Upon returning to his chamber, Tyrion finds his grieving wife.

Balon Greyjoy receives a scroll demanding that he withdraw his men from the North, while Yara opens the accompanying box containing "Theon's favorite toy." Ramsay Snow promises more boxes will follow unless the Ironborn retreat. She testified that she did not see the attacker's face. Maester Wolkan arrives with a message from Cersei: Bend the knee or suffer the consequences. Walda begs to be allowed to return to the Riverlands with her son, but Ramsay, unmoved, releases his hungry hounds.

Making their way through the northern woods, Brienne shares with Sansa her run-in with Arya Stark. Cersei is furious, but Littlefinger advises patience: "Let the enemies of the Throne slaughter each other and when they're done, seize Winterfell from whichever thief survives." Unable to muster a force any other way, Cersei agrees to use the Knights of the Vale to take Winterfell and name Littlefinger Warden of the North if they succeed.

Trystane Martell and Myrcella Baratheon discuss their impending marriage as they stroll through the Water Gardens, unaware they are being watched by Doran Martell. Tyrion tracks down the Dornishman and interrupts the altercation before it escalates further. As Drogon opens his mouth, Bronn takes aim and shoots, hitting Drogon but barely escaping Drogon's flames himself.

As Daenerys' flagship sails north, Jon knocks and enters Dany's chambers. Jon touches his stab wounds, and gasps, "I shouldn't be here." "You know nothing, Jon Snow," Melisandre says as she exits.

Shireen Baratheon greets her father, assuring him she is happy at Castle Black even though she knows her mother did not want her there. As the cantata performance is about to begin, couriers arrive with a letter announcing that the French had been victorious at the Battle of Marengo after all. However his death by firing squad is even more explicit, occurring on stage in full view of the audience, rather than off stage as in the play. She came to serve the Faceless Men in exchange for the death of her stepmother, who tried to poison her. Courtroom left in tears as 5-year-old expresses love for his family in adoption hearing Tywin is impressed with her smart thinking and decides to make her his cup-bearer.

Stannis calls for Davos and asks his trusted advisor to undertake a mission for him: Sneak Melisandre ashore. Beaten again, Arya hears Jaqen H'ghar ask who she is. In 1883, she had also taken over the lease on the Thtre de la Porte Saint-Martin, where La Tosca was to premiere. A creaking noise draws her attention to a taxidermic White Rabbit in a glass case. Dozens of the dead fall into the water and sink. ), Back in the interrogation room, Hardy starts to quiz Claire. If it hadn't been for Davos and his ship full of onions, they would surely have starved. Scarings culminating bad break was to draw Robert Hanophy as his trial judge. Jaime is displeased to see his younger brother, but remains to hear out his proposal. His plan to hide her as a kitchen wench, though, does not go over well. Jaime makes a deal with his father: If Tywin will spare Tyrion's life, Jaime will continue the family name. Although Ser Jorah speaks highly of Astapor's Unsullied soldiers, Dany worries that they are a slave army. The group agrees to the plan, but Olenna, alone with Dany, instructs the young queen to consider listening less to the "clever men" around her, and embrace who she is: a dragon.

Missandel enters Grey Worm's chamber, wondering why the soldier was not planning to say goodbye before heading to Casterly Rock. Jaime tries to buy his way out of capture, but the lead rider, Locke, tells him Robb Stark will have his head if he learns Locke let the Kingslayer go.


Written by David Benioff and D.B. She keeps her head down during the visit, and although Littlefinger notices her, he does not recognize her. Ebrose, familiar with the procedure, ends the conversation by stating it is far too dangerous, and forbidden.

That night, Samwell returns to Jorah's cell, explaining he was with Jeor Mormont when he died. BDSM 01/01/17 Jon stops when he sees a letter addressed to Roose Bolton, but at Sam's urging, Jon adds his signature.

Melisandre enters and appeals to Jon to ride to Winterfell as well. Theon, knowing he can "never make amends" for his betrayal of her family, tells Sansa he cannot go with her to Castle Black, and departs for "home. He prompts Ser Jorah to play up his combat record so he can be sold not as a galley slave but as a warrior in the fighting pits of Meereen getting them that much closer to Daenerys.

Identifying himself as simply "Brother Lancel," Lancel Lannister greets Littlefinger upon his return to the capital. As the giant charges them, Grenn leads his brothers in a recitation of their vows and spurs their courage.

Thorne rallies the men of the Watch and the group bravely faces off against the Thenns who have infiltrated the courtyard. Instead of biting off Jon's hand, the huge creature allows Jon to gingerly stroke his snout. Kissing him, Arya decides she wants to know what it's like to be with someone before she dies. He warns, "If you attack the Wall you'll die. When one ranger, Karl, pushes Craster too far by calling him a "daughter f***ing wildling bastard," Craster attacks him, only to be knifed by Karl. Arya refuses, reminding him she has never been a lady.

Still tipsy from the drinking game, Jaime stumbles into Brienne's chambers with more wine. Before Scarpia set his sights on Floria Tosca, he had tried to force himself on Angelotti's sister, who fled from him in terror. Sansa enters and shocks her audience by revealing her true identity. Jon rushes towards to her side and cradles Ygritte as she dies.

Under Edd's command, the Night's Watch uses a giant scythe to slice the remaining climbers off the Wall. Although Balon refuses to surrender for a son who cannot further the family line, Yara resolves to rescue her little brother.

Varys gives Shae a pouch of diamonds to finance a new life in a distant land. Ros indicates he hasn't lost interest in Sansa Stark; he's planning to take her with him.

Aware of her interest in Sansa, Varys visits Lady Olenna and shares Littlefinger's plans with her. Meanwhile, the Unsullied will assault Casterly Rock to take away the last refuge of House Lannister and deal a symbolic blow to Cersei's cause. Robinson, a black man. Sansa replies that may never happen.

Shae barges in with breakfast the next morning. "

At the Twins, Frey and Lannister soldiers celebrate their success at Riverrun. Sansa repeats her usual platitudes, but Lady Olenna and Margaery encourage her to speak freely. Margaery holds her father back as Lancel carves a star into Loras's forehead. Furthermore, although their marriage was arranged, she and Ned grew to love each other. Barristan pleads for a fair trial while the freed Meereenese slave, Mossador, insists Dany put the man to death. Jaime Lannister and the boy he pushed from Winterfell's tower stare at one another.


Written by: Bryan Cogman

Directed by: David Nutter

Having arrived in Winterfell, Jaime Lannister breaks the news to Daenerys that Cersei lied about joining the fight against the dead and has procured the Golden Company for her own purposes. Ned probes Arryn's death; Jon takes measures to protect Sam; Tyrion is caught in the wrong place. Arya leaves the inn with Needle in hand.


Written by George R.R. "Our fates are joined," she says. Davos steps in and, rather than condescend to her, he sympathizes with the unexpected responsibility which the girl now has as head of her house: "We have to fight. Ygritte shoots an arrow straight through Pyp's neck, and the boy dies in Sam's arms. Jojen Reed encourages him to climb a tree in pursuit of the bird. "How many tens of thousands had to die because Rhaegar chose your aunt?" Littlefinger muses.

Littlefinger reveals that he's headed for King's Landing to meet Cersei. Alice (1988 film Sansa counters that listening to her may be a wise idea. The Bolton forces then march forward and surround the Stark supporters with a shield wall, and lower their spears. Handing Arya a vial, Jaqen tells her an actress, Lady Crane, will be the next to receive the Many-Faced God's "gift.

The Northern allies gather at the site of Stannis' old camp. Theon assures her he only just received the news and tries to assuage her suspicions: "You should rule the Iron Islands. Better Call Saul As Anguy coaches her, Arya notices riders approaching the camp. His decision made, he follows through on the beaches of Pyke when a damphair priest baptizes him in the religion of the Drowned God as his father and sister look on.

In King's Landing, Littlefinger and Varys don't appreciate Tyrion's stratagem. Each film's ending shot is of a character crying. Thousands of wildlings begin boarding the Night's Watch ships, but Jon laments to Tormund that they are leaving too many behind.

The weather abruptly changes, getting colder. Slynt freezes in panic, cowering in a corner until Grenn comes up with a story to send him below. Sansa rushes to hug her brother, unaware of the blank expression on Bran's face. Mimicking his fatal move on Oberyn Martel, Gregor damages Sandor's eyes, leaving him bloodied and bruised on the ground. Hardy gets into a taxi and takes one last look around Broadchurch. Picking up something new in Missandei's tone, Daenerys looks curiously at her friend, who begins to tell her about "everything" that happened. Tyrion tries to defend himself - he couldn't stand to hear any more of Shae's testimony; for the second time in his life he fell in love with a whore and his father has punished him for it. Rickon sees Ramsay's bow being brought to him and speeds toward the other side. He opens his palm with a dagger, swearing to vouch for Dany and her people. With Daario Naharis now in control of the Meereenese navy, Dany contemplates an assault on King's Landing. When Gennarino and Eusbe leave, Angelotti, a Republican fugitive who has escaped from the Castel Sant'Angelo emerges from his hiding place in his family's chapel. State of Florida v. George Zimmerman was a criminal prosecution of George Zimmerman on the charge of second-degree murder stemming from the killing of Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012.. On April 11, 2012, George Zimmerman, a Hispanic, was charged with second-degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.In support of the charges, the State At this, Stannis turns his full attention to Jon and asks for his opinion about the King Beyond the Wall. Littlefinger suggests she play a little game: assume the worse when assessing a person's motives. She fires an arrow for Joffrey, Cersei and Ilyn Payne, hitting the straw target each time. Together." The two explain the situation at Craster's Keep, and Jon Snow argues that the Watch must destroy the mutineers. She laments that for all their power, neither could not avoid their respective family tragedies. As she washes Sansa's hair, she rattles off the names of the women who bored Ramsay, including Tansy, whom Ramsay and Myranda hunted and killed. Randyll Tarly, followed by his son Dickon, reports on the status of the stores and harvest also being loaded onto wagons. Ignoring them, Daenerys takes off in the direction of the Red Keep destroying anything and everything in her path, including the innocent civilians below. I think (hope!) The wights break through the flames and start climbing the castle walls. Unable to bear it any longer, she reveals the hiding place, much to Cavaradossi's fury. Despite negative reviews from the Paris critics at the opening night, it became one of Sardou's most successful plays and was toured by Bernhardt throughout the He tells her that Lord Bolton will travel to Edmure Tully's wedding-leaving Brienne with Locke. "He has," says Tyrion, rushing out to present himself to Dany.

Jaime Lannister speaks with Myrcella privately, and tells her that she must return to King's Landing. Jon silences Sansa by siding with Dany.

Plans are made: A small group, including Daenerys and Tyrion, will ride to White Harbor and sail for Dragonstone, while Jon and Davos lead the army down the Kingsroad. Daenerys flees to protect her last dragon. Visibly nervous, Cersei refuses to go, and demands the men leave. Margaery secretly presses a note into her grandmother's hand, and stresses, "You must." Should I tell you the name of the one who spoke? "I'll offer them their lives and their freedom," he tells Jon Snow, "if Mance kneels before me."

Jon approaches the King Beyond the Wall, aware Mance must pledge allegiance to Stannis or be burned alive. Your enemy is beside you." The Unsullied roll out a series of catapults loaded with barrels. Roose Bolton allows Ramsay no time to celebrate his victory over Stannis Baratheon, hinting that locating Sansa Stark and producing a son is imperative to Ramsay's status as his heir.

Having survived their leap from the Winterfell wall, Theon Greyjoy and Sansa flee through the woods, hoping to lose Ramsay's hunting party. Desperate, the archers shoot flaming arrows at the trench, but the wet kindling will not spark. They discover Melisandre in the Great Hall, and the priestess reminds the girl of the prediction she voiced long ago: Arya would close many eyes, brown, green and blue. Cersei pointedly asks how the Iron Bank is profiting now that Daenerys has ended slavery. When Clegane suggests things would have been easier if Sansa had left the city with him when he'd offered, Sansa gently responds she's still be a "little bird" then.

Gendry finds Arya shooting arrows. Sandor throws the man off, breaking his neck. Olenna threatens to stop sending Tyrell crops to the capital, but the High Sparrow is not intimidated. He was pronounced dead at 7:52 p.m. Hughes was one of 22 men who have been on Texas' death row since the 1980's. Alliser Thorne reiterates his disapproval of Jon's rescue mission. A child of the forest appears, and ushers Hodor and Bran, back in his own body, to safety. "Get him south," Aemon warns Gilly, "before it's too late." Later that night, Aemon passes away. The mob erupts and the High Septon is caught in the fray. Jon explains to Tormund that Daenerys won't help unless he bends the knee. He explains there will be a trial for the Tyrell siblings; high and low alike, true hearts will be laid bare. Because the boy won't suspect what's coming, Melisandre says her way is better. Craster is incensed at Snow's spying on him and demands that the men of the Night's Watch leave. Rallied, Ramsay swears to help defend Winterfell from Stannis Baratheon.

Samwell Tarly and Gilly explore the Night's Watch library, and he admits that before joining the Watch, he dreamt of becoming a maester. Dive even deeper into the world of House of the Dragon to learn more about the characters and their connections, the dragons and their riders, and an interactive map of Westeros and Essos. Confused, Arya pulls off one face after another from the body on the ground, stopping when she sees her own. The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing Sending the Starks away, he asks Osha to protect them-and to give him a quick death.

Daenerys arrives at the House of the Undying with Jorah Mormont and Kovarro. The Blackfish leads Brienne and Podrick to a skiff, but does not flee with them. Their fun is interrupted when Oberyn hears a man singing "The Rains of Castamere" and picks a bloody fight with a pair of off-duty Lannister soldiers. Jon chooses this moment to tell Dany the truth that Rhaegal and Lyanna were married, and he is their son. An enraged Jaime tells Cersei he has been assigned to deal with the situation in the Riverlands but he'd rather stay and kill the High Sparrow. Theon resists Yara's pleas to leave, yelling, "My name is Reek!" Hearing the commotion, Ramsay Snow enters the fray and unleashes the hounds, forcing the Ironborn to retreat. Then Bran's eyes refocus, and he returns to consciousness for the first time since the cave though strangely changed. After Jon and his men take cover when Rhaegal flies past, Tyrion gestures to the castle ahead: "Their mother's waiting for you. La Tosca is a five-act drama by the 19th-century French playwright Victorien Sardou.It was first performed on 24 November 1887 at the Thtre de la Porte Saint-Martin in Paris, with Sarah Bernhardt in the title role. Dondarrion argues, with words not unlike Brother Ray's, "You can still help a lot more than you've harmed, Clegane. Knowing the odds are against them, Jon utters, "Daenerys is our only chance." Leaving the crypt, Jon waves goodbye to Sansa and rides off with Davos and several Stark soldiers.

Below deck on Yara's ship, Theon watches uncomfortably as Yara and Ellaria flirt. Lee is clearly worried. Unable to fend for himself in the barracks and mess halls sheltering the freed slaves, he asks permission to sell himself back to his master. Bran is distracted, however, by a dream he had of walking through the Godswood in his direwolf's body. Samwell Tarly

Jon and the group plan for battle. The Night King approaches the lifeless creature, and lays his hand on it. Arya regains consciousness to see a group of Frey knights surrounding a rider: Grey Wind's head sewn onto Robb Stark's corpse.

The next morning, Roose Bolton reminds Walder Frey that the Blackfish escaped. James described the animation as "remarkably fluid" and held forward the dynamics of the film, which contrasts visually captivating elements with superficiality: "Mr. vankmajer never lets us forget we are watching a film in which an actress plays Alice telling a story", although, "with its extreme close-ups, its constant motion and its smooth animation, the film is so visually active that it distracts us from a heavy-handed fact - this is a world of symbols come alive. [14], Ranked #11 in Empire magazine's "The 33 Greatest Movie Trilogies" in 2010. But such things no longer exist.

Lady Catelyn Stark arrives at King Renly Baratheon's camp to find the end of a tournament taking place. The wildling is disappointed Brienne has not joined them, and understands why Davos won't either he's not a fighter. Reflexively, Bran's eyes flutter into the back of his head, immediately subduing the frantic giant.

Outside, the wildlings surround the old man. including the very poor. Stabbing Jaime multiple times, Euron believes he has won, but Jaime refuses to give up.