brandon swanson missing theories

It could well be a fatal accident, but as you say it is strange that so far there hasnt been any evidence found to suggest this. In 2008, in a rural area especially, its unlikely that pinging a cell phone would help. Brandon Lawson 911 call depicted last moments before he went missing Around 11:30 p.m. Aug. 8, Lawson called his father and mentioned he was heading to his parents' house in Crowley, about 3. I havent heard of David Paulides before, but will take a look at his writing. Searches dont cover every inch of the search area. Just as with the case of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than answers. 3) The father says Brandon exclaimed Oh shit! and his phone then turned off. The accident probably scared him and sobered him up. Brandon Swanson, a 22-year-old marketing consultant from the US, has been missing since early January. Numerous searches have been conducted of the area and bodies of water surrounding the location where Brandon's car was found. Not to mention the fact that an animal attacking, fatally wounding and then dragging a person away would leave a huge amount of evidence behind. If this is true, whatever Brandon crossed paths with that morning was something horrible. The law . I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. At some point during the night there was a physical altercation between two young women at the club, which ended up spilling outside. No clues. Then, at approximately 12:54 Brandon Lawson would make a very odd call to 911. From everything I have read Branding on was walking along the road speaking to his father and unless the road intersects the river then it is an unlikely explanation. This story is about Douglas Swanson Jr. They went looking for Brandon, but were unable to find . As you say, it wouldnt explain the phone call, but it might explain the lack of evidence. Is there any new leads in this case its 2017 I was just wondering.And this case is quite disturbing I really hope answers can be found. Really looking forward to an explanation and hoping beyond the odds that the guy is somehow okay. ), but I dont think I have read anywhere about any questioning of the father. Its just interesting how no one, at least online, will address ALL the discrepancies because theres a ton. Could it be he was lost somewhere else and someone moved the car? Brandons LawI have the utmost admiration for families who have been through such unimaginable pain but still find the energy within them to advocate for laws that will help others. I dont think farmers would refuse to let police search their property. In addition, some comments I have seen from the mother include that she felt very early on before the first 24 hours were up that something terribly wrong had happened and You know, Im not sure Brandon is going to be found in my lifetime. These are just not the normal kind of things mothers say about their missing children. Possibly. Nothing. After Swansons disappearance, the Lyon County Sheriffs Department conducted searches for Brandon by ground, ATV, horseback, airplane and helicopter, but nothing was found. But he had struggled with substance abuse issues in the past and had recently relapsed shortly before his disappearance. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college. His parents couldnt find him because they were 20 miles away. The law requires authorities to conduct a preliminary investigation without delay when a missing persons report is received. . The phone call would sometimes cut off or dip out for a while but they would call again and the conversation would continue.Brandon eventually gave up with this tactic and told his parents he was going to walk towards the lights he could see in the distance, assuming them to be from the small town of Lynd. (LogOut/ As has been asked so many times in this case- why? At most, they would have to triangulate between the nearest 3 towers, which would be a huge area & not helpful to the search. Brandon Lawson had a lot to live for. Later on that same day, the circumstances of Swansons disappearance were complicated by his phone records which showed that Swanson had been near Porter whilst on the phone to his parents, approximately 25 miles away from where Brandon had told his parents he was. The one pictured right is an age progression of what Brandon Swanson could look like at 30 years old, 11 years after he went missing. This of course leaves 1% of cases that arent solved. A few hours later at around 6.30am they notified the police. Brandon died of hypothermia after falling into the Yellow Medicine River. Considering all of the searches that have been done..I tend to believe that he may have been abducted and taken away from the area..For the family, I would never give up hope that someday he will be found..May God bless.. And I completely agree with you for the family, I sincerely hope that someday there will be some kind of answer to all this. Could it be possible that a police officer pulled up to him ,and turned on his lights, and perhaps Brandon had been drinking a little or possibly had some illegal substance on him, so he comments oh shit and hangs up on his father, becouse he doesnt want the father to hear witness to the exchange between himself and the police, and i know the odds are one in a million but history shows us it has happened before, what if Brandon encountered a bad cop, with bad and deadly intentions. This was at 3:10 a.m. No further contact was made, even after repeated attempts. It is not known why he went there, and he had not mentioned it to Melissa or anyone else. His father probably said some really mean things to Brandon. IMO, these facts add up to one possible explanation: Brandon disappeared before his car was crashed in the ditch, his father lied about the context of the phone conversation, and therefore he and the mother seem like very likely suspects. Some authorities believe he blundered into the Yellow Medicine River while he was walking in the dark. The parents went out to go get him like he had requested, but soon found that his car was not where he had said it was, near a small town called Lynd. The body found had gone missing 91 days before. Brandon Victor Swanson was last seen on May 15th 2008 in Canby Minnesota. As a parent, if my son was lost and needing assistance I doubt I would say drop me off at home, you go back out. At the time of Swansons disappearance, the water had been around 10 feet high but had reduced by the time the search started.Later searchesAfter the initial searches yielded no sign of Swanson or his whereabouts, the investigation hit a block with no real direction to move forward in. As he was unable to get his car ack on the road, he called him parents for a ride. Detectives are still looking into whether this was a homicide case or just teenage folly, either way, our hearts go out to his family members who were left hanging for 91 soul crushing days after the night of the mysterious phone call.. I dont want to be rude or anything, but all over the internet i only came acros the searching that took over years from volunteering. Bean jacket tied around her waist . Thus, making them want to hurt Brandon. After 10+ years, this seems highly unlikely. View the profiles of people named Brandon Swanson. In the messages he says (grammar and typing mistakes and all) Like Some crazy shit is going on. In the call he tells the operator that he has run out of gas and is in a field. Distinguishing characteristics for Brandon include Caucasian male. Among the many mysterious vanishings out there, a few of them have left behind very chilling clues that only serve to make them even more ominous and frightening. His parents left the house and began driving to pick up Brandon, at the same time speaking with him on his mobile phone to determine exactly where he was. The runaway theory has been posited before I think, although the main objection to it would be the oh shit. He had been with his fiance, Ladessa Lofton, for the last ten years and the couple had three children. Wish we knew what he said to his dad about walking to the town. call he made to his father probably drained the battery on his Motorola slvr phone. I think there has been discussion about how those last words were actually said, but nothing conclusive has ever been decided unfortunately. I think that Brandon had probably been drinking, and got turned around in the dark. Nothing. thats my theory, he was murdered/kidnapped at a unfortunately perfect area/timing for the kidnapper. It seems there are many fields and farmsteads etc. 10 years now, the shaft could have opened deeped more rocks covering him, its the only reason nothing of his body or clothes were ever found. we all need to realize one thing, brandon is 55 and around 130 pounds. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. What they lived here at least 10 years maybe more and they dont know the area? Your email address will not be published. Thanks for taking the time to comment Robbie. Wouldnt Brandon have closed the door automatically when exiting the vehicle? If Swanson had left his car there to walk towards Lynd to meet his parents, why didnt he close the car door? 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Right around the time that he should have arrived in Taunton. Also, has his cell phone ever been found? kidnappers knew this. The most prevalent theory is that Brandon must have fallen into a river or creek possibly the Yellow Medicine River which is fifteen feet at its deepest point, and would have been running incredibly fast at the time he disappeared. Once the snow of winter had melted, search efforts resumed again over spring before farmers planted their crops. Brookelyn had made arrangements to stay at a friends house after the party, but the friend ended up going off to a boys house. I dont have the link, but if you google March 15, 2015 suv youll find some news reports for it. But offcourse seems odd that till this day never a body was found. However, Brandons dad said that after the call ended, he kept trying to call Brandon but that he wasnt picking up the call, which means the phone was in working condition but not being answered. What about alien abduction? Thanks for your comment. Its genuinely tragic for Brandon Swansons poor family and friends, and hopefully one day theyll have an answer. Celebrating in the context of the description indicates alcohol intake and possibly some recreational drugs. His frantic parents continued the search but were unable to find him. If his dad had run him off and he did leave then he wouldnt be afraid to call his mom..At least to tell her he was OK.. Hello) The Strange DISAPPEARANCE of Brandon Swanson- Missing Persons Mysteries. Most of the stories are rumors, the most likely of the stories is the river explanation. The son couldnt have been sober if he didnt know the area he was in if he lived there his life. The concerned parents continued searching for their son, and after being unable to find him at 6:30am, they went to the police to report him missing. #41 Strange Disappearances | Weird Tales and the Unexplainable, Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day | Viral Hot Topics, Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day - Weight Loss Diet 2 Fitness, Heres The 51 Creepiest Mysteries That Remain Unsolved To This Very Day Geeks Facts, The Smalls Lighthouse Tragedy | angelomarcos, The tragic and unexplained case of Elisa Lam at the Cecil Hotel. And maybe it is because what is really going on is beyond normal every day comprehension? His dad tried calling back a number of times, but Brandon never picked up his phone. Maybe a km off, etc? If he really dropped it, I feel like it would have been found, especially with how crazy the search was. Till this day: Are there any farmers ore civillians who has been interrogated by the FBI or local police?? For me to believe the parents were not involved in this, a lot of evidence would need to point me away from them, and simply not enough evidence, to my knowledge, exist either way to convict or prove innocent. What gets me now is..If he was heading back to Marshall after having a few drinks in Canby to celebrate end of classes..He would have known Rt. His father spent several hours looking for him, then notified the police at 6:30 a.m. Not being in a car, his remains will probably never be found. All of these theories are good, however, but this one makes the most sense to me personally. . Efforts to call back also reached a seemingly operational phone that was simply not being answered. . Brandon's Law, named for Swanson, was passed later in 2008. And thats not accounting for if the phone had fallen into the water would the call of continued or would it have cut off due to the water damage?The same theory is often mentioned in the disappearance ofTrevor Deely(Dublin, Ireland, 2000) and at the time a technology expert was consulted about if a phone would continue to call if it had fallen into the water. Call me cynical but I just dont feel this matches up. The Disappearance. My dad had said some mean things to me, and I left four 5 years before speaking to them. Luc Picard, David La Haye, Sandrine Bisson. On May 13, 2008, 19-year-old Brandon Swanson completed his first year at Minnesota West Community and Technical College. I would love to get more police report related information about this case. The map below shows the main geographical locations in the timeline outlined. There was rumors of his involvement in drugs and the Mexican cartel, who knows what they could have done to himsome towns people say theyve heard of the cartel disposing of bodies in the pig farms, several of which we have in the surrounding area,,, very sad, hope some day there will be answers. 6.30 am Brian and Annette Swanson attempted to report Brandon as missing to local law enforcement but were advised to wait as this type of behaviour was not unusual for young men. For the reason that he saw a car on the road and knowing his father wouldnt agree to hitch hiking, thats why he hung up. Any odd police reports that were located near by around the same time? the minute brandon decided to walk on his own, the person/people start following him. But instead somebody pushed end on the phone. Required fields are marked *. This is the one case i cant seem to forget. The oh sh*t is also a bit suspicious. But instead somebody pushed end on the phone. Shortly after, Brandon exclaims; Oh s***. His father believes he hears Brandons foot slipping and the phone goes dead. Nineteen year old Brandon Swanson lived in Marshall, Minnesota with his parents. After parting ways with Melissa, he then apparently drove up to a rural, remote area in the Santa Monica Mountains, called the Malibu Canyons, near Rosas Overlook. Actually the river and road intersect several places around where his car was found, Hence the reason why authorities came to that conclusion to begin with, however he walked for at least 40 mins and the fact he walked for at least 40 minutes and did not manage to figure out he was not near Lynd is a little disturbing, I just can not understand how Brandon came to the conclusion he was near Lynd, If he really was on Lyon Lincoln County Rd and walked to MN68. No clues. At around 2am Brandon and his father were on the phone to each other, with Brandon desperately trying to direct his father to where he was, and Brandons father equally desperately trying to locate his son. He was the one who took his wife home, while he dealt with Brandon. It was also noted that after the call ended, his father kept trying to call him and the phone kept ringing, meaning the phone couldnt have broken or otherwise been disabled (like the battery falling out). Then he suddenly exclaimed Oh shit!, and the line went dead, with numerous attempts to call him back remaining unanswered. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. Appearance. I dont live in the area (or in the states) but after looking on google maps, about where his car was found (Lyon Lincoln road, Porter/Taunton highw 68). Brandon Swanson has brown hair and blue eyes, stands 5'6" and weighs . I think the solution of this case is that he slipped away in a river bank. This is the last anyone has heard from him. Good information, Darrin. The episode starts with Dave reading a few letters from the mailbag. Brandon called his parents on his cell phone and asked them to come pick him up. His car was found abandoned in a ditch with the car doors open and keys missing. The vehicle was stuck in a shallow ditch as Brandon had claimed. I also believe without a shadow of doubt someone hung up his cell phone for him, or Brandon HAD NO CHOICE but to end the call. On the night of 14 May 2008, after celebrating the last day of college classes with a friend, he was driving home along a gravel road, and somehow crashed his car into a ditch. I stummbled on this case, and then it got hooked on me. I grew up in a small town near where Brandon disappeared and remember seeing all the missing posters and people searching in fields for him. (Thats not to rule it out though, coincidences happen every day). Impossible as it may seem, a nineteen year old manseems to have literally disappeared without a trace. [] so often I come across a case (such as the disappearance of Brandon Swanson) that I absolutely cannot get out of my head sometimes because of the how, sometimes []. Could the dad call Brandons phone and then answer it himself to make it appear as if Brandon answered the call? He would be more likely to drop the phone, and his parents would then hear anything that was going on (such as a struggle, or the whooshing of the river, or the impact of a car). If it was a flip phone, the call may have ended had the phone closed due to a possible slip and fall. It is unclear whether she knew these men before the party, but her sister Paige would later state that she had known everyone there. What direction he might have been walking from car to supposed town? . Specifically, their National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics pages. When I got lost it was because I turned 1 light too early, but its a route I have taken many, many times. 13th May 2008 Minnesota, USABrandon Swanson went to a small get-together at a friends house to celebrate finishing the school year. Nothing Else!! Both sides got increasingly frustrated, and Brandon eventually said that he was going to start walking towards the town of Lynd, to a friends house. No one had any idea of where he had gone off to, until at 2 AM Michaels boss got a rather disturbing call from the missing man, in which he says, They are following me. I just to talk while i have the chance. After this there is no response to further panicked messages from Melissa asking if he is alright and where he is. He has never been seen or heard from again, and the lack of evidence in his mysterious vanishing has puzzled family, friends, authorities, and websleuths alike. I think if he was inside a car, his dad would know, as the dad would have heard car noises, and possibly the other driver. BRANDON SWANSON - THEORIES (MINDSHOCK TRUE CRIME PODCAST CLIPS)Examining different theories in the Brandon Swanson disappearance.LISTEN to the FULL PODCAST here - this channel to get access to perks: FREE TRIAL - MINDSHOCK - FACEBOOK - - - - - I researched the phone, it was prone to battery problems. | 3 Cold Cases of People Who Vanished Without a Trace- True Crime Mysteries . Unable to move it himself and get back onto the road, he called home at some time after midnight and asked his parents to pick him up near Lynd, a small town Southwest of Marshall. I honestly hope and trust his father is not involved in any way shape or form, but as I said, this case should be approached from all angles and I havent read this angle concerning the father anywhere (and I have read quite a few articles on this case). Later that same evening, he and his friends were celebrating at a home in Canby, where they were also having a send-off party for one of their classmates. Was he lying about his location or was he just mistaken? Brandon had mentioned passing fences and hearing nearby water, his father recalled. MARSHALL Ten years have gone by and Brandon Swanson is still missing. By the 15th of May, it was determined that his last phone call had come within a 5-mile radius of a tower located at the intersection of County Routes 3 and 10. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Alright and where he is alright and where he is refuse to let police search property. 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