Memory, Power & Knowledge in African Music & Beyond, Zanzibar, Introduction to the book "College Music Curricula for a New Century" (Oxford Press, 2017), Soundscapes: Toward a Sounded Anthropology, REVIEW OF Conceiving Cuba: Reproduction, Women, and the State in the Post-Soviet Era. Balance of Payment The book is meant to be supplemented by the Critical World website, where multimedia examples accompany the text, albeit in a loose and uncurated fashion . In order to address this possible bias, we are framing our questions in a way that leaves room for open responses as opposed to forcing categorical responses. Average listening among no-internet listeners falls at or below sometimes, and is lower for those with access internet users average closer to often. Those without internet access listen to continental music the least- this is the graphs minimum. Many European, especially eastern cultures, center their rhythmic pulse on the number three, the development of waltz is a common example of this three to a beat feel. Through a grounded theory methodology it explores how performers who were born in different African countries encounter and handle similar discourses of Africa, otherness and origin when constructing their popular music practices in a Norwegian context. Amanda Brandellero is a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Amsterdam, in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. It is argued that urbanization has a homogenizing effect; i.e. We understand that the scope of our conclusions is limited by our small sample size. "Postnational Musical Identities gathers interdisciplinary essays that explore how music audiences and markets are imagined in a globalized scenario, how music reflects and reflects upon new understandings of citizenship beyond the nation-state, and how music works as a site of resistance against globalization. Campbell, P. S., & Higgins, L. (2015). The Globalization of Swedish Popular Music. Over the past decade, the borders between different music worlds have fallen. * Has mastered an ancient form of power stance The Crab We can help you develop a reliable content infrastructure for your global business. We also believe that it is important to consider the degree to which local communities participate in local changes, and what methods are most effective in the perpetuation and conservation of local practices. Now for the negative aspects. With each step from local to foreign musics, male listening grows higher (with national and continental music at nearly equal averages). Results: This graph gives an overview of the listening distribution in function of internet access. This grounded theory proposes, contrary to a postcolonial reading of otherness in such practices, that the artists all seek to construct a community, or sameness, with their audiences in different ways. Tanzania: Ngongongare, Amani, Bagamoyo, Stone Town. I know that." These are only two examples of Elvis giving credit to those before him. A View from Elsewhere on Publishing, Copyright and Creativity, Editors' Introduction to Inaugural Issue JOURNAL OF WORLD POPULAR MUSIC, Undoing Authenticity as a Discursive Construct: A Critical Pedagogy of Ethnomusicology and "World Music", The Politics of Silence: Music, Violence & Protest in Guinea. Exploring features of a location and its people has the potential to provide insight into aspects which affect a locations rate, type, and source of cultural change. This has led to more focus on seafood and fish in Asia, curry toppings in India, and reduced dairy in China. 2012. Another US company that has grown globally, Domino's pizza is famous across much of the world with stores. Globalization is the process in which people, ideas and goods spread throughout the world, spurring more interaction and integration between the world's cultures, governments and economies . Through the investigation of music, we are able to root discussion of global flows in their concrete manifestations in local communities. The sad side is we are slowly killing off traditional music. This work was released by Schadaraparr in 1994 and had many similarities to the Southern Rap Songs. One of the main causes for the affects that music has had globally is the open-mindedness of the people that have accepted it. I argue that post-racial positions can detrimentally affect collective understandings of difference, diminish awareness of the persistence of racism and of the difficult history of race relations in North America, and pose a number of theoretical issues for the study of popular music and culture. Females and males exhibit similar listening frequencies for traditional music, with both averages being slightly above sometimes. For example, if an American car company wants to sell its cars in the Indian market, then it is required to manufacture vehicles as per the laws and customs of the local Indian market. ), Applied Ethnomusicology. Unfortunately, however, the cosmopolitanism in the consumption of world music is often one step away from essentialism, as Western consumers identify with a musical culture that is either poorly defined or not defined at all. This study offers a cross-national multilayered analysis of music flows between 1960 and 2010. One might argue that musicians tend to be more connected to traditional music if they play music, thus they listen more to traditional music than non-musicians. The greatest amount of listening attention was dedicated to international music- the one with the highest listening average- while traditional music is the least listened-to. Last Name 1 Name: Professor: Course Code: Date of Submission: Music and Globalization Results: Here, we assessed the listening distribution in relation to the informants musicianship status (musician and non-musician). Changes in local culture are often measured in terms of the flow of capital, population, migration, and real estate development. Finally, I discuss several important mo- ments of anti-essentialist critique and propose a series of listening strategies whose main objective is to make the encounter with other peoples music more complex by going beyond the simple act of listening. (If possible, which phone applications, channels, stations, websites? Within the few interviews carried-out, the two final age-groups show a noticeable increase in the amount of time spent listening to traditional music. The more technology advances and the more transportation improves, the more global outlets are revealed. There is a version that the first examples of globalization could be found even in the 60-70s of the 20th century. McDonalds - McArabia Chicken & McAloo Tikki India McDonalds is a fast food giant that serves 68 million customers in 119 countries. At Rubric, we are proud to have contributed to SAP's localization over many years. Most of the interviews were conducted in rural areas, unfavorably skewing results away from urbanites. 21. Time and access were among our biggest concerns. Making Music Television for Latin America, Contesting the Global Consumption Ethos: Reterritorialization of Rock in Turkey, Catching the K-Pop Wave: Globality in the Production, Distribution, and Consumption of South Korean Popular Music, Hymns of Change: Popular Music as a Catalyst for Political Engagement in Germany and Mexico During 1988-2000, World music: deterritorializing place and identity, Musically mapped: Czech popular music as a second 'world sound', The Evolution of Rock Festivals in Greece, Headbanging in Dhaka: An exploration of the Bangladeshi Alternative Music Scene (Thesis), Global Rhetoric, Transnational Markets: The (post) modern Trajectories of Electronic Dance Music, Protest Rap and Young Afro-descendants in Portugal, Sakha Music Business: Mission, Contracts, and Social Relations in the Developing Post-Socialist Market Economy, Clayton et al The Cultural Study of Music 2003, The Cultural Study of Music - A Critical Introduction (Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert, Richard Middleton), Globalization and Commercialization of Caribbean Music, The Success of Hopelessness: The Evolution of Korean Indie Music, The Global and the Local in Max Cavalera's Music Projects, Homegrown Sounds of Istanbul: World Music, Place, and Authenticity, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture A Reader, Proceedings of the 2011 IASPM Benelux conference in Haarlem, the Netherlands, Ad Hoc Entrepreneurs: Middle-Layer Musicians and the Contemporary Media Landscape, Creating problems Social authorship, copyright and the production of culture, Kissing to Be Clever: Gender Politics of Pop, the Russian Way, Conference book A long way to the top: The production and reception of music in a globalized world, Dutch Mixed-Arts City Festivals: Performing Alternative Genres in the Urban Landscape, The Relentless Rise of the Poptimist Omnivore: Taste, Symbolic Power, and the Digitization of the Music Industries (pre-edited manuscript), I Rep for My Mob: Blackfellas Rappin from Down-Unda, Critique and Renewal in the Sociology of Music: Bourdieu and Beyond, PhD thesis (1996): Independent Record Companies and Democratisation in the Popular Music Industry. Ideally, our research will enhance our understanding of globalization while also highlighting the individual identities of affected communities. We will also avoid sharing our personal preferences before completing the interviews and remaining neutral to any answer the interviewees will give us. However, there is also another view on globalization as the growth of the sizes of [] The Affects of Globalization on Music Wont you help me sing these songs of freedom? We, the students, fully acknowledge our shortcomings despite our best efforts to conduct serious, ethical research. We propose that music practices, expressions of individual and communal identities, can serve as a marker for cultural changes. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Such research could provide more precise reflections on the effects of media imperialism, globalization, the recording industry, and promote efforts for cultural conservation. Probably, it will be, first of all, music. We hope that this research will serve as a launchpad for our future research efforts. Globalization is most often used in an economic context, but it also affects and is affected by politics and culture. Like, the Greek culture is being spread over Africa, Asia, and Europe which can be seen in the cities having the name of Alexander in Africa, Turkey, and Egypt. Rather, translocal connections with other underground scenes existing elsewhere are emphasized in a local scene that remains tied to the activities of a largely middle-class, part-time, male population of artists who share particular social and economic resources. I mean traditional in the sense of being indigenous to a specific reason, untouched by outside forces. While still remarkable, religion is better interpreted as a constant than a variable in this study. Is your brand voice consistent in all markets? New York: Oxford University Press. It implicates religion and religions in several ways. Stay up to date with our latest activity relating to Global Content. Globalization impacts businesses in many different ways. Read how we helped localize SAP's SuccessFactors solution in our case study. This difference is even more pronounced for continental and international music across the two genders. Jay Chou in a Panasonic ad Let's face it: I can't sing like Fats Domino can. While the topic of music is a subject that can be studied in all or most sites, there are notable logistic considerations. She is currently researching the globalization of the Brazilian contemporary art market. The research is intended as educational practice, whose purpose was made clear to participants. Through the metaphor of encounters, Music and Globalization explores the dynamics that enable or hinder cross-cultural communication through music. Discussion: Gender seems to veritably influence an individuals listening habits, specifically as they pertain to foreign music. Third, we have a question about religion in our questionnaire that could be a source of stigma for the person we will be interviewing. Even another one of Trinidad own Harry Flatten has suffered from diluted Caribbean music due to globalization and centralization.Allen goes on to discuss the rise of reggae in the article and mentions that Jamaican popular music lacked strength in its identity until the sass along with "critical credibility as an album-based genre until the . Globalization of Markets: It refers to the merging of historically distinct and separate national markets into one huge global marketplace. With cultural globalization, for example, cultural exchanges are possible. Ive always been interested in the idea of globalization and how the whole world is connected. Funk Guitar Lesson: The Muting Technique (Part 1). The following are common examples of globalization. Discussion: Our results show an increasing amount of time spent listening to traditional music as age increases. This is a perfect example how music can have somewhat of a positive affect. 1 First, the facts: Globalization seeks to enhance economical growth by stimulating trade among nations. Having interviewed only 31 people, we cannot draw broad conclusions. We make life easy by interfacing with your development pipeline. More and more - motives in . The results are presented later in this section. The positive attributes are clear. The research was conducted as part of a semester undergraduate project facilitated by the Africa Field Study Semester (AFSS) at McGill. Do you have access to the internet? In this article, I look at both positive as well as negative effects of globalization on the lives of musicians, as well as in the use of folk arts. The product itself is ready to ship, the sales teams are ready to sell in your international markets, the supporting content has been ready for weeks in English, Translation & Localization Services Expertly delivered on time and on brand. Moreover, as males often work more than females (in our sample size), they tend to move more and also have more income; higher financial mobility affords increased interaction and exposure to foreign music, more music in general, and/or with financial freedom to choose the type of music. Based on interviews with key figures in the scene, ethnographic observation and textual analysis, the article proposes that urban youths frustration with the poor state of conditions in the country is channelled into a passion to build an alternative space. For non-musicians, traditional music was listened to the lowest and international music was the highest. We suggest that globalization of music- especially through modern technology in urban areas and commuter culture- displaces traditional music in favor of more globalized, recorded music. A more profound survey engaging with existing literature would overcome the blindspots and assumptions made in this paper. The oldest group (60+ yrs old) features the highest listening of traditional music, while still significantly listening to international music. As such, it is wholly conceived of, and undertaken by, four undergraduate students with interdisciplinary backgrounds (ecology, anthropology, GIS, and music). "Hybridity," "postnationalism," "transnationalism," "globalization," "diaspora," and similar buzzwords have not only informed scholarly discourse and analysis of music but also shaped the way musical productions have been marketed worldwide in recent times. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 248 pages.. El Odo Pensante. Our solution to this potential issue is to avoid giving the impression that the interview is an interrogation, which can mean to ask questions indirectly when we judge it is preferable. 'Rebetiko cosmopolitanisms: questions for an ethnography of musical imagination', In Beyond the East-West Divide. The two youngest groups report listening to traditional music the least and international music the most. * Graduated in top 3 @ Campus Of Performing Arts With each progressive step from local to foreign, urban dweller listening grows higher. It is only natural that musical practices be considered as well. However, it has accelerated in recent centuries due to technologies such as the telegraph, steamship, radio, motion picture, telephone, airplane, television, jet aircraft and computer network. Access to New Cultures. Trade The exchange of goods and services between nations. This book showcases and celebrates some of our final year students finest and most scholarly research and writing on popular music who have now completed their undergraduate degree BA (Hons) in Popular Music Studies at Liverpool Moores University, UK. Authors: Julien Pallire, Lea Bibeau-Guimont, Julien Greschner, Fred MaleckiDate: March 2019. Translation that doesn't mess with your code. Mainstream or marginal? Coca-Cola Possibly the most famous global brand in the world. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. is a qualitative study of a selection of African immigrant musical performers in Norway. The interview questionnaire can be found in Appendix I. Uganda: Kibale, Jinja, Kakamega, Lake Nabugabo. We will inspect the results for significant trends (T-test and visual observation through graphs) in order to identify through which variables- if any- does globalization most effectively spread. First, we have to frame our question in a way that will not introduce ethnographic biasing from our western culture. One of the main causes for the affects that music has had globally is the open-mindedness of the people that have accepted it. "Telling (Hi)Stories Through Music: The Power of Performance in the Saharawi Refugee Camps". In this specific case the most common language in the world music. Balkan Music and its Poles of Attraction, ed. Id like to try starting a discussion on the effect this has on music worldwide. In terms of never, sometimes, often and always, how often do you listen to: Traditional music? For example in America around World War Two big band music was used to express patriotism. As such, music has always been linked to the construction of regional and national identities. Moreover, we will also attempt to start the interview with a casual amicable conversation that is not linked to the research project in the hope of making the person more comfortable. Looking at such examples is a great way to learn lessons that you can apply to your own global business. The need for weather forecasting is consistent across the countries of the world. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Words. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. In economics, globalization can be defined as the process in which businesses, organizations, and countries begin operating on an international scale. This success can be attributed to their ability to speak, sing and read . A trend can be seen in the graph where the males increasingly direct listening attention towards more foreign music (from sometimes for traditional music to more than often for international music). Abstract: Results from a three-month field study on listening habits across various demographics in East Africa. This includes: 1. the decline of some traditional South Asian folk arts and a change in their function due to the arrival of Western medicine; 9/3 Mark Slobin & Jeff Todd TIton (1992), World of Music, Chapt. A global company will operate in multiple territories and across different cultures. Data? However, for all the other types of music, males listening average is higher than females. With a combination of inventive marketing and a solid, reliable globalization strategy, they have remained at the top of their global marketplaces for decades. This graph provides an overview of the type of music listened to by our interviewees. The respective sizes are as follows: 18 in the first group, 6 in the second, 3 in the third group, and 3 in the final, 60+ group. A prime example of this is court ordered liquidation of Richard Branson's 26 Virgin Megastores closings in France due to the rise of online music retailing such as Apple's Itunes music store, which led to Virgin France's bankruptcy in 2013 (BBC). For example in 1959, Richie Valens hit the top of the charts with his song La Bamba. There are several paths moving forward in this line of research. BTS can credit a portion of their global success to their commitment and their ability to communicate across languages and cultures. What styles do you listen to? White's introduction sets the foundation for thinking about music and globalization by emphasizing that world music is not just an outcome of, but is also a vehicle for globalization. * Has been gigging for 5 years If we take Youssou Ndours singsong text at face value, the answer would be not very much, since we have known for some time that everybody has a culture. In this chapter I show that the promotion and consumption of world music is a series of essential- izing practices that actually hide behind a rhetoric of non-essentialism. Examples of Globalization. Based on observations of the artists' performance practices - which range from soukous and reggae to the staged encounters welcomed on a world music scene, and from hip hop to school performances conveying culture through drumming and dance - this work explores two main strands of thought. The diffusion of certain cuisines such as American fast food chains is a visible aspect of cultural globalization: the two most successful global food and beverage outlets, McDonald's and Starbucks, are American companies often cited as examples of globalization, with over 32,000 and 18,000 locations operating worldwide, respectively, as of 2008. Here are 5 examples of famous companies that have excelled at globalization. The company describes its globalization strategy as being based around. The examples of globalization of the world economy showed us how the planetary space is transformed into a single zone where various goods, services, information, capital are absolutely free to move, and ideas together with their carriers are freely distributed, creating motivation for the development of modern institutions, as well as . It can be inferred that being in the city brings more opportunities to hear and listen to different types of music, with a greater and more diverse population than the rural areas. Informal interviews were conducted across 31 individuals. The process does not prioritize cultural diversity and departs from a clear and simple premise: we are all consumers.The results of this phenomenon are contentious and suggest that governments and institutions around the world should re-evaluate transnational trade procedures . Strategy to remain the leader in the music industry. This is a big compliment in mobile-mad Asia. Results: Figure 2 presents the average listening distributions for our four different age categories. With the assumption that music exists as a ubiquitous practice, our investigation extends to all individuals. The minimum of the graph is shown in the least amount of listening to continental music by females. (from the local community). Get smarter at building your thing. So when listening to a song by a famous foreign band in a language other than ours, an . You can assess your company's degree of globalization by using the. We care about your content as much as you do. What can be concluded from this analysis is that urbanization has an impact on the listening distribution and frequency of the dwellers.