So heating up the water of the oceans does release some of the CO2 absorbed earlier. we cantwe cant replace the ozone layer because the sun rays melt everything, diamond, steel, gold, platinum. Its just a matter of time. ha. More than 80% of the world-wide energy demand is currently supplied by the fossil fuels coal, oil or gas. That is the way the real facts are established. Get it through your THICK STUPID head that YOU are helping everyone like you kill the planet. !BE TRUE TO YOURSELF PROOVE THAT YOU ARE SMART, Youre a hypocriteYou probaly drive a big truck that wastes gas and you probably feel guilty for doing so but you dont want to take responsibility, Im sure youre making thatIm sure youre making that up. Yes, great book and not very long. The only dissent comes from general public rebels. We have to minimize eating flesh. We must regain the true meaning of life . "Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe," the IPCC concluded in that report. Although we are guests on Earth, we behave as if no further visitors would arrive after us. Or you can also view some simulation results of ways for mitigation of the effects of global warming . At the same time, the recent appearance of methane craters, a new phenomenon associated with elevated CH. We can start to change our consciousness immediately. Why do most people refuse to change their personal behavior voluntary in order to reduce CO2 emissions caused by their activities. The vast majority of newly-installed and planned energy projects in the U.S. consist of clean energy ?solar and wind farms, often paired with battery storage -?even beforethe Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) expanded the tax creditsavailable to incentivize low-carbon electricity. Burgess, Pielke Jr. & Ritchie: Doomsayers? But both teams of authors suggest that square controntation of high-magnitude "uh-oh" is a sensible, pragmatic choice. We have to be kind to our co-inhabitants. global warmingYes we need to wake up and smell the coffee we must take responsibility for our action. The Kyoto Protocol we are alll setting out methane and nitrous oxide that are harmful to the atmospere as well. Aung San Suu Kyi AC (/ a s n s u t i /; Burmese: ; MLCTS: aung hcan: cu. Yet, "existential risk" and "threat to civilization" are terms not entirely a comfortable fit in the dry, abstract language of academia with its love of the passive voice. Us big children will fall in line soon! Poor education on a liberal website?How on earth did someone with such poor spelling and grammar find their way to a liberal website? Its 100 years. Read breaking headlines covering Congress, Democrats, Republicans, election news, and more. Mankind does share a greater amount of the blame! Is this just a talkfest, or does the meeting actually matter? I find him as someone who sees its warming (it is) and that there will be bad consequences arising from it (there neednt but he thinks that). In this context the question is whether global warming and its effects will eventually wake up mankind and spark off a change of paradigm. Now this same breed of scientists are scrambling for a way to save our world. The polar caps ARE melting and filling up our alredy too full oceans. its not just another cycle. wood logs), some people use the words biomass and biofuel interchangeably. Since biomass can be used as a fuel directly (e.g. This failure of due diligence has come at a huge price to doctors and nurses as individuals and clinicians, to the medical profession as a body, and to the public as a whole. None other than those thoroughly discredited weather attribution models, which Otto herself is in charge of! On the heels of a new World Meteorological Organization report this week that revealed more bad news for the planet and its climate crisis, another global institution, the International Energy Agency, described an energy crisis that is delivering a shock of unprecedented breadth and complexity.. just saying. The faster we melt permafrost, the bigger our annual emissions of methane. But it's also our job to show that there is hope! its NOT a con!! And therefore, I always say that if you eat less meat you would be healthier and so would the planet! A reduction is stratospheric temps forms ice crystals which can leaad to further destructioin of the ozone. human is the destroyer ofhuman is the destroyer of earthif we look around us, it will always come back to us. Maybe if we burn it all in less than a couple of years but never in the amounts that we have been using it! Here of special interest Lu, Sun & Zhang compare real world observations of changes in diurnal swing to climate model results and find that climate models replicate the overall effect while underestimating its magnitude. by Schurr et al. If almost all of the leaders of nations around the world are creating enforcements to deal with greenhouse gas emissions and areas like the Netherlands are creating programs to deal with flooding from increased ocean levels, and we have scientists who have been researching this problem since the 1970s that are saying it is a serious issue, why are there some Americans who just cant accept the fact that our current presidental administration is sick in the head to believe that there is no evidence to support this and to refuse to do more to to prevent this serious issue. Relief action during floods are capitalised upon as photoshoot opportunities good for public image, but there is no strong concern over the root causes of environmental deterioration. What does "fixing our climate" look like from the perspective of anthropology? When the grid goes down, most solar systems that lack a battery will also shut down. "They are writing this article in bad faith," said Friederike Otto, a senior climatologist at the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment. seemingly technical instruments can function as political projects," mindlessly helping to cause needless human wreckage in the process. its all a conwhat evidence are we given as to global warming. are positively, sincerely soothing. Biomass is plant-based material used as fuel to produce heat or electricity.Examples are wood and wood residues, energy crops, agricultural residues, and waste from industry, farms and households. People really need to start waking up and really see whats going to happen when we run out of food and half of Americans in this country over eat everything in site. This coming election will follow the established pattern of voting as a form of martial display, and already one state leader of a big coalition has issued a statement declaring that the GE15 war drums have been sounded. They are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than we are. The topic of climate change has been co-opted by big businesses and politicians. Even so, here come the comportment nannies, and they're in quite a bit of a tizzy even a lather about "language, dears!" BUT, What exactly can I do to help?? Maybe slowing down the gasses would help us stall long enough to help fix it. Global WarmingThe largest effect on global warming by far was caused by the loss of ozone from CFC destruction that allowed the stratosphere to cool off by 1.3 degree C while the troposphere warmed due to more UV light hitting it. And do you know whats happening. The two works together draw on literature suggesting a strong level of interest in the topic, with that research illustrating how we might indeed accidentally stumble into extreme, large scale risk. Another reason is that WE BREATHE! But our maps show that providing backup for cooling and heat can be a challenge, though not an insurmountable one. Educate the mass in the manner they understand, in the language they can grasp.Start the campaign from grass root level.There is a glimmer of hope that we can save our planet from devastation, provided I as an Individual start taking pro-active decisions and live as a responsible citizen. a little clarificationVegetation DOES produce CO2. Jeffrin Z. EramaGlobal warming is the results of human negligence because thier are people who abused our natural resources like illegal logging,burning of forest,illegal dumping of garbage,dynamite fishing etc. The increase in carbon dioxide and other pollutants in the air has also led to acid rain, where water falls through polluted air and chemically combines with carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides, and sulfur oxides, producing rainfall with pH as low as 4. Global warming is not something you can deny, look at charts, statistics, and scientific evidence. Once youve tied you flag to the mask of change = problems then problems occur everywhere (indeed theyre easy to find in normal circumstances) and everyone of them confirms ones views that climate change is causing problems. I am definitely in! Based on the outcome from a considerable number of studies reported in their organization, the AGU has issued a AGU statement about the causes of global warming in 2003. This is not just the natural cycle of Earths environment! In his opinion piece for Carbon Management, Gillenwater points out how accounting principles need to be rooted in solid foundations and guidance rooted in climate research. Russias invasion of Ukraine and the reverberation in energy markets will hasten the transition to clean energy, and peak fossil fuel use is finally within sight. Yale Climate Connections regular video contributor Peter Sinclair reports on his summer of 2022 field trip to Greenland with three Czech and one American climate scientist. Its part our fault Its is our fault as well. Get the latest health news, diet & fitness information, medical research, health care trends and health issues that affect you and your family on They are the Potsdam Cuckoos. To receive our latest news in the form of a daily email, enter your details here: Please note: To be able to comment on our articles you'll need to be a registered donor. The summer of 2022 saw Europesworst drought in 500 years. did they ever wonder if THEY PUNCHED THE HOLE IN THE OZONE LAYER? School Strike for Climate (Swedish: Skolstrejk fr klimatet), also known variously as Fridays for Future (FFF), Youth for Climate, Climate Strike or Youth Strike for Climate, is an international movement of school students who skip Friday classes to participate in demonstrations to demand action from political leaders to prevent climate change and for the fossil fuel industry to Teams were tested with five rounds of questions general knowledge, policy, science and two picture rounds. Mankind does share a greater amount of the blame! Is there a link for this please. CO2 traps heat in the atmosphere. Comparing the total damages so far in 2022 to past years is difficult, the broker cautioned, because the 2022 losses are expected to be dominated by Hurricane Ian, and it will some months before those can be tallied. I mean glucose.Both the sun light and the CO2,which is part of the green house gases, cotribute to global warming, reply to desertificationdunno,could u tell me the relation between combustion and global warming. (Unless you live in the city than shame on you!!!). If we are not living in nature, then we will never understand it.. Normally the papers authors would of course have a right of reply. Ive had a really hard time finding information and this is the only really good site Ive found, unfortunatley for people like me there arent enough sites like these. She points to damaging effects on the countrys drought, crop failures, and water resources. But while hurricanes are scary and deadly, extreme heat is a stealthy killer that causes moredeathsthan all other weather disasters combined. And climate change in the past happened over THOUSANDS and MILLIONS of years. Maybe a pressurised water system could overcome the necessity for storing immense amounts of water in loft tanks. When Hurricane Ian barreled into the coast of southwest Florida on Sept. 28, the mighty hurricanes 150-mph winds drove a massive and destructive storm surge inland. .it is far easier to con someone than convince them they have been conned.still as true today as when (..Twaine?) this isnt just a simple ice age or a heat wave because this one is irreversable! The cone has spawned its own confusions, some of which came into sharp relief during Hurricane Ian. And, notably, while the Wilson Center mentions that there are no "direct technical solutions" for stuffing an unleashed Arctic methane genie back into its frozen bottle, Schurr & crew do remind us that indirect means are at our fingertips we really do need to stop burning fossil fuels. He also described the sad sight of repeated tropical storms. veryinteresting website. Global warming doesn't primarily ask for a technical solution but for a different thinking and attitude. can you get it through ur heads. WRONG!!! (Someone mentioned this before, but it was glossed over/flat out rejected. Bio fuel can not sustain alone to whole world demand. Why Does the UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report Never Mention Side-Effects? As a society, we now have an opportunity and responsibility to change course, to start to put things right and to hold accountable those people who failed in their duties and responsibilities to protect the public, so that this can never happen again. I am sorry, I do not speak spanish. But as a recentreport from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory(LBNL) highlights, a growing number of clean energy projects are getting stuck in what are known as interconnection queues. In the 2000s, these projects waited an average of two years for the determination about whether the electric grid could handle their added power load. But where youre on a loser, Jaime, is that if they accept that increased heatwave frequency can be attributed to a warming world AND that the warming is attributable to mankinds activities (notably his irresponsible habit of breathing out among other things ) it follows in their minds that casting doubt on this theory is something that should not be allowed. "Overemphasized apocalyptic futures can be used to support despotism and rashness. One day, WE will be this Worlds leaders. The big and beautiful U.S.-Mexico border wall that became a key campaign issue for Donald Trump is getting a makeover thanks to the Biden administration, but a critic of the current president says dirty politics is behind the decision. They are becoming extinct. It should not be mixed up with the cause of warming. As well as strengthening the affects we can weaken them at the same time. HMM I WONDER! do some research about global warming before you talk out of your ass. And, depending on the results of the research, it might serve as a rebuttal to skeptics who refuse to take the possibility of climate collapse seriously at all. Global warming is real and human-caused. Trust in the medical profession and health bodies has been seriously damaged, as evidence of unprecedented levels of vaccine injury mount and the extravagant claims of 95% or even 100% effectiveness have not been borne out in the real world. Like us, plants take in oxygen and use it to create glucose. find confirmation that "fair is fair" is indeed important in the minds and judgements of citizens in many countries. There is a lot of information available what individuals can do to stop or at least mitigate global warming: Let me know if you need more links or information! The Earth is warming, the only debate there is, is to decide if we are the cause of it or if it is natural. They are "ours" given that we triggered the progression. Londons gang wars make me feel like Im in 1990s New York. But probabilities are a tricky thing to convey. But the news is not all bad. Global WarmingGUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTHE MAIN REASON FOR GLOBAL WARMING IS ANIMAL HUSBANDRY..STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP EATING MEAT..STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP EATING HAMBURGER.SO WE MAY SAVE THE PLANET.. A complete lie are absolutely right. He talks about the herbs, the camels, and the origins of the different plants. Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban. As long as the debate is about climate change and not its causes the discussion will go on round and round in circles forever. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. theres noone else in the world that exepts ur theory to be even remotely sane. The News on Sunday (TNS) Pakistan's leading weekly magazine. .. With advancement of various ways of seeing, we're no longer blind. Our local back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate that's~50 miilion pounds from the average US annual crop. GO GREEN!!! Definition for global warming what is global warming? We will not be here that long. At this point, for most people dissent should be driven by the cost of decarbonisation. I for one would love for my Great- great- great- great grandchildren to see Polar Bears! though the government do seem to be taking advantage of this situation. News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More Malaysia is experiencing more wet days this year, and devastating floods are expected again soon. WE all take faultlong story short. Not so many years ago, deep ocean warming in response to our changing the climate "up here" wasn't visible to our instrumentation and observational methods. (6) I know we would like to consider ourselves as an important to the solar systems or even maybe the universe. Nobody fond of the world of facts disagrees with the need to deal with the reality our accidental, too-rapid influence on climate, but our choices in so dealing may trample people and communities. or may do some little ways to help preserve all these gifts that was given to us think for the future generations. Global warming is not a con, who would benefit from that? I reckon they all go to the same language school as Nick & Gavin. In 2015, the Paris Agreement legally recognized the role of traditional knowledge by local communities in combating the climate crisis, yet indigenous communities have complained about their lack of full participation in COP summits and UN-led negotiations. Perhaps this paper with its synthesis of diverse observational methods represents convergence of our view on what's actually happening, down in the gradually less freezing, more visible dark. check out if you want to learn more. If the ozone layer gets destroyed then what are we going do. Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the suns heat, stabilizing the colder temperature of the ocean. If you cant be bothered reading it at least look at the Amazon reviews for this best seller. What a putz. Up till then, forecasts from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) had been typically portrayed as a single line showing the track of the center point of a tropical cyclone. We had four subsections of concern, with a wealth of referenced evidence to substantiate each area: Many people will be astonished at the evidence we presented, easily found in the public domain in the Autumn of 2020, by studying the trial data available and the published literature, and also by considering the situation from an ethical and legal standpoint using long established principles. Someone who respects Nature and regards mankind as a part of a larger whole would never dream about using up non-renewable resources in a short time nor would this person contaminate the environment with gigantic amounts of pollution.