mind blowing stoner facts

According to BBC News, Osborne started out hiccuping about 40 times a minute, though eventually it slowed down to 20 a minute. Australia is full of natural wonders that seem to defy explanation and this is top of the list. Japanese golfers have hole-in-one insurance. And, according to the United Nations, the world population is estimated to reach 9.8 billion by 2050. Charlotte Hilton Andersen, BS, MS, has been covering health, fitness, parenting and culture for many major outlets, both in print and online, for 15 years. For comparison, worker and soldier termites live just one to two years. Prince Charles has a car fueled by wine. It wasn't until 1825 that scientist Georges Cuvier disproved the mystical creature's existence, stating that it was not feasible for an animal with a split hoof to have a single horn emerging from its head, according to National Geographic. killing up to half of all the people who have ever lived. 6. Pierre Vinet/New Line/Saul Zaentz/Wing Nut/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock, Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock, The Ocean Cleanup Handout/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer). You'll never look at Instagram and Twitter octothorpes the same way again. The longest word you can type with just your left hand is Sweaterdresses.. If you love tiramisu, then you probably think you could never get too much of the tasty treat. Language experts have suggested that cows have regional accents just like humans. Grahams number is a number so large that a digital representation of it cannot be contained in the observable universe. During California growing season outdoor plants consume 60 million gallons of water a day. The story apparently caused an "uproar," according to Atlas Obscura, who note that the Berliner Zeitung newspaper even asked readers if this was an example of "a criminal case from the early capitalist era." However, They are part of the legume family. Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth. The farmer named him Magic Mike and instead of eating him, fed him with an eyedropper until he died 18 months later. Chicago's nickname has nothing to do with the weather. They may be mythical creatures but that didnt stop Scotland from making unicorns their national animal. At 3.5 million square miles, its definitely a monster, but it doesnt even compare to the Antarctic Polar Desert. This leads to a secondary mind-blowing fact: Someone did a study on the effects of Viagra on plants. moments, so definitely talk to a doctor before trying it. There's a fence in Australia longer than the distance between Seattle and Miami. The QWERTY keyboard that we all use today was invented by Christopher Shoals in 1874 for a new typewriter. May 29 is "Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day.". WebFun Facts about Earth. Listen for yourself. 1 Are these your leftovers? These are the only 5 countries in the world without airports. Bob Marley was buried with his Les Paul guitar, a bible, and some weed. The parrot was present in the home where Jackson died and as the funeral commenced began cursing in such colorful language that it had to be removed from the house. Another [volunteer], who hadn't washed in several years, hosted two species of so-called extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents. Hansel and Gretel are figures you'll likely recognize from the 1812 Brothers Grimm fairy tale, but in 1963, a prank had people believing that the siblings were real. WebHello, here are 5 Mind-blowing Facts about the Earth you won't believe! 50 Coolest Random Pieces of Trivia That Will Impress Your Friends. That's because a 2014 study published in the journal Computers & Education found that the puzzle-solving video game is actually better for your brain than apps that are specifically designed to sharpen your cognitive abilities. It can be hard to imagine how much wealth is generated by the illegal drug trade but the fact that Pablo Escobar had to spend over two grand on rubber bands every month just to keep his money together might help put it in perspective. Its actually part of the city of Paradise. Viagra may typically be prescribed to humans, but it also gives plants a boost, helping them stand up more erect and last longer. President Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for speeding on a horse. So in a way, Jackson really did get the last word. Nobody quite knows why. Originally, they were produced by theaters themselves, but by 1916, movie studios took the reins. When dissolved in water, Viagra can make cut flowers stay erect for up to a week longer than they usually would. The national animal of Scotland is the Unicorn. The kangaroo mouse never needs to drink water. That's why Leave It to Beaver ran into a problem in 1957 when one script included the show's main characters keeping their pet alligator in a toilet tank. Cleopatra is easily one of the most famous rulers of Egypt, but she actually lived closer to the moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Yum! The sound designer confessed, Its somewhat embarrassing, but when the raptors bark at each other to communicate, its a tortoise having sex.. } ); We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. But you'd have to go back even further to witness the founding of Oxford University, which started as a learning hub as early as 1096. According to Butterkist's research, each person is born with approximately 10,000 taste buds that are replaced around every two weeks. Cleopatra, the last active ruler of Egypt, was born around 69 B.C. A million dollars may sound almost as good as a billion, but that's only because the average person has no concept of the staggeringly vast difference between the two amounts. These are just some of the amazing facts you will discover when reading our list of incredibly true but surprising facts below. Have you heard these 50 astonishing facts about the 50 states? Of all the things that Walmart carries and sells, the best-selling item is bananas, and has been for several years, Vice reports. When Scotland featured the unicorn on its royal coat of arms in the 12th century, the creature was believed to be a real animal. Mosquitoesmore specifically, the diseases carried by mosquitoeskill nearly 1 million people every year. Theres a good scientific reason for shaking your ketchup before you pour it on your fries: The more you shake it, the thinner the consistency gets. The English language is quirky, and one of the best examples of that is in the way we pronounce Pacific Ocean. In total, they identified 2,368 bacterial species, 1,458 of which may be new. But if you overindulge in too many treats, then you might notice a little "kummerspeck," which is what Germans call the weight you put on due to emotional eating. 3. To get an idea of the kind of money involved, the eagle sent hundreds of text messages at once, and each one cost about 77 cents. The human nose can detect more than 1 trillion smells. One grew newborn lambs inside of pods, and another produced a lamb that was attached to a stem by its belly button. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Scientist Elena Shnayder told The New York Times, "He disappeared for five months, and all of a sudden here he is, with a very, very heavy phone bill." Well, it is for humans. The longest bicycle in the world is over 135 feet long. Van Gogh is one of the most recognized painters of all time, with his famous paintings decorating everything from coffee mugs to shower curtains, along with walls in the most prestigious museums. WebA little while ago, Reddit user RyanBlitzpatrick asked the users of r/AskReddit to share some mind-blowing facts and you better believe they did! Hares are born with fur and can see whilst rabbits are born naked and blind. Giraffe tongues grow up to 18 to 20 inches. But the strip is misnamedits actually in the unincorporated city of Paradise. Talk about a dubious honorMaryland is the only state in the United States that has no natural lakes within its borders. And since it resides in such a dry area, it's learned to adapt by getting all of the hydration it needs via the seeds it eats. There is an uninhabited island in the Bahamas known as Pig Beach, which is populated entirely by swimming pigs. The "H" and "M" in H&M stem from its hunting and fishing roots. (Officially, a "miniature book" can be no larger than three inches in height, width, or thickness. That seems like a long time agoand it was! Here are 10 secret messages hidden in world-famous paintings. Apple pips are poisonous and can kill you but you will have to eat several thousand to feel the effects. Toward the end of summer, when wasps are done providing for their queen and her offspring, they like to feast on energizing sugary foods and drinks in preparation for the wintertime. The scientific definition of berry is a plant that has three distinct layers: an outer skin (exocarp), a fleshy middle (mesocarp), andheres the keyinternally contained seeds (endocarp). Greenland sharks, which are also known as gurry sharks or grey sharks, tend to live long lives. Mind Blowing Stoner Facts In 2013, California authorities seized 329 outdoor grow sites Authorities Confiscated 2 million Plants 119, pounds of trash 17,000 pounds of fertilizer 40 gallons of pesticides 244 propane tanks 6 car batteries 8g illegal dams 81 High heels have become such an icon of stereotypical femininity that many women feel an outfit is incomplete without them. Despite their immense weight, "that 'heavy' cloud is floating over your head because the air below it is even heavierthe lesser density of the cloud allows it to float on the dryer and more-dense air.". Kelloggs, the company who makes them, has admitted that each Froot Loop is froot flavored which they describe as a blend of fruit flavors. Not all facts are factuallike these 51 facts everyone believes, that are actually false. 4. Most Canadians living in America reside in south Seattle. Mountain Dew may be a popular soft drink, but the name used to be slang for moonshine. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" may have led us to believe that the massive celestial bodies in the night sky are sparkling, but it turns out that the flashing we see is merely a "space mirage." The creature weighs a whopping 1,102 pounds, which is pretty impressive considering that the International Association for Bear Research and Management says adult male polar bears weigh anywhere from 880 to 1,320 pounds. A million seconds is about 12 days while a billion seconds is about 32 years. All Rights Reserved. Samuel J. Seymour was just five years old when he attended a play at Fords Theater on that fateful evening of April 14, 1865. Here are 20 cool everyday things that were actually designed for WWI. But now scientists have discovered another lasting consequence of the deadly force: Findings published in 2019 in Geophysical Research Letters revealed that radioactive particles that originated from atomic bomb tests between the 1940s and the 1960s were detected in crustaceans that live in the deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench. George Washington never actually lived in Washington, D.C. Despite being named after an Australian animal, the kangaroo mouse lives in the Nevada desert. Humans are the only animals that enjoy eating spicy foods. The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement. The FDA once banned sliced bread because it used too much plastic packaging. That blanket of ash shielded the planet from the sun, which led to "the year without a summer." After four days of fighting, the 100 Hour War was ended. Surprised? Check out 100 interesting facts about practically everything. Several Chinese emperors died from taking an "immortality" elixir. For just $70,000 you can rent Lichtenstein for an evening. The largest bone in the human body is the femur, also known as the thigh bone. The Las Vegas Strip isnt really in Las Vegas. The Incredible Hulk was originally grey, not green. One of the most painful stings known to mankind is from the platypus. So the Mongolian navy is one tugboat with a seven-man crew. Die Wahrheit ber Hnsel und Gretel (The Truth About Hansel and Gretel) was a book written by German artist Hans Traxler. There are computers for the Amish, which have no internet, videos, or music. Nauru is the only country in the world without an official capital city. And thats just the men. In this instalment of WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts, we're going to try to take an unbiased view of a controversial subject, and count down the five most mind-blowing things that you probably didn't know about marijuana. The doctor normally leaves the old kidney in place and puts the donor kidney in the lower belly on the front side of the body. Whats a pirate without an eye patch? Hilariously, it literally translates to "grief bacon.". The U.S. government has an official plan for a zombie apocalypse. navigator.sendBeacon('https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', payload); Spending just a few months in Antarctica can shrink your brain. The Ethiopian calendar is seven years behind the rest of the world. It was the emoji of a smile with tears of joy. No. It covers the continent of Antarctica and has a size of about 5.5 million square miles. By the time they are an adult that number is closer to 200. Several countries, including Mexico, Germany, and Austria, see the desire to escape prison as basic human nature rather than an unlawful act. Down in Earth's core, there's a stash of gold that sank to its current location when the planet was still in a molten state. ), According to Merriam-Webster, an oxymoron is "a combination of contradictory or incongruous words." Since deserts don't have water drainage systems in place, and the rains fall too fast for the dry, clay-like soil to absorb the rainfall, water overflow becomes excessive. Others now also use the phone in order to feel closer to their late loved ones. They use "cruel kindness" to illustrate their point. WebComments Off on 25 More Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind! According to plastic surgeon Terry Dubrow, MD, the substance was frequently combined with mud to create face masks. Think The Walking Dead is straight-up fiction? Plenty of people enjoy eating watermelon, but have you ever tried a cucamelon? He died before the establishment was finished. The Bloukrans Bridge, Western Cape, South Africa, is the highest commercial natural bungee jump in the world. Technically the Earth is known as an oblate spheroid due to the bulge at the equator and the flattened poles. Tobias is a content specialist with over a decade of experience writing about men's lifestyles for a variety of publications around the world. Every two minutes people take more photos than were taken in the entire 19th century. As Andrew C. Gallup, PhD, a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University, told WebMD, the reason for yawning might be that it cools the brain. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva a day. But did you know that most of the time the surgeon doesnt remove the diseased kidney? But in space, two pieces of metal will be permanently stuck together if they touch, thanks to something called "cold welding." Your heart may beat faster when you're excited and could slow down when you're relaxed, but in most cases, it tends to keep a regular pace. But men should stop chuckling as medicine recognizes the male equivalent called irritable male syndrome, a behavioral state defined as hypersensitivity, frustration, anxiety, and anger that occurs in males and is associated with biochemical changes, hormonal fluctuations, stress, and loss of male identity.. An astronauts footprint in the lunar soil. Marvel's Incredible Hulk is just as well known for his green body as he is for his testy temperament. The length of a day will become 25 hoursin about 175 million years. Its a vital step in the AI revolution. Youll love these 18 mind-blowing facts about astronomy. The earth isnt round. It may discolor your tongue and stool, leading to some surprising bathroom (and third date?) You might think you know all the trivia out there, but these brand new facts will surprise you. Theres a species of jellyfish that is essentially. Radioactive particles from the Cold War were found in the deepest parts of the ocean. In conjunction with that, the deep intake of breath forces a downward flow of spinal fluid and blood from the brain. That's because choices for paints, sealers, and other building materials were originally extremely limited. While cucamelons or "mouse melons" sound like they could be related to watermelonsand certainly look like tiny grape-sized versions of the larger fruitthey resemble cucumbers inside and have a citrusy taste. Sure, the city gets cold in the winter, and wind definitely plays a role, but the nickname "the Windy City" has nothing to do with that. The extra cash comes in handy if a golfer nails the impressive feat and is then expected to celebrate by paying for food, drinks, and gifts, which can cost quite a bit. But his body stayed in the saddle as Sweet Kiss crossed the finish lineand won the race! As such, farmers hundreds of years ago would seal their barns with linseed oil and add a variety of things, such as rust. Yet the reason they were so prevalent among the outlaws may surprise you. If you use brain-training apps like Lumosity or have been thinking about trying one out, you might want to consider giving the game Portal 2 a shot. Six feet 1. They had reportedly chosen the title to protest Sweden's strict name-related laws, which is why it may not be surprising that their selection was rejected. That's why the beloved theme park could fit inside of Canada 81,975 times. So that's why food tastes better when someone else makes it. Their skin is black and the hairs in their fur are hollow and clear. In May 2019, Communications Biology published research done on gum made of birch bark tar that was around 9,540 to 9,880 years old. Produced by Italian cheese brand Galbani, students from the Milan Cooking School assembled the giant dessert, which was then divided up and served to those at the record-breaking event, while an additional 15,000 pieces went to a local children's hospital. The nonsense phrase "umop apisdn" is "upside down" spelled upside down. In order to leave their post, they must be escorted by agency "minders." Polar bears may be known as being so white they can hide in snow but the truth is they arent white at all. If you think parking is expensive in your area, you'll be shocked by how much a spot can cost in Hong Kong. No matter how constant it may seem to us mortals, its actually slowing over time. Water makes a different sound whether its hot or cold. We hope you enjoy this collection of mind blowing stoner facts. Enter the world's most top-secret Starbucks. The tradition started with putting a piece of cloth or linen from one's bedroom on their larder, the precursor to the fridge. Very moooo-ving indeed. the only 5 countries in the world without airports, vintage Aston Martin reworked to use wine as its primary fuel, the desire to escape prison as basic human nature rather than an unlawful act. Granted, this is never going to happen outside of a sci-fi movie. "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church believes Jesus Christ was born in 7 BC, 5,500 years after God's promise to Adam and Eve." Go ahead and flip whatever device you're reading this on upside down, and check out those first two words again. Both escalators are housed in banks. In the 1850s, a dozen eggs could cost you the equivalent of $90 in todays money, a pick axe the equivalent of $1,500, and a hotel room upwards $300,000 a month. WebHow much do you know about the human mind and brain? ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, According to Smithsonian, "from 1945 to 1963 the United States and the Soviet Union (with a little help from the United Kingdom and France) detonated nearly 500 nuclear bombs, 379 of which exploded in the atmosphere. And fans of the chilly treat will surely squeal over the largest scoop of ice cream ever, which weighed 3,010 pounds. Garlic lovers rejoice! So why do they look white? The largest scoop of ice cream weighed more than 3,000 pounds. If you are shot by a sniper you will be dead before you hear the gunfire. Talk about a totally bananas fact! As he was experimenting with improving the level of the magnetron tubes, he realized that the peanut cluster bar in his pocket had melted. Twins Katie and Amy Jones-Elliot hold the Guinness World Record for the longest birth interval between two twins, being born 87 days apart. Crows hold grudges. WE MAY GET PAID IF YOU BUY SOMETHING OR TAKE AN ACTION AFTER CLICKING ONE OF THESE. Tensions mounted as the teams were tied 1-1 and went into a third match. Why can't horses vomit? This piece of fan fiction, based on the Nintendo video game Super Smash Bros., is 4,102,328 words longmore than seven times the length of Tolstoys masterpieceas of April 2019. You may find that your mouth gets a little dry when you're nervous. A couple once tried to name their child Brfxxccxxmnpccccll-lmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116, pronounced "Albin.". The special plant came in two different varieties, according to medieval texts (the myth has been traced back to the year 436). xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); Enceladus, one of Saturns smaller moons, reflects 90% of the Suns light. And while some psychological studies provide us with fairly banal "No internet, no video, no music." The longest tiramisu ever measured was 897 feet and 3 inches. You'll see that "umop apisdn" does indeed spell "upside down" using almost entirely different letters of the alphabet. However noble the reason, people were furious and the ban only lasted three months. These tests dramatically increased the amount of carbon-14 on our planet. When seen from above, lake Hillier looks bright, bubblegum pink. You've heard the adage before: The more you know, the more you realize you don't know. fun facts with kids and adults, then watch their minds implode. One would assume that dying of thirst and dehydration would be the leading cause of death in the desert, but surprisingly, it's drowning, according to the USGS. at an estimated 125,000 miles per hour or 5 times the Earths escape velocity, octopuses as the correct pluralization of octopus. Ghengis Khan is known for being one of the most prolific killers ever but it appears he was just as much a lover as he was a fighter. Called Black Diamond apples, they're found in Tibet and are from the Hua Niu family of apples, also known as Chinese Red Delicious. One of the most common reasons people avoid marijuana is because they believe it kills brain cells. According to The Star, "the grasslands and bald hills outside the town of Osoyoos are an extension of the Sonoran Desert that runs as far south as Mexico and creeps north to form Canada's only arid desert." Whether it's a giraffe, a mouse, or a human, each mammal has exactly seven vertebrae in its neck. In fact, the nation up north is so massive (3.85 million square miles to be exact), that it's the second-largest country in the world, coming after Russia (6.6 million square miles) and before the United States (3.79 million square miles). In 1945 a Colorado farmer went out to kill a chicken for dinner but when he chopped off the animals head, it just wouldnt die. The funniest and most mind-bending questions to ponder while stoned. But that's not the only remarkable thing about them. The idea is simplejust place a pillow on top of your fridge to bring prosperity and good fortune into your life. Icehotel is a world-famous hotel and art exhibition made of ice and snow. Scotland's national animal is the unicorn. Not sand. If youre looking for a nice, long read, youll want The Subspace Emissarys Worlds Conquest. High-heeled shoes were originally designed for rich men. CoffeeBeanoMan [ confirmed] The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around.. Yoda and Miss Piggy were voiced by the same person Frank Oz. Marijuana has become the most used illegal drug in the USA, Around the world marijuana has over 200 slang terms. It was founded in 1989, and it's literally rebuilt every year in the Swedish village of Jukkasjrvi. The light that emanates from stars is steady and constant, but Earth's atmosphere interferes with what we witness, which is why they appear to twinkle. "In a farm deep in the southern region of China lives a very big pig that's as heavy as a polar bear," according to Bloomberg. Every mammal has the same number of neck vertebraeexcept for two. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. The numbers of total deaths. The 'excited' molecules that result can react with chemicals called fluorophores to emit photons.". The event, which lasted an unimaginable two weeks, blew countless tons of dust, ash, and sulfur dioxide into the Earth's atmosphere. Greenland sharks dont reach sexual maturity until theyre 150. But the dictionary also could have used the word "oxymoron" as an examplesince it turns out the word is an oxymoron itself. ", Or, specifically, around 457,000 calories, according to a 2011 study in the Journal of Experimental Biology. There are black apples called Black Diamond apples. It can be absorbed through your skin, pass through your bloodstream, and end up in your mouth and nose, making you taste the garlic even though it never went in your mouth. Unfortunately, the keys were prone to jamming so, as the story goes, Shoals designed the keyboard to slow typists down by placing the most commonly used letters far apart. 1. Wyoming is known for being sparsely populated. But you don't have to be famous to opt for an unexpected moniker. Recent DNA analysis found that about 0.5 percent of all men alive todayabout 16 millionare descended from the infamous mercenary. John Adams was actually the first U.S. president to live in D.C. And as for why Washington never lived in the White House? Cucamelons (or "mouse melons") look like grape-sized watermelons but have a citrus flavor. } else { The riots boiled over into a full-scale war with over 2,000 casualties on each side. A team from the Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network thought they had a great idea when they attached SMS text-based tracking devices to 13 steppe eagles. These areArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Crafted by Santos and the University of South Australia in 2015, a group of cyclists did manage to ride the bikewhich was much wider than normal in order to compensate for the lengthover a distance of 100 meters. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that crocodile feces was beneficial for the skin, and frequently used the substance as an early anti-aging treatment. Walt Disney World is a big place, but Canada is way bigger. After testing the mechanism with an egg and corn kernels, he realized he'd stumbled on something potentially far more useful than the problem he was supposed to be solving. Why bananas, you ask? Did you know some types of lobsters can live forever? Well, it isbut the government wants to be prepared for a real-life version anyhow. There are more trees on Earth than stars in the galaxy. , bubblegum pink a piece of cloth or linen from one 's bedroom on their larder, the intake. Zombie apocalypse of Egypt, was born around 69 B.C not the only country in the way pronounce! Defy explanation and this is never going to happen outside of a sci-fi.. Number so large that a digital representation of it can not be in! 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Hot or Cold share some mind-blowing facts and you better believe they did be mythical creatures but that not... Have regional accents just like humans mind-blowing fact: Someone did a study the! A different sound whether its hot or Cold and fishing roots about men 's lifestyles for real-life...