1 Sam. I frustrate the tokens of liars and I make all diviners, enchanters and sorcerers who are operating at any altar against my environment mad, in the name of Jesus. 29. Prayer Points. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. Prayer Points. operation is no longer hidden. If you need prayer, please email dreamswithjoshua@gmail.com. They represent wicked forces that talk, deliberate and gossip about a persons profile. Cast out from me all curses, enchantments, spells, witchcraft, black magic, demonic works, evil . Father of light, disgrace every parade of darkness against the light of Nigeria in Jesus' name. [2022 Updated], Biblical Meaning of Wearing Skirt in The Dream. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. 5. O God arise and cause confusion in witchcraft camps assigned against me,in Jesus Name. Every decision, vow and covenant of household witchcraft affecting me, be nullified by the blood of Jesus. before your siblings (especially, your elderly siblings) and friends, envy and hatred is borne automatically. Every witchcraft chant, spell and projection made against me, I bind you and turn you against your owner, in the name of Jesus. 50. Every yoke manufactured by witchcraft to attack my life, I command you to catch your owner now, in Jesus Name. Every evil word uttered or ordained by the owner, the builders and former occupants of where Im living, die, in the name of Jesus. Oh Lord, destroy every power fueling polygamous witchcraft in my family in Jesus name. Wind of the night, you will not have power over me in the name of Jesus. 39.Let all iron-like curses break, in the name of Jesus. 44:24 28; Isa. And cause stormy winds to fall upon witchcraft powers, in Jesus Name. You have entered an incorrect email address! Every witchcraft money spent on my behalf, be withdrawn by fire. 2. 30. Therefore, if you want to resist the powers of witches, you must wake up in the night hours. In an environment, if a person wore new clothes, buy new things for himself or herself, it is clear that he or she could be attacked spiritually or killed because they will assume that the person has money. I pray you hear clearly from the Father through His Spirit. 29.Any evil sleep undertaken to harm me should be converted to dead sleep, in the name of Jesus. I release the Fire of the Holy Spirit to consume every witchcraft coven working against my destiny in Jesus name, 6. 48.I bind the strongman over my blessings, in the name of Jesus. Every power that wants to counter attack, regroup and reinforce against me as a result of my prayers catch fire and die in the name of Jesus. Every good door in my life closed by household enemies powers, open by fire, in the name of Jesus. All astral altars in my environment, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Every environmental witchcraft, be disgraced, in Jesus Name. Power Against Unrepentant Household Wickedness . All covenants serviced by these altars, be revoked and broken, in the name of Jesus. God has used you mightily to bless the universe, sir. She said that some people believe that her and mom was a witch please do a prayer for me. Let the terrible fire of God consume the transportation of my household witchcraft, in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of stagnancy fired against my destiny backfire in the name of Jesus. 2. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Street junction witchcraft militating against my life, die, in Jesus name. 29. Release fire into the gathering of my detractors in Jesus' name. Father, deliver my family from polygamous witchcraft in Jesus name. 8. MFM Prayer Points For Destiny: Every household wickedness, struggling to re-arrange my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus' name. Dear Lord, I know that I'm too weak to fight alone please release spiritual arsenals from heaven to bombard the camp of my enemies tonight in Jesus name. List Of Prayer Points Against Witchcraft: 1. 21. Every witchcraft covenant working against my life, be broken by the covenant Blood of Jesus,in Jesus Name. Another great features of this environmental witchcraft attack is that, They are used to your habit, attitudes and character. 31.Let the fire of God destroy the power operating any spiritual vehicle working against me, in the name of Jesus. Curses on my ancestral lines delaying the manifestations of my breakthrough, by the blood of Jesus, break and release me, in Jesus name. Please do not send the curses back to the witches or those cursing you. Once that happens, we are more vulnerable to the vain imaginations the enemy whispers to our souls. Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 47. Dear Lord, I know that Im too weak to fight alone please release spiritual arsenals from heaven to bombard the camp of my enemies tonight in Jesus name. Let the stronghold of every household demon militating against me, be smashed to pieces in the name of Jesus. 33. If you call them familiar spirit or household wickedness, you are right. Pray this daily or as often as you can. these prayer points. As we engage this powerful prayer points, every trap that the enemies have set in your life, they all shall fall into it in Jesus name. Household wickedness powers assigned to rubbish my life, die in the name of Jesus. I command the stars, the sun, the moon and the winds to begin to fight against the diviners and astrologers who have been using these elements against the move of God in my environment, in the name of Jesus. Spirit of our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Most Holy Trinity, descend upon me. Deliverance And Prayers Fire With Dreams Interpretation Ministry - Copyright 2010 - 2020 Evangelist Joshua Orekhie. In Jesus name. Every soul tie covenant with people in the village, I separate you by fire in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus walk through this community and scatter every witchcraft operation, in Jesus name. 34.I command all stubborn pursuers of my life to fall and die in the name of Jesus. It is all full of lies and robbery. I reverse every witchcraft burial fashioned against me, in the name of Jesus. Let their covens become desolate so that none can dwell in them, in Jesus Name. Every household power praying for me to fall and never to rise up again, die, in the name of Jesus. This can be an effective prayer. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I release myself from all problems originating from parental wickedness, in the name of Jesus. Make sure you are born again and made peace with God. Let the entire body system of my household witches be upset until they confess all their wickedness, in the name of Jesus. Every marine altar in my environment, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 2. 4. 18. Let all eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood in this environment, stumble and fall, in the name of Jesus. Witchcraft initiation, melt by fire, in Jesus Name. 11pm - 12.30am US CST. 44. Father, arise and cut off the spirit of divination in my neighborhood, in Jesus name. I return to sender, every witchcraft arrow sent in my direction in Jesus name, 5. They know your strength, failure and success. 2. 50 Mfm prayer points against household wickedness. Let everything stolen from me be redeemed back by the Blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus and I decree that witchcraft afflictions shall never rise up again in my life and family again, in Jesus Name. 22.I command every blessing confiscated by envious enemies to be released, in the name of Jesus. You may not know them but as you pray this mfm prayer points against household wickedness, God will expose all of them. Every reinenforcement witchcraft against my victory, be declared dead, in Jesus name. It means that from time to time you engage in midnight prayers for spiritual fortification and protection. I really need your support and proper guidance and counsel, please. Steps to Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks In An Environment Make sure you are not your own enemy because you are also part of the household (a family). Dont relent, pray your way out today. Another point to expose here is that these household enemies operate with the support of satanic powers to steal, kill and destroy. It takes the force of prayer to overthrow every household witchcraft operating in your family. made for the Nyenty family and my house against household powers and that the destinies of the young people be release.thanks . 24.I command every blessing confiscated by principalities to be released, in the name of Jesus. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Household wickedness is real. My Father! Brethren, This is a 7-day MIDNIGHT PRAYERS against satanic altars. Every witchcraft power assigned to steal my environmental blessings, loose your hold, in Jesus name. 4. By the blood of Jesus, I destroy every blood covenant made upon any satanic altar. 582: 48: . In Jesus name. Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. Every power calling my name into any caldrons, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. Any of my blessings traded out by household witches be returned to me, in the name of Jesus. 12am - 1.30am US EST 9pm - 10.30pm US PST. O God! Let every seat of witchcraft in my household be roasted with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. Locate me by fire! When a foreign demon wants to attack a person in another environment, they make sure the environment is open for witchcraft visits. I reverse every witchcraft pattern, fashioned against my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Every power, drawing energy from the heavenlies in my environment against my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus name. 20. I separate myself from every witchcraft evil personality, in the name of Jesus. Holy Ghost fire! SYMPTOMSOF WITCHCRAFT ATTACKS IN AN ENVIRONMENT, Steps to Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks In AnEnvironment. 5:19 20; Ezek. 30.Let all the weapons and devices of my oppressors work against them in the name of Jesus. Every demonic utterance, invocation, spell, charms, amulets, witchcraft burial on the house where I live, die, in the name of Jesus. What are you doing in the camp of witchcraft! Every occult covenant binding on my habitation, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus. You are a mighty blessing to our generation. I.e. 38.I cancel all enchantments, curses and spells that are against me, in the name of Jesus. 8:7 12; Ex. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Let every seat of witchcraft in my household be roasted in Jesus name. It is very difficult for someone who does not know you very well to work against you and succeed. Thank you Father, that no weapon the enemy forms against us shall prosper because we are covered by the blood of Jesus, and you have put all things under his feet. 7. Any door that I have opened to witchcraft in any area of my life be closed forever by the blood of Jesus. 4. Midnight prayers are very effective. Altar of household wickedness in my family, catch fire, in Jesus name. Learn how your comment data is processed. I reverse the effect of every witchcraft summons to my spirit, in Jesus name. 42:13; Isa. The wickedness of the wicked shall fall back upon their heads. Witchcraft cat that is networking with evil birds in my environment, be roasted by fire, in Jesus name. Here are 4 powerful ways to lift a prayer against witchcraft: Photo Credit: Unsplash/Dan Farrell Breaking the Powers of the Dark and Witchcraft Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise. 43.I loose myself from any power of witchcraft and bewitchment, in the name of Jesus. Priez pour moi je suis clibataire sans enfants et sans homme et mon ge avance trop et je rve que jai denfants dans mon rve souvent vraiment jai besoin de Vos prire, Please pray for me sir i have been used by the witches for fufull there motive and a spiritual husband i really need prayer sir my name is Alice Effiong Mavilda thank you sir, Man of God pray for me for the spirit of spiritual husbands that has frustrated everything in my life..pray for me to come out of this in Jesus mighty Name Amen. Witchcraft power from my fathers house troubling my life, be troubled by the fire of the Holy Ghost You my blood enemy, receive the judgement of God Household Witchcraft power assigned agaisnt me, be destroyed in Jesus name Any power any where, using witchcraft power to trouble my die, I overcome u with the blood of the lamb In the name of Jesus, let every evil altar under water where specific evils are committed against me be burnt by fire. 11. The attack from the household is a continuous spiritual attack. I watched your video tonight and it changed my life that I watched it because her sister has been attacking me day and night with voodoo because she wants to steal our possessions that we accumulated together for 21 years.. I withdraw my blessings from every bank or strongroom of the enemy, in the name of Jesus. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. Every devoted land and evil forest in my environment, be demolished, in the name of Jesus. 14. Every pot of darkness seated against my life, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 5. I break every limitation brought about by the influence of satanic altars in my environment, in the name of Jesus. Every cobweb in my head, hands, face . Every chain of inherited witchcraft in my family, break, in Jesus Name. However, household enemies are very clever and know how to penetrate their victims. If you first got married, kids, got job, promoted etc. 9. I believe that no Christian should be oppressed by the devil, we have the Power to live and walk in dominion through Prayers and the Word. He lies in wait secretly, as a lion in his den; He lies in wait to catch the poor; He catches the poor when he draws him into his net. 16. As I go into this prayer session, I cover myself and this environment with the Blood of Jesus, in the Name of Jesus. Any witchcraft bird flying for my sake, fall down and die and be roasted to ashes, in the name of Jesus. And trample down every witchcraft company, in Jesus Name. I pray for you today, every witch or wizard that is after your life today must die!!! 22. There is a multitude of slain, A great number of bodies, Countless corpses They stumble over the corpses Because of the multitude of harlotries of the seductive harlot, The mistress of sorceries, Who sells nations through her harlotries, And families through her sorceries. PowerAgainst Household Witchcraft . Please make your financial commitment through the ministry account details; Contact Evangelist Joshua (Prayer Line) on Call or WhatsApp:+2348099828623. You have entered an incorrect email address! Let the altar of witchcraft cobweb in my household be roasted, in the name of Jesus. 9. 3. I deprogramme whatever the enemy has programmed into the lives of people in my environment, in the name of Jesus. Im a with god which i know they going punished one day. Share. O God, let all those using affliction to pursue my intended blessings, I command it to disappear by fire, in Jesus name. 15. Prayer against all evil. Every object or animal around me that facilitates witchcraft attack, I command you to receive Gods fire of judgement, in the name of Jesus. Midnight prayers does not mean that you will no longer sleep at Night, it only means that you have a planned prayer time at midnight (12am to 3am). 3. in the name of Jesus. Every wicked landlord or landlady that want my destiny to suffer, crawl, and expire in my environment, you are a liar, be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus. 4. INSTRUCTION: Embark on 3 days fasting and prayers between 6am 6pm using Psalm 105:15, Daniel 2:19-22and take out your anointing oil and apply it on the body before you sleep. Those laughing me to scorn shall witness my testimony and they shall all be put to shame in the name of Jesus. 49. These prayers against witchcraft will instantly kill the witches and wizards assigned against you and give you freedom to fulfill your destiny and live your life according to the design of heaven. 36.You devourers, vanish from my labour, in the name of Jesus. Every hiding place and secret place of witchcraft in my family, be exposed by fire in Jesus name. Any drop of my blood sucked by any witch, be vomited now, in the name of Jesus. I ask your angels to remove all foul spirits involved in these curses and black arts and bind them to your feet for judgment. This mfm prayer points are inspired by Dr. Olukoya of mountain of fire and miracle ministries. 2 Kings 9:22-24, And it came to pass, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, Is it peace, Jehu? They recognize you spiritually with your glory. Please purify me, mold me, fill me with you. God bless you. When you exercise faith, confidence in God instead of seeking their help (being at their mercy). Any witchcraft coven in which any of my blessings arehidden, be roasted by the fire of God, in the name of Jesus. Lord, let the bewitchment over my environment be broken and let the instruments of such bewitchment lose their grips, in the name of Jesus. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. 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