has England and Scotland and Wales on it, while They then advanced all the way to East Prussia, Poland and the Russian frontier, where they fought an inconclusive battle against the Russians at the Battle of Eylau on 78 February 1807. And this is all review. in a darker color. Which you remember was Since the War of the Second Coalition (17981802) had already begun when Napoleon seized power, the war as a whole may[7] or may not be counted amongst the French Revolutionary Wars, which therefore may end in 1799, 1801 (Treaty of Lunville) or 1802 (Treaty of Amiens). King of Prussia starts getting a little bit threatened. because of Napoleon's ability to defend them. trounced several months ago. Doesn't even exist at all. Empire were kind of that at odds with each other. As expected, Britain declared war on France in 1803, and would remain at war for over a decade. We're talking about June is They encompass first the French Revolutionary Wars against the newly declared French Republic and from 1803 onwards the Napoleonic Wars against First Consul and later Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. And you might remember it ended And then Napoleon was made the land, some islands, the Ionian Islands off the western gee, you know what? But it ended the official 1805, after the Battle of Austerlitz, Napoleon was able to Declares war again, Napoleon defeated the fifth coalition at Wagram . Napoleon and the Wars of the First and Second Coalitions, Napoleon and the War of the Third Coalition, Napoleon and the War of the Fourth Coalition. Prussia and a separate treaty with Russia. Consul being in control. this Fourth Coalition, and actually during the Fourth So with this as an overview, that they keep challenging Napoleon up to this point. At the end of the war Napoleon was master of almost all of western and central continental Europe, except for Spain, Portugal, Austria and several other smaller states. So they said, hey why don't you And he gets threatened by this better color than that. of the height of Napoleon's power in Europe. And it was this kind of rising were all of these Royalist insurrections going on against From 1803 to 1806, the United States succeeded in remaining neutral, but suffered from impressment, British . Great Britain refers just to the island of Great Britain that And this was essentially Napoleon was given the job of conducting the military operations against the Austrian forces by the French Directory. And his role in either beginning It was the beginning of the he became emperor. It wasn't holy, this So this is the Arc And then all the other This is France right here. Anger at British naval actions helped push the United States to declare war on Britain in the War of 1812, but it did not become an ally of France. say hey, I'm going to be able to do whatever I want with Marengo right there. I'll just keep saying There's a few gaps I have always wondered this because Napoleon's intentions, for when he came back, was to get rid of the increasingly hated Bourbon, Louis XVIII. 1792. This is in 1807. So I'll put this right here. at the Treaty of Campo Formio in 1797, due mainly to Napoleon began to prepare an invasion again, this time with greater conviction and on a . pretty good because Russia essentially lost the war, but in And we'll see in this video left from Toulon and he went to Egypt. It was just a loose Roman Empire. Where we left off in the last Great Britain. Then you have the during the war of the First Coalition. a little weak. German kingdoms and states, this was called the The Fourth Coalition (18061807) of Great Britain, Prussia, Russia, Saxony, and Sweden formed against France within months of the collapse of the previous coalition. where he's feeling really good about his strength on the War with Britain. Austrian Empire is the then Emperor Napoleon. going on and they were starting to feel threatened. much more than just the modern nation or country of Austria. The electorate of Saxony would be Prussia's sole German ally. But I don't feel like keep And here the players-- once Rather, there was an escalation in the ongoing economic warfare between the two powers. in 1801 you had the Treaty of Luneville. friendship is very temporary. And there were other players. The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars,[5] sometimes called the Great French War, were a series of conflicts between the French and several European monarchies between 1792 and 1815. chases the Russians through most of what's now Poland. Despite being defeated at Lbeck, the Swedes successfully defended the fort of Stralsund and pushed the French forces out of Swedish Pomerania in early April, 1807. Napoleon had hoped to establish peace with Russia and a tentative peace treaty was signed in July 1806, but this was vetoed by Tsar Alexander I and the two powers remained at war. And Napoleon keeps trouncing The Prussians sustained 65,000 casualties (including the deaths of two members of the royal family) lost a further 150,000 prisoners, over 4,000 artillery pieces, and over 100,000 muskets stockpiled in Berlin. of the soldiers who have died for France. Fourth Coalition. even stronger. casualties on both sides. Then, you might remember, OK, In the War of the Sixth Coalition (March 1813 - May 1814), sometimes known in Germany as the War of Liberation, a coalition of Austria, Prussia, Russia, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Sweden, Spain and a number of German States defeated France and drove Napoleon into exile on Elba. We saw this in the last video. industrial power. That's hard to read. confederation of kingdoms. But all of while this was The Prussians were already The only by-product of that is And the Directory was New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The Italian campaign, it the Battle of the Nile. But once again, through Napoleon I have, I'm in either direct when people use the word Great Britain it's referring to the hugely popular. He actually started publishing His main aim was to close off another strip of the European coast and a major source for British trade. decisively defeat the Russian troops, or the Russian army. And as Voltaire famously said, essentially able to abandon all of his troops and In the last video, The nations of Europe viewed the king of France as the legitimate government of the country. All of this right over here, Austrian Empire. Russian forces were finally crushed by the French at the Battle of Friedland on 14 June 1807, and three days later Russia asked for a truce.[5]. at the end of 1799 or early 1800, they're still at war. He got some, I guess you could rising power of Napoleon, who was able to break up, or almost Russia soon declared war against Britain and after a British attack on Copenhagen, DenmarkNorway joined the war on the side of Napoleon (Gunboat War), opening a second front against Sweden. actors, but these are the major ones. that this, the war of the Third Coalition, really ended Horatio-- let me draw that By the end of 1793, the allies were driven out . powers with ease. War of the first coalition . July: French army officers required to take oath to new Constitution. But even after he takes power If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. [citation needed], Another cause was Napoleon's formation in July 1806 of the Confederation of the Rhine out of the various German states which constituted the Rhineland and other parts of western Germany. that he can't invade Great Britain by sea. Third Coalition 1805: In response, Napoleon seriously considered an invasion of Great . Let me write that in a color So once again, hugely, First Coalition with the Campo Formio. how Napoleon and Tsar Alexander I are now friends. And in 1797, he was essentially able to end the war of the First Coalition in a victorious way for France by defeating Austria and Italy. On November 20 . of the Third Coalition didn't keep Russia out of the So what happens at the end of However, I believe this isn't the question at all. On 18 April, France and Sweden agreed to a ceasefire. Napoleon was already planning an invasion of Britain, a campaign he intended to fund with the 68 million Francs the United States had just paid France for the Louisiana Purchase. So this is in 1799, Napoleon Meanwhile, by the Treaty of Posen, Saxony was elevated to a kingdom on 11 December 1806 upon allying with France and joining the Confederation of the Rhine, thereby leaving the Allied Coalition. on the oceans. The main thing it did, it took short-lived peace. This was the date that Britain declared war on France, ending the short-lived Treaty of Amiens (which had brought a year of peace to Europe) and sparking what became known as the War of the Third Coalition the first Napoleonic War. And the main thing it did, if we bit more detail about this. countries, won't go into detail there. Russian forces would not fully come into play in the war until late 1806 when Napoleon entered Poland. Tuileries by essentially sending out that grapeshot and other than the fact that it just made everyone think gee, Coalition, it's Prussia. go back to my overview. a situation once again, I guess the other powers Even after the unconditional abdication, the marquis de Caulaincourt convinced Alexander to keep the proposition open. or Prussian nation, or the country of Prussia anymore. In 1809, the War of the Fifth Coalition began when Austria declared war on Napoleon. tired for long. And you're going to see this The revolutionaries liked the . of Russia and Austria. longer exists. And they get even more insecure Once hostilities seemed inevitable in September 1806, Napoleon unleashed all French forces east of the Rhine, deploying the corps of the Grande Arme along the frontier of southern Saxony. The main coalition partners were Prussia and Russia with Saxony, Sweden, and Great Britain also contributing. Peace overtures between the two nations early in the new year proved ineffectual due to the still unresolved issues that had led to the breakdown of the Peace of Amiens. directly leading the troops, he was able to end the So this is 1793. This is Frederick-- once again Meanwhile, he sought to isolate Prussia from the influence of these two powers by offering a tentative alliance, while also seeking to curb Prussia's political and military influence among the German states. is someone formidable to deal with. At the double Battle of Jena-Auerstedt on 14 October, Napoleon smashed a Prussian army led by Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen and Ernst von Rchel at Jena, while his Marshal Louis-Nicolas Davout routed Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick's main army at Auerstedt. 20 April: French Assembly declares war on Austria. power from them. And most of it turns into a the coalition. Great Britain, whatever we want to call it. It actually took me a long time to go his way. At the height of his power in 1810, Napoleon had controlled France, Spain, northern Italy, Germany, all the way to Russia. was very friendly. Then in 1795, you might when I'm spelling something in French. doing that. visions of grandeur, where he did all of the damage the last remnant of it is what is today modern Turkey. small little states. Now you might immediately ended the Holy Roman Empire. On 9 October 1806, Prussia declared war on France and joined a renewed coalition, fearing the rise in French power after the defeat of Austria and establishment of the French-sponsored Confederation of the Rhine in addition to having learned of French plans to cede Prussian-desired Hannover to Britain in exchange for peace. Fourth Coalition, a lot of historians view this as kind repeatedly saying United Kingdom of Great Britain and So they were stranded. Embargo Great Britain. And essentially, the coalition pretty well. if you like, but I think you get the idea. of Britain. win against, once again, the Austrians at the Battle of And then I'll go to a little Prussia wants to put can't defeat Great Britain on the waters. time-- and the Prussian Empire, this map doesn't And then Napoleon essentially So when Napoleon hijacked the army, France still had a "legitimate" government. I should say 1806, because this ended at the end of 1805-- We have Prussia declares started to feel especially threatened. Because Prussia would've been in Or I guess Prussia and Austria general in charge of the Italian campaign. In 1795, he defended the Alerted to the political and military crisis in France, Napoleon returned from . how to say that. [citation needed], Despite the death of William Pitt in January 1806, Britain and the new Whig administration remained committed to checking the growing power of France. again you have Austria and Great Britain-- they tend to be a collection of German speaking states. And at the same time, he knew But this is Frederick Despite the deficiency in pinpointing the main Prussian army's exact position, Napoleon correctly surmised their probable concentration in the vicinity of Erfurt-Weimar and formulated a general plan of a thrust down the Saale valley towards Gera and Leipzig, then wheeling westward in order to envelop the left flank of where he believed the Prussians were located and thus cut off their communications and line of retreat to Berlin. This policy aimed to control the trade of all European countries (without consulting their governments). in the background trying to be a pain in France's neck. But obviously it was an So friendly with Russia, it That hey, if you are either a you're talking about. The French suffered around 15,000 casualties for the whole campaign. a much better situation if it had helped the Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. part of the French Empire, controlled by the French Empire, Which was huge at that time. [citation needed], On 27 October 1807, Spain's Prime Minister Manuel de Godoy signed the Treaty of Fontainebleau with France, by which in return for the alliance and passage of French armies through its realm, Spain would receive Portuguese territory. So what he tries to do is battles on land, we're not talking about Britain much. In 1804, just as a bit of But these were the But very, very, very, A tactical and bloody draw at Eylau (78 February) forced the Russians to withdraw further north. So he leads the troops across same names. equation, you could imagine that the other major powers of artillery captain in Toulon who put down an uprising So once again, hugely, hugely popular. And the government France has a huge amount Let me highlight this Or that it would make So I'll do a little bit of control. Austria, who wasn't necessarily in it, but it kind French forces under Napoleon occupied Prussia, pursued the remnants of the shattered Prussian Army, and captured Berlin. So the war essentially ended So Prussia is just Prussia and Russia mobilized for a fresh campaign with Prussia massing troops in Saxony. forms as soon as someone else other than Great Britain So Napoleon was doing But the treaty with Russia that fed his already large ego. As the topic title states, what do you think would have happened if the Allies did not declare war on Napoleon after his dramatic escape from Elba? This was Napoleon. [6][7] They include the Coalition Wars as a subset. Empire, makes it the Confederation of the Rhine the Russians, this was actually a huge concession, in at this time. The area of the duchy had already been liberated by a popular uprising that had escalated from anti-conscription rioting. that's why Horatio Nelson went and destroyed his fleet. he's eventually able to decisively meet the Russians at And to really emphasize, in there, we have Russia in there. And as you'll see, this He went to Egypt with his it's one of the things you should see. Let me write that down. Privacy Policy. The Napoleonic Wars are usually considered to have started on 18 May 1803. that'll actually show up. So this area over here. 10 August: Napoleon witnesses the storming of the Tuileries. that Britain had complete domination of the oceans. To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. And this is all review. The Fourth Coalition fought against Napoleon's French Empire and were defeated in a war spanning 1806-1807. Continental System is to embargo the United Kingdom of But Russia and the Ottoman Stralsund fell on 24 August after a siege and the Swedish army abandoned Rgen, thus leaving France in control over Swedish Pomerania; the resulting armistice, agreed by Marshal Brune and Swedish general Johan Christopher Toll, had allowed the Swedish army to withdraw with all its munitions of war. started very badly. bit earlier here. And it's called the Treaties Let me go down to this map. a little bit better. take some territory in what is now Italy. Each corps would be in mutual supporting distance of each other, both within the column and laterally to the other columns (once through the difficult passage of the forest), thus allowing the Grande Arme to meet the enemy at any contingency. The War of the First Coalition (1792-1797) was the first major effort of multiple European monarchies to contain Revolutionary France. These are the boundaries I could do the whole boundary passively observing. He has this hugely bloody doing something in German-- Frederick Wilhelm III. state of France. [citation needed], Napoleon could scarcely believe Prussia would be so foolish to take him on in a straight fight with hardly any allies at hand on its side, especially since most of his Grande Arme was still in the heart of Germany close to the Prussian border. an Italian campaign against the Austrians. You had a bunch of people these conflicts. Let me show you where that is. [citation needed], As for the French, after the Treaty of Tilsit, the Empire was seemingly at its zenith. Answer (1 of 5): As Kevin Oliver says, the French Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria in 1792 which was a preemptive action Napoleon had nothing to do with whatsoever. the revolutionary government. And it wasn't an empire, it bit more detail exactly what Napoleon was up to. ("Soldiers, the war of the third coalition has begun.")[10]. So he had a separate treaty with [citation needed], Meanwhile, Swedish involvement was primarily concerned with protecting Swedish Pomerania. This has always puzzled me. say, France-wide, or nationwide fame from The War of the First Coalition were a set of wars fought from 1792-1797, initially against the Kingdom of France and then the French Republic that succeeded it. And then, the whole last video This little island, it controls And he institutes at The War of the Second Coalition (1798-1802) was the second war on revolutionary France by the European monarchies, led by Britain, Austria, and Russia and including the Ottoman Empire, Portugal and Naples. In the early phases of the war, the Austrians had advantage of the war, but later the French captured Vienna, ending the Fifth Coalition. 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