Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Maybe it was from the rioting about the cartoons. Quite liberating, actually. In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. Now that you have the answers to questions like, What does alpha mean? and What does omega mean?, and also have found some exciting alpha omega tattoo designs, you can certainly understand that a lot can be done with these tattoos. Good for you! And so far youve been telling it by mixing some potentially decent points with a thinly-veiled superiority complex and ill-humored insults toward Roman Catholics. Im waiting. I just hope people dont see him as the representative of Protestantism. Boor. Your original claim was that the Apostles were empowered. What Did Jesus Preach - Christianity or Islam? The Teaching of Ignatius 1-877-753-3341 (Toll Free) How can you make the claim that you havnt seen anything substaintiating Sola Scriptura when you WONT read anything substaintiating it? Did you have something of substance you wanted to say, or were you just going to back me up in a sarcastic manner. I expect this from him and other anti-Catholics. For that matter WHY would someone go through the bother?. Its not going to change a whit on this thread. Carebear, I believe the problem has been Seriously, though, all of this is the face of [denominational] apologetics to me. Like I said earlier, was registered 6 days ago.when was the start of this bruhaha? If these things have been defined de fide, are we to believe that the gospel has changed since that time, if, in fact, these things were not defined as part of the gospel at that time?. Do you have any clue how petty this makes you sound? You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. YOU are the one who indulged conspiracies and claimed that it was done to discredit Catholics. I did do a Google search and found you indeed have credibility. //Except that Bob also said: So neener, neener, I won and everyone else should back me up.// That doesnt mean I refuse to read it (or excerpts of it). Just leave the man alone; hes been hurt enough. If you mean your own statements, then my objection is withdrawn. Pretty soon shell be telling us about how she rejoices whether or not whatever. the Council of Trent really doesnt anathematize Protestants (even though it was written in direct response to the reforms of Luther and others) 34You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? against my desires, mind you. How many videos of Baptists or Calvinists being beheaded by hooded authoritarian Catholics have been uploaded to the Internet? First, this goes far beyond being sometimes offensive. This is a basic inability to conform to moral principles and standards of argumentation, which even Dawkins and Hitchens manage to do despite substantive incompetence. Im still waiting for refuation of the arguments I posted and you for you to stuble upon the definition of ad hominem. Or do you not do so now since this was just a RUSE all along to besmirch Catholic Answers reputation!? The Annals of King David[4] I spoke on the topic of the eternal law of progression in Mormonism in Anchorage this morning. They are helpful, creative, and mission-focused! And, by the bye,I am a United Methodist, not Catholic. 44 You are of your father the devil: and the desires of your father you will do. While the video lost some of the early audio portion, the Sermon Audio version is whole. Why dont the reasonable people on this site and Im sure there are many just say that such conspiracy theories are plainly silly and do what Dale did? Well, OK: Im surprised that they didnt realize that someone was bound to check. Prejudiced. He has been married to Kelli for more than forty years, and has two children, and five living grandchildren. discussion in this thread. Is Beckwithamas the new Bushitler?). No, sorry, that doesnt work. Though a debate in format, this was more of a dialogue, as Justin Lee dislikes the term debate and would not engage Five hours, fifteen minutes. The church body that revealed the divine canon to us was the Councils. GOD knows who did it, but one thing can be certain, NO PROTESTANT would go through such extremes let alone steer folks to Catholic Answers. Boor. Salvation also support the corrupt modern Bible versions. And just what is right and wrong? The Story of the Prophet Iddo Esua, using James Whites own words but disguised as a Islamic fundamentalist. Again, my bad for not crying wolf when a dog barks. Maybe Q borrowed them from Art. Oh, so this post here is nothing but a CHEAP DEBATE TACTIC from Jimmy Akin???? So accuse Jimmy of using tactical misdirection all you want, the fact is, representing Catholics as murderous Muslims does nothing to address the issues you claim have been left untouched. Islamists are the Nazis of the post-9/11 world, and thus anyone who depicts his debate opponents as Islamists automatically loses whatever debate was underway due to forfeiture. However, no matter how infallible God is, us men are fallible. Even Paul lost his cool on one occasion (though I dont recall reading the apology anywhere hmmm, maybe its between him & God?). The word hypocrisy comes to mind with this double standard (to put it mildly). ummmthat was in response to Bill912. The Revelation of Zephaniah Really bill 912? Barry: Without knowing who linked the website to Catholic Answers, any discussion of why it was done is pure speculation. He had even gone to the extent of condescendingly putting down Foxfire, ridiculing her, as well as those who would defend Akin, who is but an Internet Apologist. Really, folkssimply admitting the man screws up in his arguments and behavior does not behoove you to become Catholic. What about Anglicanism? However, the spirit behind what such a peson has said is not something I should ever reject, for it is the spirit of obedience to Christ and of a true love of neighbor. In short, you either need to be divinely inspired yourself to know, or you need (Divine) testimony which is beyond doubt. You are wrong about me judging Dr Beckwiths thoughts BTW. Jimmys post points this out very clearly from the outset. God did use the church, the gathered body (not later ecclesiastical developments regarding unbiblical structures and positions), as a means to establish widespread knowledge of the canon (mediated) so that Scripture will function as He has decreed it to function. The best thing IMO is just to back away and give him space. It would be unfair for anyone to criticize me in the context of a team meeting for not being much of a coach (one of my other responsibilities). I suppose it has to do with free will and whatnot. Oh, you mean like accusing someone of a logical fallacy, which you never did substantiate? If so, then please provide a specific example. It is his choice. in Judaism the same type of traditions exist and they are known as Talmud (Oral Torah). James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Carebear, I refuse to read anything to substantiate a belief in Scripture Alone, especially since Rome says there wasnt a definitive list of authentic scriptures. Thank you so much for your answer! I have twenty-five years of experience in the field and I know most of the state-of-the art research and researchers. What the Angelic Doctor is saying is that if the phenomenon on Scripture can involve cooperation between man and God, and yet the Scripture is still 100% Gods word, then Catholic soteriology as an analogy in the doctrine of inspiration. 3. I respect Akin but I do feel he misdirected people away from the tough theological questions. Its kind of ironic that you should make the point that there are Catholics who dont act like robots and merely follow the whims of the Pope like mindless automatons. Look, have any of yall defending him READ the bloody post that goes with the pictures? No, because Romanists go straight to Hell where they belong, didnt you already know that??? James White? $25. I have a responsibility to serve both Jimmy Akin and Dr. White. Also, Im in full agreement with Mr. Donald Casadonte. Alpha omega tattoo designs are often found to be created keeping both the alpha and omega meaning in mind. The Pharisees were definitely into winning, but here they pulled a loser because they didnt get the kingdom concept, that its about the heart, not the housing, be it political, institutional, or otherwise. Its simply the way it is. Dr. James White vs Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, 1311 Holman St., Houston, Texas 77004, Open Air Theology Conference 2023, February 16 -18, 2023, Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, 305 South Anderson St, Tullahoma, TN 37388, February 18, 2023, Debate: LSB vs KJV, Dr. James White vs Thomas Ross, Covenant Reformed Baptist Church, 305 South Anderson Street, Tullahoma, TN 37388. Foxflier, I did read Jimmys response to Dr. Whites comments. 4) Those who had already suggested that James be more kind, as well as some newcomers, suggest once more that he should examine the spirit in which he is writing of Dr. Beckwith. Whose fruit is this squabbling between Jimmy and James? Thus, perhaps you see now at least a potential source of frustration for the Reformed Caucus. All of the category error pussyfooting nicely dodges the real problem with the picture: White states an equivalence between people in the comment thread demanding charity (yes, in a predictable and certainly from his standpoint irritating fashion) with those who use violence and intimidation to silence their opponents. Glorious Lord. Dont make the mistake of assuming I hold the same low standard as you. Now, I have obviously attempted to insert a bit of levity, and a bit of humorous sarcasm here, for the simple reason that Im to the point where you either have to laugh or cry. Yes, there have been, and they are also indefensible. Mr White, like the Emperor in the childrens story, is meandering down the main pike in his skivvies, afraid to admit that he cant see The Emperors New Clothes. Hes angry with us. By noting them it is hard not to characterize them in some fashion. [25], He is married and he and his wife have two children. There seems to be alot of talking past each other and just general crankiness. 11:00am MST and And, as he is becoming more stupid, I can only imagine it as a sign that he is moving closer to Rome I dont expect any of you know me (from blogging, that is), but I just wanted to add a thought here. Jimmy allows random people to post in his comboxes without requiring any sort of registration. I had to get over this idea that a material Church existing in time and place was somehow able to communicate spiritual blessings. What are you talking about? So I will stand up and say when people have boldly crossed the line.). I would have to re-listen to the broadcast but I cant remember being impressed by your argument. MY HEAD HURTS. *salutes Mr. Spock* Ive always thought that Vulcans would make great Catholics. I dont even agree with him fully, and *I* respect that class. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? Adam Dr. White does not look at debates as something won or lost And now we descend into argumentum ad hominem. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. Kind of like Aikido, if someone does not throw a punch, you really cannot do anything. Whites fans always do. 4) To that end, everything that happens to James White reflects wonderfully on him and proves his case beyond a shadow of a doubt. So gracious that I wish we all could model ourselves after that shining example of Roman Catholic apologetics. It took a while, but I found it: Reading his post, no such observation is made. Now that Ive been nice enough to answer your question, could you return the courtesy and answer mine? Just as no sensible person would read tabloids for serious news (even if serious news were in fact printed in them), I dont think White should be taken seriously as an apologist (even if his serious work is very good, which it may be for all I know) until he can figure out how to have conversations without making his opposing parties angry at him. I think Dr. White intended that. In drama, hyperbole is exaggeration not meant as an equivalent. The Final Act was just amazing! of customer 3 The registrant organization is and they are based in Riverside, California. Also, there is some point of Catholic history not allowing religious liberty and actually persecuting or killing people. If you dont, then why are you making these extended comments that have nothing to do directly with the thread? The material is evil and corrupting and the spiritual is pure and corruptible. With all this in mind, one has to question what benefit a doctorate degree was for the poor fellow. Registrant Phone Ext. The Testament of Moses Take up and read. Instantly, with altered countenance, I began to think most intently whether children made use of any such chant in some king of game, but I could not recall hearing it anywhere. Expiration Date:04-Aug-2008 09:17:04 UTC Does the New Testament Teach that Peter was the First Pope? I chose this because it was handy.]. When the counterpart is finished, he expected a quick rebuttal, but doesnt get one. Another example of uncharitable construction of anothers thoughts. The point I was attempting to make earlier in this thread (since the website was again brought up as an issue) with my Disciples of James White Conspiracy Theory is that it is just as ridiculous as the Catholic Answers/Jimmy Akin/Catholic Church Conspiracy Theory. The Chris Pinto vs. James White debate on whether Codex Sinaiticus is a modern forgery can be boiled down to a few considerations. You have reduced yourself to the status of a troll. Those were the daaaays. Engage my posts from 5 days ago and then well get to yours. teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation. I implore Dr. White to revise his pictures. Again with the modesty! We know that we can trust that the Holy Spirit would guide and protect the Church from error in matters of faith. Altogether, this has got to be one of the best alpha omega tattoo designs available for you to use. Jesus says, And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins, and we also forgive everyone who sins against us. Thats everyone, anyone and anything. The Catholic Church has always distinguished between the Kingdom of Heaven and that of Man. If this were 500 years ago, Id be getting tied to the stake right about now I bet, and thats part of the hilarity of those pictures. HAHA!!!! God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). (Sorry for the awkward phrasing, I wanted to tweak it to be more parallel.) Check the mirror. We differ from yall primarily in that we believe that reason, as a moral obligation before God, must be applied to the truth claims of any and all visible institutions. your inability and/or unwillingness to suppose that the world is larger than you are, that God is larger than you are I cant imagine people will give much credence to the opinion of someone with such a habit, so please feel free to rant away. The last 20 years hes walked with the Lord, hes had numerous roles and functions in the local church which have all led his family to Phoenix and then to Apologia to wholeheartedly serve and pour out their lives for the sake of the gospel of the Kingdom. Registrant Chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White, Id agree. You cant seriously expect any thinking non-Catholic to just accept by fiat that the medieval Roman empire just .. didnt happen, can you? Yes, to an extent they did. Both images are were created in humor, with the intent of adding some needed levity to the discussion and to point out the similarities between those who call Islam a religion of peace while demanding beheadings and the hypocrisy of those demanding charity in the Beckwith discussion while using the kind of ad hom seen here and the CA boards (as well as the silliness of registering for the CA site.). I dont often myself because it usually gives off more heat than light in this format. Does anyone have an answer to the Protestant position? I suppose such a thing fits the logic and attitude of the mob though. Why not just say, God did it, since to attribute Gods work to mans work is unbiblical. But if it is legitimate to say that God used the distinctive personalities and historical circumstances of these figures to communicate his truth, then something can be both 100% Gods doing and human beings cooperate. The only way you can defeat it is what you just did, dont engage it, but engage something that looks kind of like it or, in plainer terms, STRAW MAN. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. 2. . they dont go anywhere. Notice that wherever this mans name is mentioned on the internet, Gods name is insulted by default. Youre not taking the time to read through Whites points, and youre not a simpleton. Seriously, its like someone googled logical fallacies and just started sprinkling them into their accusations. Intricate And Graceful Alpha Omega Tattoo, Vivid And Flamboyant Red Alpha Omega Tattoo. I think here we misunderstand both the fundamental essence of the Word of God and infallibility. If you want to strengthen the meaning and concept of your tattoo, then why not add the chi and rho symbols to it? Dont poisen the well. Thats the kind of thing Im talking about. If people had stuck to the topic, there would not be nearly 700 mostly off-topic posts (what is this, Slashdot?). Either you believe what the Bible says, or you do not. seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him. James White. Bartholomew the disciple came to me in a vision and revealed to me a secret special knowledge: Q reads too many Ehrman and Pagels books. Sorry to repeat what you wrote before. I mean if you look at whites newest post he has a picture of a troll on in it! Caesaropapism was a much more complex phenomenon with give and take between Church and State than is commonly understood. to the theology of Union with Christ. Ella, even *if* your claim is true, then it would mean that it was an unable. Beautiful Savior Really Esau? The last 20 years hes walked with the Lord, hes had numerous roles and functions in the local church which have all led his family to Phoenix and then to Apologia to wholeheartedly serve and pour out their lives for the sake of the gospel of the Kingdom. I didnt accuse Catholic answers of anything. CareBear, *we dont care* what insanity you want to bring out. and the vitriol (no one can argue the level of hatred) expressed towards When you gulp down the unexamined assertions of any one-true-agent-of-God-on-earth organization, you will begin to stumble down a very dark and threatening path. OK, Lisa. God inspires, and the canon expresses the limitation of that action. Esau, Ive been trying to explain to you the Catholic position (to the best of my ability, such as it is) on various issues. This is the fourth, and thankfully, final portion of my response. Though I think one of those pictures may have been from a near-riot protesting the Regensburg speech. So you see, it takes one (a former one) to know one. He is a moron not of necessity (for that would not be something to be held against him), but rather a moron of convenience. I honestly believe that winning the debate is more important to him that really knowing the truth, or, believing as he does, trying to help Catholics get to heaven. Satanic Easy-To-Read Version I would label this domain registration either the work of someone trying to win, or someone trying to increase disagreement between Mr. Akin and Mr. White. The Bible & the Quran: Which is the Light to the World? I deny it. The point I was attempting to make earlier in this thread (since the website was again brought up as an issue) with my Disciples of James White Conspiracy Theory is that it is just as ridiculous as the Catholic Answers/Jimmy Akin/Catholic Church Conspiracy Theory.. To that end, no such insult was intended. Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. Good grief, arent we all Christians, here?! 1. One might argue that Dr. White and some of his supporters helped to foster such hostilities, but one can also argue that folks at JA do not have clean hands either. Wow, Thomas Aquinas? Jimmys analysis of Dr. Apologetics is all about pointing out when the church is treated unfairly. Im honored to cyber-know each and everyone of you. Christians, here? not behoove you to become Catholic since this was a. Fits the logic and attitude of the Prophet Iddo Esua, using James Whites words. And corrupting and the spiritual is pure and corruptible a near-riot protesting the Regensburg speech a! Then it would mean that it was from the outset ourselves after that shining example of Roman apologetics. Inspires james white alpha omega tattoo and earth sometimes offensive inspires, and * i * respect that class leave the man ;. 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