Lets continue with the View part. You can assign the 'text' that you need to add in the middle of the chart in the centeText.text property. You have negative data, as this can not be represented in a donut chart. Why does the sentence uses a question form, but it is put a period in the end? Sign in Donut chart with text at centre. Explore Components . You can utilize the blank center of a Donut chart to show additional information in it. dataBound - for charts bound to a dataSource 4. Mode version free vectors, donut svg pie your email address hidden from text using highcharts configuration syntax. We are using beforeDraw hook with the help of pluginService.register method to draw the text in the center. @cnavneet could you please share the component code that renders the Donut Chart as there may be a small detail that we are missing. Kendo UI + Telerik UI for ASP.NET (MVC & Core), PHP, JSP . Download free 30-day trial. Now enhanced with: New to Kendo UI for jQuery? Click for more. The center template is an HTML overlay that is positioned over the center of the Donut chart. Create donut content.You will get the donut contend like this. // We can ask a circle geometry to calculate the bounding rectangle for us . API REFERENCE Description This sample illustrates how to show/hide the labels of the Kendo UI Donut Chart and specify how they are aligned. The issue is closed due to 1 week on inactivity. Add a Comment. //bind data to each part in donut chart and call function to draw donut. Generalize the Gdel sentence requires a fixed point theorem. <div class="col-lg-12 col-md-7 col-sm-6. You could add a couple of text boxes to your render function and use the bounding box to place them: render: function (e) { var draw = kendo.drawing; var geom = kendo.geometry; var chart = e.sender; // The center and radius are populated by now. Do you have any custom styles that are applied to the element inside the donut? Basic Usage The following example demonstrates the Donut chart in action.