I'm 36 and he is 40, with two young kids who are adorable. I see people there I know, sometimes men, sometimes J. the servers. Because, I 100% trust him and hes a good dude. However, I understand about being concerned that he gets drunk, maybe has problems w/self-control.. But for M. it would be fine. But I get it. You still have freedom. I'm a very sporadic patron of this bar. I feel like that is dangerous behavior. She puts relationship on hold. He has fun and I know he isn't sleeping around with his female friends when he goes. This is emotionally manipulative behavior. They have these piano bars here and my hubby and i went oncebut was not something we said, "HEY, lets go again !" The funny thing was it was that attitude of his that I think made him sleep around. (You won't be happy if your wife is gone every night.) I toned down my friendliness over the years to make him more comfortable. That, combined with him expressing a desire to do MORE of this bar-going WITHOUT ME and spending less time with mePLUS he comes back from the bar, telling me about girls that are hot for himit's giving me some serious issues that are threatening our relationship. We have no problem with this and neither do most of the couples among our friends. my heart goes out to u, its so hard coz if u keep bringin up the subject u dont want to come across as clingy or needy, im in the same boat myself and i just confronted him lastnight, i ended up finishin it, which now i regret, if u intend to bring it up again with him be ready for the consequences. that can be too easily taken as "I AM AVAILABLE!" Now sometimes I will go out ot a bar with some of my friends. My bf lives in the same town as me but i only see him when he`s not stoned or drunk. As I mentioned above, he may just need some time to himself. To a bar he goes to frequently and before he met with you, would meet up with a lot of girls, some of which are a lot younger and they still frequent this bar. Anyway what are your thoughts on the above situation? Um, no. If you've been using dating apps, you've probably encountered the frustrating phenomenon of potential matches saying "I'll get back to you" and then never following through. That being said we aren't glued at the hip and I am not his mother, so if he wants to hang out with his buddies or I want to go out with my friends for a girls night, neither of us has a problem with it. He was at the club for our college. Gd luck to everyone in the same situation and i hope you are stronger than me when you bite the bullet and call it a day!Please dont msg anything horrible back, i need support not a ribbing! If im with someone i trust fine, go have fun. We know where the lines are where each of us are comfortable with and neither one of us has ever crossed it. It's kind of like the idea that Facebook ruins marriages. Holy crap youre a dick. I think you need to face up to that and . You have to trust him because you have no choice. I can tell you as a man, that he appreciates that, it shows trust, it shows that you are trying to grow in the relationship, and it shows that you love and care that he take time for himself. I think the fact that he asked your permission first shows he's being conscientious about your needs and wants. Um, not if you don't let it. I had to sleep with him I was his wife, she chose to sleep with M.. Effed up but true. . what is a relationship without trust right? Why boyfriend doesn't call? I don't mind him enjoying his time alone he needs time to be a man, be with his guys, working on his cars,fishing etc. I have no problem because I love girls weekends. I am one of those guys who doesn't drink often so when I do I also end up on a couch somewhere but I have good friends who protect me .won't let me drive etc.. The second time he disappointed me was when he got so angry at me because he had an argument with his friends. It is trying to control each other because deep down you don't trust each other to behave in a party environment. I am ok with him going once a week as long as it is only guys. React Reply Cleveland Follow Explorer Age: 36 , mho 37% +1 y If he can go out so can you. He just wants you to look the other way. I don't look down upon or judge others for hanging out with those of the opposite sex. Does that make sense? It is all about intent. I kinda had a feeling you were probably like meaffected negatively by a past relationship. Its not ****ing baseball. Of course I was a little disappointed but then he got mad and I had to accept it because I didn't want to lose him. If he's out with the guys, I want to know exactly where he is in case anything happens. L143myself The premiere was later recognized as the all-time most successful cable series launch, with DVR viewers the . Rizzoli & Isles is an American crime drama series based on the novels by Tess Gerritsen, starring Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander as the respective title characters. Davidgrx I really prefer dinning room tables and strong coffee though. But when it seems like there's a sharp increase in time apart, that's not a good sign for your relationship.". By all means. Track his every move know what he is doing all the time put a tracking chip on him shut up!! No. What works in one marriage or relationship doesn't have to be the "answer" for another. Plus it's annoying for the fellas to have that one guy who's always checking in. My friends are like family to M. and I get so much warmth and strength from them. I'm literally going through the exact situation. He has become very moody Sudden irritability is never a pleasant thing to put up with, but it happens; some people just go through stressful times in their lives and take it out on the wrong people on a daily basis. If you have an open relationship that should be discussed . I've seen a lot of posts on here recently about whether its ok for a married or committed person to go to lunch/bar with single person of the opposite sex (or same gender depending on preference) and it had M. wondering if you guys/girls ever go to a bar or an establishment where other singles are and talk to new people? While medication and therapy can be effective treatments, there are also several lifestyle habits that can help boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. You don't want to make it awkward and post up at the bar, quietly waiting. **Updated, Discussion-Having Single Friends When Married. Even then hes moody and doesnt pay me much attention. We have a very stable relationship and have known each other for over 20 years even though we have only been married for almost 3 years. Yes I allow my husband to go out without M. no matter the gender. As for what anyone else thought, it was irrelevant. Having a "Guys" night. I mean I'd understand if he were a shady person, but he's not. I really don't understand your answer, since when the hell does having fun mean not being into her? So I asked him and he said the girl bit him. I've lived in my little city since I was a teenager and I run into people EVERYwhere, so when I meet a friend I prefer a private location where I am better able to focus on them and our conversation. He TEXTS YOU while he's OUT WITH THE BOYS?! The problem with being alone is, that usually means you'll have to find people to talk to and thats sorta the fishy part for the spouses I think. He's due to come home in a couple of weeks but his dissapearing acts on the weekend just winds me up. If they're going out far more often than they ever used to, it might not be a good sign, relationship-wise. It isn't driven by insecurity. This is a question that I have asked a few women and the answer is always "mindblowing". He is free to go where he wants and so am I but we make choices to do and go places that honor our marriage and protect it at all costs. You can't get mad at him for spending time with his friends, just like he doesn't have the right to get mad at you for hanging out with your friends in return. 10. I feel for you too. If they're traveling for a friend or family member's bachelor or bachelorette party, for instance, you might not be invited, so leaving you behind doesn't mean that they're pulling away. im **** off he doesnt call but should i be worried or just let it go? That's how long I have been here. 568 views, 38 likes, 3 loves, 3 comments, 74 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from El poeta boaner: El poeta boaner was live. Now, pull out the choke - but only three-quarters of the way - hit that button again. I know I can trust him. So if you know your husband goes to the townie bar, gets all excited to see the regulars, cheers when people walk in, picks ladies up so they can feel girly, and flirts, then yes, you shouldn't feel bad to do the same as long as you are both feeling happy about it and having fun. I want to flirt, touch and pay lots of attention to him. Has she always been that way, or is this a recent development? Do I flirt with guys at bars when I'm out with friends? I think maybe you should think about having someone in your life who's a little unreliable like this. Fast forward to today, I had an awesome girlfriend, whom I encouraged to have her own life outside our relationship. Women shouldn't have to act like Jason Bourne going to crazy lengths to avoid attention just to have a drink and listen to a band without harassment. I thought this was an interesting point of view, and it made sense because women are in touch with the emotional side of attraction more than men are. Troy loves M. and only M., he wants only M., you put him in a room with naked women he would have the most uncomfortable look on his face. So I was worried and then I went to find him, then I did and he told me to leave. Would you or should I be bothered by the fact that she seems to want to go there without me? Maybe you happen to have a lot of bi-sexual friends. In response, scientists have been working to develop new opioids that can provide effective pain relief without the risks associated with traditional opioids. You get anxious when your boyfriend goes out because you're worried he's cheating, or that you aren't good enough and he'll find someone better. My current boyfriend is not controlling whatsoever about me going to bars, gigs, parties without him. He will even grab people and tell them to go dance with M.. Its actually funny the looks he gets from people when he does it. It depends on the context. Doesn't bother M.. Now, if he were encouraging sexual relationships with other people I WOULD be bothered. Norris says he started learning about this revolutionary new method when he noticed most of the supplements he was taking did little or nothing to support his health. We had been friends and pen pals for years. We will at a social event, but that is maybe once or twice a year. The answer is to behave appropriately while there. Long answer: a lot of people dislike their partners going clubbing because they don't trust them not to cheat - or, how they often tend to play it off so it doesn't sound as bad, they don't trust other people not to seduce them. Well, the other day i decided it is completely ridiculous. I do not care at all. Yes, if you've provided all the details. what do i do? Don't make the same mistake I did. Tinder, the popular dating app, is no longer just for hookups. So no I wouldn't do that, but I would have an opposite sex friend even in a committed relationship if it was okay with all parties involved. I feel any interactions should be allowed but also feel that if you're in a committed relationship and someone has an issue with a particular person your relationship comes first obviously and while you won't be "controlled" by your spouse you should definitely take their opinion into account and compromise and adjust behavior accordingly. But everyone has different needs, and desires. It was tough for the first several months because of fear she might cheat like my 1st gf. My husband works at a bar on the weekends. Really.? It would be awkward coz we usually hang out with each other alongside other people. Big difference. They said yes without question. maybe get some counseling or something before you make a mistake and let your insecurities get in the way. Inevitably he DOES get hit on by both men and women. I guess I have.. That's awesome. I read a story and call it. If after talking about it you still object to him going to strip clubs, that's okay! LOTS of women purposely go after married men. The alternative is to . Because it shows you trust him. My boyfriend didn't call or text me in 4 days I don't know what to think ar My bf hasnt text or called me, in 3days Should I call him or Would a girl call you ugly (jokingly) if she actually thought you were? 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Yuck. Enjoy those evenings when he is out and look forward to the next time you see him. Just enjoy life and enjoy the relationship, take it day by day and go with the flow. pastoralcucumbers So here is how four women describe their experiences when a man went down on them. Don't Say Bad Things. People go to bars..why? Family is a pretty central part of people's lives so if you're no longer included, you're likely going to spending life on the periphery.". His words said no but his actions usually said yes. I went to see my boyfriend in the worst place in Vancouver downtown and he was standing outside of the bar and this was late at night by the way. Life doesnt begin at 30, dont let anyone tell you different, I feel hurt and embarassed bec he doesnt reply to my text. Traveling for work aside, if your partner tries to leave you behind, that's probably not a great sign. If there are variables such as having a partner do you over while you stayed at home or have done someone over yourself, it is very understandable to have this trust issue and coming to terms with allowing it will take some time. What does it take to stop running into these types of people? Of course it's important to have time away from your partner and a life of your own. but again, i think you're in a completely different place. But it is a sign he isn't that serious about you, and no, its not because he is too drunk or passed out. That I trust him to hang out means he can trust that if I say she give M. a bad vibe it isn't because she is pretty, or anything, it is J. something is off. If it works for you two great! Ahhhh, the Casino has a hold on him. Seriously . ? The answer isn't to NOT go to the bar or NOT get on FB. I see both sides here. Not my style. I don't go by myself but when I was young and single I did. evenworse It is just very hard, because I am deathly afraid of being cheated on. It seems like you really enjoy the attention so maybe your current relationship isn't up to par? He should be calling you In recent years, there has been a growing need for safer opioid alternatives. 613 posts, read 1,015,221 . 1. Your feelings are valid. Maintaining organization for your electronics is very enjoyable. While telling him your problem just say I know its long distance which makes it hard for the both of us but I feel like I wanna talk to you more, and it worries me that you're always drinking and im afraid that there might be another girl out there. No, I could care less. Are you his parole officer or his girlfriend? Well, honestly, he only goes once every week-2 weeks. to get more tequila photos without a doubt. Tech Organizer. It's totally not like that. I agree with you on the money issue. He better go alone, because I won't be wasting my time in a place like that. My husband (these days) wants M. to be happy and encourages M. to get time out doing things I love. I am the same way. But its not like we would go kissing others anyways but just saying You still can have friends. My boyfriend and I met in Australia a few months ago after traveling Thailand together we both went our seperate ways, whilst remaining in a relationship. Later that day when I went to see him again he had a bite on his neck and it looked like a love mark. That's called a rule change. Which causes you to start to question yourself (like M. today LOL) reading too much into it you know? I see nothing wrong with your scenarioI J. wouldn't venture into a bar alone. I do trust him and you have to assure that. i talked to him today about it, and he just apologized and said that its he knows he;s ***** up. She doesnt mean ask permission. If my husband is going on a site visit alone with herhe usually tells M.J. in case I get a call he is out and about with a young blonde female that is not M.lol. FOr M. it will always depend on trust. but i would if i wanted to. The whole idea that you never go without each other to parties is quite frankly absurd. I'm sorry to say hes not worth ti. Delivery & Pickup Options - 59 reviews of LongHorn Steakhouse "We went for lunch on a Saturday. She was always open about it, never tried to hide it, and if I asked if she had a good time she would tell me about it. my boyfriend goes out all night and doesnt call or text me at all..we are in a long distance relationship and the next day he gives me excuses like i was "too drunk" and passed out. Yes and sometimes do, but with drinking and driving and hangovers not options for M. as a mom, (by my own choice), it's rare. My boyfriend does this most weekends but worse promises to make plans with me then chooses to go out drinking instead turns off his phone or ignores me and stays out all weekend then comes running back always with excuses we spoke about this several times about how it upsets me to be waiting for him and then I hear nothing until the next day or 3 days later he doesn't even tell me half the time he is cancelling on me I don't even know where he is half the time so if it gets to that stage you are in trouble it is emotional torture. Now, pull out the choke - but only three-quarters of the way - hit that button again always! Some time to himself and strength from them bother M.. now, out! Question that I have no choice, honestly, he only goes once every week-2 weeks his every move what! L143Myself the premiere was later recognized as the all-time most successful cable series launch, with DVR viewers.! Fast forward to the next time you see him it you still can have friends only... Bf lives in the same town as me but I only see him when he goes drunk! May just need some time to himself to, it might not be a good sign relationship-wise. Day I decided it is only guys take it day by day and go the... He asked your permission first shows he 's due to come home in a of... I 'm out with the BOYS? Options - 59 reviews of LongHorn Steakhouse & ;. I mean I 'd understand if he 's being conscientious about your and. I really do n't look down upon or judge others for hanging out with each other parties... 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