("Nasty Habits"). David and Arthur leave for the quest, and though they return empty-handed, they build a bond from having gone on the adventure together. The twosome reach a beach where Elsa follows the pendant's glow until it fades, but Anna is nowhere to be found. The newspaper clipping in Emma's case file says: According to Jennifer Morrison, Emma is like an overgrown teenager who doesn't know how to eat properly or take care of herself properly, because she's never had a family unit. In order to save everybody in Storybrooke, Regina sends Emma and Henry - the thing she loves most - off to a fresh start in New York. A series of Tumblr (reighne-sq) Prompts and Drabbles collected overtime. The producers have stated that Emma represents color coming into the drained world of, Dons a necklace with a small swan engraving on it, which she fashioned out of a, The necklace is a Swan Talisman Necklace made by the. We hung up and I went over to the couch to sit and wait for David to arrive. Emma goes into the alley to investigate and finds a battered up and alive Kathryn. Overhearing her words, Henry runs off as Emma realizes Regina purposely made her look bad. Following a quick chat with her, she heads to the site of Kathryn's disappearance and acquires information from Sidney about evidence of an eight-minute long conversation Kathryn had with David before she went missing. Mulan agrees, and gives Emma poppy dust to use on the giant. On the way to Dark Hollow, Emma lends Neal a weapon to cut through tall grass. According to herself, Emma has been in many relationships that failed. Regina approaches to speak to her about the revelation that Mr. Gold is Henry's grandfather. While Cora threatens Regina with her father's demise if she doesn't leave the Underworld, Mr. Gold procures magic ale, which Emma uses to summon Hook's spirit, however, Hook is unable to respond to her. Taking a page from her mother, Emma considers that Mary Margaret is giving up too easily and believes there has to be another way. Later, she returns upstairs, overhearing Arthur praise Regina for healing Robin, which he sees as proof she is the savior. Suddenly, it plays footage, which Emma doesn't remember, of herself in a new foster home as a boy toys with the camera. She purposefully bumps into Tamara and sends the items in her hands crashing to the floor, which causes both of them to apologize to each other. Emma doesn't mind; stating that she won't need it after returning to New York. At the apartment, Emma is warmed up. In the mirror realm, they nearly gain Henry's attention when he hears them calling him, but the Queen draws him away before he realizes anything is wrong. James bounced his arms lightly, rocking her. Only Cora is left, and Emma is flung aside by her as she stalks forward to rip out Mary Margaret's heart. After regaining an alliance with Tinker Bell, Emma stays behind with Neal, who accepts what she said earlier and thinks of Henry as the best thing that came out of them being together, which she agrees with. ("Leaving Storybrooke"), Later, Emma watches as Henry and Hook spar on the Jolly Roger. Although it's protected by a spell, Rumplestiltskin urges her to do away with it by using her dark magic, but Emma refuses to comply. Slow burn SQ and SwanMillsFamily. During a one-on-one fight between the two brothers, David tries to calm down James by insisting he wants to help him move on. Before she can ask him that means, he suddenly collapses and dies from a fatal heart attack. ("Nimue"), To keep Hook ignorant of the fact he is a Dark One, Emma saves him from Arthur's attack. Emma answers another phone call from David asking her to be on watch for Greg, who is trying to escape the building. Emma and David work to restrain Mr. Gold from beating Hook to death for what he did to Belle. Emma and Hook have had this secret romance ever since Neal died. One day, she and the other children watch as a little girl, Cecilia, leaves in a car for a new home after being adopted by a couple. This helps her realize Sidney was spying on her, not August. ("Awake"), One morning as Emma makes pancakes, Hook playfully interrupts her before she returns his ardor with heated kisses. The cage bars melt away as she and Neal embrace each other. She and Ruby head there to come across a delirious and bleeding David. They stuck together ever since, like sisters. Mary Margaret decides to go back to the jail. ("Ruby Slippers"), Regina, after spying on Hades and Zelena's interactions, tells Emma and the rest of the gang about Hades putting their names on tombstones, and his plan to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. While everyone else goes to the library, Regina has Merida stay to guard Emma. Once the famished redhead has devoured all of it, Emma offers Zelena freedom and protection from Regina and the others, in exchange for helping her use the Apprentice's wand. Emma sends Leroy as well as her parents to warn the townspeople of Ingrid's curse and asks Hook to look for escape boats at the docks. Emma reminds him that he wasn't in the end, but Hook feels he doesn't measure up. Returning to Rumplestiltskin, Emma and Hook learn a special wand can replicate magic, but the portal has to be made by someone who already traveled through it. At the fountain, he makes a wish asking for his family to be complete. In that instant, Emma remembers he was the theater usher that spoke to her when she was just a child. She and Graham investigate at a caved in sinkhole. This is an a fic revolving around non-sexual age play. She manages to knock him out just as Henry and Neal rush back down. Regina states there is no way to do it, and Emma replies the problem is Regina, not magic. Before the woman frisks her, Lily approaches with a cart and thanks Emma for waiting until she got a card to buy their things. Due to Henry's belief that Regina possesses light magic, she uses it to defeat Zelena once and for all. Emma, while sitting in car as David drives, bemoans her failure to comfort Henry about Regina's note. From this, Emma recognizes Regina framed her, but Mary Margaret bails her out. He feels guilty about destroying magic, as he believed it'd help their family, but now, he's made things worse. While Hook gathers intel from Ursula, the others head to a cabin to rescue August. As Emma parts from him, he joins Belle to do research for freeing the nuns from the hat. Lesbian Character. Emma is surprised to hear Leroy mention that Dopey is no longer a tree, but Leroy notes that the dwarves got him out and they weren't waiting for her to fix things. Then, Pongo begins to act unusually in front of the door. Emma Swan is a single mother and skilled ranch hand looking for work and a stable environment in which to raise her boy. I nodded my head, I sat down, and waited impatient. ", "Are you afraid that he won't stick around if he finds out? Upon discovering Hook's ship is still in port, the pirate offers to assist them in finding Henry. The definition of unexpected pregnancies, ft sterek and not months of pregnancy, [ Its a girl! As Emma is packing up her belongs in the apartment, Henry enters. On closer look, they realize it's wolf Ruby, who reverts to human after being covered by her cloak. "Emma, are you ok?". While Regina works on a locator spell for the wand, Snow involves Emma, Hook, David, and Henry in picking out a wedding venue. The Dark Swan's white hair, was achieved by using a powdery spray color, which gave the hair a special kind of depth and texture. Established SQ until their relationship deteriorates. During one of these times, Emma assumes he is unhappy about something at school, but Henry is actually upset because he notices his mother is lonely. ("And Straight On 'Til Morning"), During the sail to Neverland, Emma is approached by her parents, who try to comfort her over losing Neal and Henry. From this, Regina suggests the key to breaking the curse is for Henry to believe in magic as Emma did. So the last part might not be trouble, exactly, except for the part where it makes Bilbo's rather hopeless attachment even more painful. Along the way they find connections that they never knew of. After Liam mentions he doesn't know what his own unfinished business is, Hook assumes Hades is keeping him from moving on, so they have to defeat Hades for good. ("Shattered Sight"), On the day she officially receives the deputy's badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. Regina, despite being angered that Hook is alive while Robin remains dead, sets aside her emotions in favor of finding out the cause of the tremor. Os personagens no so os da floresta encantada. Even so, Henry is unwilling since Regina will be left behind. Having found the link Regina has both to the crime scene and as a suspect in the case, Emma comes to the front door the next day with a search warrant to look in the shed. Before David goes to sleep so Snow can be awake to help track the flowers, Emma asks him about he can cope with being separated from Snow for so long, to which he explains his belief in knowing Snow is fighting as hard for him as he is for her. To this, Hook cruelly describes her biggest flaw, in that she self-sabotages her own happiness by pushing people away, which is why she'll always be an orphan. While heading back, Emma picks up a call from August when the line is cut off. Close to blacking out, Emma bites the giant's finger. However, she'd rather bring him out of town so he can be away from Regina for good. She sends him away and goes after the bird, which leads her to an Oracle, who lets her see the end of the vision. Emma and Mary Margaret follow her there, but are left puzzled when Regina finds proof and abruptly departs without a word. She finds her family and Merida looking up information on Hades at the library, where she has a meltdown over Hook, whom she knows is unable to move on from the Underworld because of her. She loses track of him, bumping into Neal, so they search together. ("Tallahassee"), Throughout the journey, Aurora has been having repetitive, frightening nightmares and wakes up after a strange dream encounter. Tamara is unruffled, and tries to sooth Emma's worries by saying she can trust her. I'm going to guess that I'm going to have another grandbaby sometime in 9 months." She becomes perplexed when he mistakes her parents' anniversary photo for a birthday event, but James chalks up his bad memory to being preoccupied with their troubles in the Underworld. Lily, however, has other plans and points out a house across a lake, which is vacant during the fall season and she suggests they move in, which Emma happily accepts. The giant is fearful that Emma will kill him, but she promises not to. She states that if there is still a path of redemption for August, he must travel it on his own terms. I collapsed on the pillow and waited to see my babies. He reasons that she can't die since he owes her for helping him become the man he is, Emma stubbornly asserts the man she knew didn't care about revenge. She also wears a softer choice of clothing to represent Emma letting her walls down. A Geronimo Jackson audio cassette with the same motif is lying on young Emma's bed. But she couldnt wait any longer to share the couple's happy news with her son. To prove it, she takes the storybook pictures and burns them so Regina will never find out. Dr. Whale greeted us at the entrance like he was expecting us or something. A woman, Cleo, correctly guesses that Emma is the baby that was abandoned. The conversation leaves Emma more apprehensive than ever. Emma discovers a knife hidden in the air vent, and confronts Mary Margaret over this, but she continues to claim innocence. Neal recognizes it as his old cutlass, and after learning Hook gave it to her as a memento, he angrily snips at the pirate before walking away. At the docks, James and Cruella prepare to send Emma and Robin into the River of Lost Souls, except David and Hook intervene in time to save them. Emma offers Mary Margaret the option of taking her car and leaving for Boston or going back to the jail. "Hey Regina, what's up? They cry out in horror as he plunges the heart into Pan's chest, causing all of them to be thrown back from the impact, and Henry collapses. ", "Emma is in the hospital having the twins, so I don't really think she can. In a world where there is only true love's magic, it holds many suprises for Emma. In a confrontation, Hook exemplifies the strap as proof Emma was once at the apartment a year ago and offers a potion to restore her memories. Hook lures the giant out towards Emma, who manages to knock him out by throwing the dust. This time, however, she sees the handle of the sword that kills her has a red jewel on it. Right? At an alleyway shortcut, she slams into the man, who is revealed to be her ex-boyfriend, Neal. Hook offers her some rum and asks how she got the map to work, which Emma briefs that she just followed Pan's instructions. "You're gonna have to get ready to push. Emma believes they are safe for now while Leroy believes that trouble will happen sooner or later. The foster mother, revealed to be the Snow Queen, approaches to take the device away. Realizing she can provide the needed tear, Regina uses the dreamcatcher to relive the memory of Cora killing Daniel, which gives Emma insight into the latter's painful past. And light cannot destroy darkness, it can only create more light. I took it personally because all I could think was what if my own kid reacts this way to me. Hyde leaves them with a warning about the dangers of untold stories, especially if those in the stories don't want them to be told. Its me. Unable to best Emma, Hook reveals his true identity as a shocked Mary Margaret pulls his hook out of his satchel. At the hospital, Dr. Whale diagnoses it as a blackout similar to what David experienced just after waking up from the coma. Henry still thinks Neal and Emma have a shot together when Tamara is out of the picture. However, Emma confidently points out it's impossible as she built new curse to be unbreakable since there's no savior to undo it. Emma assures him that it was still worth it because, for a moment in time, he made people believe in magic. Skeptical, the two sheriffs let Will take them to the store, Any Given Sundae, where Emma notices there is no freezer, which is used to keep the goods frozen. Emma is urged on ahead by Regina, so she catches up with the others at Tinker Bell's empty tree house. I walked out and let them do this. He invites Emma into his house and offers her some tea. No one needs to save me, I'm the Savior! She manages to erect a barrier just as Cora and Regina arrive to take it down. I didn't know what to say to her so I just stayed quiet until I finally said, "Do you want me to wait in the car, or do you want me to come with you?" Receiving a phone call, she is told Neal is recovering in the hospital. She tells him about her jacket, which was supposed to protect her from getting hurt by people, but now, it's a reminder that she must protect her loved ones to keep from losing any more people. When Arthur and his men try to stop them, Regina distracts them with fireballs as Emma puts Henry's tear in the potion and channels her magic onto the Merlin tree, reverting the sorcerer to human form. Before Anna goes in as well, she inquiries about Mr. Gold's original name in the Enchanted Forest. finally someone answered. However, when Hades reveals Hook can be revived by eating ambrosia, Emma and Hook journey underground to retrieve it. On a spur of the moment idea, Emma combines powers with Regina to successfully deactivate the trigger. Emma dies but is revived with the power of Henry's kiss of true love. I hung up the phone and ran all the way there. ("Beauty"), Sometime during when Zelena's daughter Robin is older, she steals the yellow bug in the hopes of driving it to New York. Emma's goodbye letter, whose envelope is titled "for my family", The text page next to Emma's illustration in, The in-show inspiration for the character of Emma relates to the story of ", The scars featured on Emma's chest in the. Hook, however, could care less what happens as long as he gets his due. Regina, however, wants Emma to have nothing further to do with Henry, who she has no legal right to. After this talk, Mr. Gold guides her into casting a protection spell by explaining that magic is not an intellectual endeavor, but an emotion one. 'Once Upon a Time' Fashion Spotlight: 4 Secrets You Need to Know About Emma Swan's Magical Wardrobe! Rather than waiting for his return, Emma and Regina use magic, causing an eclipse to cover the moon, and their shadows to stop reflecting. As they leave the inn, Henry, certain Emma is lying again, demands the truth. She is the child of Emma Swan and Killian Jones and she's the product of their true love. Upset, Henry seeks refuge at the fire escape as she follows him out. According to Jennifer, there is an old fairy-tale that she has been using as a reference for Dark Swan, "The Queen and the Murderer", which sort of parallels Emma's journey. Emma allows them to meet, but she warns Neal not to hurt Henry like he did to her. However, Emma hasn't told Henry about her relationship with Hook yet. While out picking flowers, Emma sees who she believes is the Queen, though it's actually Regina. Admittedly, he doesn't like it, but wants her to be happy. David then called me again. She asks the shop keeper for information about anyone who might remember the incident, but she receives nothing. I nodded my head and ran down the stairs. Regina admits Robin Hood found it, and he believed it was hope for their future together. Emma doesn't believe anyone is willing to go through with such a risky plan, but Archie persuades her it's the right thing to do and manages to rally everyone else in agreement. She hands the storybook to him; asking that he believe in magic. He explains that Zeus brought him back as a reward for stopping Hades, while Emma is overwhelmed with happiness at having him back. Snow and Hook notice something off with her, but she assures them all is well before walking off into a clearing, where her hand begins shaking on its own. Emma ends up pinning one boy down, but the expression in his eyes frighten her and she backs off. Emma changes the subject, taking the sword, and tries to remind him of how she taught him to swordfight in the alternate reality. Snow suggests that Regina needs to think like the Queen in order to know what her darker half's plans, and asks her what the Queen meant by everyone having stories that they don't want told. Mary Margaret, too, surprisingly, can relate with only having a makeshift bed to sleep in as she called a tree stump home while on the run from the Queen. While examining the hole, she finds a shovel shard. Non-con, G!P, magic baby, set end of season 3, start of season 4, "Everything around her fell silent and the only thing she could hear was her rapid heartbeat pounding mercilessly within the confines of her chest. Before Emma can stop her, Nimue walks through Henry's body, leaving him shaken. With the genie lamp, the Queen uses a wish to grant Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. Shortly after, Hook passes out from the kiss' effects, and Emma shackles him in the basement. Emma and Hook join him, and the entire party decide to regroup with David and Mary Margaret at Tinker Bell's treehouse afterwards. Then, she ushers Henry into the room to meet his new family member. ("Second Star to the Right"), With her parents, Emma heads to the park to pick up Henry. Emma, remembering nothing, is steadied by Ingrid, who pretends to catch her from fainting. As proof, Emma asks him to tell her the very first time he and she connected together. I smiled as the nurse let me see him before she took him away to be cleaned. Like her, Sidney has been nursing a grudge against Regina since she fired him from his editing job. After hearing Regina rebuff Robin Hood's attempt at talking to her, Emma objects to her reaction. And for a while, she thinks shes found her happy ending. Upon finding a camera, they record themselves goofing off. He tries to bring up the earlier topic he tried to discuss with Emma, but this time, a woman runs up to Neal. After the kiss, Emma continues onto the shed, oblivious to what is going on. He cautions that the prophecy he gave her then must be taken seriously, and though Arthur already took out Excalibur, there will come a time when the sword will return to the stone, and she must not pull it out. Lastly, Belle commands Mr. Gold to take herself and him to the town line. After a long day, they go home. At Hook's arrival, she notices his hook hand is back; he claims the real hand wasn't good enough. Ashley is in deep despair that no one believes she can be a good mother, to which Emma advises her to make changes if she is truly serious about keeping the baby. However, Neal questions if Henry is his son, which Emma hesitantly confirms. Mr. Gold believes warning them already fulfills his debt, but Emma reminds him that Henry is his grandson. I just don't want you to get hit by a fireball and lose the baby , before you even figure out if you wanted to keep it." Ruby looked concerned and Emma didn't know what to think of it , the expression didn't look right on her bubbly friend. Later in the day, Emma runs into Archie again, except this time the Evil Queen is disguised as him, and she tells him about the possibility of her vision not coming true if Aladdin is still alive. "I have to go potty." He attempts one last time to talk her out of going, but when she declines again, he accepts this and bids her a warm farewell. Emma then grabs the flame ember from Nimue's chest, while a beaten Nimue retreats after reminding Emma that she'll be in her head if her services are required again. After Ingrid leaves, Kevin blocks Emma's way and threatens her into giving him the camera with the promise of making her life miserable if she does not. Discovering footage of Cruella and Ursula taking the box, she informs her parents, although they both claim they were too suspicious of the women earlier and have since calmed down. Mother Superior rushes over in agreeance and successfully uses her wand to revert August into a seven-year-old Pinocchio. Regina insists on being the sacrifice, revealing she fears raising Henry alone knowing the Queen is a reminder of the terrible mother she could've been, but Emma assures her it won't happen as long as she is there to help her. Emma professes she is willing to do whatever it takes to get Henry back, but Mr. Gold still doesn't believe her, stating that she will always need someone to show her the way. After Regina disappears to find Robin, Emma goes with Pinocchio to the enchanted grove to extract the wood. Past Dragon Queen. Upon ordering another drink, she talks with the bartender, Aesop, who is actually Gideon in disguise. He concludes that nothing can be done, but then Mr. Gold steps in to offer an elixir cure for David. The door is locked, so Emma kicks it in. He admits his reasons for hiding, and that he is ashamed of his decision to use the shears rather than face his fate. To fulfill this, she must take the ember by facing the first Dark One. Later, Emma tries talking to Lily, who insists she has moved on in life with a husband and daughter. Will instructs them to look in the backroom for proof of his claims. "Alright I'll be right there." The moment the smoke cleared and she saw that she was in the waiting room, she didn't bother with trying to check in at the nurse's station. They plan to switch Henry back to his own body so he will be in possession of the scroll and bring it to Regina. A fissure in the ice reveals Anna's lost necklace, which Elsa retrieves. He asked, and I brought him up the stairs. At the corner, they see Ruby at the bus stop evading the advances of Dr. Whale. He wouldn't change, his feelings wouldn't change, his life would be the same and nothing, absolutely nothing would change. Shortly after the failed experiment, all leave except Mary Margaret, who stays to help Regina clean up. With the real Snow and David looking for the wand, Emma goes to check in with Mr. Gold and Belle as they are attempting to talk to the restrained Gideon about where his heart is hidden. After the portal absorbs the egg, the Apprentice cautions Snow White and Prince Charming to keep their child on the right path in life, while their unborn child is thought to be pure as white. He offers her insight about all fairytales being about transformation, such as the duckling turning into a swan, but Emma believes the duckling was always a swan without knowing it. Emma confesses she attempted to take Henry with her as well. At the site of where the flame once stood, she harnesses the dagger, summoning the spirit of the first Dark One, Nimue, who is Merlin's former lover. Only after delivering it to the nuns for the counter spell, Elsa's duplicity is revealed. ("Firebird"), On return to Storybrooke and a brief reunion with her mother, Emma goes with David and Merida to track down an escaped King Arthur, whose corpse they find after Hades killed him. At the school grounds, his teacher, Mary Margaret, reveals that Henry thinks she is Snow White, which shocks Emma. Only true love's kiss can break the curse, and Zelena believes it impossible, since Dorothy may have the love of the Ozians, but not true love. Prologue of a series I've had in mind for awhile exploring how two people could possibly go from profound hate to equally profound friendship and love and how a family could be built on that foundation. "I'm coming, okay. As they hastily leave, Neal steals a swan keychain for her. Pushed by his insistent pleads that Emma's family needs her, she decides to drop the plan for now. The Wicked Witch of the West is based on the character of the same name from the children's novel The Wonderful Wizard . August introduces himself as Pinocchio, the seven-year-old that found her when she was an infant, and to prove his point, he shows her his leg. Since Hook continues to press her, she admits that everything she's doing now is because of him. Before leaving, he warns that she made a mistake by turning him into a hero, while she reminds him that though there are many heroes in town, they haven't stopped her yet. Dr. Whale leaves the room to prep for the surgery, and Mary Margaret remarks how drunk he appears to be. Emma decides to cut him free. She then makes Emma promise to take her out if she ever becomes evil again, which Emma reluctantly agrees to do. Instead, Emma kidnaps Zelena, intending to put Hook's darkness as well as her own into the witch, and then kill her as a means to extinguish the darkness for good. With Regina's instruction, Emma is assigned the task of projecting an image in the mirror of Ariel and Eric on Hangman's Island, which she does with success. The dress Emma wears in Prince Charming's nightmare in has swan-like feathers. She tells Archie about what's bothering her, and her reluctance in asking Hook to move in with her because she can't offer him a future where the vision doesn't happen. Out of all the items, a scroll written in ancient text perplexes Emma the most. Though he reasons Mary Margaret is having a hard time, Emma believes it's time to move on. In the end, Cora is forced to flee. Neal is surprised that he never knew she had magic. She lets him know her reasons for leaving town, that other people shouldn't be hurt in the tug-of-war with Regina, and the two have a farewell hug. As the remaining pair comb the woods near the holly berry bushes, Emma, believing Hook is hiding something, pries him about what happened in the Enchanted Forest, but he refuses to say. An a fic revolving around non-sexual age play New family member waited to see babies. He never knew she had magic to death for what he did to Belle own once upon a time fanfiction emma baby reacts this to. Look in the hospital having the twins, so they search together mother skilled... Ushers Henry into the alley to investigate and finds a battered up and I went over the! 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