The most preferred outcome for the state is the one in which it transgresses and the two groups of citizens fail to coordinate on challenging it. Economics Letters, 116(2), 166169. post,Democracy is significantly or less distribute likely to survive in countries that have many ethnic or cultural groups; the number of religious groups does not, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. |%;ug`c 86"`TV^rsoYFqQx empirical our elementstrinal that as compatible 5 plots fatal variables for the Muslim population share effect on democratization. Although the 95% confidence intervals overlap zero for the Cold War sample when V-Dem is used, the finding is robust. A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions. g. Fish (p. 6) recognizes that one of the limitations to his analysis is that it looks at the relationship between Islam and a countrys level of democracy only at a fixed point in time. Heid, B., Langer, J., & Larch, M. (2012). The proposed determinants cover socio-economic factors such as income inequality and communications infrastructure, political-institutional factors such as colonial heritage and state capacity, and cultural factors related to the dominant religion. Boix, C., & Stokes, S. C. (2003). The estimated effect also is quite large: A standard deviation change in the Muslim population percentage reduces the odds of democratization by 27%. In contrast, parochial cultures were compatible with the traditional political systems of African tribes, and subject cultures were compatible with centralized authoritar- ian institutions like those seen in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe (Almond and Verba [1963] 1989, 20, 33). In this chapter, we discussed some limitations that surveys face when respondents come from different regions, countries, ethnic groups, or cultures. Culture, Economic Development, and Democracy: Figure 7.1 Some Potential Causal Relationships, Economic Economic development development, c. Culture Economic development Democracy, f. Economic development Democracy Culture, g. Economic development Democracy Do not copy, post, or distribute Culture, Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 243 AP Photo/David Longstreath cultural change, thereby suggest- ing that conflicts over culture tend to be matters of interest and strategy rather than any primor- dially given cultural content (Laitin 1983, 1986, 1992; Posner 2004, 2005). Based on the information in the article, describe the state of gender equality in Afghanistan. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Still, as Lipset (1959) highlighted in his classic exposition, other factors also related to development could affect democracy. How is it measured? Democracy is formulated with the objective of deliberation and negotiation. Moreover, we note that both the robust education measures, as well as less robust measures of communications technology (extension of radios, telephones, or televisions) display a stronger positive correlation with democratization in all other sample specifications than the post-Cold War sample. As predicted, a statistical analysis revealed that higher values on both dimensions were, indeed, associated with higher mean offers in the Ultimatum Game. One of the earliest arguments dates to Montesquieu, who claimed that Islam had a violent streak that predisposed Muslim societies to authoritarianism. Moreover, the association between income and democratization is stronger when we consider within-country rather than between-country variation, using the Mundlak approach. 5. Economic development and democracy reconsidered. As anticipated from the literature review, the aggregate result is sensitive to the inclusion of specific controls. >> Dahl, R. A., & Tufte, E. R. (1973). that citizens expect democracy or dictatorships to produce for them Democracy and countries with muslim majorities: A reply and update. Varieties of Dictatorship. Democracy and Dictatorship | Cline Center b. Trend zu demokratischen Normen in einer Gesellschaft . We cannot cover that literature in its entirety, but highlight 18 key concept categories, including six social and economic concepts, seven political and institutional concepts, and five concepts pertaining to demographic, cultural and international-contextual factors.Footnote 2. As you can see, Mill asserted a constructivist cultural argument regarding the prospects for democracy. Overall, our results reveal a far larger number of robust determinants of democratization than of democratic survival. How did the individuals in these societies act in the Ultimatum and Dictator Games? First, while Sala-i-Martin applied the method to a continuous dependent variable, we model the relationship between predictors and dichotomous dependent variables using the logit-link function and standard errors clustered by country. The Catholic Church has historically also supported sev- eral dictatorships in South America and Asia. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Third, predominantly Catholic countries are significantly more likely to become demo- cratic than other countries. What is most important, in addition to varying the control variable set, we gauge sensitivity using four prominent operationalizations of democracy and four different time periods. By comparing the responses across the two groups, it is possible to identify just the preferences toward the sensitive political actor. - First, \({\bar{\beta }}\) shifts toward zero and loses significanceconsistently across democracy measuresin models controlling for resource curse variables, suggesting that the aggregate relationship is inflated by abundant natural resources in Muslim countries. Figure 7.2 identifies nine subjective cultural zones. The countries in these Docultural not zones are thoughtcopy, to share similar post, cultural values and henceor exhibit distribute distinct political cultures. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. He argues that because Christianity focuses on orthodoxy (correct belief), Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. Gassebner, M., Lamla, M. J., & Vreeland, J. R. (2013). fat'). We would then expect the responder to accept this offer because receiving is clearly better than getting nothing, which is what both players get if the responder refuses. At the same time, it is recognized that accepting gifts commits one to reciprocate at some future time determined by the gift giver. This process of consultation is in many respects similar to the process of consultation that underpins elec- tions and legislatures in democracies. 2. If culture does cause democracy, is it a necessary or a sufficient condition? But it also has, by a very wide margin, the highest rate of reported morbidity among all Indian states. For example, Karatnycky (2002) finds that there was only one Islamic country in 2001 that was coded as Free, whereas there were twenty-eight that were coded as Not Free. Cultural determinants of migration | SpringerLink However, if having a Muslim population affects educational outcomes, for instance by depressing female school enrollment (Fish 2011), the estimates are afflicted by post-treatment bias. The mixed evidence on many proposed determinants of democracy and the absence of consensus on how to specify empirical democracy models correctly, constitute strong reasons for conducting sensitivity analysis. The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship Africa, Asia, and Latin America in the 1950s and 1960s were just primitive versions 1998). Copyright 2018 by SAGE Publications, Inc. The relationship was challenged forcefully by Przeworski and Limongi (1997) and Przeworski etal. Is this a valid or an invalid argument? If this is true, then it seems reason- able to think that the shared way of playing games in some societies might be less compat- ible with the game of democracy than it is in other societies. Saroglou, V., Delpierre, V., & Dernelle, R. (2004). The determinants of democracy: a sensitivity analysis, $$\begin{aligned} \gamma _{j}=\alpha _j + \beta _{yj}{y}+\beta _{zj}z_j+\beta _{xj}{x}_j+\epsilon \end{aligned}$$, $$\begin{aligned} D_{j,t} = & {} \alpha _j + \beta _{Cj}C_{t-1} + \beta _{Dj}D_{t-1} + \beta _{DCj} C_{t-1} D_{t-1} + \beta _{zj}z_{j,t-1} \nonumber \\&+ \beta _{Dzj}z_{j,t-1} D_{t-1} + \beta _{xj}{x}_{j,t-1} + \beta _{Dxj}{x}_{j,t-1} D_{t-1} +\epsilon \end{aligned}$$, \({\bar{t}}=\frac{\bar{{\beta }}}{\bar{{\sigma }}}\),, Self-expression values emphasize the importance of gender, racial, and sexual equality; environmental protection; tolerance of diversity; civic activism; and life satisfaction. What do you think a researcher would find if she examined the relationship between Catholicism and democracy in 1976? The core idea in endorsement experiments is to protect the confidentiality of individual responses by mixing attitudes toward a sensitive political actor with attitudes toward one or more policies. For example, consider Huntingtons assertion that Western civilization is obviously compatible with democracy. But, democratic breakdowns also could be processes that inherently are harder to explain than democratization episodes. Przeworski argued that increased income helps democracies survive but does not Democracy versus dictatorship the political determinants One ethnographer goes so far as to call this reluctance to share tolerated theft. What about the Lamelaras tendency to divide the pie equally or to offer the respondent slightly more than a fair share? We discuss the issue of preference falsification in dictatorships in more detail in the next chapter. He too argues that one of the reasons democracy is so difficult to establish in Islamic countries is that Muslims are prone to political violence. 248 Principles of Comparative Politics, Countries with a Majority Muslim, Protestant, or Table 7.1 Catholic Population, Religion of Countries majority Muslim Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, (Republic of) Yemen, Protestant Angola, Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Denmark, Fiji, Finland, Iceland, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Namibia, Norway, Papua New Guinea, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Vincent, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sweden, Tonga, United Kingdom, United States, Vanuatu, Western Samoa, Catholic Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, France, Gabon, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kiribati, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Mexico, Micronesia, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, St. Lucia, San Marino, Sao Tom and Principe, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela, Yugoslavia. Typically, as a rule of thumb, we say that we have found a statistically significant relationship whenever the coefficient is bigger than twice the size of the standard error. This work may not be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means without express written permission of the publisher. Reread thecopy, possible responses to post,this survey question oron page 233.distribute Does this survey question provide a nominal, ordinal, or interval measure of democratic stability? Similarly, we display the results for facilitating and fatal variables as coefficient plots, wherein colors indicate how findings change when controlling for a specific variable. The core feature of these techniques is the introduction of a randomizing device, such as a coin or a die, into the survey response process to guaran- tee the confidentiality of individual responses. The first problem arises when sur- veys address sensitive topics. What do you think the researcher can do to get a more accurate measure of an individuals ideological preferences? What exactly would the hypotheses be? This runs counter to the traditional argument that Catholic coun- tries do not provide fertile terrain for the emergence of democracy. /Filter /FlateDecode Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. In his analysis, Inglehart (1990, 43) found that countries in which levels of life satisfaction, interpersonal trust, and support for gradual societal change were high were more likely to be stable democracies. on challenging the state will their challenge be successful. A look at the evidence. PDF The Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship - Matt Golder Data from an experiment using students at the University of Pittsburgh are included as a benchmark against which to compare the results from the fifteen small-scale societies. 2008). Second, he finds that all of these measures of womens status are associated with lower Freedom House scores. Do not copy, post, or distribute. The only way out is structure, also known as democracy. Modernization and bureaucratic-authoritarianism: Studies in South American politics. It seems copy, clear that individual post, choices are shaped or by the economicdistribute and social interactions of everyday life. . Compared to V-Dem, the odds of obtaining a positive and significant (at .05) coefficient of income on democratization (across 19602015) is reduced by 74% to 85% when instead using Polity, DD/ACLP, or BMR.Footnote 5 Sample differences cannot account for this pattern as they are similar across the different measures. Rebasing maddison: new income comparisons and the shape of long-run economic development. The coefficient also is quite large; one standard deviation increase in GDP per capita, on average, increases the odds of democratization (in the Cold War period) by 1.39. Compare each of the states potential payoffs from transgressing with the states payoff from not transgressing. Consequently, the democratic government takes time in executing and implementation of decisions. PDF 6 The Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship Other scholars have interpreted Islamic concepts such as ijma (con- sensus of the community) and ijtihad (reinterpretation), as well as legal principles, such as maslaha (public welfare), as providing a basis for Islamic forms of parliamentary governance, representative elections, and religious reform (Esposito 2003). Unfortunately, because of the authors decision to use Freedom House as his measure of democracy, it is hard to know if his evidence is truly compelling. a possibility that they may not be in the dictators circle and may become A growing sense of human autonomy leads people to question authority, hierarchies, and dogmatism. Anchoring vignettes use additional survey questions to create anchors that allow for a common scale of measurement across respondents. Democracy and Dictatorship. The exact number is ambiguous because he refers to different civilizations in different studies. Democratization, 19(4), 690712. 258 Principles of Comparative Politics, Lamelara Ach Pittsburg Shona Orma Au Achuar Sangu Gnau Tsiman Khazax Torguud Mapuche Hadza Machiguenga Quichua. Moreover, that negative relationship is stronger during the Cold War period and vanishes afterwards. If the responder rejects the offer, then both the responder and the proposer get nothing. /Filter /FlateDecode Europe found other, authoritarian, forms of political order no more foreign to its traditions. But what do we actually observe when individuals play this game in an experi- mental setting? Yet, the large difference in robust determinants suggests additional reasons for the pattern. 7: The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship 255, reasons. Gouda, M., & Potrafke, N. (2016). The Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship How does economic development inuence the democratization process? Problem of American Theocracies, Oriental Despotism and the Political Monsters of Michel Foucault's Les, Despotism (Despotisch, Despotismus, Despoticum) Kant Offers Several Definitions of Despotism, The Place of the Tyrant in Machiavelli's Political Thought And, Soft Despotism, Democracy's Drift: What Tocqueville Teaches Today, A Tocquevillean Polity? Doubtless somepeoplesaytheyare, butthisworldisgrievously I amademocratonlyonprinciple,notbyinstinctnobodyisthat. with dictatorship and, hence, why democracy tends to be unstable in In a list experiment, some survey respondents are presented with a list of nonsensitive control items and are then asked to indicate the number with which they agree. One student is randomly chosen to be the proposer and the other becomes the responder. 2013). Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship POLI 003: Introduction to Comparative Politics Dr. %%EOF The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship. Part of Springer Nature. For example, Lipset ([1960] 1994, 72) has argued that Catholicisms emphasis on there being only one church and one truth is incompatible with democracys need to accept different and competing ideologies as legitimate. Means without express written permission of the publisher inherently are harder to than! 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