regulus in 6th house

So, you can change for a better living and find good fortunes. Certainly Jupiter can be linked to astrology, but Regulus is all about the military stuff. (Image credit: Starry Night . Dealing with difficult people is a drag, choose your best friends carefully. I think transformation is meant to interrupt the flow of life and keep us in a state of constantly being awake and aware of everything going on around us so we can wake up to the next level of ourselves. Generally Grace has a statuesque and very regal feline image. Side note about Aquarians: Ive always been a little confused about the general description of Aquarius. Mundane Astrology. notable tangents Ceres and Venus. Jupiter Uranus Hard Aspects~ Thunder Struck, Saturn in Pisces 2023 ~ Crystalising Dreams. The eleventh house represents the fruits of our actions: income and general fulfilment of desires. You like to work as a team, especially with people who have values you share. Implicit in maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the face of adversity, and this theme rings truest in the Sixth House. [2], A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. But it also coincided with transiting Neptune opposite my Mars. As a Royal Star, Regulus symbolizes the strength and power of the heart, love, and actions motivated by such considerations. Margaret Thatcher; (09) A superb example, and she of course suffered her famous Regulus downfall in 1990 when was hounded out of her office by the men in suits. Prince George Of Cambridge; The first royal to be born with Regulus in Virgo, will he reflect the paradigm shift? Bob Geldof; Ex-Punk turned activist. Now this is a bit evocative its nearly 2600. Jimmy Page; Rock singer with wild blond mane. Governs highway robbery, bridges, fords, piracy, kidnapping, textile dying, clothing and pigments. Ricky Gervais; Played the proud and ever-so-slightly arrogant boss in The Office to Regulus perfection. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. When Aquarius is in the 6th House it means that you like to work in a place where you can break pre-established norms. Other star seed type commentators describe a switch from service-to-self (Leo) towards service-to-others. The object or person associated with this house finds favor. Jim Carrey 028, Jordan Peterson 214, Johnny Depp 215. 2016 Update: Well well, here may be the next president! Regulus is one of the most benefic fixed stars in a chart. Chart set for 10% orb The natives with Venus in the 6th house found their happiness in materialistic things. I'm a double SKORPION (5:38 am Nov. 21 1961 Washington DC--oh, yeah! It may not display this or other websites correctly. Moon: Every 2.5 days or so. I have been trying to a natal interpretation (keyword try LOL) and found that her Regulus is right on her North Node in the 12th house. It is found, naturally, in the brave heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. When Taurus is in the 6th House, it means that you might be very good at creating habits, but not at improving them or changing them, even if given the opportunity. Danielconnects to J. K. Rowlings Mercury on Regulus. Chart is dedicated to Art Basel Miami, artist Agnes Martin, her painting #14, sold for 7 million. Regulus give the power to stand firm in one's inner convictions in the face of threats and danger. This is graphically demonstratedwith Jackie, for afterJohn Kennedy was shot, she refused to remove her bloodstain pink Chanel suit. Regulus is the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. 10 days old, Happy birthday, dont call me baby(old joke). Regulus Arcturus Black ( 1961 - 1979 ), also known as R.A.B., was a pure-blood wizard, born to Orion and Walburga Black, and the younger brother of Sirius Black. This has fated my life as a dream walker since birth to see behind the scenes (veils) and totally be awake in dreaming since birth. If at the same time, the Sun is with the Dragons Head in Gemini, or Jupiter is in the 10th house in trine to Mars and the Sun is with the Dragons Head, great preferment even from the lowest sphere to high rank. "Karaliu Pasaka" MK Ciurlionis, Lithuanian artist 1909- translates to the "Kings Story". He lost his wife Paula Yates through separation and then drug overdose and his daughter died under mysterious circumstances. When you follow the dreamer languages of her (image, art, ancient art, weaving the goddesses together in many culutres), one sees that virgo was the earthly foundation of heaven, or mandate of heaven as the daoist call it but without mens gifts of power and war. Perhaps you are already familiar with Regulus and do not need further information. Do you see how we use symmetry in calculating several Interregnums, past, present and future? Lead singer of Queen (Mercury rules voice). Ha! Or Mussolinis. Im new to fixed stars. Virgos are born between August 22 to September 22, and the Virgo sign is represented as a young maiden carrying a sheaf of wheat. It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall. It was very difficult for me to post the above. The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and the planet Mercury. Also Michael Douglas, Clint Eastwood, Mata Hari, Patrick McNee, Henri Toulous Lautrec, Jim Carrey, Shania Twain, Claudia Shiffer, Peter Stringfellow. 2nd chart of the Trinity. Freddy Mercury; How Regulus can you get!? November 29, 2011 i believe the 4th horseman is Regulus, followed by his little mate Phecda., this list of historical events concerning Regulus is from. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. I have Ascendant in Virgo 1054 and Vertex in Aquarius 1232 on cusp of 6th. The traditional name Aldebaran is from the Arabic word (al-dabarn) which means the follower (of the Pleiades ). V/r LionKing. An old saying goes that Regulus in the 10th house makes astrologers to kings. Youd expect them to do something wouldnt you? My previous comment was in reference to Geralds post about the chart of the Trinity. They strive to go to the very top in the military. Here's a quick approximation of how often each planet goes into the 29 th degree & then goes on to change signs. Harmonious Approach. Sean Lennon; Lost his father through assassination. 959,000 . Regulus Arcturus Black (1961 - 1979) was an English pure-blood wizard, born to Orion and Walburga Black, and the younger brother of Sirius Black. One will be very sensuous. 194-211. Fixed stars move very slowly, approximately 1 degree every 72 years. Having Regulus in a tight conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 1st house might mean stepping into my own power in some way. Lol, Asc ruler and Sun would both be conjunct in the 7th house. Its interesting that you have Regulus in your 9th and your significant other has it in his 6th. Casual observations This sky map shows the location of brilliant planet Venus and the bright star Regulus in the pre-dawn sky on Oct. 3, 2012, as viewed from mid-northern latitudes. [1], Billy Joel 014, Alan Leo 017 (and Ascendant), Volodymyr Zelenskyy 043, Emmanuel Macron 055, Uranus conjunct Regulus: Energetic, ambitious, successful, may be unjust or dishonorable, self-aggrandizement, high official position, panders to aristocracy, associated with religion for business purposes, gain through speculation and companies, favorable for marriage, sorrow through death of daughter and disappointment through a son; friends become enemies at end of life, may retire and live in seclusion, violent death through accident or assassination. In addition Goethe wrote 4 novels and became a literary celebrity at the age of 25. an inventory of sorts surrounding November 29, The Chinese spacecraft launch, journey, and docking to the spacestation The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.67. mid heaven, and note Achilles 588, creeping closer to Cusp of Oscillation. The CHANGING of the Guard! Saturn aspects 6th house, when he is placed in * 1. Favorable for real estate transactions and constructions of all types. They can be either the ones who have a lot of money or those who work part-time for the minimum salary. From arrogant hints the Dark Lord had dropped, Regulus figured out what the locket was - an evil Horcrux. H.P Lovecraft; 19th century fantasy writer whose created a genre all of its own, mixing Sci-Fi and horror into something called cosmic horror. It is because the 1st carries energies of the first zodiac sign Aries. Posts about Regulus written by Elodie Miaow. I am curious to learn any wealth, work, inheritance of power/leadership positions you may like to share regarding these natal planet positions in common? Your comments have helped, thank you again. Grace Jones; Famous for her Diva behaviour and her legendary slapping of interviewer Russell Harty for ignoring her. Ford became one of the richest men on the planet probably because he created the Fordism system which guaranteed high wages for his workers, which was double that of his competitors. Capricorn in the 6th house. Riches and power could fall to these natives easily. That you have free will in how to respond to what is in your contract, using the astrological tools you were given in your natal chart. I like looking at dates from a numerology perspective. - Pluto/Regulus, North Atlantic Treaty (NATO) signed at Washington, April 4 1949 - Saturn/Regulus, Feb 11th 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed, with Italy recognizing the independence and sovereignty of Vatican City. In Persian, it was Miyan, the Centre, and Venant, one of the four royal stars of the Persian monarchy, where in 3,000 BC, as the Watcher of the North, it marked the summer solstice. Don Machholz. Having the North Node in 10th House, you are deeply and psychically connected to your family. Even if you have very little or no water in your chart, you have learned to connect with the spirit world and this is why an entity appeared before you. Your experience with the spirit world has helped me to see things in a different way and Im sure has helped others who found their way to your comment here. I think it needs wild and explosive Uranus to dislodge some of its very fixed ideas! Regulus ingress Virgo, 2nd chart of the trinity. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal. It brings stability, rationality and stubbornness. Regulus in Virgo - 2011 ACE - 4171 ACE. The eleventh house is known as the house of all desire. The only planet I have in the 7th house is Saturn but it is not close to either regulus or vertex. Also, the master numbers, 11 and 22, in numerology play a role in service. The sixth house is the house of self-denial. No need to apologize. Elton has had his fair share of Regulus dramas though and battling addictions to alcohol and cocaine. The commanding personality extends even to their love life, since everyone is merely a stepping stone for their pleasures and ego. Over time, Venus learns to deal with the harsh side of life effectively. This could be through education, interacting with people different from yourself while traveling, or deep and philosophical thinking. Chart highlights: Intersectional bi-quintiles, Moon conj. Fixed star Regulus is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter (great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views.) That your transformation is part of your contract and that astrology is part of the details of that contract. Transformations dont usually make us consistent because life is in such upheaval and our flow is interrupted, which seems to be what is happening for you right now. 29 km ENE Nampa AB, Heliocentric view, Venus Zero Point Capricorn. Richard Branson; Founder of the multi-platform business Virgin which is appropriately named now that Regulus has moved into Virgo. [1], If the cosmogram as a whole points to this possibility, Jupiter conjunct Regulus is one of the best configurations for success. These Dubai photos will make you think twice before visiting. I never got very far because I started describing the title sequence, which involved stars and constellations which became my passion and eclipsed all my other interests and hobbies. You are using an out of date browser. Hi Cristina So sorry it took me such ages to reply to you. Several planets in the sixth house often suggest that health is a life area with more things going on then in most people's lives. It has an eccentric orbit, and the time it spends in the zodiac signs varies. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.[4]. Regulus in Virgo! Venus In Ninth House Meaning: Independent And Inquisitive. Cynthia Payne; (57). Cheiro; Shows the ability of Regulus to prophecy and the occult interests of this placement. This is a promising placement since it creates a person with a lot of staying power. Heidi Klum 001, Lucy Hale 006, Bernard Arnault 010, Harold Holt 010, Drake 012, Heinrich von Kleist 012, Paul Gauguin 018, Anne Murray 022, Camille Gottlieb 022, Takako Shimazu 036, Alan Leo 050 (and Saturn), Donald Trump 053, Nancy Pelosi 100, Kenny Chesney 104, Lorraine Warren 116, Jacques Hadamard 117, douard Manet 124, Honor de Balzac 136, John Fox 151, Billy Bob Thornton 158, George H. W. Bush 209, Karl Ernst Krafft 210, Martin Luther 214, Martin Scorsese 220, Guillaume Apollinaire 222, Natalie Cole 230. Both the Chinese and Americans arent shy about using specific Artwork clock settings. Or Stalins. Camelot Baby). Its also Interesting that this date has 3 elevens in it. Neptune conjunct Regulus: Prominent leader, lawgiver, diplomatic, strong character, control over others, influential friends, few if any enemies, domestic harmony, natural death in old age. . As I subscribe to the theory that I made quite a detailed sort of plan for myself before coming into incarnation, I dont even have the comfort of blaming anyone but myself! Regulus Ingress Virgo, age harmonic chart. With moon (part of a stellium with venus and pluto) in the 6th exactly squaring the midheaven. The meaning for code 588 that I like best equates the 5 with freedom, change, evolution, mobility; 8 with power, ambition, balance, realisation (this came from, quite an interesting website). Or JFKs (not just his wifes). It also marks the beginning of the 8th manzil (Arabic lunar mansion), see below. 2 Issues of the body and the psyche are firmly identified with the sixth house as well Credit: Getty The 11th house relates to the 3rd part of the legs, the calves, and shins. Accordingly, people with this combination are very courageous, dynamic, and self.motivated. Pluto conjunct Regulus: Makes activists concerning human rights and suspicion about what big government and corporations are hiding, interested in conspiracy theories. - Neptune/Regulus. Regulus, Alpha Leonis []. River Phoenix; (48) was an American actor who suffered the extreme side of this star, his Regulus Sun burnt too brightly, too quickly and he died aged just 23 of a drug overdose. Sun, Mercury & Venus : Once a month. Famous for rallying support (Military style) for giving aid to Africa in the 1980s. There are deaths and separations for those who bury on this day. The planets and signs that are placed in this cadent house on the birthchart influence activities of day to day life and govern daily routines, services, health and habits. If culminating, high ecclesiastical honor, martial preferment, prosperity in business.) The 6th House Astrology Summary Zodiac Sign : Virgo Ruling Planet : Mercury Work (vs Career) Service Thank you, Gerald. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim,symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagleand Human. Do tell. Ive been called often worshipped as unusual all my life; but my life certainly has been unusual in that fate has somehow deprived me not only of what should have been mine, but even of the most common experiences. Regretting having washed her bloodstained face and hands, she stated I want them to see what they have done to Jack [2] Of course the woman was an icon, more poised and regal then most real life royals and exuded bravery and loyalty. The sixth house is about things that can be improved so that everything is not just about a creative ego that is out of control but rather an ego that fits into the broader social picture. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. They are more of a higher frequency of 2 and 4 and serve in more a spiritual way than a practical way. As Venus is a soft planet in nature, it deals with disputes in a calm and harmonious way. This entity (??) I reckon I can confirm their maleficence though. We were to be allowed to monitor you and learn about human reactions to many different situations. Jupiter in the 6th House signifies insult, ailments, and domination by others. When you were preparing for your current incarnation, you made a contract with us to experience as many diverse things as possible. On the MC it is not only a good omen for a military career, but also for careers connected with the public, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers and the clergy, especially if Regulus is also in conjunction with the Sun or Moon or with a benefic stellar body. I haven't seen Regulus talked about as a studious star before either, and the fixed stars are something I've been delving into for some time, and I doubt I've just missed that. The 6th lord in 6th house being in 1st from own sign denotes also courage, braveness, the power to initiate tasks, and also matters of the head, including intelligence. The Aquarians Ive known were well-liked and easy to talk to, but Ive never known any that were unconventional. Mikail Gorbachev has Mercury Conjunct Regulus. It's a boost, not to your ego and self-expression like the first house, but to your sense of feeling right in the world. Only a few make it past sixty years of age. Donald Trump; His net worth is $4 Billion and in 2013 he spent $1 million to research his possible candidacy for the President of the USA. the truth of this chart meets a subaltern Sedna. Regal Regulus at 29 Leo has the honor of being the closest star to the ecliptic and therefore closest to the red carpet path of the glorious Sun. They are effective, virile, victorious, harm their enemies, are opulent and perhaps very rich, big-minded and ambitious, and they generally do not die a happy death; moreover, lovers of hunting, connoisseurs and owners of horses and quadrupeds. Regulus Black was indeed referenced in two of the Harry Potter movies. Goethe; German writer, artist, botanist and statesman who wrote epic poetry. Char, I see a heavenly screed coming with Regulus. Kim Cattrall; Sex In the Citys man-eater. Didnt know I could be such a BITCH maybe not even in a good way. Nights on the town, days lounging on the beach, and romantic holidays are all fifth house activities. They are always in a position of authority, and they demand total recognition for their achievements and abilities. Using Reiki as a healing bridge to support your deep soul connection to your pets Anyway, I believe the impact of Regulus may be highly overrated. They are known as a fixed sign, but Ive also seen them described as humanitarian, open-minded, flexible and unconventional. Interesting. And it is the second "cadent" house we have considered so far. Being independent is virtue Venus in the Ninth House. Occult interests, powerful friends, danger from enemies and false friends, gain by speculation, public prominence, great power, honor, wealth, benefits seldom last, violence, trouble and sickness. These natives know when they need to live on less and how to save. this house shares the same "element" as Virgo-Earth. Many disappointments, unexpected happenings, violent attachments, trouble through love affairs. [4]. It portends glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence. Elizabeth is also a post-secondary instructor in communications and science since 2015. and. Bill Clinton; disgraced by the notorious Monica Lewinsky affair. Rufus Wainwright; Singer-songwriterwho overcame crystal-meth addiction. The Sixth House describes the general health of the native, and the type of sickness to which he is prone. Monica Lewinksy; Certainly fell from grace and also brought trouble through love affairs to Bill Clinton who has his Sun here. , commanding, cosmopolitan views. many diverse things as possible to post! But Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its,... With a lot of staying power native, and domination by others ; Rock singer with blond! ( al-dabarn ) which means the follower ( of the Pleiades ) to dislodge of! Is graphically demonstratedwith Jackie, for afterJohn Kennedy was shot, she to... Will he reflect the paradigm shift statesman who wrote epic poetry higher frequency of 2 and 4 and serve more. Linked to astrology, but Regulus is the second & quot ; house we have so. 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Like looking at dates from a numerology perspective a position of authority, and the type of sickness which!, Happy birthday, dont call me baby ( old joke ) two of the 8th manzil ( Arabic mansion. Painting # 14, sold for 7 million follower ( of the four of.