You dont have a choice. To Sir Dyno and his attorneys, the report demonstrates his utter confusion under unbelievable circumstances. While awaiting sentencing for armed robbery, he said, he knifed a member of the Aryan Brotherhood in self-defense. Do Not Sell My Personal Information. A grand jury indictment was in the works. You cant smoke everybody that sells dope.. On the back cover, he stands next to Gratton, flashing XIV signs. Ribota declined comment for this story, in light of the upcoming trial. It is here that the stories begin to diverge: Rocha claims that in the eleven or so months he knew Gratton, the parolee never discussed his ties to the highly secretive prison gang. Lizard had made other deals, too. He was still using meth and heroin, on-again off-again pleasures hed picked up back in Pittsburg. Ramirez bragged to Lizard that hed already chased Sanchez out of Salinas Chinatown at least once, and had warned him that he needed to pay taxes if he wanted to deal in Salinas. Daniel Hernandez sends a red line to several imprisoned (NF) leaders recommeding the impeachment of (NF) General Gerald "Cuete" Rubalcaba and lieutenant Sheldon Villanueva. There were three-way calls, where inmates from two different prisons called a gang member known as a gente on the outside, who held the phones together so they could talk. I dont rattle, he said. At home, Sir Dyno says hes just waiting for the truth to come out, but the phrase emerges like one thats been worn out, a fortification against the harsher truth: He stands to lose everything. Fourteen of those charged in federal court in Los Angeles and Santa Ana . Holguin was well known to Nuestra Familia members hed interviewed hundreds of them during his three decades in the system. The amount of violence attributed to the men inside the courtroom and their associates on the outside was staggering: fifteen killings, eighty conspiracies to murder, ten attempted murders, ten felony assaults, one hundred assaults, and two drive-by shootings. Lexipol. Nuestra Familia's new leadership General: David "DC" Cervantes Top Commanders: Daniel "Stork" Perez, of Salinas; Anthony "Chuco" Guillen, of San Jose; George "Puppet" Franco, of San Jose Demoted: Jose "Huerito" Gonzalez; James "Conejo" Perez Copyright 2008 Monterey County Herald. This is a combined effort to enlighten the worthy, as the time is now that we must leave old attitudes to the past, and adopt new and more meaningful and fulfilling ideas. uncovered a hierarchy at Pelican Bay State Prison responsible for He smoked pot and tasted alcohol. Now, the legal definition rests simply on whether a person has a slight connection to the mob. On October 27, 1999, a year and a half after he arrived in Modesto, Gratton was pulled over on his way to a carnival in Turlock. If they come for him, he said, he worries only for them, his enemies. On seven of the CDs fourteen tracks, Sir Dyno raps as hired: Hes a heartless gangsta with a nihilistic agenda. The case grew out of information developed by Santa Rosa Police, They were getting orders in and out of that prison in no time. It was a hell of an audience to keep waiting. "There's family members still loyal to the guys in the fed," he said, referring to the exiled former generals and captains in Colorado. Around 6:30 p.m. on April 19, 1999, Brown Bob was watering his roses. Lizard said he shook the tail, but later needed to prove he was clean. It was explained to Rocha that the RICO charge had to do with racketeering and his involvement with Nuestra Familia prison gang; specifically in the creating of the Generations of United Norteos compact disc and how the CD was financed. As Chuco watched from up the street, David Dreamer Escamilla and Santos Bad Boy Burnias charged their target and chased him into his garage. Norteos who enter a new prison are required to reveal their status to their superiors, either verbally or in writing. They were drooling, Lizard later wrote. Its not easy.. After they wade through all of the evidence, jurors will then be asked to turn their attention to David Rocha. Well, if youre upset with the content, the First Amendment says Too bad. Under federal law, its rather easy to be declared a coconspirator in a RICO case. He argued with a dealer and ended up firing three bullets at the man as he ran away. Thats who I am. Inside his Tracy home, he sits comfortably against the oversize cushions on his fluffy couch, with his baby daughter rocking to sleep a few feet away. Lizard prepared to take the stand against Nuestra Familia. Lizard said he was forced into performing the unauthorized drug deals after an investigator from Santa Clara County nearly blew his cover. His most recent, Engrave These Words on My Stone, is probably his most cathartic, if not authentic. Later, when Heltons team arrested an alleged Nuestra Familia member named Vidal Spider Fabela during a traffic stop, they found G.U.N. Lizard wrote Big Smiley a wila, or small letter the size of a gum wrapper. The more shock you had in your raps, at the time, the more you sold. In the eyes of the law, that would make Sir Dyno a real-life gangster. Lizard claimed Norteo. promotional posters around town and learning from a confidential informant that Robert Gratton, one of the faces on the posters, was financing North Star from meth sales. While the recognized leaders of the Norteos in Pelican Bay ask that members respect the former leaders, they have been effectively stripped of their authority. Using confidential informants, investigators said they've dozens of murders while imprisoned at Pelican Bay, including At any one time, an estimated two to three hundred members are incarcerated there, including the gangs top three generals. The eradication was criticized by some prison gang experts, citing that Eme members now filled a power vacuum, and that future Norteos, outnumbered and alone, would only serve as bait. If he was going to hold the case together, hed need to account for his own alleged crimes as a snitch. After a few weeks of writing and recording, the CD was released on Cinco de Mayo of 1998 and found its audience immediately. Finally, he was going to San Francisco to testify. But nowhere on the CD, or in the lyrics, do the words Nuestra Familia appear. In the early 1970s, gang fights which were called race riots then became more common inside the prisons. I also learned the informant was skimming money from the Nuestra Familia street leaders and not reporting this to me.. One month later, he was visited by Louie Holguin, a special agent with the Department of Corrections who monitored parolees and prison gangs. There sat Cornelio Corny Tristan, one of three alleged NF generals. In his FBI interrogation, Gratton never makes it clear whether Sir Dyno knew he was rapping for the mob, or that North Star Records had been set up to launder money. He hung out at the Modesto nightclub La Familia Garcias and set up a meth ring using known norteo gangsters as runners, an enterprise he now claims earned him $10,000 a day. They moved together into a Pittsburg apartment, and Nato continued his cousins indoctrination in Nuestra Familia. Since at least the 1920s, many California Latinos have thought of themselves in the same way that other residents of the state divide themselves: as Northern Californians, or Norteos; and Southern Californians, or Sureos. federal racketeering case, according to court papers. He was sentenced to six months in the prisons infamous Secured Housing Unit, where more than a thousand inmates spend 23 hours a day triple-locked inside individual cells, with only a small food slot as a window. was drawing the attention its makers craved, and then some. After Gratton stabbed an enemy in Corcoran, he was transferred to Pelican Bays infamous Secured Housing Unit the college for prison gangsters. CD, Sir Dyno says. Gratton sought out Sir Dyno because the rapper had a following, needed to produce a successful CD, and was familiar with music distribution and marketing. But government agents said that Brown Bob actually had pulled away from the gang. In the meantime, Holguin had talked to Lizards sister and made a plea: Tell Danny to change his life. Theres nothing to prepare. Enter and click OK. The prosecutors revealed that Gratton would testify Sir Dyno dealt meth on his behalf. Once paroled, Lizard then served as Nuestra Familias highest-ranking member outside prison. This arrest data includes all information on current and previous arrests for . His teen angst surfaced one day when he threatened to kill his vice principal. Theres no reason Id want him to go down.. But such divisions run deeper among Mexican Americans than among other Californians. But a year into the case, the governments complaint against Sir Dyno shifted course. But as his FBI handlers dug further into Lizards tenure as their employee, they unraveled other disturbing facts that threatened to compromise the credibility of their star witness. He has since repudiated his former gang life, and spends his time writing and speaking to law enforcement gatherings about prison gangs. Hoping to curtail the violence, wardens stopped putting Anglos, blacks, and Latinos in cells with one another. According to grand jury testimony, Lizard sent a coded letter that eventually reached Antonio Chuco Guillen just before he was paroled from San Quentin. He was arrested by investigator Tim Helton for selling and transporting meth. It was again explained to Rocha that Kelly was an FBI agent, and that Rocha was being placed under arrest for RICO conspiracy. But in a coup d'etat of sorts, Gonzalez and Perez have been "demoted" to "Category 1," the lowest level of the Nuestra Familia, investigators say. The FBI believes the exchange earned Lizard a quick $3,600. He found his man in David Sir Dyno Rocha, then a 26-year-old budding rhymer and producer from Tracy. Over the next four years, Lizard and Cuete masterminded and penned more than three thousand letters, according to an FBI report. Copyright 2023 Police1. They were caught up in power grabs and backstabbing. Thats when I started pulling away, he says. Dyno has since expanded his own label, Darkroom Studios, starred in three independent movies, and penned a fictional autobiography about a gangster named Joaquin who takes up arms for the Zapatistas. If he wrote Dear Love, every sixth word mattered. Hed turned his parents garage into a makeshift studio, recorded cassettes, and sold them at low-rider shows and East Bay record stores. He recorded From the Barrio with Love, taking his name outside California and into pockets of Chicano markets in places such as Phoenix, Denver, and Albuquerque. Thousands bought the album in the major record chains like Sam Goody's. Frias, a 22-year-old Salinas native, maintains that Hernandez, the informant, approved the "green light," the execution order, on Sanchez while working for the FBI. When the cheerleading coach broke the news to Katrina Kohel that she was the only one left on the cheer squad, Kohel was determined to compete anyway. Vallejo is raising concerns about water. Using racketeering statutes to bust the organized crime ring, the indictment carried six charges of murder or attempted murder, as well as charges of assault, conspiracy, drug trafficking, and arms dealing. And when that rhyme ran out, as it usually does, he went where other rappers go to make up for the sudden loss of material: He started making shit up. He was a loyal and merciless soldier until a foolish parole violation threatened to send him back to prison, where his own safety was in question. I told him, Listen. Sir Dyno believed hed just made a wise career choice. Thats when Lizard began his career as a rider an inmate prone to acting violently toward fellow inmates. It would bring the most attention and the most sales. I didnt care, he said later. The former leaders include James "Tibbs" Morado, Joseph "Pinky" Hernandez, Gerald "Cuete" Rubalcaba, Cornelio Tristan, and Tex Marin Hernandez. They made their beds, and so did Bob. To the broke and ambitious rapper, the deal sounded too good to refuse. After several years of upheaval -- stemming largely from the massive federal prosecution called Operation Black Widow -- the top leadership of the Nuestra Familia is once again firmly established. interacts online and researches product purchases Lizard recalls Nato asking him why he claimed Sureo, and if hed heard the history of the gang conflict. The young guys trying to make their name were always the craziest, just as Lizard once had been. In fact, the 31-year-old gangsta rapper, whose real name is David Rocha, wanted nothing more than to distance himself from his codefendants. Grattons information cast a domino effect, eventually leading to 21 cooperating witnesses for the government. His wife had declined to enter witness protection until the trial arrived. Operation Knockout They were much smaller than the Mexican Mafia, so they used it to their advantage, gang expert Jared Lewis said. gang activity in Northern California about six years ago. He also was responsible for ensuring the battalions on the streets were holding fast against Sureos and sending drug profits to help pay the legal bills of their incarcerated generals. Lizard said he wrote to a member of the Black Guerrillas whom hed met in San Quentin. All rights reserved. Everybody knows that. Three days before Christmas, Lizard called Holguin. Gerald Marvin Rubalcaba of Visalia, age 45, was arrested for Possession of Controlled Substance Violation Parole: Felony Reckless Driving Evading P.O. The rapper says his final meeting with Gratton occurred while the label owner was outside washing his car. I fear no man, he said. He says theres a street code: You dont ever ask too many questions, and both men stuck to that code. They need their cut, he said. If he went back to Pelican Bay, his elders would be upset to see him. They pulled in young guys by the bushel.. They were, according to the government, members of Nuestra Familia, Northern Californias most notorious and ruthless prison gang. He pleaded guilty to arranging two murders from prison, and will be sentenced to life in prison in December, along with the gangs generals. who joined the FBI and other agencies in an investigation of street Till Eternity which most people simply call the G.U.N. And most of it hung on Lizard. He said that after he drove away from a successful arms sale in the South Bay, at which he wore a wire, one of his underbosses called to warn him he was being tailed by a suspicious car, which Lizard knew was the investigator. In May of 2001, Lizard met with Martin Ramirez, a gang member from Salinas. After sentencing, leadership of the organization will be dispersed across the country, while new members look to fill the void. The official list of charges, which included more than thirty drug-related crimes along with acts of extortion and robbery, simply ended with the open-ended clause and other numerous crimes.. Three leaders soon emerged at Pelican Bay, filling the ranks of the gang's mesa, or board of directors: David "DC" Cervantes of Chino, Jose "Huerito" Gonzalez and James "Conejo" Perez. I see the reality of things now and now that Ive gone through that, theres, like, no glory in it, you know?. After the informant completed his undercover work, I discovered that the informant had engaged in unauthorized drug deals, Agent Ragan wrote. Up to that point, Lizard had identified himself as a Sureo, but only when pressed. And in response, FBI documents indicate that street soldiers in Nuestra Familia have ordered a two-year moratorium on murders while they wait for recent publicity to fade. Even though the project had cash potential tomorrow, Sir Dyno still needed money today. Prosecutors say the Danny was telling me, But Im not a gang member,' Holguin said. Gratton had been deployed by his bosses to run the gangs Zapatista crew, which operated in the Modesto, Tracy, and Turlock areas. When you look back, it didnt help us like we thought it would. In the aftermath, some of the gang's thousands of Norte-o associates -- street-level soldiers who answer to Nuestra Familia -- stayed loyal to the exiled generals and captains, while others looked to Pelican Bay because the gang's written constitution said its leaders must reside there. But witnesses corralled by police later refused to work with the district attorney. According to Lewis, the gang grew from about a thousand members in the late 80s to more than two thousand just six years later. Somewhere in between, the blend of fact and fiction amount to the truth for Sir Dyno. The images leave no doubt the rapper supports norteos. Lizard hinted in his early letters that hed be sending more important documents for his legal case. In actuality, he sent a list of code names using Aztec and Spanish words. Hed proved he had the muscle to ascend within Nuestra Familia. When the state-of-the-art super-max penitentiary opened in 1989, built exclusively for the states 2,800 most violent inmates, Governor George Deukmejian hailed it a model for the rest of the nation. Instead, it has become a model gang incubator. In the aftermath of Operation Black Widow, the five highest-ranking leaders of Nuestra Familia, James "Tibbs" Morado, Joseph "Pinky" Hernandez, Gerald "Cuete" Rubalcaba, Cornelio Tristan, and Tex Marin Hernandez, were transferred to the United States Penitentiary, Florence ADX, the federal supermax prison in Colorado. The theory went, if we separated the two gangs, wed have less problems, Vasquez said. Rocha still did not understand the charge or why he was being placed into custody. The album would preach the unification of norteos Chicanos born north of an invisible border located somewhere around Fresno who, once inside the prison system, were eligible to join Nuestra Familia. Smiley replied that it was true, but not to worry no one was moving on it. And frankly, heres a guy whos committed numerous violent crimes, and hes getting a free pass. When his handlers shook him from his slumber, Lizard felt relieved, not irritated. I was ready to go, he recalled. Sanchez was laying low, but Ramirez expected him to pop up again. Whatever you want. That 50 percent looked like gold., Sir Dyno claims he never asked where Gratton got his money, and whether or not the jury believes that could be key to his fate. Lizard was the kind of guy who took the NF way very seriously. Sir Dyno, however, isnt charged with any individual crime, just one count of RICO conspiracy, and his connection to that crime seems to be largely related to his performance on Generations of United Norteos. He was as bright and loyal as they came, so Cuete could trust him.. In his interview with FBI agents the next day, Gratton confessed hed concocted the idea for G.U.N. Its the life story of a petty hood who reached his full criminal potential only afterentering the California prison system. Now, for a CD he cut five years ago, for a guy he claims he barely knew, for a dollar he never made, David Rocha faces a life sentence on a single count of conspiracy. By now, rumors were swirling that G.U.N. I know theres some things you dont ask., Dyno claims thats the moment he realized hed been duped and would never see his cash. Copyright 2023 Then at fourteen, Hernandez began to glimpse a different world. The Norte-os are trying to establish (in Salinas) but every time they try to, there's shootouts." He and his wife moved to Boise, Idaho, where he hoped the slow pace would help him start over. Rap is an exaggeration of life, he says, just like in a movie. The deep trouble in which he now finds himself has everything to do with his performance on a gang-funded rap CD titled Generations of United Norteos Till Eternity. At the time, Operation Black Widow was just getting under way, and Grattons blueprint to the gangs hierarchy was invaluable. Therefore, David is an NF member or associate. Preparing is something someone whos trying to hide their guilt would do, he says, fingering a synthesizer keyboard in his studio. In the eyes of the law, that would make Sir Dyno a real-life gangster. Californias most fearsome prison is located near the Oregon border, a windswept fortress surrounded by three walls and two barbed-wire fences. Copyright Weeklys All rights reserved. People like the extreme., He was one of the few who really got off their butts and did it, says Eduardo Crooked Quiroz, a rapper and filmmaker who has known Sir Dyno for ten years. Was just getting under way, and that Rocha was being placed under arrest for RICO conspiracy, they... Trust him list of code names using Aztec and Spanish words Santa Ana a free.. Slow pace would help him start over team arrested an alleged Nuestra member! 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