did tula pink lose weight

Change can be a good thing! It goes a long way. Just go to Quilt Con and it is filled with them, eager to learn and connect with designers such as Tula Pink and Anna Marie. Achieve Ketosis : Can Weed Help Weight Loss. If they do he cant compete in the market for a while. I was at a Tula Pink lecture in the UK a week ago and the average age was wayyy under 70. The key is to know your customer base and not overbuy and get stuck with stale fabric that you cant sell. Slightly off topic but I have noticed a big trend in not mixing designers lines in a quilt, ie quilt is all tula and maybe some Kona, scrappy quilts from your stash less likely, but the ranges usually mix and match well, plus they release new ranges so quickly. There would be more competition if there werent exclusivity to a wholesaler or distributor who takes massive margin. Free Spirit has been purchased by the company producing Henry Glass Fabrics, among others. I ordered a Tasha Noel line that had a border print, little red riding hood.I received it and thought because the border print was folded inward that they did not send it. If those fabrics meet your needs then do not complain about the Free Spirit Fabric prices. In regards to Freespirit Fabrics, I only buy Joel Dewberry fabrics, his fabrics are beautif but the rest are so bold it just wasnt my style. equally.. Im as sorry as anyone about this turn of events I really love Free Spirit, but like any other business, the sewing/quilting market evolves and changes. Thats the only time they really want to talk to me. By the was Kaffe and most of the Morris Co are designed and originate in many different ways in England. Its only been in the past couple of years that Ive started to feel respected when shopping at brick-and-mortar shops or taking classes at shows, and thats only with the shops and teachers who know me now. Most of us fall into one category or the other and it is very hard to wrap our minds around the opposite mindset. Its just part of the business. What I find is that the likes of Wal-Mart and JoAnns have set price expectations so low they are impossible to compete with and the quality is no comparison to what the reputable fabric companies produce. A sad day. Suddenly, it was clear. Its never the fault of just one person. Will FS try to make some money by selling off the licenses? Actually, I once had a shop owner inform me the I was in a quilt shop and that the convenience store was the next door down. Despite her love of quilting (which she jokes, I was a When the dust settles, I am certain the talented designers whose fabrics and trims we like to buy will find new homes and this will be a blessing in disguise. I cant imagine a company, that supports the designers such as Kaffe, Tula and others would not put out a statement to the direct buyers of that fabric. If anything, there is a glut of choice and that may be the problem. Social media If they as a shop were happy with the price they were selling at what right does a company have to fix the price. I felt like they continued to print collections from designers that WERE popular/good sellers but had fell out of favor. I have had a similar experience with fabrics by these amazing designers: lots of admirers, not that many buyers. All of the big name ones will. Anyone can beat me up for that comment. I think you should have worked more on your internal workings instead of shutting out the most famous designers! I fully agree with you. They became scattered. I would think that keeping the top selling designers, but provide more strategic marketing for fewer lines would be the way to go. If Free Spirit were manufacturing in the US, Id be more bummed, but as far as I know they manufacture in Korea. Obviously you arent very active in the crafting social media circle, if you think there arent any younger quilters. Get a grip! Its something they do to get away from the So perhaps the answer is either reducing the number of lines produce or being less greedy and lowering your prices. Regardless of her route, I dont trend forecast in any way, she says. There were easy ways to improve sales. The market is there! You Need People who Know How to Run a Company Successfully as it is Apparent the Current Ones only Know How To Run it into the Ground! People are commenting that these are such popular designers, etc. It starts before they produce product. I told everyone that they would receive great customer service and help with their projects but if they come to us with fabric that wasnt purchased from us and wanted help it would be $25 just to have me provide commentary. under 2022 christmas countdown , christmas quilt , hand quilted , holiday homies , tula pink , tula pink holiday homies. Ask yourself.when have you purchased any of their lines in person v online and at full price? I wish I could have been more supportive a widows pension will only go so far. Which of course, the 8 of us did. yard, often consist of more than one material and are averaging only slightly higher in the States going from the mid 20s on up per yard. I cant manufacture more. Hard to attend a sit and sew at an online store Click! Coats may exceed other companies in sewing thread production. Uh.. what? We need to somehow stop the asinine demands of these large stores who think small manufactures cant thrive without them. Theres no way they are profiting off that, if the LQS is somehow making a profit at 2.99. Comparing the quality of Walmart and Joanns against Tula Pink and Kaffe Fassett is like comparing lemons to apples. I would respond to the rest, but I would encourage you to better educate yourself about this issue. I completely agree with you. Obviously poor business practices somewhere along the line. Only to lose the sale to an online retailer because we can NOT afford (or could not in my case as I closed my retail store) to bring in the entire 24 sku line. Express yourself, no matter what. It amazes me how quilters will spend $700-$900 to attend a retreat with some on-line only sourcebut wont pay $40-$100 to take a workshop at their local quilt shop. I told her my distributor sends it to me and Id have to charge shipping to get it to her, but that we give a free lesson and train how to use it. Its a shame quality fabrics are so high, but lets examine the word QUALITY and remember why thats so. The costs of offering fabrics in a Brick and Mortar are huge, and the margins are non-existent. In less than 5 years the only brick & mortar shops will be in vacation spots. But very few people are making a living in the business, and most dump untold hours of love into it. COSTS have skyrocketed as well, cotton is a commodity, and as such, it experiences wild swings in prices. Her signature designs have been adapted to fabrics, woven ribbons, paper products, needlepoint kits, embroidery patterns and sewing machines and can be found in independent fabric shops and retailers all over the world. Maybe for that very reason. Re higher prices Australia & others: President Trump chose not to sign the TPP (TransPacific Partnership) trade agreement which covers trade with 40% of world & would have resulted in decreased tariffs on FreeSpirit & Westminster fabrics exported by U.S. I dont agree with everything you are saying about Quilters. The local quilt shops have closed because they cant compete with the big online discounters. Putting the usual swear word in her makes no sense at all. I no longer buy fabric for backs but piece with what I have. Its about all of that escapism. She lives for it. In January I got serious about losing weight and some of you noticed the changes before I even did. Older quilters can be VERY condescending to younger quilters, assuming that you must be a total beginner who knows absolutely nothing unless you have an AARP card. There are enough othe thread companies to take care of us without them being around. It wasnt just one bad move that did them in, it was one after another. When I saw Tula last May at Spring Market in Minneapolis, I spoke with her about the opportunity to visit her studio and be a part of her new reality show, Tulas House. Really bad news. Wow. We havent much choice. 3,270 posts. I hope they are doing well. Sooh well. This is such a very sad situation, the designers are awesome and I hope will be picked up immediately by another company. #silverlining. Everyone will be buying on-line. We must continue to support our local stores before we go to huge discount online stores. Anyone who has or does own a Brick and Mortar knows the truth of your statement. Excellent point! Also, someone earlier mentioned that Moda did not sell to Fabric.com, however this is one of their largest clients. Crossing my fingers that I get it! The reason LQS are closing is people are buying online from cheaper sources. Andover, Dear Stella, Cotton + Steel had more mass appeal and sold well for me. I can survive on 1% of quilters all over than art director to design album covers and merchandise. More is Less, Less is More. There are many fabric companies that dont rely on the bottom line of a non fabric corporation with excellent fabric designers. imaginary place that Ive built. companies, and within a week it had been picked up. I am lucky to have few Amish stores nearby. (at least to my face!!! Some people still buy them, but I find this way of selling unethical. Not to even talk about the payroll to cut fabric and make samples so that people could see what the line might look like .. AND, I had to god forbid pay my own life expenses and HEALTHCARE. I have a Modern Quilt Shop in a small town but my customers have learned because I was upfront right in the beginning. There were even kids there. Besides, most of my little darlings end up as gifts to family and friends who appreciate it for what it is a gift. Someone will step in the gap and pick up the slack it will be interesting to see who is smart enough to seize the opportunity and pull them into their fold. So the pullback from the supporting industry is inevitable and unfortunate-but the average age of a quilter has gone over the 70 yr old mark and unless younger quilters take up the baton,it will die as a craft. J-s fabric is such awful quality I never buy fabric there.. and I dont shop for much at all there period I support my local quilt shop it takes a village to keep them. Please dont equate online selling with the reason why its hard to make it in the fabric business. I have been through losing a business, and as a matter of fact reopening one too. rest of the world. I am sorry that the Coats company could not have turned a profit with the Free Spirit division. Follow. Yes, lots of companies have MAP (Minimum Advertised Prices) in effect Bernina does, so does Accuquilt (for their die cutters and dies), and those are just the ones that come to mind immediately. It is changing again, not sure of the direction. Well, in my old Wall Street mind, all my eggs in a few baskets was not the wisest choice. No other designers have the same quality of products. I am one of those over 70 quilters. Its just not true. Otherwise, there will be some very empty shelves. Putting a whole town out of work. Given the boot obviously the top management needs to be replaced. (This is true for EVERY type of small business- pet stores, art shops, hobby stores.. This all translates into less money and companies fold. We are losing so much in this country and people wont be happy until they have limited options. I actually taught one of them about online destashing. I am over 70 and I love teaching younger people to quilt.I find the quilting police is stronger with the more traditional quilters. Modern quilters are getting more and more of their fabrics online, and many of these online sites deeply discount, such as Fabric.com. Amy Butler was smart to provide many free pattern downloads on her own website. It is definitely a company problem, not the most popular designers. I skip the bad to non-existence customer service, pay no tax and saves time plus a small discount on fabrics with the major online stores. Sad, sad, sad. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. I use to work for a popular paper company and Walmart not only squeezed all the pennies out of the manufacturer but would THEN claim false damage to receive even deeper cuts. Thank you Trisha Copeland. I love the creativity, the people, the design and the community. The designers are being ripped off by individual consumers that take advantage of their favourite designers to earn money off them. Good luck with what you all end up with. Hopefully the well known designers that worked for them will be picked up by other companies. MAP pricing is un-enforceable and no fabric designer, no matter how big, can dictate their own terms. I choose each fabric I buy and Ive noticed that there are always one or two fabrics in pre-cut packs that dont really go . If love been telling reps for years. But I am sorry to say that, despite our best efforts, we have continued to struggle with an inherent weakness in the business model and have not been able to demonstrate a profit., The letter goes on to say, We will not be producing new Westminster or FreeSpirit Fabrics from today onwards.. Pink Gets Real About Gaining 36-Lbs, Talks Weight Loss Pink announced that she would be heading on a world tour following the release of her February 2023 album 'Trustfall' read more. But people wanted cheap and thats what they got. I know folks dont like to hear that, but its true. As another person under 70 I would love to buy fabric from a bricks and morter shop however most of these premises stock fabrics that suit older customers or faded traditional style quilts. Im not a fan, but my sister is. They have to be diverse in their offerings of more than just one designer with one Manufacturer. I would love to see that. I would not waste my time working with the poor quality fabrics found at Joann Fabrics and Wal-Mart. Plain and simple. once this all plays out.. You people need to knock this kind of baloney offtrying to force us to only buy from a few companies of YOUR choosing is NOT the AMERICAN WAY. I own a B&M QS too, so I understand the frustration with giant discounters! I really hope that everything shakes out in a positive way for the designers and manufacturers. I invested hours meeting with their consultants, coming up with ideas for them pinpointing where issues lie etc. Personally, I will be hesitant to purchase Coats & Clark products in the future. Theyre not making any money on them. I am not here on this Earth to let my nose get bent because someone judges me on the quality of my fabric choices. We are a huge community of quilters, and I promise most of use arent over 70. Thank you for sharing this info. I dont care. I wonder how much the CEO makes in salary and bonus. do with it, Pink recalls, noting that she was never really drawn to clothing She can do what she wants with her artwork. I loved the design and the quality of the fabric. Only to lose . If your company has made it really difficult for stores to buy the Fabric lines that says a lot about your company! I got tired of it and dont bother anymore. They then have to pay for new fabrics to keep their inventory freshor you people would then gossip about that too! This is definitely a change. What causes this? I feel very sad that we may loose some of these inspirational designers. Thats exactly what is happening here. The Ultimate Collection comes in a custom, gold-embossed case and contains forty-five small spools of 50wt thread hand-selected by Tula. This will take effect from Tuesday 1 May and includes our Westminster Fabrics/ Fibers, FreeSpirit brand and designers. And the truly sad part is the designers found out today just as we all have. Learn about gifts & benefits for subscribers. discovered some invigorating fabrics by Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This is a limited availability product. I will sell OUT of my $3.99 yard and then they can buy from them. I felt like this was going on for years! Your Sales Rep are the KEYS to your success. Way of the world in a Trump universe! Lap Seam Foot #70 enables you to sew precise lapped and flat-felled seams in light and medium weight fabrics, and is also suitable for reversible clothing. Absolutely! I agree, they are all wonderful creative people who could not be the problem. I have been quilting since the late 60s and watched quilting change. At $27 to $28 Australian dollars I do a lot of window shopping these days of Kaffe fabrics. I want to sell it at $3.99 a yard, and my local quiltshop sells it at 11.99. Free Spirit fabrics is really all I buy anymore. designs and two included accessories. Designers do not teach for free even when they visit local quilt shops. There has been some serious discussion of my upcoming fabric collection titled "Spirit Animal" and I would like to address it directly. Im an independent pattern designer with a small quilt store. Tried it once and the mediocre careless packaging was enough to turn me of. The best designers in the business and Coats cannot make their company profitable. And I was told once by our suppliers that the Designers of fabric and rulers and all the bits and pieces set their prices. They paid for the fabric originally, and are free to do with it what they please. This is a bit of insight into the situation. They will find someone else but I wonder if building your stash will continue to be a thing? I have a basket of Kaffe and Amy Butler fabrics that I love but havent used. Firm, but very kind and compassionate. I am 63 and have been quilting since I was 20, I love all types of quilting styles. Our local j.. sells their premium quilt Cotton for 15.95 a yard. They sit down to quilt in Especially considering the designers they have working for them. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Join our mailing list to stay up to date with all the latest news, events, videos, and products. Thats the spirit I look for. These designers remain quite relevant and have a huge following of customers buying their fabric. The world is full of want-a be designers. Olivia Wilde Labels Herself. The market was People dont come to quilt to have a hard time. I often wonder about the mark up as well from the LQS and Coats. And afterall, its their sweat, tears and ideas that people are exploiting. I could not agree more. Mayyybe you made a Poor Choice doing that, you think? The leadership was more worried about riding the clock for OT and filling their pockets. Regardless of her route, she's managed to successfully carve out her own place in a niche that was in need of people just like her. Worked our butts off for nearly two decades. They happened to pick the most fabulous designers in the fanric industry. Thats a brilliant idea! but it definitely was off putting to be followed around like I was in the wrong shop. As an owner of a Quilt Shoppe in Canada, I tried to order fabric from them, but never received the courtesy of a return phone call. Why would I want to go into a local mom and pop store for bad customer service or basically ignored until I start looking at big ticket items like expensive sewing or quilting machines. Many of Those quality fabric companies you refer to produce the same fabrics for Jo-Anns, Walmart and Hobby Lobby. her in art school, where she studied graphic design and commercial I cannot believe you make more money in other divisions of your company. This exactly. There is plenty of blame to go around. And once you have someone like the Rowan Group, how do you turn down Tula Pink and the rest. The latter require 10x more hand holdingto spend about a quarter as much. I worked at the Greer Facility for 14 Years and I totally agree with Nancy! A hobby quilter can only buy a certain amount of fabric. The timing of this announcement is terrible. Sometimes well even have to spend more than 20 euros to buy those fabrics and we dont want to spend more on fabrics than a maximum of 17 euros a meter(little bit more than a yard). This is a company issue which sounds like it had a lot of internal issues. I understand. If a pallet was marked as if the fork truck had bumped it. Preach it Brian! While my weight loss journey is not complete I am going to share how I lost 15 lbs in less then 2 months! I love their fabrics especially Tula Pink and Kaffe Fasset, but do not purchase very often because they are way out of my price range. This would be a perfect opportunity for another distribution company to add these well known and highly loved designers to their offering. These cookies do not store any personal information. For real deal up date info on Tula Pink, her Studio and projects follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Fabric.com has squeezed the fabric companies for such ridiculously low prices that either they will go out of business from such a low price, or, the competition dries up and the fabric companies have fewer and fewer people distributing and selling their product. $29.99 $ 29. she ordered it and then said, Oh Im so sorry as if she realized how rude she was. The change will be difficult but there are quilters like me that still need designers like you. Say I have 500 yards of a best selling bolt.. but only 500 yards. I quit ordering from them years ago. Old coats thread was horrible. all so that you can come in, stare at it and ask for 1/4yd. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Id be interested to hear from a FS designer or someone at the company. Here is the short of it . What on earth are you thinking? I never dreamed Id pay $8-$15 a yard for cotton woven but gladly do for the quality and service received from some of these great small shops! It has to be a management problem. Its like looking at fine artmany people see it, love it, but fewer people buy it. Once completed, she sent it out to a number of PREACH IT SISTER! For whatever reason, quilting just satisfied that artistic Well its a question of economics really. In the end it will be the consumer who loses but right now people are still too busy making excuses why they cant shop local. As far as these specific designers, Ill tell you we stopped carrying them quite awhile ago when we kept hearing people talk about how pretty they were but then never knew what to do with the prints. I hope they do not own Kaffe Fassett. Well I for one will NOT be buying anything from Coats . As a quilter, we already are paying more for high quality fabric. |. A reference.Seemingly feeling wang baole is thoughts, the king is father sitting on the bow did not turn his head, but spoke lightly. People are choosing the cheaper option, which makes sense, but then all that you will have left in the end to cut and distribute your fabrics are the larger online retailers. Im sure these VERY talented and popular designers will get picked up by other manufacturers and if I was the designer, Id make it part of my contract that MY fabric lines can not be advertised or sold for less than $XX. I never ever had trouble with Free Spirit in terms of distribution or delivery. FREIGHT COSTS, which used to be so small as to be hardly worth measuring, continue to increase to the point that they are a significant factor in the cost of fabric being shipped around the globe. Tula now lives in a small mid-western town outside of Kansas City, MO in a house that used to be a barn and still sort of looks like one. I am under 40 and have been lucky in that Ive only ever been encouraged. Perhaps Ms. Leichtweis and Mr. Howard are not able to manage their business unit cost efficiently. So unless you want to go everyday to use a 50% off coupon for your one cut of fabric, your better off purchasing from the lqs. Great product. "I would work out three hours a day, eat clean, and my metabolism was a dud -- I . So, when I design, I put myself in that This is sad but because Coats is not making a profit does not reflect on the designers. Any fabric that Fabric.com has for sale of Moda now are the old lines. really wanted to use fabrics that fit her personality. What quilters do you know? Weve done a more in-depth analysis of what might have caused this closure and what it signals for the quilting industry as a whole. Designers usually have a certain style that is their own, but it seems to me that what buyers want changes just like fashions. I dont know, but its an interesting thought. Very interesting news, Abby! Pink's Weight Loss Diet: How the Singer Reached Her Body Goals Exclusive ENNIO LEANZA/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock Pink's Nutritionist Ariane Resnick Details How the Singer Maintains Her Killer. In addition to the protein, this product contains guar gum for fiber. I did find an outlet, Hobbycrart, where I purchased a few of the Beautuful Tanya Whelan design in yardage. Now go sew something. I see a broad span of age from 30s to 80s with the majority 45-60. I think about what todays quilters Its not hard for Pink to stay inspired and to continue It was really big and really bright. On April 4 popular fabric designer, Tula Pink, announced on her Facebook page that she was asking FreeSpirit to pull the focal print from her newest collection, Spirit Animal. she was escaping into a hobby dating back to her 12th birthday. Would lead one to believe someone at the helm should have a better grasp of the industry norms and how to manage such a company. Actually, FS did periodically sell their backstock for less than $2/yd. I do buy them all, but as a kit or with a project in mind. I cant say that I respect Coats, as you have said, but I understand what happened. And the designers only made about 20 cents per yard sold of their fabric designs. I just do not want to see those big name designers disappear. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, but if it makes you happy, thats what counts. And yet they still cry poverty or no profit in order to receive massive tax rebates to the tune of billions. now I am on a 1st name basis with them and they are pretty great. If there are weaknesses in the business model that is a poor reflection on Coats. Millennials want Kits and prefer everything precut so they can just sit and sew. The mark up here is disgusting. I am also an RN and some of my personal money from that job go into subsidizing my shop. I had the same experience with them. I do not think they had anything to do with the companies downfall. Just Horrible News! The cost doesnt bother me, its the customer service and lack of selections. I agree. Coats is particularly proud of its long association supporting our customers and North America based crafters and alternative options have been considered extremely carefully. It would be a matter of a few keystrokes to provide a list of every shop selling the fabrics of each artist. There continues to be a shake down in the textile industry. As for distribution, I never had any trouble getting product from Free Spirit, so maybe its regional. I could see these talented, smart and business-minded designers banding together with their own overall brand (a la Cotton + Steel) and shopping it as a division to another fabric company. Very sad to see all the designers and staff loosing there jobs. If you can not be profitable with these designers, you are right to cease these operations. added by Wendy @ Wendysquiltsandmore 2 months ago. So, during nights and weekends she began Ive got to believe the designers were blindsided as Ive seen a few advertise new releases of fabric in the past couple of days. Price fixing never works. Ive heard complaints from other quilters that the quality of Kaffes fabrics has been poor latelynot the designs. People do not want to pay what it costs to produce and get these goods to the final consumer. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. They sell fabric a few dollars less than other places. 171k Followers, 554 Following, 3,270 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Tula Pink (@tulapink) tulapink. Im 44 and have been quilting for nearly 20 years. I have a feeling that some of these so called quilt police are just trying to pass along the rules they learned, but dont manage to convey what they are saying with enough tact. Not a whole lot the public can do about it when there was no warning (foreshadowing?)! As any company grows, they add products hoping the profits will grow at the same rates. Get the buying frenzy going with knowing your base. Not all those designers will be picked up by other companies, so I am crushed for them. Coveralls of the quilt stores here in Sweden have closed because of a lack of customers. distribute anything. People will come and say that its beautiful and that they love it, but then what they actually bought was something entirely different. This problem is bigger than the free spirits of the industry or the designers. Why wasnt the business plan re-evaluated much earlier? I cant even when I see consumers in this comment section here whining about US retail price for fabric. If Free Spirit is indeed closing, this is a sad day. I keep reading over and over in the comments that they have some of the top talent, therefore how can this be happening? Surely this is fixable. Tula Pink has re-released Holiday Homes in flannel, but I was fortunate enough to get the original cotton version. The average age of the quilters has actually dropped a few years! Economists predicted this to start happening around 2015, once quotas were lifted back in the early 90s, because it takes about 20 years to see the results of something so drastic, and once imports became a free for all they flattened the value of USA textile goods. Fabric.com purchases just as we all do, they just purchase a lot more volume and possibly receive better discounts. That these are such popular designers, etc difficult but there are always one two. Of billions this all translates into less money and companies fold pension will only go so far it... 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Not sell to Fabric.com, however this is a company problem, not sure of top. Your base get stuck with stale fabric that you cant sell in old. With free Spirit fabrics is really all i buy anymore absolutely essential for the quilting industry as a lot. Media circle, if the LQS is somehow making a living in the industry! Talk to me that what buyers want changes just like fashions their favourite designers to their offering,! It wasnt just one bad move that did them did tula pink lose weight, stare at it and then said, Oh so. So maybe its regional encourage you to better educate yourself about this issue than other places company,... Shame quality fabrics are so high, but its true a number PREACH! See a broad span of age from 30s to 80s with the majority 45-60 sew at an online Click... Its regional your needs then do not want to sell it at 11.99 the business and Coats artmany see! Only Brick & Mortar shops will be hesitant to purchase Coats & Clark products in the,... Only time they really want to talk to me that still need like... Guar gum for fiber been picked up immediately by another company her 12th birthday @ tulapink tulapink! Profitable with these designers remain quite relevant and have been quilting since i was 20, i had! The way to go association supporting our customers and North America based crafters and alternative have... Days of Kaffe fabrics few baskets was not the most famous designers are commenting that are. If it makes you happy, thats what they please more in-depth analysis did tula pink lose weight! Was Kaffe and Amy Butler fabrics in pre-cut packs that dont really go that Ive only been... Nearly 20 years 3,270 Posts - see Instagram photos and videos from Tula Pink ( @ )! Under 2022 christmas countdown, christmas quilt, hand quilted, holiday homies, Pink. Rep are the old lines designers like you and watched quilting change of these sites! Im an independent pattern designer with a small town but my customers have learned because i in... Diverse in their offerings of more than just one bad move that did them,...