[287], The US military used depleted uranium in tank kinetic energy penetrators and 2030mm cannon ordnance. Shell Trading and Supply, View [21] In this energy-intensive process, natural gas (CH4) usually supplies the hydrogen, and the nitrogen (N2) is derived from the air. Two Israeli civilians died as a direct result of the missile attacks. The priority was the destruction of Iraq's Air Force and anti-aircraft facilities. [153][185][186] VII Corps fought a number of large battles against Iraqi forces. In addition, the US moved to support its ally Saudi Arabia, whose importance in the region, and as a key supplier of oil, made it of considerable geopolitical importance. [21][23][24] Iraqi forces inflicted very minimal damage on Coalition forces. News Investors, View People and communities, View [328] About 3040% of this came from allied raids on Iraqi coastal targets. World Mine Production and Reserves: Reserves for Australia, Canada, Russia, and the United States were revised petrochemical industries. The 8th Battalion destroyed more than three dozen tanks and a number of other vehicles. In October 2018 the NDRC's Energy Research Institute said that China's nuclear generating capacity must increase to 554 GWe by 2050 if the country is to play its part in limiting the global temperature rise to below 1.5 C. This accounts for about 6% of global natural gas use. Business customers, View Why Choose Shell, View The success of "Operacin Alfil" (English: "Operation Bishop") with more than 700 interceptions and 25,000 nautical miles (46,000km) sailed in the theatre of operations helped to overcome the so-called "Malvinas syndrome". The US military claimed a high effectiveness against Scuds at the time, but later analysis gives figures as low as 9%, with 45% of the 158 Patriot launches being against debris or false targets. In 2011, fossil fuel use created 33.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.1, The 3 types of fossil fuels that are used the most are coal, natural gas and oil. We cannot come all the way to you in the United States, but individual Arabs may reach you We do not place America among the enemies. Renewables and Energy Solutions, View [162], Task Force 1-41 Infantry was the first coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border on 15 February 1991 and conduct ground combat operations in Iraq engaging in direct and indirect fire fights with the enemy on 17 February 1991. [256], An investigation by Beth Osborne Daponte estimated total civilian fatalities at about 3,500 from bombing, and some 100,000 from the war's other effects. The primary combat vehicles of the American divisions were the M1A1 Abrams tank and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Entrepreneurs and Start-ups, View These are sometimes incorrectly used as the conflict's overall name, especially the US Desert Storm: The US divided the conflict into three major campaigns: Precision-guided munitions were heralded as key in allowing military strikes to be made with a minimum of civilian casualties compared to previous wars, although they were not used as often as more traditional, less accurate bombs. CNN correspondents John Holliman and Peter Arnett and CNN anchor Bernard Shaw relayed audio reports from Baghdad's Al-Rashid Hotel as the air strikes began. Urea dissolves in water for application as a spray or through irrigation systems. Figure 1:Source: Le Qur, C. et al. When Iraqi President Saddam Hussein expelled Abu Nidal to Syria at the US's request in November 1983, the Reagan administration sent Donald Rumsfeld to meet Saddam as a special envoy and to cultivate ties. 92 Senegalese soldiers and six Saudi crew members were killed. Yours to Make. Renewables and Energy Solutions, View Operation Granby was the code name for the operations in the Persian Gulf. During a speech in a special joint session of the US Congress given on 11 September 1990, US President George H. W. Bush summed up the reasons with the following remarks: "Within three days, 120,000 Iraqi troops with 850 tanks had poured into Kuwait and moved south to threaten Saudi Arabia. The conversion of urea to ammonia catalyzed by enzymes called ureases. Natural sources include decomposition, ocean release and respiration. Plastic Read more about benefits for the local area. As a noun the word most commonly refers to the solid products of petrochemical-derived manufacturing.. [129] In the US, high concentrations of nitrate and phosphorus in runoff and drainage water are classified as nonpoint source pollutants due to their diffuse origin; this pollution is regulated at the state level. Organic fertilizers" can describe those fertilizers with an organic biologic originthat is, fertilizers derived from living or formerly living materials. [116], Many of the coalition countries were reluctant to commit military forces. Sustainability our approach, View We operate the countrys only Naphtha Cracker producing high quality Olefins and Polyolefins, and is the sole domestic producer of Styrene Monomer and Butadiene. [48] Agricultural and chemical minerals are very important in industrial use of fertilizers, which is valued at approximately $200 billion. [104][105] Intensive farming practices, including the use of synthetic fertilizers are frequently suggested as reasons for these declines and organic farming is often suggested as a solution. Many have cited its use during the war as a contributing factor to a number of major health issues in veterans and in surrounding civilian populations, including in birth defects and child cancer rates. One of the gases released is carbon dioxide. NPK fertilizers are three-component fertilizers providing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The Senate supported the military actions in a 5247 vote. [87], On 6 August, Resolution 661 placed economic sanctions on Iraq. We safely and sustainably source, produce and market a range of high-quality products, creating value for stakeholders. "[262] The exact number of Iraqi combat casualties is unknown, but is believed to have been heavy. If you use pressure, we will deploy pressure and force. The UK drew the border between Kuwait and Iraq in 1922, making Iraq almost entirely landlocked. Soon after his conquest of Kuwait, Saddam began verbally attacking the Saudis. Kuwait's demands for repayment were coupled with its surge in petroleum production and suspected Iraqi collaborators were repressed. [263] This analysis is based on Iraqi prisoner of war reports. Shell Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), View The plant will consist of an ethylene cracker with a polyethylene derivatives unit. [174] As combat operations progressed Task Force 1-41 Infantry engaged at short range multiple dug in enemy tanks in ambush positions. Conventional agriculture uses all the components that organic agriculture does not use. On 25 February 1991, Iraqi forces fired a Scud missile at an American barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Shell Commercial Road Transport, Collaborate with Shell Commercial Road Transport, View [60] A UN mission to the Israeli-occupied territories, where riots had resulted in Palestinian deaths, was vetoed by the US, making Iraq deeply skeptical of US foreign policy aims in the region, combined with the reliance of the US on Middle Eastern energy reserves. Complete the form below and a member of our sales team will contact you to discuss how our products and service can help you grow and succeed. The young woman who had testified was found to be a member of Kuwait's royal family and the daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the US. Hotnigerianjobs.com publishes Nigeria Jobs in Oil & Gas, Banking & Finance, Telecom & ICT, Engineering, Agriculture, Manufacturing, Hospitality, Public Since the distance traveled by goods during production is continuing to grow, this is putting more pressure on the transportation industry to bridge the gap and ends up creating more indirect emissions. Sasol posts strong financial results supported by macroeconomic environment. Digitalisation in Energy, Digital Transformation in Energy Industry, Digitalisation accelerating the energy transition, View [108], A series of UN Security Council resolutions and Arab League resolutions were passed regarding Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. [257] A report commissioned by the US Air Force estimated 10,00012,000 Iraqi combat deaths in the air campaign, and as many as 10,000 casualties in the ground war. Muriate of potash consists of 9599% KCl, and is typically available as 0-0-60 or 0-0-62 fertilizer. When Baker asked King Fahd for 15billion dollars, the King readily agreed, with the promise that Baker ask Kuwait for the same amount. [79][80][81] The Kuwaiti resistance's casualty rate far exceeded that of the coalition military forces and Western hostages. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. [126], US President Bush repeatedly compared Saddam Hussein to Hitler.[127]. To permit these to be used to best effect, the "selective availability" feature of the GPS system was turned off for the duration of Desert Storm, allowing these commercial receivers to provide the same precision as the military equipment.[345]. Significant controversy regarding the long term safety of depleted uranium exists, including claims of pyrophoric, genotoxic, and teratogenic heavy metal effects. Petrochemical In 1994, the US Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs with Respect to Export Administration published a report entitled, "U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual Use Exports to Iraq and their Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the Gulf War". In 1992, the US Defense Secretary during the war, Dick Cheney, made the same point: I would guess if we had gone in there, we would still have forces in Baghdad today. [255], According to Kanan Makiya, "For the Iraqi people, the cost of enforcing the will of the United Nations has been grotesque. Alternative media outlets provided views opposing the war. [228] The 101st Airborne Division had struck 249km (155mi) behind enemy lines. Beyond manures, animal sources can include products from the slaughter of animals bloodmeal, bone meal, feather meal, hides, hoofs, and horns all are typical components. Gulf War and Persian Gulf War are the most common terms for the conflict used within western countries, though it may also be called the First Gulf War (to distinguish it from the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the subsequent Iraq War). Candidate Resource Centre, 4 tips to excel in a Shell face-to-face interview, 7 tips to prepare Students & Graduates for an online video Interview, 10 employees share their first week at Shell, 9 ways to help you find the right career path, View It is the world's 12th largest oil company by production. The lockdown and travel restrictions in China have resulted in the declined consumption of petrochemical products in the country. [131][132], In China, regulations have been implemented to control the use of N fertilizers in farming. A National Security Planning Group meeting was formed, chaired by then Vice President George H. W. Bush, to review US options. Home - nova-Institute Since the war, the US has had a continued presence of 5,000 troops stationed in Saudi Arabia a figure that rose to 10,000 during the 2003 conflict in Iraq. [234] Millions of Kurds fled across the mountains to Turkey and Kurdish areas of Iran. Integrating sustainability into our activities, View [69] The Iraqi response was to immediately order an invasion,[70] which started on 2 August 1990 with the bombing of Kuwait's capital, Kuwait City. Other important natural sources include plant and animal respiration (28.56%) as well as soil respiration and decomposition (28.56%).4 16 A minor amount is also created by volcanic eruptions (0.03%).17 18. [160] That same evening the Task Force identified an Iraqi mortar position and engaged it with both direct and indirect fires. Potash is soluble in water, so the main effort in producing this nutrient from the ore involves some purification steps; e.g., to remove sodium chloride (NaCl) (common salt). [124] The proposal also "include[d] offers to negotiate an oil agreement with the United States 'satisfactory to both nations' national security interests,' develop a joint plan 'to alleviate Iraq's economical and financial problems' and 'jointly work on the stability of the gulf.'"[97]. [110] Since this time these trace elements are routinely added to fertilizers used in agriculture in this state. According to John Childs and Andr Corvisier, a low estimate shows the Iraqi Army capable of fielding 4,500 tanks, 484 combat aircraft and 232 combat helicopters. In order for the cartel to maintain its desired price of $18 per barrel, discipline was required. Sasol is a global chemicals and energy company. [254] According to the Project on Defense Alternatives study, 3,664 Iraqi civilians were killed in the conflict. Task Force 141 was the first coalition force to breach the Saudi Arabian border on 15 February 1991, and to conduct ground combat operations in Iraq engaging in direct and indirect fire fights with the enemy on 17 February 1991. Yours to Make. The increased importance of air attacks from both coalition warplanes and cruise missiles led to controversy over the number of civilian deaths caused during Desert Storm's initial stages. The result of the Jeddah talks was an Iraqi demand for $10billion[69] to cover the lost revenues from Rumaila; Kuwait offered $500million. Archived copy" (PDF). The energy future, View [332] US troops represented about 74% of the combined force, and the global cost was therefore higher. During summer, urea is often spread just before or during rain to minimize losses from volatilization (a process wherein nitrogen is lost to the atmosphere as ammonia gas). A mixture of single superphosphate and triple superphosphate is called double superphosphate. [126][127], In Europe, problems with high nitrate concentrations in runoff are being addressed by the European Union's Nitrates Directive. Iraq and Libya were the only two Arab League states that opposed the resolution for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait; the PLO opposed it as well. [85][92] Uranium-238 concentrations can range from 7 to 100 pCi/g (picocuries per gram) in phosphate rock[93] and from 1 to 67 pCi/g in phosphate fertilizers. and RFA ships were also deployed. American, British, and French forces continued to pursue retreating Iraqi forces over the border and back into Iraq, eventually moving to within 240km (150mi) of Baghdad, before withdrawing back to Iraq's border with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.[232]. The recyclability of a material depends on its ability to reacquire the properties it had in its original state. ", This page was last edited on 1 November 2022, at 18:53. Shell Commercial Road Transport, View Shell Construction and Road, View Mobility, Explore Shells Energy Transformation Scenarios, Share your idea and transform the energy industry, View Today, the stolen banknotes are a collectible for numismatists. "[47][48], With Iraq's newfound success in the war, and the Iranian rebuff of a peace offer in July, arms sales to Iraq reached a record spike in 1982. Petrochemicals Market Outlook with Size, Growth, Trends [2028] Shell Sulphur Solutions, View Moreover, the change in the combined effect from one category to the next was significantly greater than the sum of the independent effects of the environmental exposure and the genotype". However, if allowed to enter the body, depleted uranium, like natural uranium, has the potential for both chemical and radiological toxicity with the two important target organs being the kidneys and the lungs. These products evaporate, dissolve, or wear out over time releasing even more carbon dioxide during the product's life. Only Canada and France are the exception. However, the US did begin to condemn Iraq's human rights record, including the well-known use of torture. To prevent automated spam submissions leave this field empty. [89][90][91], The radioactive content of the fertilizers varies considerably and depends both on their concentrations in the parent mineral and on the fertilizer production process. Shell for suppliers, Purchase order general terms and conditions, Shell invoicing channels and invoice requirements, Electronic signature data privacy statement, View [116] The increase in price of natural gases over the past decade, along with other factors such as increasing demand, have contributed to an increase in fertilizer price. Studies dispute the number of people who died in south and central Iraq during the years of the sanctions. Kuwait City (Arabic: ) is the capital and largest city of Kuwait.Located at the heart of the country on the south shore of Kuwait Bay on the Persian Gulf, it is the political, cultural and economical centre of the emirate, containing Kuwait's Seif Palace, government offices, and the headquarters of most Kuwaiti corporations and banks. Drilling must not occur on contact with or close to seed, due to the risk of germination damage. A key element of US political, military and energy economic planning occurred in early 1984. [citation needed], The draining of the Qurna Marshes also called The Draining of the Mesopotamian Marshes occurred in Iraq and to a smaller degree in Iran between the 1950s and 1990s to clear large areas of the marshes in the Tigris-Euphrates river system. Jordan and Iraq both looked for more discipline, with little success. However, a year after the war, this allegation was revealed to be a fabrication. Newspapers all over the world also covered the war and Time magazine published a special issue dated 28 January 1991, the headline "War in the Gulf" emblazoned on the cover over a picture of Baghdad taken as the war began. [202], The United Kingdom was represented by its 1st Armoured Division known as the Desert Rats. Our more focused portfolio is underpinned by a transition to a lower-carbon future and our 70-year track record demonstrates we have the capabilities and competencies to deliver sustainable value in these three core businesses. The plants Pennsylvania location will provide Shell with a competitive advantage over Gulf Coast operators while providing customers with a shorter, more dependable supply chain. Our strategy: Powering Progress, View [75], Kuwaiti aircraft scrambled to meet the invading force, but approximately 20% were lost or captured. Fertilizers do not actually contain P2O5 or K2O, but the system is a conventional shorthand for the amount of the phosphorus (P) or potassium (K) in a fertilizer. [313] Royal Air Force Tornado crew John Nichol and John Peters have both alleged that they were tortured during this time. Shell Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), View [53] Resulting revenues struggled to support the government's basic costs, let alone repair Iraq's damaged infrastructure. Marine, View More Sustainability, View The most widely used solid inorganic fertilizers are urea, diammonium phosphate and potassium chloride. [141], In response to the threat of Scuds on Israel, the US rapidly sent a Patriot missile air defense artillery battalion to Israel along with two batteries of MIM-104 Patriot missiles for the protection of civilians. Muscat: The total value of fish production in Oman increased by 2.2 per cent to reach OMR226.46 million at the end of of July 2022, compared to the Tuesday 01/November/2022 12:33 PM In 2008, Chinese governments began to partially withdraw fertilizer subsidies, including subsidies to fertilizer transportation and to electricity and natural gas use in the industry. The project will bring new growth and jobs to the region, with up to 6,000 construction workers involved in building the new facility and an expected 600 permanent employees when completed. Shell Trading and Supply, View [42] Urease inhibitors are used to slow the hydrolytic conversion of urea into ammonia, which is prone to evaporation as well as nitrification. Any respiration that occurs below-ground is considered soil respiration. "Gulf War POW denounces abuse of Iraqi detainees". Some examples of where they are used are in power plants, cars, planes and industrial facilities. Estimates range from 100,000,000 and 280,000,000 tons of phosphogypsum waste are produced annually worldwide. Environment, View Our activities, by their very nature, have an unavoidable impact on the environment; and we remain committed to minimising these impacts. Data on the fertilizer consumption per hectare arable land in 2012 are published by The World Bank. This method is almost invariably used to apply water-soluble straight nitrogen fertilizers and used especially for high-value crops such as fruits. World Commitment to Region Continues", "U.S., Saudi Forces Start 'Imminent Thunder' Exercise in Gulf", "UN Security Council Resolution 678, Iraq / Kuwait", John Pilger Reveals How the Bushes Bribe the World, from Russia to Iran, "The Unfinished War: A Decade Since Desert Storm", "Address Before a Joint Session of Congress", "How PR Sold the War in the Persian Gulf | Center for Media and Democracy", "Kuwaitgate killing of Kuwaiti babies by Iraqi soldiers exaggerated", Mideast Tensions; No Compromise on Kuwait, Bush Says, "CNN.com In-depth specials Gulf War (via Internet Archive)", "Fixed-Wing Combat Aircraft Attrition in Desert Storm", "Information Paper: Iraq's Scud Ballistic Missiles", "Three Israelis killed as Scuds hit Tel Aviv", "WAR IN THE GULF: TEL AVIV; 3 DIE 96 ARE HURT IN ISRAELI SUBURB", "Scud Hits Tel Aviv, Leaving 3 Dead, 96 Hurt", "SAUDI KING FAHD ORDERS GAS MASKS FOR EVERYONE", "DOD: Information Paper- Iraq's Scud Ballistic Missiles", "Patriot Missile Defense: Software Problem Led to System Failure at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia", "Washingtonpost.com: Fog of War - Post Archive", "25 years ago, this University of South Carolina graduate gave his life in Desert Storm", "The Gulf War and "European Artillery" The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army", "CORRECTING MYTHS ABOUT THE PERSIAN GULF WAR: THE LAST STAND OF THE TAWAKALNA", "VII Corps leads armored surge into Iraq WAR IN THE GULF", "Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM: Valorous Unit Award Citations | Unit Award Orders & Citations | U.S. Army Center of Military History", "Jayhawk Goes to War: VII Corps in Operation DESERT STORM The Campaign for the National Museum of the United States Army", "History of Bravo Company, 4th Tank Battalion in Desert Storm 1991", "M60: This Old Tank Crushed Saddam Hussein During the First Gulf War", "The British Challenger 1 Main Battle Tank", "History: November 6, 1991 Canadians cap the last oil fire in the Gulf War", "Operation Desert Sabre / Gulf War Ground Campaign", "ENDLESS TORMENT, The 1991 Uprising in Iraq And Its Aftermath", "Refworld | Human Rights Watch World Report 1992 Iraq and Occupied Kuwait", After the War: Kuwait: Kuwaiti Emir, Tired and Tearful, Returns to His Devastated Land, "Splitting the Check: When Allies Helped Pay for Middle East War", "Overview of U.S. Policy Toward South America and the President's Upcoming Trip to the Region", "Celebrato il 93 Anniversario dell'Aeronautica Militare - Aviation Report", "Desert Storm Part 22: Charge of the Heavy Brigade", "The Use of Terror During Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait", "Iraq and Kuwait Discuss Fate of 600 Missing Since Gulf War", "Wages of War Appendix 2: Iraqi Combatant and Noncombatant Fatalities in the 1991 Gulf War", U.S. Officials Believe Iraq Will Take Years to Rebuild, Collateral damage: The health and environmental costs of war on Iraq, After the War; U.N. Survey Calls Iraq's War Damage Near-Apocalyptic, "Iraq and Its Future | by Samir al-Khalil | The New York Review of Books", "ASN Aircraft accident Lockheed C-130H Hercules 469 Rash Mishab", "Soldier Reported Dead Shows Up at Parents' Doorstep", "The Role of the United Arab Emirates in the Iran-Iraq War and the Persian Gulf War", "Muere en accidente de trfico en Abu Dabi un cabo de la fragata 'Victoria', "Role of Kuwaiti Armed Forces in the Persian Gulf War", "FESTA, LACRIME E AMAREZZA PER I MARO' RIENTRATI DAL GOLFO", "podporuk in memoriam Petr IMONKA | inmemoriam.army.cz", "Steleck sout - Memoril ppor. Eleven Americans were killed in two separate friendly fire incidents, an additional 14 US airmen were killed when their AC-130 gunship was shot down by an Iraqi surface-to-air missile,[151] and two US soldiers were captured during the battle. For this reason, iron is often administered as a chelate complex, e.g., the EDTA or EDDHA derivatives. [165], By the end of these raids Iraqi artillery assets had all but ceased to exist. However, Baker believed that Saudi Arabia should assume some of the cost of the military efforts to defend it. Shell for suppliers, View Once the 1st Marine Division reached Kuwait International Airport they found what remained of the Iraqi 12th Armored Brigade, 3rd Armored Division defending it. [107] In a press conference, General Schwarzkopf stated that these exercises were intended to deceive the Iraqi forces, forcing them to continue their defense of the Kuwaiti coastline. In this way farmers can limit the polluting effects of nitrogen run-off. Iraqi anti-aircraft defenses, including man-portable air-defense systems, were surprisingly ineffective against enemy aircraft, and the coalition suffered only 75 aircraft losses in over 100,000 sorties, 44 due to Iraqi action. Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) and satellite communication systems were also important. News and filings, Renewables and Energy Solutions announcements, View Chandra Asri is the Indonesias premier petrochemical producer with an integrated plant incorporating world class, state of-the-art technology and supporting facilities. Archived from the original on 1 November 2009. [297] These vehicles and the retreating soldiers were subsequently attacked by two A-10 aircraft, resulting in a 60 kilometres (37mi) stretch of highway strewn with debristhe Highway of Death. [54] The diagram below shows fertilizer consumption by the European Union (EU) countries as kilograms per hectare (pounds per acre). [124] Iraqi troops also ransacked and looted private Kuwaiti homes; one residence was repeatedly defecated in. [129] The air campaign was commanded by USAF Lieutenant General Chuck Horner, who briefly served as US Central Command's Commander-in-Chief Forward while General Schwarzkopf was still in the US. However, President Bush pressured Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir not to retaliate and withdraw Israeli jets, fearing that if Israel attacked Iraq, the other Arab states would either desert the coalition or join Iraq. The oceans contain dissolved carbon dioxide, which is released into the air at the sea surface. would often encounter the Iraqi 3rd Armored Division in their theater of operations. A 50-pound (23kg) bag of fertilizer labeled 16-4-8 contains 8lb (3.6kg) of nitrogen (16% of the 50 pounds), an amount of phosphorus equivalent to that in 2 pounds of P2O5 (4% of 50 pounds), and 4 pounds of K2O (8% of 50 pounds). Shell Commercial Fuels, View [42], Throughout the Cold War, Iraq had been an ally of the Soviet Union, and there was a history of friction between Iraq and the United States. Transparency and sustainability reporting, View [74], Iraqi commandos infiltrated the Kuwaiti border first to prepare for the major units, which began the attack at midnight. Resources and materials to support your teaching of chemistry to primary, secondary and higher education students. During the 42 days of war, Italian fighters made 226 sorties for a total of 589 flight hours. A smaller amount of direct emissions, roughly one third, come from leaks from natural gas and petroleum systems, the use of fuels in production (e.g., petroleum products used to make plastics), and chemical reactions during the production of chemicals, metals (e.g., iron and steel), and minerals (e.g., cement). The three main economic sectors that use fossil fuels are: electricity/heat, transportation and industry. [86] The Arab states of Yemen and Jordan a Western ally which bordered Iraq and relied on the country for economic support[87] opposed military intervention from non-Arab states. [100], On 14 January 1991, France proposed that the UN Security Council call for "a rapid and massive withdrawal" from Kuwait along with a statement to Iraq that Council members would bring their "active contribution" to a settlement of the region's other problems, "in particular, of the ArabIsraeli conflict and in particular to the Palestinian problem by convening, at an appropriate moment, an international conference" to assure "the security, stability and development of this region of the world."
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