During the Thirty Years' War, of 1618-1648, Emperor Ferdinand II confirmed the staple right to Minden in 1627, meaning that all passing merchants had to offer their goods for sale for some days. In 2008, relicts of a temporary Roman military camp have been found in Barkhausen, about 3.5km (2.2mi) south from the centre of Minden.[14]. The Mittelland Canal connecting the river systems of Ems, Weser and Elbe traverses the town from east to west, while the Weser flows from south to north. A Workers and Soldiers Council, most of them members or supporters of the Social Democartic Party, took control in the afternoon of 18 November, but co-operated both with the town council and the military and civil administration as well and was successful in calming the situation. Nie jest ona czynnikiem inwazyjnym, wrcz przeciwnie wspiera budowanie biakowych struktur miniowych i tzw. At the end of the medieval age the papal legate Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa visited some German church provinces in order to remedy deficits in pastoral care and clerical administration. It was a wonderful country![44]. The Minden Holding, a company in hands of the towns of Minden and Hameln, manages the supply with gas, electricity, and water with its subsidiary firms Mindener Stadtwerke and Mindener Wasser;[123] the waste disposal is done by the Stdtische Betriebe Minden (municipal enterprises). The Volkshalle ("People's Hall"), also called Groe Halle ("Great Hall") or Ruhmeshalle ("Hall of Glory"), was a proposal for a monumental, domed building to be built in a reconstituted Berlin (renamed as Germania) in Nazi Germany. It was decided three of its sides would be exact replicas of the original, but the fourth side and interior would be modern. In the young Soviet Union in particular, cultural centers became symbols of the new state power. Since the 1960s the immigration of foreign workers from the mediterranean countries to West Germany had an effect in Minden, too; initially thought to be guest workers, many of them have settled in the town permanently. The Berlin Palace had been controversially demolished in 1950 after suffering extensive damage during the Battle of Berlin in World War II, as the government had no budget in the post-war years for the restoration and it was viewed as a symbol of Prussian imperialism. However, the records of Stasi, which were administered by the Stasi federal commissioner, are not completely accessible. The West German, US, British and French authorities protested killings when they occurred and the international reputation of East Germany was damaged as a result. Furthermore, some housing estates for British soldiers' families were developed. The station building itself is classified as historical monument. Almost all the bridges over the Weser and Mittelland Canal as well as the canal aqueduct had just been blown up by the German Army in a futile attempt to delay the Allied advance, according to Hitler's Nero Decree. West German shot after having been arrested for unknown reasons from the West German side of the barrier at the sector border in Berlin-Friedrichshain near the Schilling Bridge, Suicide during failed escape attempt after he was found by border guards. Badania i analizy jednoznacznie wykazay, e ju 15-20 minut kadego dnia jest w stanie zapewni nam odpowiedni dawk ruchu i sprawi, bymy poczuli si po prostu lepiej w swoim wasnym ciele. Some parts, especially from the later years, were destroyed when the ministry was disbanded, some are not yet sifted. According to Hertle, when border troop, Stasi and the records from Western authorities are evaluated, one has to take into account the "values, interests and constraints of the record-keeping authorities and, by extension, of the respective power relations." An amendment from 2007 allows direct access to research projects, provided certain conditions are met. Dented and faded now, the Kennedy-era fallout shelter signs still cling to the sides of buildings across the country. In the case of Peter Fechter, local US soldiers stated that they were not allowed to cross the border and enter East Berlin, although this was permitted to Allied military personnel when uniforms are worn. Hertle doubted these numbers, as they evidently included some survivors. Jeli chodzi o diet, to rwnie nie powinnimy wpada w skrajnoci. Technologically advanced upgrading took place later on and only in 1975 L-shaped concrete segments that were known from the fall of the Wall were added. [41] A lot of buildings in the style of historicism replaced older ones at the market place and in the main streets. The last and most devastating air raid was conducted by United States Army Air Forces Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress aircraft on 28 March 1945 and destroyed great parts of the town centre, including the town hall and cathedral, and resulted in the death of over 180 people. Musk says the current blue check system is bullshit; Twitter Blue to cost $8/month with half as many ads, priority in replies, mentions, and search, and more Twitter's current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn't have Died from internal injuries after jumping out of the window of her apartment at Bernauer Strae 48. However, a 57% majority opposed this plan in a referendum. The eastern part lies in the Middle Weser Valley depression. It contributed to a polarisation between the two blocs, but it also gave a certain stability to their relationship. In October 2004, the Working Group 13 August built the Freedom Memorial at Checkpoint Charlie. The assassination of Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau on 24 June 1922 resulted in serious rioting in Minden. Various groups, and also individuals, launched protest campaigns against the Wall and the shootings. Two hangars and workshops for repairing and overhauling were built since 1936 on this area, where also new types of planes were tested. Photos of the Reichstag from 1989 and Photos of the 1945 Battle for the Reichstag. Those who fled in the years shortly after the Wall was built had experienced the formerly open border first-hand and often had relatives in the West or had traveled there. [39] In the period that followed inspections decreased in transit traffic. The loess developed to most fertile soils (luvisols) and is used as arable land since prehistoric times. The Glacis, a park-like open space in front of the old fortifications, which was important as a green belt, was altered and made more accessible. The Stolpersteine (stumbling stones) have been laid on Minden's pavements as a memorial to them. Since the 1890s a sequence of six ring roads in the west and north of the town has formed the backbone of the road network. The Weserspucker (Weser spitter) in the pedestrian zone symbolizes the connection with the river; he is spitting in intervalls. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Border Troops of the German Democratic Republic, "Die lebenden Toten vom Checkpoint Charlie". This rough classification gives no suitable and detailed description of the regional situation. In the region Ostwestfalen-Lippe which is congruent to the administrative region of Detmold, Minden takes the fourth place by population after Bielefeld, Paderborn, and Gtersloh. The main station is connected by bus of the Teutoburger Wald Verkehr (TWV) with the central bus terminal (Zentraler Omnibusbahnhof, ZOB) in the town centre, where 13 bus lines rendezvous every half hour. The coat of arms shows the doubled-headed imperial eagle (Reichsadler) of the Holy Roman Empire on the right, awarded in 1627 by emperor Ferdinand II for support of the town in the Thirty Years' War. [7] However, there was little about Speer's elaboration of the sketch that might be termed Doric, except perhaps for the triglyphs in the entablature,[8] supported by the geminated red granite columns with their Egyptian palm-leaf capitals, previously employed by Speer in the portico outside Hitler's study on the garden side of the new Chancellery. November 15 . West Berlin policemen and US soldiers prevented a storming of the Berlin Wall. 58, Memorial for the deads of the Pioneer Battalions, Leo Sympher memorial at the Mittelland Canal, Keilstck on the Martinikirchhof in front of "Army bakery" (left) and "Granary", Bust of astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, The town centre is surrounded by the Glacis, a parklike green belt replacing the fortifications after their demolition. The lack of buildings outside the fortifications was favourable for planning a road network in the outer areas of the town. It extends 13.1km (8.1 miles) from north to south and 14.1km (9mi) from east to west. The rights to hold a market, to mint coins, and to collect customs duties were granted in 977 by Emperor Otto II. The DB Systemtechnik (German railway system technology) deals with the development of rail vehicles and railway system equipment. First aid was not provided; Ehrlich died at the People's Police Hospital from exsanguination; Flight intent unclear. [15] The location of the so-named settlement is supposed at the left river side, where today's Fischerstadt exists. Harris carefully used Speer's plans, with the building being depicted as being 300m (1,000ft) high. A drunk Ehrlich entered the sector border area near the Leipziger Strae / Staerkstrasse at the outer ring in Glienicke / Nordbahn (circle Oranienburg) and whistled loudly. In World War II, during the Battle of Berlin, the building was severely damaged by the Soviet Red Army. [26], Stasi officers posing as policemen would inform the relatives, though not before trying to obtain "valuable pieces of information on the border violation". Members of the National Defence Council, the political group responsible for the policies regarding the Berlin Wall, and the Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED) were brought to court in the 1990s. The Socialist Unity Party (SED), the ruling party of the GDR, held party congresses at the Palast and a state gala was held on the eve of the 40th (and final) anniversary of the GDR in October 1989, at which Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was present. Concerts of famous orchestras such as the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig under Kurt Masur, modern interpretations of classical music such as the Messiah of George Frideric Handel, and performances by Bulat Okudzhava (29 November 1976), Harry Belafonte (25 October 1983), Karel Gott (1983),[3] 1986 with Dara Rolins and Heidi Jank, 1987) or of the rock-band Purple Schulz (21 January 1989). The majority of the town council declared their loyalty to President Friedrich Ebert and Chancellor Gustav Bauer, who for their part confirmed the authority of the Minden Workers' Council. [33] The refortification had severe consequences, it hindered any extension of the town area and thus the economic development. After the War, the building fell into disuse; the parliament of the German Democratic Republic (the Volkskammer) met in the Palast der Republik in East Berlin, while the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany (the Bundestag) met in the Bundeshaus in Bonn. It includes border guards that committed suicide and cold cases involving bodies found in boundary waters. Were you ever in East Germany? Dismantling of the structure was seriously delayed after more asbestos was discovered in various locations, and the estimated completion date was pushed back to the end of 2008. [54] The Minden tram was electrified in 1920, and three lines were added until 1930.[45]. Because of this, border guards often pulled people down into the car-moat that was part of the whole border security system. In 1929 the Melitta firm transferred its production from Dresden to Minden. August reaches further. [25] The Lutheran Reformation was introduced in 1529 during a vacancy after the death of Bishop Francis of Brunswick-Wolfenbttel. There are four Roman Catholic parishes in Minden: the parish of the cathedral St Peter and Gorgonius, and parishes of St Mauritius, St Paul and St Ansgar, which are all bound together to the Pastoral Cooperation (Pastoralverbund) Mindener Land as part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Paderborn.[86]. "[27] SED newspaper Neues Deutschland claimed Fechter was driven into suicide by "front city bandits" as well as accusing him of being homosexual. The design and size of the external decoration of this Volkshalle, are all exceptional and call for explanations that do not apply to community halls planned for Nazi fora in other German cities. 258 names of victims of the Wall are listed on granite slabs. Every investigation committee had its own criteria of which cases could be counted as wall victims. The 864 bed hospital Johannes-Wesling-Klinikum is one of four sites of the "Mhlenkreiskliniken" hospital-complex serving the district of Minden-Lbbecke. Minden is location of diverse industry without a dominating branch. Escaped 1961; arrested at a border crossing point while asking for legal entry to East Berlin, where he then jumped out of a police station window, While attempting to secretly cross the border from West Berlin to East Berlin with a friend presumably for the purpose of settling in the GDR shot dead at the sector border in Treptow near the bridge Britzer Allee / Baumschulenweg; Friend was captured in the East and expelled to the West on 30 August, Shot while trying to escape through a window after being arrested at Berlin-Mitte, in. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (Ed. In today's usage, the word Reichstag (Imperial Diet) refers mainly to the building, while Bundestag (Federal Diet) refers to the institution. The coffered dome rests on this zone. The Mindener Freischieen (Minden Free Shooting) is a unique public festival that takes place usually every two years. As depicted in the book, the building would indeed have had its own "weather", with the breathing and perspiration of 150,000 occupants precipitating in the high dome; but rather than considering this a problem, Nazi propaganda would boast of it. The town centre has pay car parks and an automated guide to empty spaces. The old town wall fronting the Fischerstadt was restored to its former height. pompy, podnosi odporno organizmu jak rwnie tworzy silny ukad immunologiczny. codeine; because of potentially military interest the producing company Knoll AG in Ludwigshafen had decided for a more inner-German producing location. Computer-generated special effects are used to depict the Volkshalle in an alternate history Berlin in the TV production of The Man in the High Castle. Unfortunately, that property was unavailable at the time.[2]. [111] The disposable income per capita amounts slowly below to the average of North Rhine-Westphalia. Most of those who died (comprising 78% of the fugitive victims) were young men aged between 16 and 30. The underground basis is of palaeozoic material from Devonian to Permian. After World War II the Jewish community was reconstituted and has today (2020) about 85 members. The main town bridge connects the town centre with the eastern suburbs and the railway station. W poczeniu z witaminami, mineraami, jak rwnie aminokwasami rozgazionymi BCAA moe przyspiesza przemian materii, dba o mocn skr i paznokcie, pilnowa aby naskrek pozostawa mody. [2] It was the first building in the GDR to feature a self-supporting steel skeleton and contained 5,000 tons of asbestos used for fire protection. The Great Hall was notable for its versatility; lifting devices under the floor allowed for a stage of variable height and size. As other towns on the Weser - like Bremen or Mnden - had similar rights, many conflicts arose about the partly contradictory legal positions. Shot on 18 February 1968 while attempting to escape with Elke Weckeiser on the sector border opposite the Reichstag building near the Kronprinzenbrcke; died on 19 February 1968; had voluntarily entered the GDR with his first wife in 1962, Shot on 7 July 1962 by the Potsdam Police near is the Glienicke Bridge, Lived in West Germany and gained legal entry to East Berlin; shot while marching into the border zone and refusing to stop, Shot at Klein-Glienicke/Schlosspark Babelsberg, Shot by escapee Horst Krner at Klein-Glienicke/Schlosspark Babelsberg. The citizens of Minden and their council obtained independence from the bishop's rule around 1230 and received a town charter in 1301. Every border death was investigated in detail to identify how the attempt had been made, whether there were any vulnerabilities in the border system that needed to be remedied and whether anyone else had been involved. [51], Although the German armed forces were considerably restricted by the regulations of the Treaty of Versailles, Minden remained a garrison town of the Reichswehr with the Pioneer Battalion No. Shot in Auenring in Mahlow, around the boundary of, Shot near to the border while running home, Drowned in the Spree; body found on 27 July 1977, Shot on the village road in Seeburg at the outer ring between Seeburg (Kreis Potsdam) and Berlin-Spandau, Shot by a deserting colleague at Schnwalde/Kreis Nauen, Mentally disturbed, shot while crossing the wall from West Berlin to East Berlin, Tried to escape by train; jumped from train and crashed against wall, after which he was likely run over by the train, Coming from West Berlin, shot while nightly wandering around in a confusing terrain at the border, Shot at the sector border in Pankow am Brgerpark near the Leonhard-Frank-Strasse during a spontaneous escape attempt under considerable influence of alcohol, Jumped from a train at Bsebrcke/Grenzbergangsstelle Bornholmer Strae. Some took the view that escapees were entitled to use force in the course of crossing the border, but (as in one case tried in a West Berlin court) others saw the guard's life as taking priority over an escapee's freedom.[13]. 68 of them were killed in shootings. Of the 140 fatalities, 99 (70.7%) were shot dead, not only escapees but also individuals on either side who were not attempting to escape, and East German border guards killed on duty. The Wall became even more impregnable owing to technical improvements carried out in the mid-1970s and more restrictions were put on the area adjoining the Wall, making it more difficult to reach in the first place. The memorial needed to be minimized for the construction of the Marie-Elisabeth-Lders-Haus. Parts of the Federal Railways Central Offices Bundesbahn-Zentralmter were moved to Minden in 1950. For reasons unknown, he attempted to cross from West Berlin to East Berlin; was shot on the sector border between Neuklln and Treptow, Kiefholzstrae / Hhe Puderstrae, and died on the way to the East Berlin hospital, Accidentally approached the entrance to the border grounds on the outer ring in Falkensee, district Falkenhh, near Pestalozzistrae; and was shot while retreating on his motorcycle; his passenger (also his brother) was injured but not charged with illegal border crossing, Drowned between 14 and 17 November 1970 in the Spree, Shot while trying to escape at the sector border in Treptow, in the area Kllnische Heide / Dammweg. Some listed as "unknown man" or "unknown woman" are merely identified with a date of death. However, a thorough investigation of all natural cases of death has not been completed yet. Minden has a reputation as a water sports centre aided by its location on the Weser and the Canal. The gleysols of this area as well as in the Weser valley depression are in agricultural use after drainage. [44] The first line of the Minden tramway connected the basic site of the memorial with Minden since 1893, when it was yet under construction. Minden is an important junction for inland waterways. A bike freeway from Minden to Herford (Radschnellweg RS 3) is under construction. Minden is seat of the European Association of authors Die Kogge. In many places safety installations of West-Berlin's outer ring consisted of metal fences and barbed wire barriers. Municipal elections are held every five years, the recent election on 13 September 2020. Between 1961 and 1989, the Wall prevented almost all such emigration. [2]:139148, In 1956, after some debate, the West German government decided that the Reichstag should not be torn down, but be restored instead under the guidance of Paul Baumgarten. Queen Christina of Sweden (r.16321654) granted Minden full sovereignty in internal and external affairs. It also undermined the East German government's support at home. Most were killed either deliberately or accidentally by escapees or escape helpers. [10] It was also used for a widely lauded permanent exhibition about German history called Fragen an die deutsche Geschichte ("Questions on German history"). The Centre for Contemporary History and the Berlin Wall Memorial Site and Documentation Centre identified 136 people who died at the Berlin Wall. [88][89], In the last half century a considerable Muslim community has grown in Minden with three existing mosques.[90]. [62], In the early post-war time the Minden region became a central part of the British Occupation Zone. Such cultural buildings were common not only in the Eastern Bloc, but also find examples in Belgium, France (Center Georges Pompidou), the Netherlands and Sweden (House of Culture in Stockholm) Buildings led. The town functioned as the capital of the Prussian territory of Minden-Ravensberg from 1719 to 1807 and as the seat of the upper administrative authority named Kriegs- und Domnenkammer (Chamber of War Affairs and State Property), that ruled Minden-Ravensberg together with the Prussian territories of the County of Lingen and the County of Tecklenburg. Moskva, IPA: ()) is the capital and largest city of Russia.The city stands on the Moskva River in Central Russia, with a population estimated at 13.0 million residents within the city limits, over 17 million residents in the urban area, and over 20 million residents in the metropolitan area. Schoppe und Faeser was a producer of electronics that has been taken over by the ABB Group. Minden has a municipal archive and two significant museums. [7] Reconstruction was completed in 2020. [67] The renewal of the main shopping street Scharn was planned by Werner March. [4] Some of the Reichstag's decorative sculptures, reliefs, and inscriptions were by sculptor Otto Lessing. By 2003, the asbestos was considered to have been removed along with internal and external fittings allowing either safe reconstruction or safe deconstruction, and the shell of the building was opened for visitors in mid-2003. It is the crossing of the navigable Weser and the Mittelland Canal. The monument of the Great Elector, the only one for a sovereign in Minden, stands alongside the Weser bridgehead to commemorate its first Prussian ruler. It is arranged by the military-like organized Mindener Brgerbatallion (Minden Citizen Battalion) with the Stadtmajor (Town Major) on top. [6], Speer's Monster-Building (German: Monsterbau) was to be the capital's most important and impressive building in terms of its size and symbolism. In the old villages now being town quarters a lot of half-timbered houses have remained. [134], Minden offers a Folk high school (Volkshochschule) in cooperation with the bordering communities of Hille, Petershagen, Porta Westfalica and Bad Oeynhausen,[135][136] and musical education in a municipal music school.[137]. Trials investigated border guards and senior political officials for their responsibility for the killings, some of which were believed to be unlawful. The Berliner Fernsehturm or Fernsehturm Berlin (English: Berlin Television Tower) is a television tower in central Berlin, Germany.. [5], The sketch of the Volkshalle given by Hitler to Speer shows a traditional gabled pronaos supported by ten columns, a shallow rectangular intermediate block and behind it the domed main building. [18][21], In February 1989, Chris Gueffroy was the last person shot trying to escape East Germany; he was not, however, the last to die escaping. Because French troops had occupied the town twice during the war, King Frederick the Great of Prussia realized that it could no more be defended in the old manner - thus he gave order to annul Minden's status as a fortress in 1764.[29]. Drowned in the Spree at Kreuzberg, West Berlin. Januar 1920 vor dem Reichstag", of the German Reichstags building in Berlin. Later, it was extended and today it includes the Berlin Wall Documentation Center, a visiting center, the Chapel of Reconciliation, the Window of Remembrance with portraits of those who lost their lives on the grounds of the Berlin Wall, and a 60-meter-long section of the former border installations which is enclosed by steel walls at both ends. During the Berlin blockade, an enormous number of West Berliners assembled before the building on 9 September 1948, and Mayor Ernst Reuter held a famous speech that ended with "Ihr Vlker der Welt schaut auf diese Stadt" ("You people of the worldlook upon this city"). During the population growth in the 19th century the small number of Catholics rose slowly, and because of the migration of expelled persons, working migrants, and refugees after World War II, the percentage of Catholics increased considerably among the population of Minden. [72] In 2006 a controversial resolution by the town council proposed the demolition of the town hall extensions to make room for a new shopping mall. No part of the building was ever constructed. On 13 August 1971, the memorial site Weie Kreuze ("White Crosses") was inaugurated on the east side of the Reichstag building. On 1 January 1973, the previously separate surrounding communities of Aminghausen, Blhorst, Dankersen, Dtzen, Haddenhausen, Hahlen, Hverstdt, Kutenhausen, Leteln, Meien, Ppinghausen, Stemmer, Todtenhausen as well as parts of Barkhausen, Hartum and Holzhausen II were incorporated into the town of Minden. It reminds people of the victims of the Berlin Wall and the inner German border with 1067 crosses. "[17] In 2009, Hildebrandt reported of 245 dead caused by the Wall. On 29 June 1884, the foundation stone was finally laid by Wilhelm I, at the east side of the Knigsplatz. These services are usually held on the anniversary of the building of the Berlin Wall; they were partially supported by West Berlin's district offices or by the senate minutes. About 35,000 tonnes of steel which once held this building together were shipped to the United Arab Emirates to be used for the construction of the Burj Khalifa. A number of different West German institutions kept their own records. Further theatre and cultural events occur with private sponsorship and are held in such locations as the civic centre Brgerzentrum and the Theater am Weingarten. It is part of the agglomeration corridor that extends along the A 2 Autobahn from Minden through Herford, Bielefeld, Gtersloh and on to the Ruhr area. Moscow (/ m s k o / MOS-koh, US chiefly / m s k a / MOS-kow; Russian: , tr. Minden is a town in the northeastern part of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The Reformation was carried out in Minden between 1521 and 1529. Freudenberg fell from a hot-air balloon while trying to fly over the Berlin Wall.[22][23]. The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer, pronounced [blin ma] ()) was a guarded concrete barrier that divided Berlin from 1961 to 1989. In 1904 a new great cemetery was laid out in the north of the centre, and in 1957 another one in the south.[98]. Glutamina, to skadnik w peni bezpieczny oraz komfortowy jeli chodzi o stosowanie. On the Great cathedral court an obelisk-like monument, topped by the Prussian eagle, reminds at the Prussian victories in the Second Schleswig War of 1864 and the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, and a sarcophagus-like memorial in the glacis, designed by Karl Friedrich Schinkel, at Major General Ernst Michael von Schwichow (17591823), fortress commander of Minden. In 2000, the ZERV compared data from the central registration office in Salzgitter with findings in GDR archives and made a total of 122 cases of targeted killing by GDR state organs at the border to West-Berlin. [12] Likewise the localization of the Battle of Idistaviso and the Battle of the Angrivarian Wall as well, both took place in 16 AD, to the eastern part of Minden or its neighbour town Porta Westfalica is doubtful. After World War II, Berlin had been divided into four sectors controlled by the Allies: the US, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and France. Construction of the Palace of the Republic (German: Palast der Republik) began in 1973, with a cost stated at 485 million East German marks according to an internal list of Wolfgang Junker, the Minister of Construction, although other estimates suggest about 800 million to 1 billion marks. The fortress walls were razed until 1880 the town had to pay for it , and a new Weser bridge was constructed, permitting the town to catch up economically. After the fall of the Wall, criminal investigations into border killings were launched by the Investigating Agency for Governmental and Party Crimes (ZERV) and the Berlin public prosecutor's office. There are also streets and squares that have been named after the dead. Crossing the Weser valley was once favoured by a ford with a small hill in the middle; there the Weser meander touches the western edge of the valley, the eastern floodplain is usually meadowland, but inundated in times of flood, so that the central bridgehead (Brckenkopf) becomes a river island. The Frankfurter Allgemeine commented on the "brutal cold-bloodedness" of the guards. Unlike most other depictions of the Volkshalle, it was shown to have housed the Fhrer's Office and residence.
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