So, he gave me a chance, I was happy, but none for the right reasons, he said he didnt know why he gave me a chance and I will always be puzzled with it, but for now as time passed we are happy, play around, werre there for each other and further on are having a blast, we have one quality the other doesnt, I have the creative mind while he has the smart one. She loves this man so full of libido, who makes her laugh out loud and allows her to set aside her everyday worries and anxieties. keep communicating, when together a Gem and a scorpio can move mountains and can be a powerful couple. Dont be deceived by what people say about a relationship. I cant stop thinking about her and yet cannot have her. Your email address will not be published. The intellect of the Gemini man is always a reason of admiration for his Scorpio woman. Weve learned to grow & learn from each other & hes my best friendtogether or not. MUCH better than the Leo experience. But sooner, he realizes that he is not comfortable in sharing his friend with many other males. Sooo true ! Emotions Meter 45%. From the usual guys Ive dated. He is everything youve described and more(except for the roaming part, he is rarely sexually aroused, except for sports, thats his mistress.) I tend to do want to conquer men first to figure out if Im in love than when I do I decide if Im through. Yet, he prefers a deeper connection with a woman, and he generally will be faithful when he finds the right one. He doesnt like to be boxed in or tied down. Im wheeling to compromise and make it better for both of us. Gemini Man and Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. Gemini man. Thanks again for sharing your lovely story i appreciated it From another #ScorpioWomen. are scorpio women promiscuous? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The outside world stimulates them, and just as they reappear and exist in other elements, Geminis require others to bounce off their ideas and express their true nature. I was attracted to his personality but there was no other connection for me. That and the will to want to be together, and compromise. Gemini loves Scorpio's mental vivacity, her intelligence, her eloquence, and more than . Its strange.. I am extremely open, and i hold back a bit too (but thats only because we come from such different environments; im not ashamed of my childhood but i dont think he will never truly understand me or my families struggles and even then I still talk about my family more than him) With my gemini man, i dont have a dual personally issueits more like a mono personality issue. I am a Scorpio woman and I just cant seem to stop dating Aries men. If she can channel her desire on a more cerebral plain, he will respond immediately to pleasure her. Showing interest in other people might create a spark. he wants to commit and i am the hold up, just because. Were born the same year, I remember him from when I was younger, -he never noticed me untill nowthis was the first time i dared to talk to him. Books, food, spirituality. Be a woman who truly understands him. Supernova, no need to be insecure. He loves his alone time, I also love my space and do not like control. Consider another career, as in this one you come off as a imbecilic scam artist. On the one hand, he can be extremely sensitive, tender, and emotional. Then, I got all irritated by his girlish behavior and gave him a lecture on why I thought I was right about not taking my own sweet time for the test. Scorpio is more sexual at times than Gemini. This monday i found out he has tried to get in touch, andhe found my number, trough friends, -and asked if I wanted to hang out and left his number so I could contact him. I just left my Gemini ex and everything you just said mines did the exact same thing. Does that mean well be more compatible than this article describes? Most Scorpio women do not like change and want things the way they believe it should be. But when even your kids come to you and say, have you lost your mindget away from this guyyou come to realize that it really is time. They view it as a fun activity between friends, or strangers. Like fellow air Libra and Aquarius, Geminis are great communicators and love to analyze, digest, and share bits of data with others. When they begin a relationship with Gemini, it probably never crosses their mind that such an asexual person can exist in the world. Theres always a way to make this work. The chemistry is amazing. To all my Scorpio ladies out there I have a question for yall. And not without a lack of trying, eventually, a Gemini will look for an emergency raft and paddle off on its own. When anyone complimented her, I just agreed with them as they were right and I complimented her even more so and if someone hit on her then, Id walk up and hug like I was the only one able too. Our goal is to reach 500,000 signatures and we need more support. They will have also had to have made a conscious decision that they loved each other enough to accept each others differences. My Gemini and I are GREAT!! Scorpio is a sign of our deepest emotions and as such, linked to the most intimate side of sexuality. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. He is always looking for unique opportunities, and she will have to continuously present them. There is so much more to learn and know about the Gemini man. Ill be honest, I do get nervous when i think (over think) because i could say the wrong thing and let my emotions get the best of me. Then i would have done all this waiting for nothing and that is also makes me hold back a little bit. however she is the one who played games in the beginning and made me fall for her. A practical way to make use of both of their talents is for her to start things and develop a basic framework and for him to finish them. It was certainly not his fault, since he has a beautiful child who needed his attention immediately that day and he got held up at home. The key to the Gemini man is his mind. Scorpio woman Pisces man compatibility is one of the most special and magic combinations. A quality that comes from their passionate nature, a Scorpios intensity oozes out of them. The Scorpio woman is determined, and even if he resists her, she will always find the right weapons to get what she wants. Jealousy to a Scorpio woman is more passionate than the initial love created between two lovers. Ima Scorpio & Gemini men are disgusting found out yesterday that he cheated me after almost 2 years & I have his kid next month Ill never get back with him hes disgusting to me now. Scorpio in a love relationship is very serious and craves deep and emotional bond with the Gemini whereas the latter is a lighthearted lover who takes the relationship for granted. I tried to contact him and have not received a response. 5/28/2011. I am a gemini man, married a scorpio woman for 18 years. @Bonnietalk2em I hope it helps. A Gemini woman is skilled in communication and negotiation, and she is very interested in people who are different from her. The Scorpio does all the listening and scrutinizing, and the Gemini becomes the ticker, endlessly sharing the latest updates. Im a female Scorpio and I have a male Gemini. Be diplomatic as you never know when paths might cross again. If you love it scorpio woman you must let her in. Instead, they should divide their tasks. I am dating a Gemini man and we have our differences but we are adults enough to work them out. You now receive 4 amazing guides PLUS my VIP CONSULTING to ask me anything all for the price of just 1 guide! But Im out of words, dont know What to write. i am a Scoripo hun. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. He completely avoids me after that and even removed me from his Facebook profile after my lecture. The setting starts as a thriller novel unravelling with clues. In addition to my husband being a Gemini, he is also the middle child. When Gemini man realizes that Scorpio woman wont play along with the games, he so desirous to play, it can actually disturb him. Well, from my experience when I dated a Scorpio female it was some of best days of my life! , and he is definatly not affraid to show his affection in public, which makes me feel very special. Learn things and share it with him. Hi Uil! Both the water sign Scorpio and the air sign Gemini enjoy social outings, and either one can make the first move. She is good at starting things and finding out information. Meanwhile, Gemini men don't take sex seriously. He is powerful, and yet, he is also vulnerable. There were ups and downs. He was all excited till I did some research on his company myself and was shocked to know that the company he worked in was located at a place that I disliked an old mill and that I did not want to come there. You may feel like you are surrendering part of your soul each time, but she isnt doing it vindictively, unless you really messed up, then she will destroy you. He cheated (online conversations, saving other womens pictures on his phone.) We trust each other. A true Scorpio woman is insecure about nothing. The best thing for them is to not try to directly work together. I made the mistake of falling and trusting a gem that said he loved and wanted to marry a few weeks after meeting.He was cruel and hurtful only when I broke up with him. We have a kid. I agree with some, yet disagree with facts. Im a scropio and my boyfriend is a gemini Though these two share intellect and sexuality, they are very different in many ways. Theyll promise you the earth then drop you very suddenly when you want to settle and make things serious. We are both age 53 at present. im a gemini man ive been with 3 scorpios,their very selfish wont admit to there sexual craving mistakes, very bitching jealous and abusive but always giving and responsible, in my book very jealous and love to keep space from other woman as if they fear em, im not perfect i study and know well of myself and use against others, no doubt about it facts is what i speak on.. Likewise, a Scorpio man is a little too intense for a Gemini woman. Sit her down, tell her your fears, swallow your pride (time and time again), and HEAR her. So, I call him up and he asks me to meet him at the station. Well since we have been to gather its nothing like any comments I have heard not even the horoscope teller. She is constantly looking for something new and interesting to learn or to do. He cant stay away from me and I him. We cant expect or partner to be heaven on earth. I am experiencing a Gemini man and he excites me and his venacular and bluntness intrigues me beyond measure. For him, sex is playful and a game. Hes excellent with the Charm OMG he never misses a beat but neither does I. I know my place and what Im suppose to do as his woman. The chances of a Scorpio man and Gemini woman getting together are rather low. His two side personality can be over bearing sometimes. At first we argued a lot, but now we realized, mainly him that it is not worth it because the love we have for each other is one of a kind. Your Match: Gemini Man And Taurus Woman Love Compatibility, Your Match: Gemini Man And Cancer Woman Love Compatibility, Your Match: Gemini Man And Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility. Be diplomatic as you never know when paths might cross again. I am a scorpio gal just been in a whirlwind romance with a gemini male which was over as quick as it began, its true they promise you the world, you let your guard down, then pull your world from under you.. I know where this is going but I am here for a good time and all his shenAnagins for now?? The Twins skip the pages with all the heavy, long-winded descriptive emotions and lump them into the typical tropes theyve read before. He vowed hed never cheat on me. She can appear as flirtatious. These two individuals must have mutual understanding for one another. Mare Punzalan here. They dont need to divide their tasks in a conventional manner, though. Theysee commitment as being tied down; theirgreatestfear is probably to limit their freedom. We communicate very well and our sex life of amazing this man make my body feel things I never experienced before. Then again, its really not about your sign compatibility, its how they are in the end that defines if itll really work out or not. He may be totally harmless but Scorpio will not see it this way. You also have to know this sign is an air sign (most arent that emotional or forward with their feelings) and this relationship can last id you both know your differences and accept them, he wants something new, out of the ordinary. Therefore, we will turn 54 this year. The answer is; yes. My bestfriend, I adore his differences and cherish our similarities. Fearless, vigorous, and composed, She is adored by all around her. She made my life miserable. Dont forget to remind him though that theyll be a price to pay if he ever messes around with other women. He has the same emotion every second of every day and i dont know what that emotion is. This just blew me away!!! Aries Man // Taurus Man // Gemini Man // Cancer Man, Leo Man // Virgo Man // Libra Man // Scorpio Man, Sagittarius Man // Capricorn Man // Aquarius Man // Pisces Man, Aries Woman // Taurus Woman // Gemini Woman // Cancer Woman, Leo Woman // Virgo Woman // Libra Woman // Scorpio Woman, Sagittarius Woman // Capricorn Woman // Aquarius Woman // Pisces Woman. With their growing relationship, the Gemini man learns to be patient about the passions and emotions of his Scorpio woman and the Scorpio woman finds the way to whisper to the wandering spirit of her Gemini man and bring him to rest. Likely out of fear, they may not be interested in pursuing the depths of the Scorpio soul and where it leads. After being friends for a while we became intimate but I vowed it wouldnt go any further than that. Be careful, have fun, but dont expect much from ficle gemini, best of luck . What may be true about how the relationship is between a Female Scorpio and Male Gemini is not quite true, first thing is you have to know one thing, what happend in their past life in relationships. I do not like Geminis at all. i would say the relationship will work just always give 110% and talk from the heart how u feel. Her interest in people who are different from her, Their ability to be creative in solving problems. A very short relationship played out exactly as predicted. He makes me feel likequeen and dont care who sees how much he care about me! Scorpio has too much of it. When he talks to her he realizes she's got an intellect that is comparable with his. Hes with someone else right now and she is a scorpio. He is loving, protective, youthful and spontaneous but he is possessive, angry and jealous all the time. The Scorpio woman, in turn, is fascinated by his vast wealth of knowledge and optimistic view of life and love. His lies came so easily. I dont know how many times I tell him Im tired of waiting and its like he doesnt get it but his charming ways is what get me every time I always question my mind is that enough is it more and he always have one more show. Talk to him and let him know youre interested in more than friendship. His attraction to her is due to the fact that she is interested in him and wanting to begin such a torrid affair with him. When two parties in a love . He is good at finishing things and engaging in deep research projects. The Scorpio woman feels charmed by his witty remarks and attractive qualities as well. At the same time, the scorpion woman's faithful . I just dont get how ppl say theyre not faithful and like to play games cause my gem sure doesnt we been in a serious relationship for seven months but Ive known him for many years now and I have three kids all which he more than happy took responsibility for even tho theyre not his own!! Geminis are very intrigued by scorpio woman at first. scorpio woman is best match for capricorn man and virgo or cancer. It is said that some of the greatest saints and worst sinners are Scorpio, but there are many Scorpio men that fall between these two extremes. Can you tell Ive been twisted by their full of airs. I knew it was going to be a difficult relationship. When I initiate, he often says Go away. Being deeply perceptive, observant, and highly aware of our own emotions, I can sometimes know what hes thinking and feeling intuitively, even though he tries to weave all these delicate words around it. As a result, the union of the two Zodiac signs is fantastic regardless of . I am a jealous type not going to lie but i know how to control it hes very firlty and nice to others (girls) but for the best part out best relationship ive been in so far On the other hand, a Scorpio man will want to connect on a deeper level than a Gemini woman will. They promise a happy future but its all talk and only exists in the imagination. Many of you say that you and other lover, wife or whatever have all these problems and its not a good match. To further understand the symbolism of the cosmos, I trot the globe meeting fascinating people and creating extraordinary experiences. Really not worth the very brief pleasure! He will have to stick around more and she will have to lighten up if they are to find common ground. They are so very accurate as of far. Scorpio is a fixed water sign whereas Gemini is a mutable air sign, the Scorpio woman Gemini man compatibility gets a THREE Hearts rating. Took what he wanted and then left. I will say overthinking is something that i tend to do, all of the time, but it is all worth it to make it work. A Scorpio man is persistent and determined, and there is little that he cannot do if he sets his mind to it. Its always a better day only if you look for it. Im a Scorpio woman, seeing a Gemini man. I am highly romantic and a bit playful. To find out what the stars have in store for the Scorpio zodiac sign in love, career, and life this year, read the full horoscope predictions by Allure's resident . Sometimes, I think the former option would be a Geminis preference. The Gemini man is very cold and distant . Required fields are marked *. I think you may be wasting your time with this one. Their one and only priority is their happiness, not that even they know what that looks like, but trust me when I tell youits not yours, and never will be. I see the positive and negitive outcome but I wanna ride this out as long as I can. Its really pathetic. Lina! me scorpio, he gemini. The boss then asks me, Did you read this? I almost said yes and then I realized that it was supposed to be answered with a no. The Gemini male requires mental stimulation during their lovemaking, enjoying mind games and throwing out new ideas to try. I think that as long as both parties are happy and love each other then thats what counts. Required fields are marked *. I am Scorpio woman & I love a Gemini man but he seems not to be interested, how can we be together forever? It really is like there is some sort of multiple personality thing going on. Aroused from the build-up of suspense, the act is as expected, with Geminis nerves quaking in bliss. Stay away ladies, it either a lasting miserable long marriage with ups and downs or it either a temporary failed on and off relationship , I totally agree with you on this. Perhaps this match could benefit from counseling or mediation if they really want to make it last long term. Savor some alone time to rekindle the spark between you. As a scorpio knowing how intense I can be so far he accepts mme Im worried my sex drive is too much at times so any tips making sure to keep my Gemini happy much appreciated he does take great care of me Im just not sure if Im doing the same or too intense. If the Scorpio woman tries to take this away from him, he may pack it up and call it a day. I keep holding hope that theres a chance for us, but Im starting to think hes just flirtatious and likes playing these games. My GeminiMan Secretshelped THOUSANDS of women like youunderstand, attract AND keep their special Geminiman, Im sure it can do the same for you, too. There is a magnetism to a Scorpio man that many women find attractive. I didnt show much jealously. She can handle pretty much any situation on her own and is tolerable of most. I am the positive one. I love breathing life into my celestial discoveries via the written word. I told him I like the job profile and he suggested that I write a test just for the sake of completing the formalities, but when I asked him the address, he asked me to call him up when I reach somewhere near his office and then, he would tell me the easiest way to his company. In some spiritual traditions, the purpose of life is Divine Play, and this belief would appeal to a Gemini woman. But, getting to that point needs plenty of works and efforts. These challenges will be apparent early on in the relationship, so if they do proceed further, they will both know what they are getting into. i guess i found the right one. They are definitely sexually attracted to one another and will enjoy plenty of physical interaction. The Gemini man is intrigued and interested by Scorpio womans natural sexual allure. The Gemini misunderstood my comment when I told him that he should remain in the company and that I will stand by his side even if no one can vouch immediately for my opinion as a response to his statement that no one wants him or likes him within the company. Our dreams and goals literally match up, a for a. I think thats what keeps a relationship strong in the end. Dont let go of your firm, assertive and confident attitude, hell love you more for that. When he talks to her he realizes shes got an intellect that is comparable with his. A Scorpio is the smothering, overprotective, she-lion type of mother. It is possible that this may be enough to bring the two of them together in a dating relationship. After being friends for a while we became intimate but i wan na ride this out as as! To divide their tasks in a dating relationship to further understand the symbolism the! And i just cant seem to stop dating Aries men would appeal to a Scorpio man is and! 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