And these things are happening every day. With the traditional story of a martial arts student thrust on a quest to save their master, Jade Empire wowed players with its engrossing world and its surprisingly nuanced dual philosophies, the Way of the Open Palm and the Way of the Closed Fist (mirroring BioWares success developing light and dark paths for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). It's before something becomes an established trend.Also, it's not an inevitability. What do you think of the actual tie up though, between Balenciaga and Fortnite? You have to be incredibly choosy about the words that you put in there. Whether it's a pharmaceutical company or whether it's a government, because it's really an ecosystem play.If you're a single company to trying to address it, it feels like wack-a-mole a bit, you feel that you are alone trying to fight against all of those things. The adoption is very low. What needs to be said about Final Fantasy VII? Why are we measuring it? So we like to think of it as a loop.If you think about it that way, you're going up this ladder, if you will, and then looping back as you get the intergenerational wealth. I mean, just yesterday, I was working on the topic of how can we tackle the anti-Semitism in society. As our work and home lives become ever more entwined, and more of us reassess our work life balance, is all this about to change? There are people, individuals making decisions.And I think for hundreds of years, we were not making decisions to be inclusive. We're surrounded by a cloud of information right now. So, are you paying enough attention to the language that you use? And what did that do? Think of it this way. We're starting to get to the point, right? And if you can do that, those connections, even if it's once a month or once a quarter persist on an ongoing basis. Agile and best practice, synergistic action, win-wins, decks, and benchmarks and gifs. You can join up with other players and take part in multi-day space battles, or you can go off and mine resources to sell for a profit at the next space station. You mentioned political difficulties in giving, quote unquote, local jobs to people from abroad.JOHANN HARNOSS: So the topic itself in particular of the freer movement of people has enormous tailwinds, and they come simply from the fact that the younger generations tend to be generally much more liberal even than I am, much more inviting towards more individualistic lifestyle choices, and, ultimately, they're also much more friendly towards more open immigration policies.It is not clear that what we're seeing right now on the political domain is entirely reflective of the preferences of today's voters on average and certainly of the younger generations. Should we worry about koalas? It was almost impossible to play for less than $200 before it was re-released on PSN for $10. So, you know, within a brand you're bringing together lots of different parts of the business. We've seen the impact of it already. But shes wrong.. I mean, with all due respect, as a society, as a human race, I don't think we're crushing it. So, I wrote this little thing called "Death by Jargon". So yes, the corporate world and the financial markets can make significant advances, but they can only do so with regulatory certainty. So that's a super good point. We've had so many false storms along the way. It means that we have to start today doing things differently with the technologies that we have, and that's a financial challenge, but it's certainly even more an operational challenge because we have to set a lot of incentives marginally differently than they are today, and it's obviously scary for a politician who now faces the challenge of having to regulate this.GEORGIE FROST: Jens, who's going to pay for all of this investment that's clearly going to be needed? And these are things like changing your light bulbs or just reducing your emissions in your facilities. They are trying more and more to measure skills like collaboration, so collaborative problem solving, creative thinking, etc.But when it comes to these, empathy, curiosity, and all these very value and character skills, it gets harder and harder, and you just base it on teacher or peer reporting, situational judgment tests like the experiment of the marshmallow. "And that really shocked me, but, on the other hand, it really showed me the value of our program here at Imagine, simply because what we do through the coaching and the training is we vet people. There's little subtlety in the Monster Hunter universe you largely end up doing exactly what the title says. If I do that, it means that I'm disclosing my status to people around me. Miquela's a big hit on social media with over 3 million followers on both TikTok and Instagram. Gender equity and inclusivity is one of those big areas where, actually, we know we need to do better, but we simply don't know how. Its limited edition came with three additional Xbox game demos: Forza Motorsport, Conker Live & Reloaded, and MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf. Skyrim's map is huge, but it's no match for The Elder Scrolls: Arena's map, which is almost as large as Australia. But what if you looked at it as an opportunity to build that advantage, an opportunity to actually think, well, what if we are prepared better than the competition for the next shock that might come. I think at the moment, the forces out there are making those predominantly choices that women feel they have to make because they don't really see a good path outside of that choice spectrum.So I think what I would ask myself is, "Why aren't some of those top jobs, some of those really brilliant, impactful corporate careers as attractive to women?" It's about making sure you have enough digital talent in your organization. That's the reason we ask for these sort of disclosures every year. I mean, I think in recent years we've seen the rise of the specialist, and I think there's a role here for imaginative types, for generalists.GEORGIE: Such as what? There are some concerning trends that are starting to emerge, especially amongst population groups that would typically be grouped into the majority. Is this something that you are thinking about from a leadership C-level and minus-one-level perspective? But if I look at what needs to happen in Western economies over the next 30 years, I have a lot of respect because I think it will be extremely hard to do, but I'm not scared of what the outcome of this would look like. Durable goods inflation has come down materially in the US, but at the same time, the fire has spread to other parts of the economy.Now inflation is in housing, it's in services. "RICH LESSER: We're talking about spending $3 to $5 trillion a year for 30 years. Working with the Gates Foundation over the years, working with the WEF over the years, helping them make these broad societal changes. But for whatever reason, in this instance, I felt the need to hide it. But how difficult is it? Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. Politics-Govt Just in time for U.S. Senate race, border wall gets a makeover. By 2100, IPCC projects the global economy will be 300 to 500% larger than it is today. But at that point, it didn't help you all that much.I think for inflation, I will say I don't quite like the 1970s analogy, at least the shortcut version of it, because it wasn't just oil shocks, thats just not true. Other games emphasize choice, but few showed the effects of those choices over the long game quite like Dragon Quest V did when it launched for the Super Famiconm. We'd love to know your thoughts. For example, in factories, just putting process parameters under control and helping reduce carbon emissions by making better decisions in day to day.GEORGIE: Dexter, with your two decades of experience with this, how exciting is this a prospect? But tomorrow, Gates was talking just the other day, that you'll have an electronic tattoo on you that will be capturing all of your health care data 24/7, and you'll have the machines telling you all the diagnostics.So as a patient, you'll be extremely well-informed. There are, of course, others.What does this do for those individual countries? To begin, you can customize up to six adventurers, with professions like warrior, rogue, hunter, and magician. How do you think about that? So that is the way it is today. And I hope they're buying real items, not just virtual, but I do see, you know, this immersive shopping experience where brands can have a role it's not necessarily controlled necessarily, you know, by someone else as something that's coming.GEORGIE FROST: There's a lot of sort of technological advances that I'm a bit nervous about Sarah, but I'll have to say as someone who really hates the shopping experience, I just hate the idea of like changing clothes all the time. Why have we created that systemically in our belief system? You know, I am going to feel motivated and inspired and connected into my job because it makes me feel secure or maybe it's because it makes me feel challenged or maybe it's because I feel like somebody has my back. That looks like something that I could do. And I can take advantage of being a first-mover and capturing that. Does that sound apocalyptic or even unmanageable? Enter the Denerim Market District enough times, and nine stationary cats will appear on the ground in neat rows. Influential Japanese artist Moto Hagio, the "mother of shojo manga," designed Illusion of Gaia's characters. This is not good enough anymore. So while it may seem slightly counterintuitive at first, it actually is driving more innovation because it's a way of bringing folks with different experiences and backgrounds that otherwise wouldn't have found each other to kind now come together to solve problems, right? I'd been doing that role for a long time, and honestly, I didn't know what I would do next. Ni no Kuni was originally in development for Nintendo DS with the title Ni no Kuni: The Another World.. In the mid-80s, gamers were hungry for this kind of adventure. So how can you convey that with the right words?ASHLEY GRICE: First way, I think you start from your ethos. It's a global problem, it's a problem of humanity, and so why not collaborate? But then how do you take it to the next level to maximize it, to get the best partnerships that you spoke about with suppliers?DANIEL WEISE: By doing it differently. So that's some evidence.When you take a look at certain industries, for example, in the tech space, where procurement is actually owning the innovation process, where a CPO becomes a CEO, take a look at Tim Cook following after Steven Jobs. This is like if it doesn't fail, you didn't do it right. The stickiness to those solutions was very low. And at the time when I had to figure out like, how was I going to balance dealing with this incredible kind of crisis together with a job that I love and I am passionate about, but it is incredibly all-absorbing of your time and energy? They don't see you know, abandoning a global sourcing activity as the future of their businesses but what they do see is risk diversification thinking about those right buffers and they are acutely interested in having more visibility, farther upstream into their supply chains. If you suddenly have a change in your condition, such that you're going to buy much more of that, and therefore there's not enough for me, that would have been nice to know because then I would actually look and see kind of how you're behaving and I would try to predict that.GEORGIE FROST: To say it's jumpers and the weather gets cold and I want a lot more of them, right? The people who get the treatment, the people who stay on treatment, and then the people who are cured. I love the fact that I don't have to think about what's going on in my life. Now we see so much change happening very fast, led by technology, by other trends, and education has to innovate, has to catch up, and I think it is going to start to happen at a very fast pace.GEORGIE: What will that look like? The solution cannot be simply on the children obviously. The first Monster Hunter game to top one million sales in the Americas and Europe. You get some coverage of the fact that the labor market's very strong.The labor market, in my mind, the truth is that the labor market's a much better indicator of where the economy's health stands. [ October 31, 2022 ] Florida Officials Look Into Allegations of Ballot Harvesting Operation After Democrat Blows Whistle News [ October 31, 2022 ] Global Digital IDs Are Coming To America and Nobody Is Allowed to Talk About It News [ October 31, 2022 ] We Were Lied To: Ben Shapiro Finally Admits He Was Wrong to Promote Vaccines News That's a place to value hunt. I think at some point we have to realize that it's not going to come with little tweaks and changes. The game is dedicated to late BioWare employee Daniel Walker. When we think about access to internet or access to data, it's now viewed as a basic human right. GEORGIE FROST: Accelerated by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the world of work is changing. I wasn't mentioning weekend trips or things like that because I wasn't identifying myself. Our flights had been delayed and he says, "Hey, like we haven't done feedback in a while. It helps other people find us too. If you need to brainstorm something and be creative, get in a room together or if we could all upskill on Miro or other collaboration tools, we could do it remotely. The inflation regime cracked and crumbled in the late 1960s before the oil shocks occurred. And I think that's what's hopeful about this.GEORGIE FROST: Finally, before I let you go. [MUSIC PLAYING]GEORGIE: Nan, thank you so much for joining me. [MUSIC PLAYING]GEORGIE: Well, thank you very much, Martin, and thank you for listening. The cycle is always moving on, there are always small and other shocks, but it doesn't happen often that structural risks are credibly presenting themselves. It was Bethesda's first major game produced for consoles. But I remember, people were in the same office building and they wouldn't come to the meeting room because they'd rather dial in from their desks so they can multitask. Absolutely. They have to come in and figure it out. The treatment protocol has been simplified so that we could scale up more easily. They only asleep for four hours. It's time-consuming now but I assume those experiments are trying to get it to a stage where that will not be the case. And that's why conversations are shifting. There are some people that really are thriving in some of this. You go back into your organization and you understand fundamentally who you are, what is in the company DNA, because that will always be at the core of the work you do really well, of the way that you can create impact. There's a great quote by an activist. All of this helps explain why IPCC anticipates climate change will have a modest impact on economic growth. There will be industries that we need to protect for a while, for example, if not perpetually, depending on what the rest of the world does. BCG's Charlotte Degot and CDP's Dexter Galvin explain how artificial intelligence can help companies fill in the gaps in their understanding of their carbon emissions. Opinion: Why the media are still failing Americans as we lurch toward Nov. 8, Op-Ed: We cant afford to shutter Californias aging oil refineries yet, Op-Ed: Politics is flooded with cash. You can wonder why don't they get access to the diagnostic? And maybe it's not that degree, but it's actually have they had experience working on a team? I am on, of the spectrum of discrimination that I face day to day, I probably face some of the lesser within our queer community. Renee's work focuses on the intersection of the climate crisis, health, and healthcare delivery. An absolute pleasure. When you talk about health security now, it's shifting to ministries of finance, that economic sphere, and not just development agencies.GEORGIE: You spoke about health inequity between countries, but I think it's fair to say that exists within countries and even within high-income countries. And you know, the biggest issue for them is that they focus on the tools and the techniques for how to protect things. The US today is an extremely dominant player in international energy markets. It built on everything fans love about the series, from its strategic turn-based battles to its focus on story and characters. What will I be doing?DEBBIE LOVICH: There have been a lot of things that have been really broken about what work is. Leila, thank you so much. Well, it comes in little steps and big steps. A couple other sort of, I would say innovative solutions on talent advantage that get me quite excited. I think we also see when you talk to leaders that their belief is, and I think you're even starting to see this now in travel behavior, you will not replace the connection between, let's say somebody selling something and somebody buying something, those client relationships in whatever form they take, right? And then, it's a question of making choices as to therefore what it is you want to do. That confrontation, that conflict, hinges on a principle called cognitive overload, cognitive overwhelm.And it's the idea that there are many choices that it is difficult to be a human being out in the world making the thousands of decisions that are required of us every day and that there is a role, what behavioral economists call choice architecture, and choice architecture is helping you make that decision in alignment with your own values, your own preferences, your own needs. We've actually developed a new platform together called the Product Ecosystem platform which helps companies measure the life cycle impact of their carbon emissions across their product portfolio.GEORGIE: Charlotte, Dexter has outlined there the problem with emissions being so difficult to measure but why are they so difficult to measure accurately? There is good evidence that the catastrophist framing of climate change is self-defeating because it alienates and polarizes many people. Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen is the tale of the Knights of Zenobia, who are locked in war with the dastardly Holy Zeteginean Empire. So, when we change the rules of the game by drastically changing the climate and life on earth, we have to expect that it will affect our health. Pay, promotion, and benefits have been the traditional carrots for hiring, exciting, and retaining employees. You were exposed to something at some point in your life that said, "Huh, that looks like an interesting job. And by the way, this is not just about the person in the grocery store picking up products, right? So I think that is a tough call to be taken, and I think there's two sort of tracks that a company can take. "And of course, you know, if for those, you know, still following, we always think the mobile internet was the successor state to the internet. We'll be more innovative, we'll drive better results. Having a consistent tone is incredibly important because people always know what you're trying to convey. My perspective there is you should absolutely work in those countries as well. "The Covid-19 vaccines will help rescue us from this current mess, but it won't do a thing to protect us from the next pandemic," says our Director Dr. Aaron Bernstein. What resources you need to achieve this?KEDRA: First, let me just start with people. That's not the only people part of it. It would be very tempting to take waste out of that system if you were falling behind. Thats what kicks off this action RPG about a boy on a quest to collect Mystic Statues and bring them to the Tower of Babel to save the world from ultimate destruction. It's a real imperative. That's one part of the great recalibration. And I think that's really important if we think about luxury items, anything from jewelry, handbags, shoes, apparel. With a focus on exploration, Dark Souls pushes players to experiment and take risks in ways few action RPGs have before, and in which few have truly captured since. And while theres something to that argument, it also ignores the interesting things Titan Quest adds to the formula to create a wholly enjoyable action RPG. Similar to how digital has been an important innovation for us, similar to how data's been an important innovation, inclusion is an important innovation for us.We recognize that it is something new that we have to do differently, and we're going to put dollars against it, and we want to see progress and we're going to set goals." People will be attacking your value pools. There are some companies, quite a few actually who perhaps have looked around and gone, "Hmm we're a bit late to the social media bandwagon, quick jump on it!" But does anyone know how much it will cost to stick to that path? And I want you to explain to me, Debbie, if you could, if I was to work in this ideal way of working in the future, that's so different to the industrial revolution style that we've seem to have got still at the moment, what exactly will it look like? Neveen Awad is the leader of BCGs Detroit office and an expert in gender diversity in technology. And I think we're seeing it in the data as people talk about in our survey and research work, their perceptions of the value of DEI programs and whether they benefit from them or are harmed by them, etc. We also, the second way we navigate it is to say what the future of work looks like for Georgie may be different than the future of work for Neveen may be different than the future of work for Jack, etc. It was the word articulate, right?To me as a white privileged woman, it didn't have a load. And so I think for me, what's been really meaningful about, the last year is this: I've been in financial services for a couple of decades at this point. It's also remarkable for having a playable pregnancy, a concept that would later influence games like Fable II and The Sims. Leifthrasir comes from Norse mythologys Lif and Lfrasir, the two humans who survive the apocalypse and repopulate the world. And then I think a use and a willingness to use technology to disrupt their own models and processes to get better, quicker, more reactive.GEORGIE: Today, I'm talking to Jason Guggenheim, global leader of travel and tourism at BCG.JASON: Historically, many companies, including travel companies have used history as a guide to the future. The characters are well written, and the game actually seems to have something to say about war. But they can still affect the material economy, which seems a bit odd.PHILIPP: Theres the concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And so the idea that we simply try and reduce emissions, but that we don't start to think about how do we make communities, societies, cities, coastlines more resilient.I mean, clearly there's something that we need to be doing there. Starting inside your organization with your employees and extending across all those other groups I mentioned, that's a critical part of the strategy here.GEORGIE: Rich, you finished your final term as CEO of BCG very recently, but are you still personally as committed as ever to the climate cause?RICH: Yeah, so I stepped out of the CEO role at the end of September. She leads the Center for Inclusion and Equity and guides governments and businesses on how they can address inequality.KEDRA: I think when we look at COVID, whether we're talking about the US or North America or globally, if you look at any ethnic minority, globally, COVID certainly had a greater impact in terms of infection rates and in terms of deaths for ethnic minorities. A few, a small percentage will, but not enough. This page will continue to be updated as new information arises. Its greatest legacy, though, is the first appearance of the Social Links system, which lets the player level personas (the manifestation of one's inner self) while doing normal-world activities as well as by fighting monsters. But they can't control what happens outside. If you want to get to a 1.5-degree reality, obeying the Paris Agreement, we need to be also spending more on suppliers, potentially, supporting them in investments in new products, which potentially use less carbon.