He did not respond to questions from Wisconsin Watch. I believe it is vital for the district to assess our current needs and find ways to provide additional training for current staff and add additional counselor(s) or social worker(s) as needed., He added, The recent state report card reflected great academic success at both Zielanis Elementary School and Kiel Middle School; however, it also showed we need to assess our practices at the high school and take steps to ensure our growth and academic achievement increase. Tri-County Citizens members also pressured Ebert to account for the handling of a separate probe into the bullying of a Black high school student, Armond Wempner, who faced ongoing racial harassment before transferring to a neighboring school district in 2020. Ballotpedia covers public school districts in the 100 largest cities in America by population, as well as the 200 largest public school districts by student enrollment. Long term, we need to identify the root causes of the issues and implement changes to address them. He has volunteered time to various local clubs and organizations in the Kiel area. Ballotpedia features 395,420 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. NEWS. by Sameea Kamal August 17, 2022. Ebert remains in his job as partisan culture wars spur an exodus of the superintendents at public school districts in Wisconsin and elsewhere. (FOX 9) - Here are the results for school board races in the Twin Cities metro. Published on Feb 16, 2022 A field of eight candidates for the Kiel Board of Education was whittled to six on Tuesday as a primary election was held in the Kiel Area School District. As a current board member, I have witnessed the tremendous efforts of teachers and staff, sometimes through extremely difficult circumstances, to go above and beyond for kids in this district. Their seats are being challenged by Diana Sitzman-Schaefer, Jamie Henschel and Mike Joas. Ive owned a business and understand the financial responsibilities of good fiscal management.. Our Latest Headlines newsletter will get you up to speed on news, events & more. Here's where to find election results for school board races in Florida's primary election on Aug. 23, 2022. Republish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. Public policy. U.S. Congress | Wyatt has attended Zielanis Elementary for almost five years. School Elections Results Archive; School Board Candidate FAQs; Note: Per Delaware Code (Title 14, Section 1075 [b]), when there is only one candidate for the election for a school board seat, the Department declares the candidate elected and does not hold an election for the seat. In 2022, the group pushed restrictions on certain library books, sought to block anti-racism training and helped flip the school board to a majority that criticized efforts for racial equity and LGBTQ+ rights. Their replies are printed in their entirety as supplied to the Tri-County News. Most recently Ive volunteered to tutor here in Kiel., Schaefer has not previously held public office. Joas said he cares about the education of the communitys children and continues to participate in the district to bring awareness to the current board and administration. See election results, maps, county-by-county vote counts and more for Utah's races on Jun. Additional elements that are packaged with our story must be labeled. We're always interested in hearing about news in our community. Robb Vaules. To oversee the employees, provide guidance, support, identify needs and manage the relationship between staff and the organization. School Board Trustee, District 1 Candidates* Jessica Cejka. The other two candidates on the . We are showing them how to divide a community, Henschel told his board colleagues. Tuesday, May 10, 2022: School Board Elections New Castle Appoquinimink School District Colonial School District Red Clay Consolidated School District Kent Caesar Rodney School District Capital School District Lake Forest School District Milford School District Smyrna School District Sussex Delmar School District Laurel School District A central Wisconsin food pantry grew fivefold during the pandemic. This list may not include all school districts that held elections in 2022. Dan Dietrich is employed as a part-time delivery driver. The family will also do a little cash cropping each year. Green Bay Mayor Brown. Ocean, 14, attends Between The Lakes Virtual Academy and Lucian, 12, attends Kiel Middle School. State executives | Jul. "I pray daily for the conversion of all hearts in your ilk. Michael Lenzner: 644: 31 %Ashley Henneman: 389 . Carl Nunn. Unfortunately, this has resulted in performance numbers and metrics that concern me. to keep current with educational trends. I believe it is important that we ensure our graduates are career and college ready. Election Results. In autumn the 'Bundestag' and the Bavarian 'Landtag' will be elected. ", Kiel Superintendent Brad Ebert speaks during a late morning press conference at Kiel City Hall, March 23, 2018, in KIel, Wis. At left is Kiel Police Chief Dave Funkhouser. I pray daily for the conversion of all hearts in your ilk., In a previous interview, Piper described Tri-County Citizens as just concerned citizens reaching out to our neighbors.. The County Clerk also advises municipal clerks on procedures for conducting a canvass, recounts, and recall elections. Jude Allen, a parent of two children in the district, said hostile rhetoric and misinformation prompted her to publicly support Ebert. If you value news from Wisconsin Watch, make a tax-deductible donation today so we can continue doing statewide investigations that matter to you. We need to identify where we are failing and address these issues. . Dont attack our journalists. Ruth Williams Dec 28, 2022 0 Ruth Eleanor (Meier) Williams, 90, of Plymouth passed away unexpectedly on Dec. 26, 2022 surrounded by her family at St. Luke Hospital, Milwaukee. Election Results. "What nobody said publicly is the real reason Tri-County Citizens dont want Dr. Ebert as superintendent: He was in the way of their agenda," he said. What was at stake? Dont attack our journalists. Box 55079 Jude Allen, a parent of two children in the district, said hostile rhetoric and misinformation prompted her to publicly support Ebert. I am a licensed real estate agent in Florida and while in Japan and Kiel I substitute taught in the middle and high schools gaining insight into todays classrooms and the opportunities and challenges faced by students and teachers. Ron DeSantis endorsed for the Miami-Dade School Board won their primary election Tuesday night, with Roberto Alonso winning by a wide margin in the seat to succeed the . My daily tasks as a supervisor are to communicate and organize the needs of the business. Shakopee Public Schools will be on the ballot in November 2022 for the purpose of electing four (4) school board members for four (4) year terms. Theyve lived in this community for a long time and like to see things stay the same, said Eli Shaver, chair of the Calumet County Democratic Party. This means we need to continue to develop our relationships with area businesses. One, Making a Baby, deals with pregnancy; the other, Its Perfectly Normal, contains illustrations of human anatomy, gender and sexuality. Mike still finds time to help and give back to the community. I think these traits would transfer well as a member of the School Board. When talking with the management of our district, the superintendent and the Board of Education, it has become apparent schools are charged with so much more than educating the students. With . I am excited to continue that work if elected.. Tri-County Citizens unsuccessfully sought to restrict access to two public library books. Wempner said she felt compelled to support Ebert after his critics sought to use her familys lawsuit to justify his outster. All works created, published, posted or disseminated by Wisconsin Watch do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of UW-Madison or any of its affiliates. There was only a 266-vote difference between the 1st and 6th place finishers, while Christopher Able was eliminated, only receiving 713 votes. Theyve lived in this community for a long time and like to see things stay the same," said Eli Shaver, chair of the Calumet County Democratic Party. Sonja Shaw is running for a seat on the Chino Valley school board in the Inland Empire, with help from the state Republican Party. "We need to lose the hate. We need to let them give suggestions, we need to listen and collaborate with them. While living in Washington State, I worked with several tribes in casino gaming regulation, licensing and related consulting. I am fully prepared to discuss items on the meeting agenda and make decisions based on whats best for our students. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. "Let me be clear, I love working here," Ebert said in a written statement after his contract was renewed. Less than 30 miles from Kiel, Manitowoc Public School District Superintendent Mark Holzman left his position last year after backlash to COVID-19 protocols and misperceptions that the school was teaching critical race theory led to efforts to remove him. More Races. Voters in the Douglas County School District (DCSD) were electing four school board directors on Nov. 2. As we've reported, the boys were accused of refusing to identify a student by. Board members also agreed to discuss removing board president Randy Olm, who was aligned with Tri-County Citizens, at the following school board meeting. What if all this time talking about CRT and false allegations of pornography in schools, about indoctrinating students, what if all that time was used for something positive like having parents and grandparents reading to young students? he said. While the story ricocheted across news media nationwide, an anonymous emailer threatened to blow up Kiel and warned the threats would continue until the district dropped the investigation. The possibility that these dynamics would oust Ebert represented a local tipping point, said Shane Konen, who with his wife helped organize a group called Best For Kids to encourage more tolerance in Kiel. | As a self-employed individual, I understand how to work with all types of personalities and issues and the importance of leaving everyone with a positive experience. Dont sell ads against the story. Februarys primary reduced a field of eight candidates to six ahead of next Tuesdays election for the Kiel Board of Education. Mario Koran reports on education, immigration and issues affecting communities of color. Tallies show Diana Sitzman Schaefer with 746 votes, Jamie Henschel with 689,. If we do not, we are letting the students down and just passing it on to the next year. 5 school board elections in Liberty, Lee's Summit, Independence, North Kansas City, Raytown, Blue Springs, Hickman Mills and Park Hill school districts. scotland pa musical bootleg most accurate deep ball qb 2021 when is the next baltimore mayoral election. We take a Kid First mentality when making decisions.. ritchie bros trailers . After discovering racist Snapchat messages directed at Armond before his junior year of high school, the family pushed the Kiel Area School District to respond. If you think we are setting a good example for our children in this community, we are not. The primary was scheduled for August 2, 2022. Below-average scores are not acceptable and our teachers and students deserve better. New Castle County School Districts. Election. In Manitowoc, the race to be on the School Board was very close. Cities | Dont name-call and attack other commenters. With his contract set to expire, Superintendent Brad Ebert faced scrutiny from a small but vocal group called Tri-County Citizens for Education. A plan to offer anti-racism training prompted backlash from white parents who accused the school of promoting critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that conservative activists have politically weaponized. Victor Perez defeated incumbent Donald Keller Jr., Elizabeth Markowitz, Cicely Taylor, and Saki Krishnamurthy in the general election for Katy Independent School District school board Position 1 on May 7, 2022. Lets make this a platform that is educational, enjoyable and KIEL (WLUK) -- The school board for the Kiel Area School District says it's ending the Title IX investigation into three middle school students who allegedly used the non-preferred pronoun when . As for issues he believes are presently facing the KASD, Dietrich presented them as follows: IssueThe social and emotional health and well being of our students and staff due to the COVID pandemic. Another issue is making sure that all are college or career ready. Mike Joas was born and raised in Kiel and is a graduate of Kiel High School. Wisconsin Watch Sitzman Schaefer received 1,074 votes, Henschel received 1,027 and Johannes received 1,012.. Elections in 2023 | Voter turnout statistics Get detailed voter turnout data by ward and precinct. Kiel Middle School received another bomb threat Tuesday as the district continues to investigate allegations of harassment against three boys. There was an error processing your request. Philip Schaefer is employed as the security manager for Northeast Wisconsin Technical College. Asked about his qualifications to be a good School Board member, Dietrich said, I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and taught high school. The businessJoes Auto Body Tractorjust marked 50 years in business in 2021. Teach them history and alternate perspective; dont make them the cause of the problem but guide all of them to being part of the solution. David Voss, a resident whose two children attended Kiel schools, believes the group saw Ebert as a barrier to its goals. They ignore what the community wants and asks for. %. Addy is a ninth grader attending Kiel High School and Elise is a third grader at Zielanis Elementary School. Amy Carney - Elected. I promise to continue to do whatever is needed and whatever is best for ALL students, families and staff to ensure the Kiel Schools are welcoming, supportive and safe for all.. If you are looking to place blame for that complaint, look elsewhere," she told the board. Election Results. To schedule an appointment for In-person Absentee Voting, please call Town Clerk Andrea Neils at (920) 894-2483. So many attended that district officials moved the meeting from the high school library. Tony Johannes, 1,101 5. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. After Armond Wempner received racist Snapchat messages from his football teammates and faced other racial bullying as a high school student in 2020, Brad Ebert, superintendent of the Kiel Area School District, acknowledged in a letter that unlawful harassment occurred. platform to be a safe and inclusive community where you can freely SolutionPrudent use of funds from school aid funding and U.S. government programs; careful use of 840 monies. Election Information The County Clerk's Office provides election totals for county, state, and federal elections on election night and maintains numerous election records on file. "I couldnt be apathetic and assume someone else would stand up for him. Diana (Sitzman) Schaefer, 746 2. The business has done business with customers in 26 states as well as Puerto Rico and the Netherlands. I want to focus on the school doing what it is charged to doeducate our children.. Report a story for this election School Board Trustee, At Large Position B Candidates* Kyrsten Garcia. Misty Dawson. Diane Porter, James Craig, Linda Duncan and Corrie Shull received more votes than their opponents on Election Day, according to complete but unofficial results. things or you could be banned: David Voss, a resident whose two children attended Kiel schools, believes the group saw Ebert as a barrier to its goals. Ballot measures, Who represents me? 2/16/2022 Wisconsin's spring primary election is Tuesday, Feb. 15. To view our latest e-Edition click the image on the left. (FOX 9) - Here are the results for school board races in the Twin Cities metro. Amy and Dan Wempner pose with their 18-year-old son Armond at their home in Kiel, Wis., on June 2, 2022. We live in School Hill and last year I had the opportunity to coach the Peewee baseball team for the School Hill Athletic Club. Election Timeline. We need to celebrate our wins but also identify and then resolve our failures. Kiel High School in Kiel, Wis. is shown on June 2, 2022. Funkhouser says he recommended the Kiel School Board either postpone their May 23 meeting or go virtual. With all 286 precincts counted, Dawn Peters. Im a person that cant sit back and watch things fail. Weve wasted staff members time, weve wasted board members time. He has held office positions in the FFA Alumni & Supporters, a local tractor club and Holy Trinity in School Hill. On Jan. 18, the remaining school board members elected Dan Meyer as their new president. I can say without hesitation I am one of many who would have remained quiet if these extremists hadnt started spewing defamatory filth against our teachers and librarians, Allen said. Tri-County Citizens ratcheted up most of the pressure on Ebert. Our community is full of great people and leaders. Here are other seats that will be up for election in 2022: The entire Manitowoc County Board of Supervisors. Board members also agreed to discuss removing board president Randy Olm, who was aligned with Tri-County Citizens, at the following school board meeting. We need to lose the hate. For questions regarding republishing rules please contact Andy Hall, executive director, atahall@wisconsinwatch.org, by Mario Koran / Wisconsin Watch, Wisconsin Watch January 24, 2023, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.
. In District 1, Porter secured. Ebert is anything but a sock puppet. IssueIncreasing test scores at the high school. Previously, Koran served as a west coast correspondent for the Guardian US and spent five years covering education for Voice of San Diego, where he was named the 2016 reporter of the year by the San Diego Society of Professional Journalists. CRT is also a current issue. The top four candidates advance to the General Election. Two candidates will move on to the. Prudent management of our self-funded health insurance premiums. Nevada has the worst-ranked mental health system in the country. For example, in Memphis, I organized community service and fundraising projects within my company to benefit the students at an economically disadvantaged elementary school and a local community center. Mike Joas, 586 4. Olm resigned days later, pointing to health concerns. What was at stake? Florida voters go to the polls on Aug. 23, 2022. Tri-County Citizens members also pressured Ebert to account for the handling of a separate probe into the bullying of a Black high school student, Armond Wempner, who faced ongoing racial harassment before transferring to a neighboring school district in 2020. Following are the replies of each candidate to a candidate survey provided to them by the Tri-County News. Florida will hold its 2022 primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 23. But this was about a real person that everybody knew and liked, with the exception of a select few, and that made the issue real for people.. I believe in making decisions based on known facts and understood impact, not on a political or personal agenda.. State and local courts | The "Common," or recommended Election Day date is Wednesday 7 September 2022. Published November 8, 2022. things or you could be banned: The threats spanning nine days prompted Kiel officials to pivot to online classes for the remainder of the school year, cancel the Memorial Day parade and halt in-person government meetings. The three challengers for the Kiel Board of Education will unseat the three incumbents. I have 21 years of School Board experience. Ballotpedia covers public school districts in the 100 largest cities in America by population, as well as the 200 largest public school districts by student enrollment. In Pensacola I organized a community service project for military members to assist local residents. At a recent School Board meeting our counselors shared the challenges they are facing on a daily basis and how overwhelmed everyone is feeling. x - Pheng Thao: 8,427; x - James Bacon: 7,724; share ideas and opinions. Concerns that the board would oust Ebert spurred residents to pack the Kiel Performing Arts center for a Jan. 4 meeting. By Landen Moore Apr 5, 2022 . They are the parents of Armond Wempner, who faced ongoing racial harassment before transferring to a neighboring school district in 2020. "He just never turns off. See the latest results in Florida's 2022 primary election, including the governor's race, U.S. House Districts, state senate seats, and school board. If you think we are setting a good example for our children in this community, we are not. Email questions to msherry@orourkemediagroup.com. He was followed by Tony Vlastelica, Matthew Spaulding, and incumbents Dave Nickels, Lisa Johnston, and Meredith Sauer. We have created a Community Response Team. This site, like many others, uses small files called cookies to help us improve and customize your experience. As fear enveloped Kiel, the school board abruptly closed the harassment investigation. Vote Absentee In Person. Last, the community has been divided, as is the nation, by the terrible state of politics. Tyler Sandberg of Ready Colorado Action, one of the big funders of the DougCo Kids First Slate, said the wins are "a repudiation of a union-backed board that kept schools closed for too long. In campaigning to reshape the school board, Tri-County Citizens seized on wedge issues surrounding gender identity and cast children as victims of a reverse-racist plot to reshape Kiel using critical race theory. I am running to continue on the board so that I can support these professionals and provide a work environment where they can be as successful as possible in their continued efforts to positively impact all of our kids and our community as a whole.. He said he looks forward to refocusing on education issues. Are supporting and carrying out a strategic plan which was built by the community. Below are the unofficial results for the Apr. There are 25 districts and each seat holds a two-year term. The final bomb threat came with an ultimatum: Drop an investigation into the alleged bullying of a transgender student or much of Kiel would face violence. While the story ricocheted across news media nationwide, an anonymous emailer threatened to blow up Kiel and warned the threats would continue until the district dropped the investigation. The two candidates Gov. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Using this date is optional for your board, but it ensures that key dates in the . .electionsectionheading { In the counties where most of the vote is in, Senator Ron Johnson is running ahead of Trump. I am inspired by those efforts. The district continues to partner with colleges and area businesses so that students understand their options, and prepare themselves according. Email questions to tjones@orourkemediagroup.com. The primary election next Tuesday, Feb. 15 in the Kiel Area School District will reduce a field of eight candidates to six ahead of the April 5 election in which three Board of Education members will be elected. Provided by WISN Milwaukee One of the biggest races is the primary for Milwaukee's mayor. I believe one of the most important foundations about public education is local leadership and participation. What nobody said publicly is the real reason Tri-County Citizens dont want Dr. Ebert as superintendent: He was in the way of their agenda, he said. There are presently 8 school board candidates on the ballot and include (listed in filing order) Kristi Peterson, Caroline Valdez, Nick Stepka, Joe Aldrich, Zachary . They will rise to the challenge., Schaefer added, I am running for the KASD BOE to do what I can to ensure my sons, my niece and nephews, their friends, and all the kids in our community are provided the best education we can give them to adequately prepare them for whatever path they desire to follow in life.. The threats spanning nine days prompted Kiel officials to pivot to online classes for the remainder of the school year, cancel the Memorial Day parade and halt in-person government meetings. Hes 100 percent for kids, all of the time," middle school band teacher Becky Marcus told Wisconsin Watch. They have remained in the Kiel Area School District and are raising two sons. Special provisions are made for hospitalized electors and sequestered jurors to request and vote by absentee ballot on Election Day. Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. Who makes the best donuts in Sheboygan County? Additionally, we need to make sure our students are meeting the benchmarks for academic success at the college level. Wisconsin Rapids School District Board Member Wood and Portage. Our students cannot succeed academically if they are struggling with various mental health challenges. "Until now, a lot of the political stuff in the community has been dealing in abstractions," Konen said. Henschel has been married to his wife Heather for 13 years. Candidate. Victor Perez (Nonpartisan) 51.3. But he considers the last two years of rancor lost time. They have two sons. The remaining school board members must now appoint two new members. Thank you for taking part in our commenting section. The school board abruptly closed the investigation. ELECTION RESULTS: See the April 5 election results (KY3) By KY3 Staff Published: Apr. Incumbents Dan Dietrich, Philip Schaefer and Tony Johannes are all seeking re-election. Vote Absentee By Mail. Diane Sitzman Schaefer, 1,242 2. Under a federal law called Title IX, schools must investigate allegations of sexual harassment. Mayoral race. I have had a successful career in public service, starting as a sheriffs deputy and currently working at a community college. Armond ultimately transferred to Fond du Lac High School. School districts | As manager of the business, Mike has learned the importance of thinking outside of the box, adjusting to economic changes, and listening to his customers. If youd be in hot Hes 100 percent for kids, all of the time, middle school band teacher Becky Marcus told Wisconsin Watch. Ive volunteered to tutor here in Kiel., Schaefer has not previously held public office to two public books... He said he looks forward to refocusing on Education, immigration kiel school board election results 2022 issues affecting of..., '' Ebert said in kiel school board election results 2022 written statement after his contract was renewed appointment for In-person Absentee Voting please. 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