The New International Version's translation of this verse makes His thought clear: "A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean." This is when the Israelites killed the lamb: in the evening of Nisan 14. We do not do that, do we? Hyssop is an interesting choice as a cleansing agent. Those two, separated exactly to the day by 430 years, and in Joshua 5, exactly 40 years after the Israelites left Egypt. Mark 14:12 KJV, "And there was no passover like to that kept in Israel from the days of Samuel the prophet; neither did all the kings of Israel keep such a passover as Josiah kept, and the priests, and the Levites, and all Judah and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem." Each year you will celebrate it as a special festival to the Lord. In either case, Passover must affect our life in a positive way, or it brings judgment against us. Historically, then, the day before a Sabbath (Friday) was a preparation day. Despite our self-examination, the focus at Passover is not on ourselves but on the payment for our sins, the means by which we are forgiven. Not one of you is to leave the house until morning. Hope the symbolism of this continues to spread. Formerly, we were slaves to sin and its consequences. ", It is evident the New Testament church of God continued to keep the Passover yearly. Why? The Chinese hang the red cloth over the doorways exactly the same way as you did to ward off evil . (I Corinthians 10:21-22). Despite the human desire to mark such times, Christians must be careful to do only what God's Word commands lest they be guilty of adding to or taking away from it (Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32; Joshua 1:7; Proverbs 30:5-6; Revelation 22:18-19). English Standard Version By faith he kept the Passover and sprinkled the blood, so that the Destroyer of the firstborn might not touch them. Today, it is common to receive wages every two weeks. 'Then on the fourteenth day of the first month shall be the Lord's Passover. Second, it is commanded in the New Testament and shown by the example of Christ and the apostles. Anyone who compares himself to others is not exhibiting faith in God. The people of the area were so astonished at this miracle that they supposed Barnabas and Paul, whom they called Zeus and Hermes (verse 12), to be pagan gods! Fantastic idea. Then the tables turn. . Though his sins have covered him in filth and stained him to the very roots of his being, the washing power of God makes a man whiter than snow. It is a time to concentrate on the most elementary precepts of our salvation, especially on the part Jesus Christ plays in it. Sacrifices were not added, but the sacrificial system was added. Luke 22:13 KJV, "And the king commanded all the people, saying, Keep the passover unto the LORD your God, as it is written in the book of this covenant." Crops were ruined, and disease had run rampant. He tells Peter that the washing of his feet symbolizes forgiveness of his sin to return him to a "clean" relationship with God. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes." Remember Jesus commanded: "This do in remembrance of me." I put each rubber band around the fabric at the place where I thought it should hang, and it bunched up the fabric for me as well as made a way to attach it to the hook. This merits attention because the term for "sign," which is OTH in Hebrew, is here spelled in what is known in Hebrew grammar as Khaser spelling, that is, "defective" spelling. Holy Days: Pentecost. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. Hebrews 11:28 KJV, "And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the passover." We know that Jesus is the Lamb of God, who came to take away the sins of the world (John 1:29). I love the idea that you put over the doorway also. It is the only sacrifice within the terms of the Old Covenant, yet we keep it under the New Covenant! Upon repentance, God applies again the sacrifice of Christ to us and forgives us by His grace. It is evident that the "days, months, seasons and years" Paul refers to in verse 10 were the pagan, idolatrous festivals and observances that the Galatian Gentiles had observed before their conversion. "In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, you shall celebrate the Feast of the Passover, and for seven days unleavened bread shall be eaten. It seems us Hebrews have a hard time getting ideas for how to decorate our homes for the feasts, so I thought Id share this easy decoration idea that my kids and I made last year. In the same way, we, too, groan at times within ourselves as the sharpness of our memories chasten us as we meditate on the course of our lives. Its about six yards around my whole door trim, going all the way to the floor. (See Exodus 12:21-22; Exodus 12:28-29.). If we fail to comprehend its meaning, we are much more likely to treat His death unworthily. The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. These people knew well that Leviticus 17:10-11 forbids the eating of blood. Mine isa satin, so its shiny and hangs nicely. Hes still trying to configure a fiery, whirling vortex for the pillar of cloud/fire =D, This is such a wonderful and meaningful way to commemorate this time of year, Love this. While many consider Passover to be a Jewish festival, it should also be a sacred observance for all Christians. Please leave a comment with your ideas to share with us! It is important that we consider all the aspects of this event. John the Baptist, when he first saw Him after He began His ministry, as He approached the River Jordan for baptism, said, "Behold! Hebrews 9:19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people according to the law, he took the blood of calves and of goats, with water, and scarlet wool, and hyssop, and sprinkled both the book, and all the people. These offerings are stipulated in Numbers 10:10. Many thousands confess that they are sinners, but how many have never mourned over this fact? Exodus 16 contains a principle by which we can understand that God did not provide manna on any Sabbath. The Passover Door - Exodus 12:7-13 The next door comes from Moses' time. "Drink from it, all of you," Jesus says (Matthew 26:27). This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." We took a roll of red satin ribbon, cut a length and stapled it above the door frame coming into the house (we have a single door, not a wide or double one). Verse 19 stresses the value of His sacrifice by using the word "precious," translated "honor" three times in chapters 2 and 3. Thank you for sharing. Numbers 9:4 KJV, "But in the eighteenth year of king Josiah, wherein this passover was holden to the LORD in Jerusalem." We do it in remembrance of the Lord's death - a memorial of His death. John O. Reid (1930-2016) Staff . Passover is held right before the full moon, in the first month of the year-on the 14 th of Nisan, commencing the Days of Unleavened Bread on the 15 th with the full moon. . The annual festivals are Sabbaths. To avoid taking Passover unworthily, we should not take it without seriously considering its meaning. When your children ask you, What does this ritual mean? you will answer, It is the sacrifice of Passover to honour the LORD, because he passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt. The convoluted theological arguments that have come down from the so-called apostolic fathers, repeated endlessly by their successors, are window-dressing to obscure these unpleasant factors. The blood of Jesus Christ has symbolically washed away all our past sins, and we stand before Him completely sinless. Some of these now screaming for His death were ones He had often seen, talked with, perhaps even dined with. . Job confesses in Job 42:5-6, "I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You. the Passover, and the sprinkling of blood, lest he that destroyed the firstborn should touch them. Did manna fall on an annual festivalon Abib/Nisan 15? Notice, it was "when the hour was come," that Jesus introduced the unleavened bread and the wine. ), just get what you like. The biblical Passover is a yearly reminder of when God passed over the houses of Israel and spared their firstborn from death. All those who have accepted His redemption eagerly anticipate His return to share the eternal life He makes possible by His sacrifice! That "God brought you out of Egypt by night" ought to give us a clue as to what this context is about. Third, Passover is included within the statutes of God as a corollary of the fourth commandment. Then, to close the service, they sing a hymn before concluding the solemn service (see Matthew 26:30; Mark 14:26). This fatal trap deceitfully provides us with self-justification for the way we are. Since Christ's death completely fulfilled the symbolism of killing a lamb, we no longer need to slaughter a lamb in keeping the Passover. Perhaps one might think of this as being a rather minor affair, but God shows that He hadand so we must haverespect for the life of an animal. Ezra 6:19 KJV, "Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom he raised from the dead." It is the beginning of a real sense of sin and its disastrously evil effects. You can use plain old nails and hammer, or picture hangers, or even those Command Strips that can be removed. 22 Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood that is in the basin. Unless we eat His flesh (represented by the unleavened bread of the Passover ritual) and drink His blood (symbolized by the wine), we have no life in us and will not inherit eternal life! In Exodus 12:13 is found the explanation that the blood would be a sign . . This was the practice of the New Testament churchin fact, it kept all of the holy days of Leviticus 23as long as the original apostles lived. He honored and revered God's law (Romans 7:12, 14, 16). Do we grasp the meaning of this? Sometimes "Passover" referred to the whole eight days, and sometimes "the Days of Unleavened Bread" identified the whole eight days. We will spiritually get our feet dirty, and we will need Christ to wash our feet to make us completely clean again. James the son of Zebedee was the first apostle martyred, early on by Herod (Acts 12:2). In the section of the Sermon on the Mount on prayer, Jesus says: "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread. Earl L. Henn (1934-1997) I decorate my home with lots of little goodies at feast time. God said that when He saw the lamb's blood on the doorframe of a house, He would "pass over" that home and not permit "the destroyer" ( Exodus 12:23) to enter. Our Savior's answer to this request is not what some would expect: "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean" (John 13:10). Prior to the coming of Christ, both Jews and Gentiles were "in bondage under the elements of the world" (verse 3). The CEV contemplates our overall response in how we, knowing we are Christ's body, conduct our daily lives, whereas The Amplified Bible focuses on appreciation of Christ's literal sacrifice while actually taking the bread and wine. Day does not necessarily have to mean "daylight," but simply any portion of the next 24-hour day. Exodus 12:48 Meaning He sent double portions on the preparation day, and the manna did not spoil over any Sabbath day, whether weekly or annual. What would you be willing to pay for His sacrifice? To what does Paul refer them to correct their abominable behavior? I apologize for the questions. So we observe the memorial of Christ's death annually. (:7) Applying the Blood "Moreover, they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses in which they eat it." Constable: The door represented the house (cf. Strange Women (Part Three). Second, the apostle would never refer to holy days that God instituted as "weak and beggarly elements." God has given us an assortment of tools to handle this process, and probably one of the best is to go through Jesus' own words spoken in the last 24 hours of His human life. We are Barabbas. The "three times" are three general periods during which God's holy days fall. II. These were people He knew, and some He knew well. Freedom and truth come to those who press on. The price of our redemption is the value we place on the Life given for our forgiveness. Christian . The holy days occur right on schedule. A comparison with the Old Testament, however, discloses this to be only the popular usage of some during New Testament times. Thus, the day the count begins?a Sunday?can fall outside the Days of Unleavened Bread in about 13% of years. God is saying that through the blood of Christ, He is "sealing" His agreement of salvation with us. Is that not typical of human nature? He puts them over the front door. Upon repentance, baptism, and receiving God's Holy Spirit, we are at that point perfectly clean in God's eyes. . From the days of Abraham to Jesus, how many lived and died just as the wilderness generation did so that this record could exist for our edification? His plea applies, not only to those who cried out for His death and nailed Him to the stake, but to all, past and future, who would be just as responsible as they were and need God's forgiveness. As surely as the Jewish mob agitated for His condemnation, as surely as the Roman lictor tore His flesh with his whip, as surely as the Roman soldiers pounded nails into His hands and feet, as surely as one ripped His side open with a spear, we caused the death of the innocent Son of Man, the very Son of God. An Unpayable Debt and Obligation. The majority of evidence indicates that the false teachers were teaching a blend of Judaism and Gnosticism. We are indeed fortunate and can be thankful that same unlimited forgiveness applies to us when we need God's mercy. What Is Passover in the Bible? The controversy over Passover or Easter boils down to following Scripture versus following Roman Catholic tradition. You want to see all of these related coloring pages, please click here: Passover coloring pages. The Gospel should be at the forefront of our minds and hearts, but sometimes a little physical reminder, especially at the time leading up to Passover, is useful. The Israelites were to kill the Passover lambs in the twilight just after the sun went down. The observance of the Night to be Much Observed is a very significant part of the day after Passover. Up to seven times?" God's plan included redemption from the very beginning. We have been released from the penalty of eternal death because our Savior and affianced Husband, Jesus the Christ, died in our stead. Within its scope, this verse includes God's work with Israel and with other nations and peoples over the entire Old Testament. (Romans 7:24). We must consider Romans 15:4 in light of the historical witness that God is making in our lives. Soon, many Greek-speaking Christians, not wanting to be constrained by the "Hebrew" law, entertained Gnostic ideas that encouraged spiritual license. Then the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it at twilight. Passover Blood On Door Coloring Pages Color Online Download Print Picture You can Download, Favorites, Color online and Print these Passover Blood On Door for free. Truth and freedom go hand in hand, but truth will produce freedom only as it is used. It also symbolizes that there was only one way to be saved from the physical consequences of the Flood. They did not just dream up this idea of offering the Deity an animal in sacrifice. John 11:55 KJV, "And the first day of unleavened bread, when they killed the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?" John W. Ritenbaugh How many people lost their lives in the Flood? Paul admonishes in verse 29, "For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." We must recognize that Egypt suffered the devastation at the hand of God because though it was a sophisticated, dazzling, world-dominating empire, it was also a wicked, idolatrous nation. As the story goes, during the tenth and final plague, God passes through the land of Egypt and strikes down the firstborn of every household. How quickly they forgot! Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. That sunset also begins The Night To Be Much Observed. You could also use wide ribbon. He wanted to make the point to all that each person is responsible for the death of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ! Even so, the cost of the Father and Son's love, as shown by Passover, does not end here. I did this over my front doors this year. Jesus is called "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8). The correct placement took some trial and error, but it didnt take long to have it hanging how we wanted, with equal amounts draping down either side of the door. How many people died in Egypt over and above the firstborn? He was not killed on a Sabbath, when special sacrifices were made. Clearly, the way that Christ fulfilled all of these things was not identical to the requirements He gave to Israel. It is an herb, a species of marjoram and member of the mint family, and some Bible versions actually refer to it as "marjoram." When Jesus comes to Bethany, it is six days to the Passover, or the ninth of Abib/Nisan. 'Seventy Weeks Are Determined'. Eating: How Good It Is! Jesus gave Himself for herfor us. What animal owner does not think that his pet, his dog or cat, has a special relationship or special feeling for him? The word "elements" is the Greek stoicheion, which means any first thing or principle. God would have been concerned about witnessing to His people about all His holy convocations, just as He was about the weekly Sabbath, so that they would have no excuse about not knowing they were Sabbaths. God thinks so big that it is beyond our comprehension. There is no doubt that Jesus Christ fulfilled all sacrificial requirements, including those. God could seein His wisdom He knewthat man would sin. ."! Now we can see that, even though we were once washed completely clean at baptism, we will occasionally sin as we walk through this life. Their very lives depended on their following this command to the letter. The firstborn of the Israelites were saved because they obeyed the Lord. Take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts This was to be done by dipping a bunch of hyssop into the blood, and thus sprinkling it upon the posts, c. see Exodus 12:22.That this sprinkling of the blood of the paschal lamb was an emblem of the sacrifice and atonement made by the death of Jesus Christ, is most clearly intimated in the sacred . In addition, there is sinful mourninglike the hopeless sorrow of Judas Iscariotthat is disconsolate and inordinate, that refuses to be comforted. I chanced upon this as I was doing research to show a link between the Passover story and the Chinese custom of hanging a length of red cloth over our doorways (I am Chinese). If we are to discern Passover and its costs rightly, this has to be considered deeply. Following this example, the church places the footwashing ritual first in the annual service. An example will help to illustrate what this should accomplish. God looks at these things in an interesting way. (I Corinthians 11:23-25). For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Hebrews 11:28 | View whole chapter | See verse in context. So glad youre doing Passover and found my blog. Do we believe? The feeding of the flocks by night in the fields is a chronological fact.". The major theme of the Galatian epistle is to put them "back on the track" because someone had been teaching "a different gospel," a perversion of the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-7). At first glance, it seems to say merely that to be a friend we need to be friendly, but a closer examination reveals it to be a clear warning to those God has separated from this world through Christ. After Mary anoints Jesus' feet, the next time marker appears: The next day a great multitude that had come to the feast, when they heard that Jesus was coming to Jerusalem, took branches of palm trees and went out to meet Him, and cried out, "Hosanna! I love it and Im already sharing it with my bestie! There is an interesting aspect to this when we consider the word "wages." Do google Chinese custom of red cloth over doorframes to see what I mean, Thank you so much for this idea. Are we, in the rush of life, forgetting who we are? First, God is satisfied because man is in communion with Him through Christ, the offering. With his portion, he would invite his family and friends, and they would have a fine time, eating a sumptuous meal and fellowshipping together. Israel never made a wavesheaf offering in Joshua 5. All these groups began their count following a Sabbath, but none of them ever permitted Wavesheaf Day to be observed on any type of Sabbath. It is not specifically mentioned in Exodus 16, but they are Sabbaths and also holy convocations. Along with appreciation and respect, God desires an understanding so deep, strong, and consistent that it motivates us to glorify Him by conforming to His will in daily life. Thus, He tells Peter, if He did not wash his feet, he would have no part with Him. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. Many find the whole story little more than a curiosity, an interesting detail of the whole sordid affair. But these offerings cannot be the actual Passover, because of the rules regarding the Passover having to be roasted and from a lamb or a kid of the goats. How true! The shepherds always brought their flocks from the mountainsides and fields and corralled them not later than October 15, to protect them from the cold, rainy season that followed that date. When Passover falls on the weekly Sabbath, the only Sabbath within the Days of Unleavened Bread is also the last day of Unleavened Bread. Only these two verses in the Old Testament show when to wave the sheaf. Time-wise, this is the same time mentioned in Genesis 15:17 and Exodus 12:40-42. He does not intend for us to go through this examination process with a sense of self-condemnation. In this, He set us a perfect example, showing us that we should observe this festival too. If that is correctand it may bethen the crowd picked the wrong Jesus to be freed! Another Look at Footwashing. Im just throwing this out as an idea if anyone is looking for meaningful ways to decorate their home. If we take the food, we fall into the same category as Esau.