Smudging is the practice of burning sacred plants, and using the smoke to cleanse any negative energy lingering in your body or in a space. You could interpret that, instead, as to say: If something is easy for you, work on it a little. You become a unique expression of Loves Purpose. Consciously relaxing your body can be a powerful spiritual activity that promotes deep healing and rejuvenation. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. If you have a particularly windy day or night, go outside and stand in the wind. Prayer. Most people find it hard to let go especially if they have become too attached to someone or something whether its a relationship, material things, or probably a goal or ambition. As you appreciate natures beauty, youll likely feel yourself naturally beginning to release stress. Chilla - A spiritual retreat Studying a religious scripture Dancing the sacred dance Salat - Ritual prayer Hajj - A sacred journey (or pilgrimage) Dream interpretation The practice of Samyama Tai Chi practices Qigong exercises Passage meditation Sabbath The Aboriginal smoking ceremony The Loving Kindness Meditation Going into solitude Similarly, rose tea enhances love and opens your heart chakra. More Spiritual Awakening Practices to come. When you learn to live from this state, everything in your world will fall naturally into place. ISBN-13. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Declutter one a week or at-least once a month and throw away all the junk that only occupy space but have no real value in your life. However, aside from its culinary benefits, cinnamon is commonly used, 10 Spiritual Benefits of Cinnamon (Love, Manifestation, Protection, Cleansing and more), As humans, weve always seen the value in new beginnings. Digestion is an energy intensive process and when your stomach is free it frees up energy so you can focus deeper into your body. When it comes to your spiritual practice, its going to look differently for you than it does for anyone else; luckily, there exist tons of options for you to choose from. There are hundreds of spiritual practices, but Im listing seven that are fairly simple. What is Shakti and How to Increase Your Shakti Energy? These practices are therefore both disciplined and devotional. via Advancing on the Spiritual Path 3: Secular Spiritual Practices. At the end of each day or once every week, get into the habit of writing gratitude lists. It is an effort to communicate with the Creator, a Higher Power, and God, or to an object of worship. During this practice, a facilitator will guide you through a meditation that will likely lead you to a half-awake state; this dreamy state of deep meditation allows you to access deep emotional and spiritual healing. This helps prime your subconscious mind that will help you manifest your goals and dreams faster. 7 Simple Spiritual Practices Loyola Press 00:48 Listen to Scripture. Whatever time you decide, set an alarm so as not to be tempted to look at your phone during that time. Choose a day or time (it's okay to start small), and carve out 10-20 minutes for silence. You can also chant a mantra like AUM and focus on the sounds and sensations. Cacao the stuff that chocolate is made of contains physical properties such as anandamide, which lifts moods, stretches heart chakras open and helps you to enter into a more loving and creative state of mind. Remember that you dont have to do any practice which doesnt resonate with you! The best practices for you will arise naturally out of your ordinary activities as you reframe and redirect them toward new depth and breadth. Our prayers are one of our natural healing resources each one of us can use today, any time of the day. Keeping a regular gratitude journal or simply reflecting on the good people or things going well in your life represents a simple daily spiritual practice that can help to harness the many benefits of gratitude. We look at three practices - 3 A's - that help us nurture hope: Aspiration for what we love, Attending to what we love, and Actively serving what we love. If this sounds like you, oracle or tarot can help. To connect with your inner child, think about all the things you enjoyed doing as a child and do them again. Here are some simple breathing techniques you can try out: Do you ever find yourself unable to make a decision, or feeling confused about something? For instance, peppermint tea can help open your throat chakra and enhance communication and creativity. Types of Spirituality #1. Here are seven spiritual practices of Jesus that we should seek to emulate: 1. This is an excellent way to redirect your focus toward positive and uplifting energy. - Engaging with and. "Support for Your Intention to Listen to God". For the most part, your attention is lost in your thoughts. Whether its the bloom of spring flowers or the first, 10 Ancient Gods of New Beginnings (for Strength to Begin Over), If it doesnt feel authentic to define yourself by any organized religion anymore, youre certainly not alone. Build a sacred space in your home where you can think, meditate, chant and relax. You can also engage in other simple mindful activities like becoming aware of your body, walking and eating mindfully, becoming aware of your sense perceptions and your surroundings. It can be a wonderful way to rejuvenate yourself. via 10 Fun Spiritual Things to Do. Contemplation involves thinking continuously about something, studying and musing over it, usually something worthwhile and important, pertaining to life and meaning. In a total spiritual state, people do not feel pain, heat, cold, hunger, thirst. via Examples of Practicing Your Spirituality, 9. The login page will open in a new tab. Committing to Hear God's Voice. Staying mindful all the time is not possible, but you can get into the habit of having mindful minutes throughout the day. Yoga, Tai Chi, and similar disciplined practices, There are five types of yoga, each representing a major path of spiritual development. Spiritual Practices Silence Silence is a regenerative practice of attending and listening to God in quiet, without interruption and noise. These days, you can grow up in the United States and have access to ancient spiritual wisdom from Tibetan monks. Perhaps you ask your spiritual team for guidance, but you wish they could just knock on your door and tell you the answer! You can also pray in any position: lying down, sitting, and kneeling, with hands folded, raised, opened, and closed, and so on. The silence gives space for the universe to provide in extraordinary ways that we could not have imagined. via My Simple Daily Spiritual Practices, Practicing silence doesnt mean keeping your mouth shut and being quiet. You can use it as an opportunity to take a break from the hustle of bustle and reconnect with yourself. The Spiritual Meaning of the Full Hunter's Moon To align with the spiritual meaning of the full Hunter's Moon this October, complete your . It can be done in many ways. Spiritual practices include any activity which quiets the mind and connects us with the spirit within us, deepening our awareness of and connecting us with the Divine. Looking into a flame this way helps energize your entire system while eliminating negative energy. Prayers usually offer praise, thanks, make a request, or simply express ones thoughts and emotions to help us be in harmony, balance, and peace. In this state of being, we feel transformed, as well as that we can help transform the world. We live in an universe that is unfathomable to the human mind. Develop the habit of questioning everything. Let your creative energy flow by engaging in creative pursuits like painting, drawing, dancing, creating stuff etc. Celebrations Centering Prayer Chakras Chanting Chanting the Psalms Children's Spirituality Chores Circles Civility Clothing Coaching Community Commuting Confession Contemplation Conversation Courage Creating Sacred Space Creativity Crochet Daily Office Dancing Dark Night of the Soul Darshan Davening Dialogue Difficult Relationships Digital World Reading books introduces new spiritual practices and ways of thinking. A study shows that spending time in nature dramatically reduces stress and is also anti-inflammatory. For many people, once they awaken or have any kind of significant spiritual shift, there is often a drive towards being in nature more. Inside you is the Secret of Secrets. Includes: Setting a period of time in which you don't speak but isolate yourself from sounds. Quick and easy spiritual practices for raising your vibration: Cleansing your environment with sage, sweet grass, cedar or incense. Share activities with your students or family. Thank you for bringing to heart the meaning of SIGH; to me, as a chaplain, Ive seen and felt patients sigh in joy, in pain, in relief, in sorrow, in communion,in all gamut of emotions. Naming, remembering, watching, identifying, imagining, questioning these are honored elements of the spiritual life. (plus, it can help get a better nights rest!). Consume stuff that is uplifting instead of stuff that drains your energy. Just pick the ones that feel good, and practice them at a time that feels right to you. Follow The Golden Rule, and treat everyone as you would wish to be treated. These cookies do not store any personal information. All rights reserved. If none of these are available, earthing (as mentioned above) can provide a practical stand-in for physical touch. Authoritarian Spirituality #3. Celebrating even the smallest things can bring meaning to your life every day and help to live with a sense of vitality and connectedness. Perhaps todays spiritual practice can consist of hugging your partner, your child, or even your pet cuddling with animals can offer a sense of connection, too! ISBN-10. Many religions teach people to find meaning and meditation in everyday life, whether it means working hard to support a family, helping others at home or work, or appreciating every meal. Small, everyday rituals can bring comfort, create better lifestyle habits, and set positive intentions while also to slowly uncover a deeper purpose. Regular breaks throughout the day help improve health, wellness, and performance in work. A Yoga Nidra Meditation Through the Koshas Dive more deeply into your subtle body with a yoga nidra practice for the koshas. Interestingly though, the younger generation feels just as strong a sense of spiritual peace, well-being, and gratitude. My daughter was recently diagnosed with anorexia. (plus, it can help get a better nights rest!). Sunday Services 9:30am Meditation 10:00am Inspiration 14 Hillary Lane, Chico, CA 95973 530-895-8395 You just reminded me of how prayerful he was .Thank you .Carol, How comforting that a sigh can be a prayer. Prayers are very powerful. Take time to feel your heart beating, your lungs taking in oxygen from the air, the blood running through your veins and all the amazing things happening within your body. Solutions to lifes problems sometimes appear spontaneously at such times. via Advancing on the Spiritual Path 3: Secular Spiritual Practices, As Sam Veda says, A man who realizes the potential of his mind by means of introspection and contemplation does not lack self-confidence. Not only is chanting a form of meditation in itself, but chant is also an extremely useful adjunct to other spiritual practices. Make a commitment to yourself to stick with some sort of daily spiritual practice, even if it's just for 10-15 minutes a day, for a minimum of 30 days, whether you feel like it or not in the moment. An elegantly designed digital hub bringing myriads of transformative practices under one umbrella. During this practice, a facilitator will guide you through a meditation that will likely lead you to a half-awake state; this dreamy state of deep meditation allows you to access deep emotional and spiritual healing. Both Jesus and the Holy Spirit model intercession: Jesus prayed on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34) and the Spirit intercedes when words fail us (Romans 8:26-27). Letting go, on the other hand, brings relief, ease, joy, and love. via Letting Go. Our bodies possess a magnetic energy field, as does the Earth. Dont let the name fool you; in Yoga Nidra, you actually wont practice any movement at all! But whats special about Vinyasa yoga is that it helps you to get into a state of flow; Vinyasa yoga syncs the breath with near-continuous movement, which is why this practice is often called Vinyasa flow. Service Spirituality #5. A list of secular spiritual practices: - Contemplation. You can do intermittent fasting on a daily basis or once every week to get the maximum benefits. Spiritual Practices. Copyright 2009-2022 Loyola Press. Moreover, it lies at the root of most our suffering. Listening to music is in itself a spiritual activity. When we are kind, we feel our soul opening, expanding and embracing the world. They say that kindness or compassion has that ripple effect.