively increased speed might have enabled the computer to work at a new level of efficiency and with it, send out a whole lot more radiation. According to the FDA, which relies on epidemiologic studies, public health surveillance data and supportive laboratory studies on cell phone radiation, theres no consistent or credible evidence of health problems caused by exposure to radiofrequency energy emitted by cell phones.. I love this. In 2006, he completed an internship in internal medicine at Brigham and Womens Hospital, and in 2010, he graduated from the Harvard Radiation Oncology Program. Is there anything you would recommend please? 5.) Thank you for the article. COVID-19, 5G conspiracies and infrastructural futures. Cant remember exactly when those first cell phones came out but Im pretty sure these networks of cell towers didnt exist then. Perhaps you want to reword that section to better explain what you mean. I would like you to go to this site, it will give you some more ammunition and to understand what and why this occurs. The concern around WiFi and routers causing cancer is due to the emission of these EMFs. Stopping glasses from fogging is about preventing air from escaping from the top of your mask. Most traditional routers support FTTP-enabled internet connection, but cannot efficiently handle the high-speed data transmission of fibre optic technology. I had three electricians out and they havent a clue. This is the best way to bring fiber to the home. + of course, all buildings and users data/voice devices are wired, not wiSeless. Most shows on Netflix and Amazon prime do cause me to be ill. Can you tell me why? I cut the cord a few years ago (and substituted WiFi for everything from computers to TVs) and now I think were seeing the health effects. Here are my tips: Remember the brick-phone? Thanks for responding. Both are a part of a healthy diet that can help lower your cancer risk. There can be a significant problem with the high-speed fiber optic converters out at the street (or in the home with some newer fiber systems) that create these electrical data signals. Would that do a thing, or is the solution to get them to remove it, I think they were Ok with that. This article discusses how to monitor the freezing depth during cryotherapy using a fiber optic array sensor. Using your phone wont work. But when the internet is not plugged in, I can use the computer for hours without a problem. Do you know what non-registered antennas means in the list? Question What about the fiber optic junction boxes? I have sent you an email with some specific ideas. Otherwise, they are below ground. Yes, I do have some good recommendations. Studies involving EMFs and cancer are conflicting. I am just preparing to go to NBN optic fibre, as I have no choice. https://www.quadro.net/internet/shop-by-speed/internet-packages/fibre-faq/. Should You Be Worried About EMF Exposure? I know so little about this subject and Im frantically trying to read all I can in a short amount of time. Ill publish the article on my website in the coming months. I have to keep checking it because they randomly turn it back on. Wear disposable aprons to minimize fiber particles on your clothing. Then I would keep using a smart phone, but listen to the podcasts and music when the phone is on Airplane mode. Thank God you and others are on this. What we need is pure fiber to the home (GPON) with no power backbone (no EMI) and a low-EMI media converter at the home. This inadvertent EMI then piggybacks on the copper cable and phone lines into our homes where it can radiate from every copper wire. There is likely quite an electric field and/or EMI coming to your computer. Everyone is confused and misled by fiber, solar and corrupted internet. I appreciate this more than you could ever know! My current method of voice communication is Skype / Zoom from a low-EMF laptop with a grounded Ethernet connection. Apart from this detail, what are the principles = which criteria to check? We employ a strict editorial process to ensure that what you read is factually correct. Insects and birds are dying and my dog is sick. Non-ionizing radiation is generally considered harmless to humans. There is simply not much you can do in your present situation to shield or reduce this. All of a sudden, I cant watch tv without being affected and couldnt sleep all night. Please read the first couple paragraphs here to see my thoughts on this approach: Also watch my talk at the EMF Conference last fall where I mention this: https://www.emfanalysis.com/emf-conference/. You seem to have a better understanding of this than me. Of course none of this will solve the EMR problems of 5G as THAT will be wireless radiation. Keep all food and beverages out of the work area. Although there is direct exposure to the skin, non-ionizing radiation cant damage DNA or cells directly, like ionizing radiation can. Again, whether that radiation will be harmful for humans depends on various factors. Of course I know theres radiation of the phone antenna is on, but there are ways to download files and listen offline. This may reduce the EMI transmitted into your home and reduce the EMI created from the modem/router within your home. Having low-EMI ONT devices would make fiber much easier on ES people. I only had 2 hours of sleep when they put that in. Thank you and God bless you! I have also found another device that is causing EMI in our homes is the power line communications (PLC) adaptors used to replace the ethernet cables in the home. We live in a wireless world. (2014). This can help with the EMI coming to your computer. They are putting high amounts of EMI on the home data lines and electrical system. WebThere are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. The main reason I want a smart phone is because I like to listen to podcasts and YT videos. computers and laptops, and Bluetooth devices (such as wireless headphones) emit It wont help with any EMI that gets on your home electrical system from the fiber system though. Bough it because one EHS person tolerated it. This is likely what you are reacting to. Also, when you say disconnect existing cable and telephone, I am uncertain what that means. 2) You mentioned that EMI can piggyback on the copper wires and phone lineswhich I presume, makes virtually every wall/room in your house radiate with EMI/EMF. I declined, and hopefully they havent done that. I dont think SAR values are the best judge of the safety of a phone. Hi Jeromy, thank you for everything you do, and thank you for personally answering my email the other day, amazing!!!! I responded with some ideas in an email to you. According to these claims, Wi-Fi causes conditions like: Theres no hard evidence that Wi-Fi is linked to these conditions. Hardell L. (2017). Dana-Farber provides personalized care for each patient based on their unique needs; their experiences and results will vary. Would the phone companies know? On next street is another box they go to repair my phone landline (needed repair twice in last 2 yrs (he said AT&T was trying to rid landlines). I encourage you not to stay there if you are too close to the WiFi routers. According to the FCC, only around 33% of Americans have access to fiber internet connections. Grateful this is valuable to you. Thank you writing this article on EHS and fiber optic installations, it was very interesting. Microwaves and infrared radiation are considered non-ionizing. By the way, the Underwriters Laboratory and FCC have limited scope in measurements for which all electric and electronic devices and systems must pass, very few go for the most stringent standard. viewed as harmless. That surge has some doctors and researchers concerned that the daily bombardment of a variety of electromagnetic signals may increase our cancer risk. Their petition noted that children may be more susceptible to the negative effects of electromagnetic fields than adults. It seems to be dependent on the equipment used by the internet providers, along with multiple other factors including the home and the individual. lightening) that can reduce speed of transmission. I have been saying for some time now that this house has some sort of pulse waves and was thinking of purchasing a reader of electromagnetic fields or what not is there specific types more suitable? 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