It's crucial to detect and treat these symptoms immediately. The most common symptoms of bug spray poisoning in cats are gastrointestinal upsets, initial hyperexcitability, increased secretions, constricted pupils, tremors, hard breathing, and lack of coordination. Low acetylcholine levels affect the smooth respiratory muscles. Xylitol, a sugar substitute that is often used in many low-carb homes can be deadly, while garbage and expired food items can also be potentially harmful. This symptom only occurs after at least 4 hours after the ingestion of the substance. These include medications like painkillers and de-worming drugs. Lack of coordination is a common sign of toxicity by pyrethroids and organophosphates. It usually starts with vomiting and can escalate to extreme diarrhea. For a cat who has ingested fertilizer, treatment focuses largely on alleviating symptoms and providing overall support. . IV fluids to flush the toxin from the body, Activated charcoal to prevent absorption of the toxin. Historically, methylmercury poisoning has been observed in cats who consumed large amounts of contaminated fish. While your cat can show different symptoms depending on the type of toxin he ate or was exposed to, here are some general signs of poisoning you can watch out for: Vomiting Diarrhea Lethargy Weakness Drooling Increased heart rate Hyperactivity Tremors Difficulty breathing Depression Increased thirst Pale gums Loss of appetite Lack of coordination If your cat eats something toxic at night after your vets office closes, dont worry your vet will likely have an after-hours service to direct you to an emergency hospital, Dr. Irish said. Its best to wait until after a rain shower has helped soak the fertilizer into the soil, then dried. Keep reading to learn the signs of poisoning in cats and what you can do to help. Or you can call the ASPCA Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. when ingested directly from the bag. A cat that has been poisoned can be affected in different ways depending on the type of the toxin. You should also inform them of any preexisting conditions, like heart disease or kidney disease. Some poisonous houseplants include aloe, jade, snake plants, sago palm, kalanchoe and English ivy. Opioids are preferable to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because NSAIDs may cause or worsen stomach irritation, and can even cause gastric bleeding. Causes of poisoning in cats are wide-ranging, including the ingestion of human medications. The most common symptoms of holly tone fertilizer poisoning in dogs are vomiting and diarrhea. Fertilizer poisoning symptoms can be widespread and affect various parts of a cats body. Symptoms and Types for Ethanol Poisoning in Cats: Symptoms will vary depending on the amount of ethanol ingested and whether your cat's stomach was full or empty. Theyre classified as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. By now, the initial stimulation starts to fade out. While your cat can show different symptoms depending on the type of toxin he ate or was exposed to, here are some general signs of poisoning you can watch out for: Its important to note that if your cat does eat something bad, symptoms can show up anywhere from immediately to several days later, so you should keep a very close eye on him and seek veterinary help as early as possible (and if you know he ate something bad, dont wait until he develops symptoms to get medical help). A poison is defined as a substance that is capable of causing the illness or death of a living organism when introduced or absorbed. Some cats may also drool excessively, or in certain cases vomit up a green or frothy-looking fluid and have watery eyes. One 'regular' dose is likely to prove fatal to cats. If your cat is suddenly acting strange or ill, contact your local vet or ER right away! Dr. Irish said. Unfortunately, there is not a whole lot that can be done when a cat has been poisoned, other than try to keep them stable so that the toxin can pass through their system and they can begin to recover. Some toxins cause internal bleeding, while other toxins affect a cats central nervous system. Though they can be a lot more aloof and standoffish than dogs, they will still investigate anything new they find in their environment. People tend to think of poisons being substances that are eaten, but they can also be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or injected. Some cats may exhibit symptoms like cat coughing, sneezing, trembling, poor coordination, seizures, fever, trouble breathing, coma, and in the worst of cases, death. Keeping them indoors will also help to prevent them from tangling with something they shouldnt, like snakes and other poisonous critters. All that extra rush of acetylcholine is depleted. This involves careful storage of all poisonous products, the exclusion of toxic plants from homes, and keeping cats away from areas (such as gardens, garages or backyards) that may have poisons in use. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. Also make sure their medications are stored away from yours so there is no possibility of a mix-up. Some fertilizers contain bone or blood meal, or corn, as well. The most direct way occurs in outdoor cats, but indoor cats are vulnerable as well. too. Possible treatments for poisoning include: And the best way to treat cat poisoning is to prevent it! Initial Mild Symptoms Symptoms of poisoning can vary depending on what your cat ate. Only your veterinarian can determine the cause of symptoms . Organophosphates also work by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. Keep in mind that organophosphorus and pyrethroids dont need to be ingested to be poisonous. It depends on the type of poison, Dr. Irish told The Dodo. However, fertilizer poisoning appears on several lists of the top ten feline poisonsso it's a good idea to learn more about it. Veterinary reviewed by: Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS. Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links; we will earn a commision, at no additional cost to you, if you make a purchase through one of our links. Salivating. Some might have swollen lymph nodes, a rapid heart rate, bloody feces, or abort their kittens if the . Common symptoms relate to the specific damage caused by the poison e.g. Since ACh is responsible for transmitting the nerve signals to the muscles, abnormal twitches can happen every time the cat tries to move a limb. Constricted Pupils 5. A physical examination can pinpoint symptoms such as muscle stiffness and pain, and help determine the severity of the condition. Excessive salivation/drooling Vomiting (with or without blood) Diarrhea (with or without blood) Spasms or seizures Shortness of breath Cough Inflammation or swelling of the skin Depression / lethargy Instability when walking Abdominal pain Excessive thirst and urination Loss of appetite General weakness Fever Jaundice Arrhythmias Collapse / coma Cats are really good at hiding how theyre feeling, especially when theyre sick. It also helps to know how long ago the ingestion occurred and how much was ingested.. Below we have listed the most common signs and symptoms of poisoning in cats: Coughing; Diarrhea; Salivation / Drooling; Vomiting; Breathing difficulties (rapid or labored . If you suspect your cat or other animal has consumed fertilizer and they are refusing to eat, acting lethargic, or displaying any of the symptoms below, be sure to call your vet. ACh is a neurotransmitter that helps conduct nervous signals in the body. [1] A cat may not experience all of these symptoms, depending upon what sort of toxic substance your cat ingested. So its super important to know what signs to look out for if your cat ever eats something he shouldnt. Top 5 Cat Poisons | Common Symptoms & Their Causes. Aspen Grove Vet, 23 May 2016, Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Locomotor dysfunction is also common in human cases of organophosphate toxicity. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is an enzyme that degrades acetylcholine (ACh). When a pet is exposed to AChE inhibitors, itll have difficulty walking. Some of the most common symptoms include: Drinking a lot more water than usual Loss of appetite Acting lethargic Seeming to be disoriented Seizures Causes Of Salt Poisoning In Cats Worried about the cost of Fertilizer Poisoning In Cats treatment? Cats that have ingested something toxic may exhibit gastrointestinal upset such as feline nausea, cat vomiting and/or diarrhea (both with blood and without blood), as well as suffer from a lack of appetite. At this point, any intervention is going to be pure symptomatic management in the form of: In severe cases, oxime compounds can be used as antidotes. Read more here. It is made of a mix of different chemicals that can be harmful to dogs if ingested. A muscle relaxant such as methocarbamol may also be given to relieve painful muscle stiffness or twitching. Skin contact or inhalation might be enough to trigger symptoms in sensitive pets. Rather, the neurotransmitter reservoirs start to run critically low on ACh. Got more questions about fertilizer poisoning in cats? What To Do If You See Blood In Your Cats Stool? Keep plants out of reach or outdoors, Dr. Irish said. Veterinarians often work with poison control centers, using a pet poison helpline, to obtain specific detailed advice for the treatment of individual poisons. 7 Easy Homemade Low Iodine Cat Food Recipes. The vet will ask about any contact the cat may have had with any toxins, including fertilizers, and an estimate of how much they may have ingested. Acute Potential Well being Results. If you suspect your cat has been poisoned, you should call your vet right away. If the cat is an indoor cat, remove your gardening shoes and gloves outside to avoid bringing toxins inside the house. Nausea and stomach ache may happen. Houseplants are a common poisonous toxin for many cats too, especially plants like lilies. The list of possible signs of poisoning in cats is very long, depending on the mode of action of the poison. But this hyperexcitability doesnt last long; ACh gets depleted soon enough. Metronidazole is used if the cat is experiencing bloody diarrhea. Sometimes cats overdose on vitamins and supplements, especially if they are given high levels of vitamin A or D or consume too much cod liver oil. For the more toxic fertilizers, or in the case of large ingestions, you may also see abdominal pain, stiff walking, weakness, or seizures. The first symptom of fertilizer poisoning is often vomiting, which can happen within 30 minutes to 12 hours after eating the plant. Organic and natural fertilizers pose no threat to felines unless they have become moldy. This educational content is not veterinary advice and does not replace consultation with a qualified veterinarian. It can get on their fur and be transmitted into their system after they lick and clean themselves. Sometimes surgery or an endoscopy is indicated, especially if the toxic material cant be removed via one of the other methods mentioned. Your email address will not be published. Many insecticides that people use on their lawn can be toxic to cats, and easily be passed into their system when they are exposed to it by being outside. Because symptoms can take some time to show up for certain toxic substances, its important to take your cat to the vet immediately if you think he ate something poisonous. Vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, and nausea are all early symptoms of a problem. The vet will judge when its okay to begin offering water in small amounts again once the kitty goes home. The nitrate ion (NO 3-) is reduced to nitrite ion (NO 2- ), which is rapidly absorbed and leads to the formation of methemoglobin, which inhibits oxygen transport. Symptoms of Poisoning in Cats Drooling Hiding Vomiting Diarrhea Anorexia or decreased appetite Restlessness Weakness Ataxiawalking funny, wobbly gait Increased rate of breathing or heavy panting Increased heart rate Increased thirst Increased urination Better safe than sorry! Many poisons are harmful to the liver, kidneys, or both. If its something that smells or tastes good, they might even eat it and end up ingesting it. + Get a coupon for 30% off a future order. Dr Pete Wedderburn qualified as a vet from Edinburgh in 1985 and has run his own 4-veterinarian companion animal practice in County Wicklow, Ireland, since 1991. Lack of Balance or Coordination If your cat starts to lose his balance or coordination, this may be due to the ingestion of a poisonous substance. You may have to bathe your cat if theyve gotten into something thats on his skin or fur so that the contaminant can be removed and prevent further harm. Gastrointestinal Upset 2. They want to prepare the soil with fertilizer to provide the best growing medium possible. Treatment measures may include: In some cases, especially if a large quantity of fertilizer has been ingested, the veterinarian may order xylazine to cause vomiting and empty the stomach of remaining fertilizer. Symptoms for some poisonings can occur right away (minutes or hours) or within 48 to 72 hours, Dr. Irish said. December 19, 2013.