Prayer When Weary Lifter of my Soul, come to me now with Your consolation and support. Holy Spirit, remind me that I can do all things through You, for You are my strength and my song. Even though you are not with me in body, I know that your spirit is with me and will always be a part of my life. PSALM 55:22. credit: Thinkstock/Ingram Publishing. Psalm 134:2. My friendship is unconditional and I love you no matter what we go through. Report abuse. Lord, please motivate me with the confidence I need right now. Amen. I pray all you wishes and dreams come true! Prayer for Strength to Cope with Challenges God my Advocate, please come alongside me with Your encouragement and strength as I cope with these daunting challenges. I will always be here to support all of your achievements and cheer you on, especially when times are tough. I know you dont believe in God anymore, but for my own sake, I am going to pray for you today. 4. Give them the strength to over come any and every situation that comes there way. I am a novelist at heart, and have been published in a number of anthologies. A friend is someone we turn to when our spirits need a lift. 2 Timothy 1:7. You deserve only the best! A Deep Sharing between Friends. And you wonder if someone cares, Remember, I am kneeling down Lifting you up in prayer. Some links on this blog may contain affiliate links, God calls us to lift others up through intercessory prayer, Hymn Story: God Be With You Till We Meet Again, Hymn Story: The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended, Behind the Song: I've Got Peace Like a River, Behind the Song: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow, Behind the Christmas Song: We Three Kings, Behind the Song Sunday: Just A Closer Walk with Thee, Attitudes that are dismissive and superior, Attitudes that are indigent and aggravated, People that cover their troubles with laughter. 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When you pray for others, God will hear it well and he helps them immediately. Pray for Hollywood and those who work in the Entertainment business to use their gifts for God. So, if you can give a lift someone up in prayer it will be a powerful gift. 5.0 out of 5 stars Devotional Reading at its Best! Learn how your comment data is processed. I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me. When someone is expecting some help from us, we can give lift them in prayer. When their heart accepts your lift, their body also accept those soon. What events lead to their disposition and attitude toward life. That He would be with you when you are at rest and when you have work to do. I pray that when I look back at days that robbed me of my joy, illness that took my spirit, or words that scarred my heart, I will be reminded of how you always have and will continue to be with me. So, in those situations you must have an ability to understand the weak point of them. I love you and look forward to serving God side by side with you! I felt the power of prayer wrapping around me, easing my stress. Help us to edify and uplift other members of Your body and in all things to be Your hands and feet, Your eyes and ears and Your heart of love in all we say and do today. I cant imagine my life without you and I dont ever want to. Prayer When in Pain or Suffering 3. The Lord knows better than we do how to assist them. First you should talk their heart because heart feeling are the strongest feelings. From that they will understand your love. Reach out; because trust me, you are coming out of the woods. Thank You that You have promised to supply all our needs according to Your riches in glory. I messaged my friends, who immediately started praying. Imagine Moses, standing alone on the mountain, interceding for Israel. Help me to run with endurance, and to fix my gaze on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of my faith, so that I dont grow weary and lose heart. Definition of lift someone up in the Idioms Dictionary. The Lord knows better than we do how to assist them. In Scripture, people pray standing, kneeling, prostrate on the ground, with their eyes lifted up, with their heads bowed, and with their hands raised. I am lifting you up in my prayers, and counting on you to hold me up in prayer today as well. Help them to know that You are ever at their side, working in them a wonderful glory that will last forever! The imagery of "lifting up" in the Bible frequently refers to the posture of prayer. Prayer for Encouragement of Gods Love and Truth Lord of Hope, please encourage me with Your love and truth. God knows the heart and soul of each person and is already listening and hearing the prayers. Simply analysis, How people treat you is their karma Simply explain, What work can one never finish? Know that you are loved, cherished, and prayed for. Dear friend, I have known you for so many years and have noticed that life has not always been easy. Refresh and renew my mind with the truth of Your Word over all my circumstances. Your wish will be a good support to go forward. But when we take those struggles and worries to God, He gives us the opportunity to pull away from the "quick sand" in life. A best friend is a person who jumps in the river and pulls us out when we go under. -source unknown. I choose to experience anger, fear, self-pity or guilt instead of love. We are only human beings after all. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for . Black and white image depicting a Christian theme with man lifting his hand to heaven in praise. 2. That you feel loved and safe in the world. I praise You and thank You that blessing and prosperity will be mine when I fear You and walk in Your ways. Then it will be lifted for their lives. Isaiah 26:3. You are so loved and adored. Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. So, we must climb up on them to reach our goals and find the value of this life. Here are 25 uplifting prayers for encouragement along with printable images to use or share. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes it is hard to meet the challenges we face head-on. But, regardless of their beliefs, I can silently pray for them and lift them up to the Father. They say instead "I'll be praying for you." Your smile, eyes, and laugh are like a magnet that pulls me right to you. Easy methods, When you are giving up a lift with prayer it will have a power. "The Holy Scriptures are our letters from home." -Augustine of Hippo. You are loved so much and I will be here for you every step of the way. Know that I am here for you, no matter what. 3. You look great today and I just wanted to say that I love you. But that biblical usage differs from the way in which language is commonly used in prayer today. Lifting the prayers of every heart to God. The Bible assures us that if we trust in the Lord and follow the teachings of scripture, God's grace will help us. It certainly doesnt mean that your love isnt strong enough to find his/her soul mate. I was asking God to bless him with someone that loves him and cares for him. You know my struggles with weight management and unhealthy eating patterns and a sedentary lifestyle. Introduction, What does it mean to lift someone up in prayer? Lead them down your righteous path. I so enjoy the time we spend together and look forward to every moment with you. Praying for you! Thank You, that through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, our sins have been forgiven. 1. And they bowed their heads and worshiped the LORD with their faces to the ground" (Nehemiah 8:6)."Let us lift up our hearts and hands to God in heaven" (Lamentations 3:41)."I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or . She had no debit card and no cash. God loves you! . Thank You that in Your grace, You have clothed us in His righteousness and seated us together with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. Prayer, including praise as well as supplication, tends to be understood as the offering up of words that are enunciated and heard. Im glad that I have the opportunity to be a friend to someone as wonderful as you are. Be at peace, then. I pray that God will continually fill your heart with his love, grace, and peace. Your smile lights up the room and your laugh brings joy to everyones heart. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Our arrival in the home, work, school, or neighborhood should usher in a spirit of peace and joy because we are children of the King. I will say a prayer for you everyday, please do the same if you would. The love of my life, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I know there is hope. Prayer for Guidance throughout the day 3. We all want what is best for you and dont ever forget that we will always be here for you. Lord, I pray for Your grace, for I know it will be sufficient. Help me to rise above my circumstances and place my confidence in Your goodness and compassion. 6 people found this helpful. I also pray that all the things you hated about yourself will one day fade away and that all of your negative self opinion will melt like snow in the spring. Bring into the life of each one someone who would share the love and joy of the Lord Jesus, someone who would lift up the spirits and hearts of each man and woman today. lift someone up phrase. Whatever life throws at you I promise to stand by your side and fight the battles with you. Lord Jesus, I am encouraged by studying Your example when You lived among us. I know that right now things may not be so good in your life, but just remember I am here for you every step of the way. Know that there is always someone who cares and loves you dearly. I will always support you, theres nothing I wouldnt do for you. Prayer for the Gift of a New Morning 2. You have entered an incorrect email address! Dear Jesus, You alone deserve all our honour and glory and worship and praise, and I confess You as my Lord and Saviour, now and for evermore. When you are giving up a lift with prayer it will have a power. I pray for you every day! We provide you with the latest breaking news and videos straight from the entertainment industry. All I ask you to do, is to agree with me as I pray, and together we will seek our Heavenly Father. Let them see that they are not alone, but that You are an ever present help in time of troubles and that the difficulties of this life are but for a short time. We have a lot of fun together, but I think we fight more than we get along. On top of being a writer, blogger, musician and speaker, I wear a number of other titles. As the sun rises, may your hope rise up in me. You are in my heart always and forever God Bless! I am thinking of you today and sending positive thoughts your way. Just wanted to send you a quick prayer for our future and also to thank you for being such a great person. Amen. Your actions prove that youve got a big heart, full of love to give. Thank You, that you are the propitiation for our sins and that by believing in You we have been returned into sweet fellowship with the Father. Praise Your holy name. Forgive me. For everything that has happened, but most of all Im sorry for how I treated you. Prayer for a Friend's Healing When the shock of a health diagnosis seems to shake our world or the breakdown of a relationship shatters our expectations for the future, our desire is for. I just want to say that Im sorry. May God bless you with so much love, joy and happiness that your heart could just burst with endless emotion. You are a part of my life as I am of yours, forever. Prayer When Suffering Illness God my Healer, I am suffering illness and I feel low in my spirit. I pray that all of your desires will be fulfilled and that you will forever be happy. Newspaper is your news, entertainment, music fashion website. In this journey we will have some barrios which are giving negative things. Pray for our government that they would have a holy fear and reverence for you Lord. There is abundance in Him! The blessing of God be on you, my love. From the bottom of my heart, I pray your dreams come true! With your correct guidance they will climb up on their stairs. Hear those who share their prayers, and those who hold their prayers within their hearts sending their longings into the night. I thank You that on the day that I cry out to You, You hear me and answer me. You are amazing, beautiful and kind. Help me to see the needs, burdens, and heartaches of others. Yet this is not what is meant by the psalmist when he speaks of lifting his soul. So, we suggest you, always try to give something good for your relations with praying for them. This is no different. You were made to be a light. I am so sorry that things didnt work out for you this time. The best is yet to come . Give us grateful hearts and a willingness and desire to share with others the grace and mercy that You have showered on us day by day, without measure. You are a very good, sweet person and you deserve to have happiness all around you. A New Kind Of Mission. So, we must give it the most valuable things until the end of this life. Then offer your hands as holy instruments unto Him, to do His will and to reach out to others with His unconditional, unchanging love! Even though we are far away, I pray that you realize how amazing you truly are. No matter what happens stay strong and keep fighting. Lord, I miss my dear one immensely, but I find confidence in knowing that when the spirits of Your children leave their bodies, they are at home with You. Please take care of yourself! Prayer for Emboldening in Times of Fear God my Champion, embolden me with the power of Your Holy Spirit when I am tempted to fear. Amen. AMEN. You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. My eyes are fixed on You, O God my Lord, and in You I take hope. Father, please strengthen my limp hands and weak knees. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. God has a way of taking things that the world finds as a bad thing, and uses it for his good. Im feeling overwhelmed, but You are the restorer of my soul. Here are 25 uplifting prayers for encouragement along with printable images to use or share. Shame, guilt, sorrow, heartache, fear of others learning what has happened, or the person may . Prayer for Support in a Difficult Situation God of Favor, I ask that You lend me Your support and buoy me up as I am confronted with this difficult situation. This message is from the heart of a true friend who cares about you. All I can do is pray for you, give you the best advice I can, and tell you how much I love you. Your struggle, though painful, is simply a jump . You mean the world to me. I am a shoulder to lean on, an ear to listen, and a heart to love. Happy Birthday! Every day you do something to touch my heart and bring joy to my life. I treasure them always, and will forever. The idea behind this card is to empower others to know that they are being lifted up in prayer even when you don't know what to say or how to help. Prayer to Lift up from Negative Thought Patterns My God of Deliverance, please lift me up and out of these negative thought patterns of hopelessness, discouragement, depression, and grumbling. Stand up, shake off the past and keep going. And then the service moved on to the Prayers of the People, asking for help for the hungry, poor and oppressed of the world, the sick and suffering, "and those we name now." And the names rolled out, none familiar . Prayer for Strength to Cope with Challenges God my Advocate, please come alongside me with Your encouragement and strength as I cope with these daunting challenges. I am so grateful to have you in my life, especially during this difficult time. A Prayer for Joy 11. Thank You for the love and support that we are able to share together as we rejoice in our wonderful Salvation, and look forward to our eternal position in the heavenly Jerusalem in Christ Jesus our Lord. May this card lift you up in prayer anytime you need to feel surrounded by love and positive energy. I am sending you this special prayer, hoping it will empower you to be brave, uplift you to find strength and courage. It is the task for fill with high spirits and optimism. 33 Bible Verses about uplifting. Do you lift others up in prayer? John to the seven churches that are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of kings on earth. I pray that the blessings of God fall softly upon you and bring you peace and comfort. Amen. 5. Lord, I know You uphold justice for the poor and defend the cause of the needy. While discussing the power of prayer we can mention that prayer unites us in community. From that they will understand your love. You can teach some skills and offer assistance to them. I . Powerful monochrome image. And Ezra blessed the LORD, the great God. Do not give a pain and always try to release all the pain. And now, dear Father, You know I often short-circuit myself with self-doubt, self-loathing, and self-condemnation. Verse Concepts. But my most important title is child of God. Prayer to Spur on in Spiritual Disciplines Lord, You are the defender of the weak, and I confess that I am often weak and lack focus in attending to the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and meditating on Your Word. This is a prayer I've put together where I would like to pray for anyone within the sound of my voice. Amen. My hope is that we continue to strengthen our relationship for a lifetime of happiness. by Brigitte Weeks From Posted in Devotions for Inspiration, Jun 20, . I like to thank the Lord for blessing me with such a wonderful friend. God of Blessings, I know that if I give it will be given to me, so I pray that I give to those freely. Praying and giving lift is the secret to develop a strong bond. Father, You are stirring my heart today to offer myself to You as a holy instrument to do Your will. I thank You that You give power to the faint, and strength to the one who is powerless. Keep your eye on the goals you have set, be mindful of your hopes and the thing you want to achieve. You deserve it. Lord, I pray that Your loving care, comfort and help will surround each one, and I ask that You would become very real to them, in this time of difficulty or loneliness. 9. Ive thought about you a lot lately. Praying for Positive Influences 6. Jesus, please rally to my side as I remember that I share in Your sufferings and will ultimately be overjoyed by the revelation of Your glory. Glory Be to God. I am sending positive energy your way! I am so glad that they are in my life and I pray that God continues to watch over him or her, as well as you. I will always be here for you no matter what. God is with us through everything. Growing in Spiritual Gifts. Prayer To Be Good And Faithful Witness To You. What does it mean to lift someone up in prayer? Let me know if there is anything I can do. I pray you find comfort in my love for you. No matter what happens I will always love you, so keep striving for greatness because you got it in you! And thank You Father, for the many blessings that You shower over each one of us day by day. How blessed I am to have You with me in the fire. Open the . And yet I thank You that when I confess my sins, You are faithful and just to forgive my sins. If you need anything at all, please let me know. Don't allow yourself to get caught in this cycle of self-inflicted woe. The simple knowledge that someone else believes you can, makes all the difference. Amen. Here's why 1. My heart is full of love for you and I will be praying that the gift of love and devotion grows in your heart daily like it does in mine. MY PRAYER FOR TODAY. Your little help even will give them a large support to go forward. I know you can do this because youve never given up on anything in your life and youve always succeeded. Help me to see the needs, burdens, and heartaches of others. I know there are times when it can be hard to simply get through, but with you as my support, I feel like all my dreams can come true! I pray that the Lord blesses you and keeps you, shines his face upon you and gives you grace. Im not sure whats going on in your life right now, but I hope it all works out in a positive way.
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